
function Get-GroupPolicyFromMitreTechniques {

    Creates a group policy out of the selected events.
    Creates a group policy out of the selected events which are mapped to the MITRE ATT&CK Techniques.
    .PARAMETER Identity
    Prompts you for the Identity that should be used to generate an Group Policy from. You can either use a baseline name or one or multiple Mitre Technique IDs.
    Lets you specify the destination output path: where should the GPO be stored?
    Creates a group policy out of the selected events.

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSAvoidUsingWriteHost', '')]
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseSingularNouns", "")]
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseOutputTypeCorrectly", "")]
    param (
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)]
        [Alias('BaselineName', 'TechniqueId')]

    process {

        if ($Path) {
            $destFolder = $Path
        else {
            if ($Script:openFromGui) {
                $destFolder = Start-FilePicker -description "Select a directory where the GPO should be saved"
            else {
                write-host "Provide the path where the GPO should be saved: Get-GroupPolicyFromMitreTechniques -Path 'C:\tmp' -Identity 'T1039'"

        if ($destFolder) {
            $GpoTmpl = "$ModuleRoot\internal\data\GPO\*"

            if ($Script:openFromGui) {
                $MitreTechniques = Get-CheckedMitreTechniques
            else {
                if ($identity) {
                    if (Get-BaselineNameFromDB -BaselineName $Identity) {
                        $MitreTechniques = Get-MitreTechniquesFromBaseline -BaselineName $Identity
                    elseif ($Identity -match "^T\d{4}$") {
                        $MitreTechniques = $("'" + $Identity + "'")
                    elseif ( ($Identity -match "^['T\d{4}$]") -or ($Identity -match "^T\d{4}$") ) {
                        $MitreTechniques = $Identity
            $tmp = Get-MitreEvents  -MitreTechniques $MitreTechniques -advancedAudit
            if ($tmp) {
                $auditCsvString = "Machine Name,Policy Target,Subcategory,Subcategory GUID,Inclusion Setting,Exclusion Setting,Setting Value"
                foreach ($item in $tmp) {
                    $subcategory_name = $item | Select-Object -ExpandProperty subcategory_name
                    $guid = $item | Select-Object -ExpandProperty guid
                    $sf_sum = $item | Select-Object -ExpandProperty sf_sum
                    switch ($sf_sum) {
                        # if success_failure_id >= 3 it's always s+f / 1 = s / 2 = f
                        0 { "" }
                        1 {
                            $sf_string = "Success"
                            $sf_number = $sf_sum
                        2 {
                            $sf_string = "Failure"
                            $sf_number = $sf_sum
                        default {
                            $sf_string = "Success and Failure"
                            $sf_number = 3
                    $auditCsvString = $auditCsvString + "`r`n,System,$subcategory_name,$guid,$sf_string,,$sf_number"
                $GPOFolder = $("{$(New-Guid)}").ToUpper()
                New-Item -ItemType directory -Path "$destFolder\$GPOFolder"
                Copy-Item "$GpoTmpl" -Destination "$destFolder\$GPOFolder" -Recurse
                New-Item -ItemType directory -Path "$destFolder\$GPOFolder\Machine\Microsoft\Windows NT\Audit\"
                New-Item -ItemType directory -Path "$destFolder\$GPOFolder\Machine\Scripts\Shutdown\"
                New-Item -ItemType directory -Path "$destFolder\$GPOFolder\Machine\Scripts\Startup\"
                New-Item -ItemType directory -Path "$destFolder\$GPOFolder\User\"
                Set-Content -Path "$destFolder\$GPOFolder\Machine\Microsoft\Windows NT\Audit\audit.csv" -Value $auditCsvString
