# ***************************************************************************** # EULANDA Software GmbH # Documentation: # License: # ***************************************************************************** # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Global Settings # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Set-StrictMode -version latest Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms | Out-Null # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Global EulandaConnect Variables ReadOnly # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- New-Variable -Name 'ecModuleName' -Scope 'Global' -Option ReadOnly -Force -Value ([string]'EulandaConnect') -Description 'Module name for EulandaConnect' New-Variable -Name 'ecModulePath' -Scope 'Global' -Option ReadOnly -Force -Value ([string]'') -Description 'Path including filename to the EulandaConnect module' New-Variable -Name 'ecModuleBase' -Scope 'Global' -Option ReadOnly -Force -Value ([string]'') -Description 'Path to the EulandaConnect module' New-Variable -Name 'ecManifestPath' -Scope 'Global' -Option ReadOnly -Force -Value ([string]'') -Description 'Path to the manifest of the EulandaConnect module' New-Variable -Name 'ecManifest' -Scope 'Global' -Option ReadOnly -Force -Value (@{}) -Description 'Hashtable of the EulandaConnect module manifest' New-Variable -Name 'ecModuleVersion' -Scope 'Global' -Option ReadOnly -Force -Value ([version]'0.0') -Description 'Version number for the EulandaConnect module' New-Variable -Name 'ecModuleCopyright' -Scope 'Global' -Option ReadOnly -Force -Value ([string]'') -Description 'Copyright for the EulandaConnect module' New-Variable -Name 'ecModuleLicenseUri' -Scope 'Global' -Option ReadOnly -Force -Value ([string]'') -Description 'License uri for the EulandaConnect module' New-Variable -Name 'ecStartTime' -Scope 'Global' -Option ReadOnly -Force -Value ([datetime]'1900-1-1') -Description 'Start time of EulandaConnect module' New-Variable -Name 'ecEndTime' -Scope 'Global' -Option ReadOnly -Force -Value ([datetime]'1900-1-1') -Description 'End time of EulandaConnect module' New-Variable -Name 'ecCulture' -Scope 'Global' -Option ReadOnly -Force -Value ([string]'') -Description 'User language like en-US of EulandaConnect module' New-Variable -Name 'ecProjectName' -Scope 'Global' -Option ReadOnly -Force -Value ([string]'') -Description 'Project name using EulandaConnect module' New-Variable -Name 'ecProjectVersion' -Scope 'Global' -Option ReadOnly -Force -Value ([version]'0.0') -Description 'Project version using for the EulandaConnect module' # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Global EulandaConnect Variables # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- New-Variable -Name 'ecResx' -Scope 'Global' -Force -Value ([System.Collections.Hashtable]@{}) -Description 'Language resources of EulandaConnect module' New-Variable -Name 'ecProcessId' -Scope 'Global' -Force -Value ([System.Collections.Hashtable]@{}) -Description 'Process id used in logging of EulandaConnect module' # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Global Constants: ADO Int64 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- New-Variable -Name 'adCmdText' -Scope 'Global' -Option ReadOnly -Force -Value ([System.int64]1) -Description 'ADO constant from EulandaConnect' New-Variable -Name 'adLockOptimistic' -Scope 'Global' -Option ReadOnly -Force -Value ([System.int64]3) -Description 'ADO constant from EulandaConnect' New-Variable -Name 'adOpenKeyset' -Scope 'Global' -Option ReadOnly -Force -Value ([System.int64]1) -Description 'ADO constant from EulandaConnect' New-Variable -Name 'adStateClosed' -Scope 'Global' -Option ReadOnly -Force -Value ([System.int64]0) -Description 'ADO constant from EulandaConnect' New-Variable -Name 'adStateConnecting' -Scope 'Global' -Option ReadOnly -Force -Value ([System.int64]2) -Description 'ADO constant from EulandaConnect' New-Variable -Name 'adStateExecuting' -Scope 'Global' -Option ReadOnly -Force -Value ([System.int64]4) -Description 'ADO constant from EulandaConnect' New-Variable -Name 'adStateFetching' -Scope 'Global' -Option ReadOnly -Force -Value ([System.int64]8) -Description 'ADO constant from EulandaConnect' New-Variable -Name 'adStateOpen' -Scope 'Global' -Option ReadOnly -Force -Value ([System.int64]1) -Description 'ADO constant from EulandaConnect' New-Variable -Name 'adTimeout' -Scope 'Global' -Option ReadOnly -Force -Value ([System.int64]60*20) -Description 'ADO constant from EulandaConnect' New-Variable -Name 'adUseClient' -Scope 'Global' -Option ReadOnly -Force -Value ([System.int64]3) -Description 'ADO constant from EulandaConnect' New-Variable -Name 'adEmpty' -Scope 'Global' -Option ReadOnly -Force -Value ([System.int64]0) -Description 'ADO constant for adEmpty from EulandaConnect' New-Variable -Name 'adTinyInt' -Scope 'Global' -Option ReadOnly -Force -Value ([System.int64]16) -Description 'ADO constant for adTinyInt from EulandaConnect' New-Variable -Name 'adSmallInt' -Scope 'Global' -Option ReadOnly -Force -Value ([System.int64]2) -Description 'ADO constant for adSmallInt from EulandaConnect' New-Variable -Name 'adInteger' -Scope 'Global' -Option ReadOnly -Force -Value ([System.int64]3) -Description 'ADO constant for adInteger from EulandaConnect' New-Variable -Name 'adBigInt' -Scope 'Global' -Option ReadOnly -Force -Value ([System.int64]20) -Description 'ADO constant for adBigInt from EulandaConnect' New-Variable -Name 'adUnsignedTinyInt' -Scope 'Global' -Option ReadOnly -Force -Value ([System.int64]17) -Description 'ADO constant for adUnsignedTinyInt from EulandaConnect' New-Variable -Name 'adUnsignedSmallInt' -Scope 'Global' -Option ReadOnly -Force -Value ([System.int64]18) -Description 'ADO constant for adUnsignedSmallInt from EulandaConnect' New-Variable -Name 'adUnsignedInt' -Scope 'Global' -Option ReadOnly -Force -Value ([System.int64]19) -Description 'ADO constant for adUnsignedInt from EulandaConnect' New-Variable -Name 'adUnsignedBigInt' -Scope 'Global' -Option ReadOnly -Force -Value ([System.int64]21) -Description 'ADO constant for adUnsignedBigInt from EulandaConnect' New-Variable -Name 'adSingle' -Scope 'Global' -Option ReadOnly -Force -Value ([System.int64]4) -Description 'ADO constant for adSingle from EulandaConnect' New-Variable -Name 'adDouble' -Scope 'Global' -Option ReadOnly -Force -Value ([System.int64]5) -Description 'ADO constant for adDouble from EulandaConnect' New-Variable -Name 'adCurrency' -Scope 'Global' -Option ReadOnly -Force -Value ([System.int64]6) -Description 'ADO constant for adCurrency from EulandaConnect' New-Variable -Name 'adDecimal' -Scope 'Global' -Option ReadOnly -Force -Value ([System.int64]14) -Description 'ADO constant for adDecimal from EulandaConnect' New-Variable -Name 'adNumeric' -Scope 'Global' -Option ReadOnly -Force -Value ([System.int64]131) -Description 'ADO constant for adNumeric from EulandaConnect' New-Variable -Name 'adBoolean' -Scope 'Global' -Option ReadOnly -Force -Value ([System.int64]11) -Description 'ADO constant for adBoolean from EulandaConnect' New-Variable -Name 'adError' -Scope 'Global' -Option ReadOnly -Force -Value ([System.int64]10) -Description 'ADO constant for adError from EulandaConnect' New-Variable -Name 'adUserDefined' -Scope 'Global' -Option ReadOnly -Force -Value ([System.int64]132) -Description 'ADO constant for adUserDefined from EulandaConnect' New-Variable -Name 'adVariant' -Scope 'Global' -Option ReadOnly -Force -Value ([System.int64]12) -Description 'ADO constant for adVariant from EulandaConnect' New-Variable -Name 'adIDispatch' -Scope 'Global' -Option ReadOnly -Force -Value ([System.int64]9) -Description 'ADO constant for adIDispatch from EulandaConnect' New-Variable -Name 'adIUnknown' -Scope 'Global' -Option ReadOnly -Force -Value ([System.int64]13) -Description 'ADO constant for adIUnknown from EulandaConnect' New-Variable -Name 'adGUID' -Scope 'Global' -Option ReadOnly -Force -Value ([System.int64]72) -Description 'ADO constant for adGUID from EulandaConnect' New-Variable -Name 'adDate' -Scope 'Global' -Option ReadOnly -Force -Value ([System.int64]7) -Description 'ADO constant for adDate from EulandaConnect' New-Variable -Name 'adDBDate' -Scope 'Global' -Option ReadOnly -Force -Value ([System.int64]133) -Description 'ADO constant for adDBDate from EulandaConnect' New-Variable -Name 'adDBTime' -Scope 'Global' -Option ReadOnly -Force -Value ([System.int64]134) -Description 'ADO constant for adDBTime from EulandaConnect' New-Variable -Name 'adDBTimeStamp' -Scope 'Global' -Option ReadOnly -Force -Value ([System.int64]135) -Description 'ADO constant for adDBTimeStamp from EulandaConnect' New-Variable -Name 'adBSTR' -Scope 'Global' -Option ReadOnly -Force -Value ([System.int64]8) -Description 'ADO constant for adBSTR from EulandaConnect' New-Variable -Name 'adChar' -Scope 'Global' -Option ReadOnly -Force -Value ([System.int64]129) -Description 'ADO constant for adChar from EulandaConnect' New-Variable -Name 'adVarChar' -Scope 'Global' -Option ReadOnly -Force -Value ([System.int64]200) -Description 'ADO constant for adVarChar from EulandaConnect' New-Variable -Name 'adLongVarChar' -Scope 'Global' -Option ReadOnly -Force -Value ([System.int64]201) -Description 'ADO constant for adLongVarChar from EulandaConnect' New-Variable -Name 'adWChar' -Scope 'Global' -Option ReadOnly -Force -Value ([System.int64]130) -Description 'ADO constant for adWChar from EulandaConnect' New-Variable -Name 'adVarWChar' -Scope 'Global' -Option ReadOnly -Force -Value ([System.int64]202) -Description 'ADO constant for adVarWChar from EulandaConnect' New-Variable -Name 'adLongVarWChar' -Scope 'Global' -Option ReadOnly -Force -Value ([System.int64]203) -Description 'ADO constant for adLongVarWChar from EulandaConnect' New-Variable -Name 'adBinary' -Scope 'Global' -Option ReadOnly -Force -Value ([System.int64]128) -Description 'ADO constant for adBinary from EulandaConnect' New-Variable -Name 'adVarBinary' -Scope 'Global' -Option ReadOnly -Force -Value ([System.int64]204) -Description 'ADO constant for adVarBinary from EulandaConnect' New-Variable -Name 'adLongVarBinary' -Scope 'Global' -Option ReadOnly -Force -Value ([System.int64]205) -Description 'ADO constant for adLongVarBinary from EulandaConnect' New-Variable -Name 'adChapter' -Scope 'Global' -Option ReadOnly -Force -Value ([System.int64]136) -Description 'ADO constant for adChapter from EulandaConnect' New-Variable -Name 'adFileTime' -Scope 'Global' -Option ReadOnly -Force -Value ([System.int64]64) -Description 'ADO constant for adFileTime from EulandaConnect' New-Variable -Name 'adPropVariant' -Scope 'Global' -Option ReadOnly -Force -Value ([System.int64]138) -Description 'ADO constant for adPropVariant from EulandaConnect' New-Variable -Name 'adVarNumeric' -Scope 'Global' -Option ReadOnly -Force -Value ([System.int64]139) -Description 'ADO constant for adVarNumeric from EulandaConnect' New-Variable -Name 'adArray' -Scope 'Global' -Option ReadOnly -Force -Value ([System.int64]8192) -Description 'ADO constant for adArray from EulandaConnect' # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Global Constants: MsgBox # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- New-Variable -Name 'mbNone' -Scope 'Global' -Option ReadOnly -Force -Value ([System.int32]0) -Description 'Message Box Buttons from EulandaConnect' New-Variable -Name 'mbOk' -Scope 'Global' -Option ReadOnly -Force -Value ([System.int32]([System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons]::OK)) -Description 'Message Box Buttons from EulandaConnect' New-Variable -Name 'mbOkCancel' -Scope 'Global' -Option ReadOnly -Force -Value ([System.int32]([System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons]::OkCancel)) -Description 'Message Box Buttons from EulandaConnect' New-Variable -Name 'mbAbortRetryIgnore' -Scope 'Global' -Option ReadOnly -Force -Value ([System.int32]([System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons]::AbortRetryIgnore)) -Description 'Message Box Buttons from EulandaConnect' New-Variable -Name 'mbYesNoCancel' -Scope 'Global' -Option ReadOnly -Force -Value ([System.int32]([System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons]::YesNoCancel)) -Description 'Message Box Buttons from EulandaConnect' New-Variable -Name 'mbYesNo' -Scope 'Global' -Option ReadOnly -Force -Value ([System.int32]([System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons]::YesNo)) -Description 'Message Box Buttons from EulandaConnect' New-Variable -Name 'mbRetryCancel' -Scope 'Global' -Option ReadOnly -Force -Value ([System.int32]([System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons]::RetryCancel)) -Description 'Message Box Buttons from EulandaConnect' New-Variable -Name 'mbStop' -Scope 'Global' -Option ReadOnly -Force -Value ([System.int32]([System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxIcon]::Stop)) -Description 'Message Box Icons from EulandaConnect' New-Variable -Name 'mbHand' -Scope 'Global' -Option ReadOnly -Force -Value ([System.int32]([System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxIcon]::Stop)) -Description 'Message Box Icons from EulandaConnect' New-Variable -Name 'mbQuestion' -Scope 'Global' -Option ReadOnly -Force -Value ([System.int32]([System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxIcon]::Question)) -Description 'Message Box Icons from EulandaConnect' New-Variable -Name 'mbWarning' -Scope 'Global' -Option ReadOnly -Force -Value ([System.int32]([System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxIcon]::Warning)) -Description 'Message Box Icons from EulandaConnect' New-Variable -Name 'mbExclamation' -Scope 'Global' -Option ReadOnly -Force -Value ([System.int32]([System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxIcon]::Warning)) -Description 'Message Box Icons from EulandaConnect' New-Variable -Name 'mbInfo' -Scope 'Global' -Option ReadOnly -Force -Value ([System.int32]([System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxIcon]::Information)) -Description 'Message Box Icons from EulandaConnect' New-Variable -Name 'mbAsterisk' -Scope 'Global' -Option ReadOnly -Force -Value ([System.int32]([System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxIcon]::Information)) -Description 'Message Box Icons from EulandaConnect' New-Variable -Name 'mbInformation' -Scope 'Global' -Option ReadOnly -Force -Value ([System.int32]([System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxIcon]::Information)) -Description 'Message Box Icons from EulandaConnect' New-Variable -Name 'mbButton1' -Scope 'Global' -Option ReadOnly -Force -Value ([System.int32]([System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxDefaultButton]::Button1)) -Description 'Message Box Default Button from EulandaConnect' New-Variable -Name 'mbButton2' -Scope 'Global' -Option ReadOnly -Force -Value ([System.int32]([System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxDefaultButton]::Button2)) -Description 'Message Box Default Button from EulandaConnect' New-Variable -Name 'mbButton3' -Scope 'Global' -Option ReadOnly -Force -Value ([System.int32]([System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxDefaultButton]::Button3)) -Description 'Message Box Default Button from EulandaConnect' New-Variable -Name 'mbrOk' -Scope 'Global' -Option ReadOnly -Force -Value ([System.int32]([System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult]::Ok)) -Description 'Dialog Results from EulandaConnect' New-Variable -Name 'mbrCancel' -Scope 'Global' -Option ReadOnly -Force -Value ([System.int32]([System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult]::Cancel)) -Description 'Dialog Results from EulandaConnect' New-Variable -Name 'mbrYes' -Scope 'Global' -Option ReadOnly -Force -Value ([System.int32]([System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult]::Yes)) -Description 'Dialog Results from EulandaConnect' New-Variable -Name 'mbrNo' -Scope 'Global' -Option ReadOnly -Force -Value ([System.int32]([System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult]::No)) -Description 'Dialog Results from EulandaConnect' New-Variable -Name 'mbrAbort' -Scope 'Global' -Option ReadOnly -Force -Value ([System.int32]([System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult]::Abort)) -Description 'Dialog Results from EulandaConnect' New-Variable -Name 'mbrRetry' -Scope 'Global' -Option ReadOnly -Force -Value ([System.int32]([System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult]::Retry)) -Description 'Dialog Results from EulandaConnect' New-Variable -Name 'mbrIgnore' -Scope 'Global' -Option ReadOnly -Force -Value ([System.int32]([System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult]::Ignore)) -Description 'Dialog Results from EulandaConnect' if ($PSVersionTable.PSEdition -eq 'Core') { New-Variable -Name 'mbButton4' -Scope 'Global' -Option ReadOnly -Force -Value ([System.int32]([System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxDefaultButton]::Button4)) -Description 'Message Box Default Button from EulandaConnect' New-Variable -Name 'mbrTryAgain' -Scope 'Global' -Option ReadOnly -Force -Value ([System.int32]([System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult]::TryAgain)) -Description 'Dialog Results from EulandaConnect' New-Variable -Name 'mbrContinue' -Scope 'Global' -Option ReadOnly -Force -Value ([System.int32]([System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult]::Continue)) -Description 'Dialog Results from EulandaConnect' } else { New-Variable -Name 'mbButton4' -Scope 'Global' -Option ReadOnly -Force -Value ([System.int32]0) -Description '(needs PowerShell 7.x) Message Box Default Button from EulandaConnect' New-Variable -Name 'mbrTryAgain' -Scope 'Global' -Option ReadOnly -Force -Value ([System.int32]0) -Description '(needs PowerShell 7.x) Dialog Results from EulandaConnect' New-Variable -Name 'mbrContinue' -Scope 'Global' -Option ReadOnly -Force -Value ([System.int32]0) -Description '(needs PowerShell 7.x) Dialog Results from EulandaConnect' } try { New-Variable -Name 'ecModulePath' -Scope 'Global' -Option ReadOnly -Force -Value ([string](Get-Module -Name $ecModuleName).Path) -Description 'Path including filename to the EulandaConnect module' } catch { # Needed for debugging on soucre project if (! $ecModulePath) { New-Variable -Name 'ecModulePath' -Scope 'Global' -Option ReadOnly -Force -Value ([string](Resolve-Path("$($PSScriptRoot)\..\$ecModuleName.psm1"))) -Description 'Path including filename to the EulandaConnect module' } } try { New-Variable -Name 'ecModuleBase' -Scope 'Global' -Option ReadOnly -Force -Value ([string](Get-Module -Name $ecModuleName).ModuleBase) -Description 'Path to the EulandaConnect module' } catch { # Needed for debugging on soucre project if (! $ecModuleBase) { New-Variable -Name 'ecModuleBase' -Scope 'Global' -Option ReadOnly -Force -Value ([string](Resolve-Path("$($PSScriptRoot)\.."))) -Description 'Path to the EulandaConnect module'} } New-Variable -Name 'ecManifestPath' -Scope 'Global' -Option ReadOnly -Force -Value ([string]($ecModulePath.Replace(".psm1", ".psd1"))) -Description 'Path to the manifest of the EulandaConnect module' New-Variable -Name 'ecManifest' -Scope 'Global' -Option ReadOnly -Force -Value ([hashtable](Import-PowerShellDataFile -path $ecManifestPath)) -Description 'Hashtable of the EulandaConnect module manifest' New-Variable -Name 'ecModuleVersion' -Scope 'Global' -Option ReadOnly -Force -Value ([version]($ecManifest.ModuleVersion)) -Description 'Version number for the EulandaConnect module' New-Variable -Name 'ecModuleCopyright' -Scope 'Global' -Option ReadOnly -Force -Value ([string]($ecManifest.Copyright)) -Description 'Copyright for the EulandaConnect module' New-Variable -Name 'ecModuleLicenseUri' -Scope 'Global' -Option ReadOnly -Force -Value ([string]'') -Description 'License uri for the EulandaConnect module' New-Variable -Name 'ecStartTime' -Scope 'Global' -Option ReadOnly -Force -Value ([datetime](Get-Date)) -Description 'Start time of EulandaConnect module' New-Variable -Name 'ecCulture' -Scope 'Global' -Option ReadOnly -Force -Value ([string]([System.Threading.Thread]::CurrentThread.CurrentCulture.Name)) -Description 'User language like en-US of EulandaConnect module' # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Public functions # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function Approve-Signature { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string]$path ) begin { Write-Verbose -Message ('Starting: {0}' -f $myInvocation.Mycommand) New-Variable -Name 'filename' -Scope 'Private' -Value '' New-Variable -Name 'extension' -Scope 'Private' -Value '' New-Variable -Name 'folder' -Scope 'Private' -Value '' New-Variable -Name 'signFile' -Scope 'Private' -Value '' New-Variable -Name 'arguments' -Scope 'Private' -Value ('') New-Variable -Name 'exitCode' -Scope 'Private' -Value (0) New-Variable -Name 'outputContent' -Scope 'Private' -Value ('') New-Variable -Name 'process' -Scope 'Private' -Value $null $InitialVariables = Get-CurrentVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference } process { $filename = [IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($path) $extension = [IO.Path]::GetExtension($path) $folder = [IO.Path]::GetDirectoryName($path) if ((! $folder) -or ($folder -eq '.')) { $folder= Get-Location } # If no path take the last folder if (! ($filename)) { if (! ($folder -in '.', '.\', '')) { $filename = Split-Path $folder -Leaf } } # if no extension take ps1, then psm1 then exe if (! ($extension)) { $extension= '.ps1' if (-not (Test-Path "$folder\$($filename)$($extension)" )) { $extension= '.psm1' if (-not (Test-Path "$folder\$($filename)$($extension)" )) { $extension= '.exe' if (-not (Test-Path "$folder\$($filename)$($extension)" )) { # Change back to .ps1 so that Resolve-Path can render # an exeption with the default extension $extension= '.ps1' } } } } # Test to see if undefined vars are in the exception # [string]$Tester = '42' [string]$signFile= Resolve-Path "$folder\$($filename)$($extension)" [string]$arguments = "sign /tr /td sha256 /fd sha256 /a ""$signFile""" Write-Host "Signing file '$signFile'..." -ForegroundColor Blue $process = New-Object System.Diagnostics.Process $process.StartInfo.FileName = (Get-SignToolPath) $process.StartInfo.Arguments = $arguments $process.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = $true $process.StartInfo.RedirectStandardError = $true $process.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = $false $process.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = $true $process.Start() | Out-Null $outputContent = $process.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd() + $process.StandardError.ReadToEnd() $process.WaitForExit() $exitCode = $process.ExitCode $process.Dispose() if ($exitCode -ne 0 -and $outputContent -notmatch 'Successfully signed') { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "SignTool failed with exit code $($exitCode). Output:" Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red $outputContent throw "SignTool failed with exit code $($exitCode). See the error message above for details." } } end { Get-CurrentVariables -InitialVariables $InitialVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference } # Test: Approve-Signature .\EulandaConnect.psm1 } function Close-Delivery { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidateId -id $_ })] [int]$deliveryId , [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidateNo -no $_ })] [int]$deliveryNo , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidateConn -conn $_ })] $conn , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidatePathUDL -path $_ })] [string]$udl , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidateConnStr -connStr $_ })] [string]$connStr ) begin { Write-Verbose -Message ('Starting: {0}' -f $myInvocation.Mycommand) Test-ValidateSingle -validParams (Get-SingleDeliveryKeys) @PSBoundParameters Test-ValidateSingle -validParams (Get-SingleConnection) @PSBoundParameters New-Variable -Name "sql" -Scope "Private" -Value "" New-Variable -Name "myConn" -Scope "Private" -Value $null $InitialVariables = Get-CurrentVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference } process { $myConn = Get-Conn -conn $conn -udl $udl -connStr $connStr if ($deliveryId) { $sql = @" SET NOCOUNT ON; DECLARE @DeliveryId int SET @DeliveryId = $deliveryId EXEC dbo.cn_lfBuchen @lf_id=@DeliveryId "@ } else { $sql = @" SET NOCOUNT ON; DECLARE @DeliveryNo int SET @DeliveryNo = $deliveryNo EXEC dbo.cn_lfBuchen @lf_Nummer=@DeliveryNo "@ } $myConn.Execute($sql) | out-null } end { Get-CurrentVariables -InitialVariables $InitialVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference } # Test: Close-Delivery -deliveryNo 68 -udl 'C:\temp\EULANDA_1 Truccamo.udl' } function Close-SalesOrder { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidateNo -no $_ })] [int]$salesOrderNo , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidateId -id $_ })] [int]$salesOrderId , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidateNo -no $_ })] [int]$customerOrderNo , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidateConn -conn $_ })] $conn , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidatePathUDL -path $_ })] [string]$udl , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidateConnStr -connStr $_ })] [string]$connStr ) begin { Write-Verbose -Message ('Starting: {0}' -f $myInvocation.Mycommand) Test-ValidateSingle -validParams (Get-SingleConnection) @PSBoundParameters Test-ValidateSingle -validParams (Get-SingleSalesOrderKeys) @PSBoundParameters New-Variable -Name 'myConn' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'paramsSalesOrder' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([System.Collections.Hashtable]@{}) New-Variable -Name 'relevantError' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'sql' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') $InitialVariables = Get-CurrentVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference } process { $myConn = Get-Conn -conn $conn -udl $udl -connStr $connStr $paramsSalesOrder = Get-UsedParameters -validParams (Get-SingleSalesOrderKeys) -boundParams $PSBoundParameters $salesOrderId = Get-SalesOrderId @paramsSalesOrder -conn $myConn if ($salesOrderId) { $sql = @" SET NOCOUNT ON; DECLARE @SalesOrderId int SET @SalesOrderId = $salesOrderId EXEC dbo.cn_afBuchen @af_id=@SalesOrderId "@ } else { $sql = @" SET NOCOUNT ON; DECLARE @SalesOrderNo int SET @SalesOrderId = $salesOrderNo EXEC dbo.cn_afBuchen @af_Nummer=@SalesOrderNo "@ } try { $myConn.Execute($sql) | out-null } catch { $relevantError = Get-ErrorFromConn -conn $myConn Throw "Error: $_! $relevantError" } } end { Get-CurrentVariables -InitialVariables $InitialVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference } # Test: Close-SalesOrder -salesOrderNo 131 -udl 'C:\temp\EULANDA_1 Truccamo.udl' } function Confirm-System { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [switch]$all , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [switch]$administrator , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [switch]$controlledFolderAccess , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [switch]$memory , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [switch]$drives , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [switch]$network ) begin { Write-Verbose -Message ('Starting: {0}' -f $myInvocation.Mycommand) # Test-ValidateLeastOne -validParams @('all','administrator','controlledFolderAccess','memory','drives','network') @PSBoundParameters Test-ValidateLeastOne -validParams @() @PSBoundParameters New-Variable -Name 'item' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([PSCustomObject]@{}) New-Variable -Name 'i' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([int]0) New-Variable -Name 'diskModel' -Scope 'Private' -Value '' New-Variable -Name 'lastSpaceIndex' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([int]0) New-Variable -Name 'lastWord' -Scope 'Private' -Value '' New-Variable -Name 'status' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([object[]]$null) New-Variable -Name 'broadcastIp' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([version]'0.0') New-Variable -Name 'cidr' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([int]0) New-Variable -Name 'firstIp' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([version]'0.0') New-Variable -Name 'gatewayIp' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([version]'0.0') New-Variable -Name 'gatewayName' -Scope 'Private' -Value '' New-Variable -Name 'lastIp' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([version]'0.0') New-Variable -Name 'localIp' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([version]'0.0') New-Variable -Name 'localSubnet' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([version]'0.0') New-Variable -Name 'maxHosts' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([int]0) New-Variable -Name 'networkId' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([version]'0.0') New-Variable -Name 'publicIp' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([version]'0.0') New-Variable -Name 'result' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([System.Collections.ArrayList]@()) $InitialVariables = Get-CurrentVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference } process { $result = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList if ($all -or $administrator) { $item = [PSCustomObject]@{ Description = 'Administrative rights' Value = [string](Test-Administrator) } $result.Add($item) | Out-Null } if ($all -or $controlledFolderAccess) { $item = [PSCustomObject]@{ Description = 'Ransomware protection aktiv' Value = [bool](Get-MpPreference | Select-Object EnableControlledFolderAccess).toString() } $result.Add($item) | Out-Null } if ($all -or $memory) { $item = [PSCustomObject]@{ Description = 'Working memory (GB)' Value = [string]((Get-CimInstance Win32_PhysicalMemory | Measure-Object -Property Capacity -Sum).Sum / 1GB ) } $result.Add($item) | Out-Null } if ($all -or $drives) { for ($i=0; $i -lt (Get-PsDrive -PsProvider FileSystem).count-1; $i++) { $item = [PSCustomObject]@{ Description = 'Drive free on ' + (Get-PsDrive -PsProvider FileSystem)[$i].Name + ' (GB)' Value = [string]([math]::Round((Get-PsDrive -PsProvider FileSystem)[$i].Free/1GB)) } $result.Add($item) | Out-Null } $status = wmic diskdrive get model,status for ($i=1; $i -lt $Status.count-1; $i++) { if ($status[$i].trim()) { $lastWord = ($status[$i].trim() -split " ")[-1] $lastSpaceIndex = $status[$i].trim().LastIndexOf(" ")-1 $diskModel = $status[$i].Substring(0, $lastSpaceIndex).trim() $item = [PSCustomObject]@{ Description = "S.M.A.R.T. ($diskModel)" Value = [string]$Lastword.trim() } $result.Add($item) | Out-Null } } } if ($all -or $network) { $gatewayIp = Get-GatewayIp $item = [PSCustomObject]@{ Description = "Gateway Ip" Value = [string]$gatewayIp } $result.Add($item) | Out-Null $gatewayName = Get-Hostname ($gatewayIp) $item = [PSCustomObject]@{ Description = "Gateway Name" Value = [string]$gatewayName } $result.Add($item) | Out-Null $localIp = Get-LocalIp $item = [PSCustomObject]@{ Description = "Local Ip" Value = [string]$localIp } $result.Add($item) | Out-Null $localSubnet= Get-Subnet -localIp $localIp $item = [PSCustomObject]@{ Description = "Local Subnet" Value = [string]$localSubnet } $result.Add($item) | Out-Null $cidr= Get-Cidr -subnet $localSubnet $item = [PSCustomObject]@{ Description = "Local CIDR" Value = [string]$cidr } $result.Add($item) | Out-Null $publicIp = Get-PublicIp $item = [PSCustomObject]@{ Description = "Public Ip" Value = [string]$publicIp } $result.Add($item) | Out-Null $maxHosts= Get-MaxHosts -cidr $cidr $item = [PSCustomObject]@{ Description = "Max possible Hosts" Value = [string]$maxHosts } $result.Add($item) | Out-Null $networkId= Get-NetworkId -ip $localIp -cidr $cidr $item = [PSCustomObject]@{ Description = "Network ID" Value = [string]$networkId } $result.Add($item) | Out-Null $firstIp= Get-FirstIp -networkId $networkId -cidr $cidr $item = [PSCustomObject]@{ Description = "First possible Ip" Value = [string]$firstIp } $result.Add($item) | Out-Null $lastIp= Get-LastIp -networkId $networkId -cidr $cidr $item = [PSCustomObject]@{ Description = "Last possible Ip" Value = [string]$lastIp } $result.Add($item) | Out-Null $broadcastIp= Get-BroadcastIp -networkId $networkId -cidr $cidr $item = [PSCustomObject]@{ Description = "Broadcast Ip" Value = [string]$broadcastIp } $result.Add($item) | Out-Null } } end { Get-CurrentVariables -InitialVariables $InitialVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference Return $result } # Test: Confirm-System -administrator -controlledFolderAccess -memory -drives -network } function Convert-Accent { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$value , [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidateStringCase $_ })] [string]$strCase = 'none' ) begin { Write-Verbose -Message ('Starting: {0}' -f $myInvocation.Mycommand) New-Variable -Name 'hash' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([System.Collections.Hashtable]@{}) New-Variable -Name 'item' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'result' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') $InitialVariables = Get-CurrentVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference } process { [string]$result = $value # case sensitive $hash = New-Object hashtable $hash['ä']='ae' $hash['ö']='oe' $hash['ü']='ue' $hash['Ä']='Ae' $hash['Ö']='Oe' $hash['Ü']='Ue' $hash['ß']='ss' $hash['Å“']='oe' $hash['â']='a' $hash['à']='a' $hash['á']='a' $hash['ç']='c' $hash['ê']='e' $hash['è']='e' $hash['é']='e' $hash['ë']='e' $hash['î']='i' $hash['ì']='i' $hash['í']='i' $hash['ï']='i' $hash['ô']='o' $hash['ò']='o' $hash['ó']='o' $hash['û']='u' $hash['ù']='u' $hash['ú']='u' $hash['Â']='A' $hash['À']='A' $hash['Á']='A' $hash['Ê']='E' $hash['È']='E' $hash['É']='E' $hash['Î']='I' $hash['Ì']='I' $hash['Í']='I' $hash['Ô']='O' $hash['Ò']='O' $hash['Ó']='O' $hash['Û']='U' $hash['Ù']='U' $hash['Ú']='U' foreach ($item in $hash.GetEnumerator()) { $result = $result -creplace "$($item.key)", "$($item.value)" } $result = Convert-StringCase -value $result -strCase $strCase } end { Get-CurrentVariables -InitialVariables $InitialVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference Return $result } # Test: Convert-Accent -value 'Der Caffè ist übergut in Österreich!' -strCase 'Upper' } function Convert-DataToXml { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] $data , [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [switch]$metadata , [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidateStringCase $_ })] [string]$strCase = 'none' , [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$root = 'Root' , [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$arrRoot = 'Records' , [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$arrSubRoot = 'Record' ) function Convert-DataToXmlInner { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] $data , [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [switch]$metadata , [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidateStringCase $_ })] [string]$strCase = 'none' , [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$root = 'Root' , [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$arrRoot = 'Records' , [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$arrSubRoot = 'Record' , [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] $writer , [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [int]$level ) begin { Write-Verbose -Message ('Starting: {0}' -f $myInvocation.Mycommand) New-Variable -Name 'encoding' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8) New-Variable -Name 'i' -Scope 'Private' -Value (0) New-Variable -Name 'key' -Scope 'Private' -Value ('') New-Variable -Name 'nodeName' -Scope 'Private' -Value ('') New-Variable -Name 'on' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($false) New-Variable -Name 'reader' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'settings' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'spaces' -Scope 'Private' -Value ('') New-Variable -Name 'stream' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'strValue' -Scope 'Private' -Value ('') New-Variable -Name 'value' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'xmlString' -Scope 'Private' -Value ('') New-Variable -Name 'result' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) $InitialVariables = Get-CurrentVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference } process { if ($DebugPreference -eq "Continue") { $on = $true } else { $on = $false } $root = Convert-StringCase -value $root -strCase $strCase if ($level -eq 0) { if ($on) { Write-Host "BEGIN: $root (:$level)" -ForegroundColor Cyan } # On level=0 it is a good way to initialize the xmlWriter $encoding = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8 $settings = New-Object System.Xml.XmlWriterSettings $settings.Indent = $true $settings.IndentChars = " " $settings.Encoding = $encoding $stream = New-Object System.IO.MemoryStream $writer = [System.XML.XmlWriter]::Create($stream, $settings) # Start with the root node $writer.WriteStartDocument() $writer.WriteStartElement($root) if ($metadata) { $writer = Write-XmlMetadata -writer $writer -strCase $strCase } } if (($data -is [System.Collections.ArrayList]) -or ($data -is [System.Object[]])) { $nodeName = (Convert-StringCase -value ($arrRoot) -strCase $strCase) $writer.WriteStartElement($nodeName) if ($on) { Write-Host "ROOT.Array(max$($data.count)): $nodeName (:$level)" -ForegroundColor Red } for ($i=0; $i -lt $data.count; $i++) { $nodeName = (Convert-StringCase -value $arrSubRoot -strCase $strCase) $writer.WriteStartElement($nodeName) if ($on) { Write-Host "ROOT.Array($i): $nodeName (:$level)" -ForegroundColor Red } # $nodeName = (Convert-StringCase -value ($root+$plural) -strCase $strCase) if ($data[$i] -is [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]) { if ($on) { Write-Host "hash(max$($data[$i].count)): $nodeName (:$level+1)" -ForegroundColor blue } } Convert-DataToXmlInner -data $data[$i] -root $nodeName -level ($level+1) -writer $writer -strCase $strCase -arrRoot $arrRoot -arrSubRoot $arrSubRoot $writer.WriteEndElement() } $writer.WriteEndElement() } else { foreach ($key in $data.Keys) { $value = $data[$key] if (($value -is [System.Collections.ArrayList]) -or ($value -is [System.Object[]])) { $nodeName = (Convert-StringCase -value ($key) -strCase $strCase) $writer.WriteStartElement($nodeName) if ($on) { Write-Host "array(max$($value.count)): $nodeName (:$level)" -ForegroundColor Red } for ($i=0; $i -lt $value.count; $i++) { $nodeName = (Convert-StringCase -value $arrSubRoot -strCase $strCase) $writer.WriteStartElement($nodeName) if ($on) { Write-Host "array($i): $nodeName (:$level)" -ForegroundColor Red } # $nodeName = (Convert-StringCase -value ($key+$plural) -strCase $strCase) if ($value[$i] -is [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]) { if ($on) { Write-Host "hash(max$($value[$i].count)): $nodeName (:$level+1)" -ForegroundColor blue } } Convert-DataToXmlInner -data $value[$i] -root $nodeName -level ($level+1) -writer $writer -strCase $strCase -arrRoot $arrRoot -arrSubRoot $arrSubRoot $writer.WriteEndElement() } $writer.WriteEndElement() } elseif ($value -is [System.Collections.Hashtable]) { $nodeName = (Convert-StringCase -value ($key) -strCase $strCase) $writer.WriteStartElement($nodeName) if ($on) { Write-Host "hash(max$($value.count)): $nodeName (:$level)" -ForegroundColor blue } $nodeName = (Convert-StringCase -value ($key) -strCase $strCase) Convert-DataToXmlInner -data $value -root $nodeName -level ($level+1) -writer $writer -strCase $strCase -arrRoot $arrRoot -arrSubRoot $arrSubRoot $writer.WriteEndElement() } elseif ($value -is [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]) { $nodeName = (Convert-StringCase -value ($key) -strCase $strCase) $writer.WriteStartElement($nodeName) Convert-DataToXmlInner -data $value -root $nodeName -level ($level+1) -writer $writer -strCase $strCase -arrRoot $arrRoot -arrSubRoot $arrSubRoot $writer.WriteEndElement() } else { # hash values comes here like: System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary # Here we have the xml node data if ($null -eq $value) { $strValue= '' } else { if ($value.GetType().Name -eq 'DateTime') { $strValue = Convert-DateToIso -value $value -noTimeZone } else { $strValue = [string]$value } } $nodeName = (Convert-StringCase -value ($key) -strCase $strCase) $writer.WriteElementString($nodeName,$strValue) $spaces = Get-Spaces -count ($level * 4) if ($on) { Write-Host "$($spaces)$($nodeName) = '$strValue' (:$level)" -ForegroundColor Green } } } } # If the level is '0' when the function results exits, # all recursions are done and the XmlWriter can be closed. if ($level -eq 0) { if ($on) { Write-Host "END: $root (:$level)" -ForegroundColor Cyan } $writer.WriteEndElement() $writer.WriteEndDocument() $writer.Flush() $writer.Close() # Transfer the content of the memory stream to # a string and then to a standard XML object $stream.Position = 0 $reader = New-Object System.IO.StreamReader($stream) $xmlString = $reader.ReadToEnd() [xml]$result = $xmlString } } end { Get-CurrentVariables -InitialVariables $InitialVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference if ($level -eq 0) { Return $result } } } $result = Convert-DataToXmlInner -data $data -metadata:$metadata -strCase $strCase -root $root -arrRoot $arrRoot -arrSubRoot $arrSubRoot -Debug:$DebugPreference Return $result # Test: (Convert-DataToXml -data @([ordered]@{'Field1'='Value1';'Field2'='Value2'}, [ordered]@{'Field3'='Value3';'Field4'='Value4'})).OuterXml } function Convert-DateToIso { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [datetime]$value , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [switch]$asUtc , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [switch]$noTime , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [switch]$noDate , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [switch]$noTimeZone , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [switch]$zeroTime , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [switch]$noonTime ) begin { Write-Verbose -Message ('Starting: {0}' -f $myInvocation.Mycommand) New-Variable -Name 'date' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'result' -Scope 'Private' -Value ('') $InitialVariables = Get-CurrentVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference } process { if ($noTime) { [datetime]$date = [datetime]::new($value.Year, $value.Month, $value.Day, 12, 0, 0) if ($noTimeZone) { if ($asUtc) { [string]$result = $(Get-Date -Date $date.ToUniversalTime() -format "yyyy-MM-dd") } else { [string]$result = $(Get-Date -Date $date -format "yyyy-MM-dd") } } else { if ($asUtc) { [string]$result = $(Get-Date -Date $date.ToUniversalTime() -format "yyyy-MM-ddZ") } else { [string]$result = $(Get-Date -Date $date -format "yyyy-MM-dd.0zzz") } } } elseif ($noDate) { if ($noonTime) { [datetime]$date = [datetime]::new(1, 1, 1, 12, 0, 0) } elseif ($zeroTime) { [datetime]$date = [datetime]::new($value.Year, $value.Month, $value.Day, 0, 0, 0) } else { [datetime]$date = [datetime]::new(1, 1, 1, $value.Hour, $value.Minute, $value.Second) } if ($noTimeZone) { if ($asUtc) { [string]$result = $(Get-Date -Date $date.ToUniversalTime() -format "HH:mm:ss") } else { [string]$result = $(Get-Date -Date $date -format "HH:mm:ss") } } else { if ($asUtc) { [string]$result = $(Get-Date -Date $date.ToUniversalTime() -format "HH:mm:ss.0Z") } else { [string]$result = $(Get-Date -Date $date -format "HH:mm:ss.0zzz") } } } else { # time AND date if ($noonTime) { [datetime]$date = [datetime]::new($value.Year, $value.Month, $value.Day, 12, 0, 0) } elseif ($zeroTime) { [datetime]$date = [datetime]::new($value.Year, $value.Month, $value.Day, 0, 0, 0) } else { [datetime]$date = [datetime]::new($value.Year, $value.Month, $value.Day, $value.Hour, $value.Minute, $value.Second) } if ($noTimeZone) { if ($asUtc) { [string]$result = $(Get-Date -Date $date.ToUniversalTime() -format "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss") } else { [string]$result = $(Get-Date -Date $date -format "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss") } } else { if ($asUtc) { [string]$result = $(Get-Date -Date $date.ToUniversalTime() -format "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ") } else { [string]$result = $(Get-Date -Date $date.ToUniversalTime() -format "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.0zzz") } } } } end { Get-CurrentVariables -InitialVariables $InitialVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference Return $result } # Test: Convert-DateToIso -value (get-date) -noontime -debug } function Convert-ImageToBase64 { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, HelpMessage='Please specify the image file name')] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidateFileExists -Path $_ })] [string]$path ) begin { Write-Verbose -Message ('Starting: {0}' -f $myInvocation.Mycommand) New-Variable -Name 'base64' -Scope 'Private' -Value ('') New-Variable -Name 'content' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'extension' -Scope 'Private' -Value ('') New-Variable -Name 'mimeType' -Scope 'Private' -Value ('') New-Variable -Name 'result' -Scope 'Private' -Value ('') $InitialVariables = Get-CurrentVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference } process { $content = [System.IO.File]::ReadAllBytes($path) $base64 = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String($content) $extension = [System.IO.Path]::GetExtension($path).ToLower() switch ($extension) { ".jpg" { $mimeType = "image/jpeg" } ".jpeg" { $mimeType = "image/jpeg" } ".gif" { $mimeType = "image/gif" } ".png" { $mimeType = "image/png" } ".bmp" { $mimeType = "image/bmp" } ".ico" { $mimeType = "image/x-icon" } default { throw "Unknown image file type: $extension" } } $result = "data:$mimeType;base64,$base64" } end { Get-CurrentVariables -InitialVariables $InitialVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference return $result } # Test: Convert-ImageToBase64 -path 'C:\temp\Eulanda.jpg' } function Convert-Slugify { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, HelpMessage='Please enter the text to be converted')] [string]$value , [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidateStringCase $_ })] [string]$strCase = 'none' , [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [ValidateSet('-', '_')] [string]$delimiter = '_' ) begin { Write-Verbose -Message ('Starting: {0}' -f $myInvocation.Mycommand) New-Variable -Name 'regex' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'result' -Scope 'Private' -Value ('') $InitialVariables = Get-CurrentVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference } process { $regex = [System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex] $result = convert-accent -value $value $result = $result.replace('€',' EUR ') $result = $result.replace('$',' USD ') $result = $result.replace('£',' GBP ') $result = $result.replace('²','2') $result = $result.replace('³','3') $result = $result.replace('-',' ') $result = $result.replace('_',' ') $result = $regex::Replace($result, "[^a-zA-Z0-9\s-]", "") $result = $regex::Replace($result, "\s+", " ").Trim() $result = $regex::Replace($result, "\s", $delimiter) $result = $result = Convert-StringCase -value $result -strCase $strCase } end { Get-CurrentVariables -InitialVariables $InitialVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference Return $result } # Test: Convert-Slugify -value 'This is Österreich where you pan pay in € or $ but all in m³ and never in m²' } Function Convert-StringCase { [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, HelpMessage='Please enter the text to be converted')] [string]$value , [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidateStringCase $_ })] [string]$strCase = 'none' ) begin { Write-Verbose -Message ('Starting: {0}' -f $myInvocation.Mycommand) New-Variable -Name 'culture' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'words' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string[]]@()) New-Variable -Name 'wordsCapitalized' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([System.Object[]]@()) New-Variable -Name 'result' -Scope 'Private' -Value ('') $InitialVariables = Get-CurrentVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference } process { $result = $value switch ( $strCase.ToLower() ) { 'none' { $result = $result } 'upper' { $result = $result.ToUpper() } 'lower' { $result = $result.ToLower() } 'capital' { $culture = [System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::CurrentCulture $words = $result.Split(' ') $wordsCapitalized = $words | ForEach-Object { $culture.TextInfo.ToTitleCase($_) } $result = $wordsCapitalized -join ' ' } } } end { Get-CurrentVariables -InitialVariables $InitialVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference Return $result } # Test: Convert-StringCase -value 'Der Caffè ist übergut in Österreich!' -strCase capital } function Convert-SubnetToBitmask { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string]$subnet , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [int]$cidr ) begin { Write-Verbose -Message ('Starting: {0}' -f $myInvocation.Mycommand) Test-ValidateSingle -validParams ('subnet','cidr') @PSBoundParameters New-Variable -Name 'result' -Scope 'Private' -Value ('') $InitialVariables = Get-CurrentVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference } process { try { if ((! $subnet) -and (! $Cidr)) { $subnet = Get-Subnet # get it fron local ip } if (! $cidr) { $cidr = Get-Cidr -subnet $subnet } $result = ('1' * $cidr).PadRight(32, '0') } catch { $result= [string]"0".PadRight(32, '0') } } end { Get-CurrentVariables -InitialVariables $InitialVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference Return $result } # test: Convert-SubnetToBitmask -cidr 24 } function ConvertTo-WrappedLines { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$text , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [int]$width= 80 , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [switch]$asString , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [switch]$useCrLf ) begin { Write-Verbose -Message ('Starting: {0}' -f $myInvocation.Mycommand) New-Variable -Name 'column' -Scope 'Private' -Value (0) New-Variable -Name 'line' -Scope 'Private' -Value ('') New-Variable -Name 'paragraph' -Scope 'Private' -Value ('') New-Variable -Name 'paragraphs' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'rawWords' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'word' -Scope 'Private' -Value ('') New-Variable -Name 'words' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'result' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) $InitialVariables = Get-CurrentVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference } process { # standard arrays dont allow 'add' command $result = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@() # Normalize string delimiter to unix style $text = $text.replace("`r`n", "`n") # Delete all unnecessary empty lines and characters at the end of the last paragraph $text = $text.TrimEnd() # Each line break is a hard return, i.e. a paragraph [string[]]$paragraphs = $text -split "\n+" foreach ($paragraph in $paragraphs ) { [string[]]$rawWords = $paragraph -split "\s+" # Create a word list with words and make sure that no word is longer than 'width' $words = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@() foreach ($word in $rawWords ) { if ($word.Length -le $width) { $words.Add($word) | Out-Null } else { # if one word is longer then the width, split it [string[]]$wordparts = $word -split "(.{$width})" -ne '' foreach ($word in $wordparts) { $words.Add($word) | Out-Null } } } # Put as many words as possible in one line, but never longer than 'width' [int]$column = 0 [string]$line = "" foreach ($word in $words ) { $column += $word.Length + 1 if ($column -gt $width ) { $result.add($line.trim()) | Out-Null $column = $word.Length + 1 $line = "" } $line = "$line$($word) " } $result.add($line.trim()) | Out-Null } if ($asString) { if ($useCrLf) { [string]$result = $result -join "`r`n" } else { [string]$result = $result -join "`n" } } } end { Get-CurrentVariables -InitialVariables $InitialVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference Return $result } # Test: ConvertTo-WrappedLines -text 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed porttitor lacus sed augue commodo dapibus. Suspendisse potenti.' -width 40 } function ConvertTo-WrappedLinesEdi { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$text , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [int]$Width = 80 ) begin { Write-Verbose -Message ('Starting: {0}' -f $myInvocation.Mycommand) New-Variable -Name 'a1' -Scope 'Private' -Value ('') New-Variable -Name 'al' -Scope 'Private' -Value ('') New-Variable -Name 'i' -Scope 'Private' -Value (0) New-Variable -Name 'maxPunctuation' -Scope 'Private' -Value (0) New-Variable -Name 'paragraph' -Scope 'Private' -Value ('') New-Variable -Name 'paragraphs' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'punctuation' -Scope 'Private' -Value (0) New-Variable -Name 'test' -Scope 'Private' -Value (0) New-Variable -Name 'result' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) $InitialVariables = Get-CurrentVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference } process { # Standard arrays dont allow 'add' command $result = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@() # Normalize string delimiter to unix style $text = $text.replace("`r`n", "`n") # Delete all unnecessary empty lines and characters at the end of the last paragraph $text = $text.TrimEnd() # Each line break is a hard return, i.e. a paragraph [string[]]$paragraphs = $text -split "\n+" # Clear unnessecary spaces in each paragraph for ($i=0; $i -le $paragraphs.Count-1; $i++) { $paragraphs[$i] = $paragraphs[$i].Trim() } # Check if nativ lines match 2 lines and each line is less $width if (($paragraphs.count -eq 2) -and ($paragraphs[0].length -le $width) -and ($paragraphs[1].length -le $width)) { $al = $paragraphs[0] $a1 = $paragraphs[1] write-verbose "Two line meats the shema. Passed 1:1" } elseif (($paragraphs.count -eq 1) -and ($paragraphs[0].length -le $width) ) { write-verbose "First line meats the shema. Passed 1:1" $al = $paragraphs[0] $a1 = "" } else { # AT LEAST ONE LINE IS TOO LONG # Make one big line [string]$paragraph = $paragraphs -join (' ') # Clear double spaces $paragraph = $paragraph.Replace(' ', ' ') [string]$al = $paragraph.Substring(0,[System.Math]::Min($width, $paragraph.Length)) [string]$a1 = $paragraph.Substring([System.Math]::Min($width, $paragraph.Length)) # Only if there is text in A1, it could be better to make a new line wrapping if ($a1) { $punctuation = Get-PunctuationIdx $al [int]$maxPunctuation = $al.Length / 3 * 2 if (($punctuation -ne -1) -and ($punctuation -lt $maxPunctuation)) { # if we are loosing to much chars we are dividung after the last word [Int]$test = $al.lastIndexOf(' ') if ($test -gt $punctuation) { $punctuation = $test -1 } } if ($punctuation -ge 0) { $a1 = "$($al.Substring($punctuation+1))$a1" $a1 = $a1.Trim() if ($a1.Length -gt $width) { $a1 = "$($a1.Substring(0,$width-3))..." } $al = $al.Substring(0, $punctuation+1) } } } [string[]]$result = @() $result += $al.trim() $result += $a1.trim() } end { Get-CurrentVariables -InitialVariables $InitialVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference Return $result } # Test: ConvertTo-WrappedLinesEdi -text 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed porttitor lacus sed augue commodo dapibus. Suspendisse potenti.' -width 40 } function ConvertTo-XmlString { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [System.__ComObject]$adoField, [switch]$includeEmpty ) begin { Write-Verbose -Message ('Starting: {0}' -f $myInvocation.Mycommand) New-Variable -Name 'adoType' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([int64]0) New-Variable -Name 'result' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') $InitialVariables = Get-CurrentVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference } process { [long]$adoType = $adoField.Type [object]$result = $adoField.Value switch ($adoType) { {$_ -in @($adChar, $adVarChar, $adLongVarChar, $adWChar, $adVarWChar, $adLongVarWChar, $adBSTR)} { if ($result -eq [System.DBNull]::Value -or $null -eq $result) { [string]$result = [string]'' } else { [string]$result = [string]$result } } {$_ -in @($adSmallInt, $adInteger, $adTinyInt)} { if ($result -eq [System.DBNull]::Value -or $null -eq $result) { if ($includeEmpty) { [string]$result = [string]'' } else { [string]$result = [string]'0' } } else { [string]$result = [string]$result } } {$_ -in @($adBigInt, $adUnsignedBigInt)} { if ($result -eq [System.DBNull]::Value -or $null -eq $result) { if ($includeEmpty) { [string]$result = [string]'' } else { [string]$result = [string]'0' } } else { [string]$result = [string]$result } } {$_ -in @($adSingle, $adDouble)} { if ($result -eq [System.DBNull]::Value -or $null -eq $result) { if ($includeEmpty) { [string]$result = [string]'' } else { [string]$result = [string]'0.0' } } else { [string]$result = [string]$result } } {$_ -in @($adCurrency, $adDecimal, $adNumeric)} { if ($result -eq [System.DBNull]::Value -or $null -eq $result) { if ($includeEmpty) { [string]$result = [string]'' } else { [string]$result = [string]'0.0' } } else { [string]$result = [string]$result } } {$_ -in @($adDate, $adDBDate, $adDBTimeStamp)} { if ($result -eq [System.DBNull]::Value -or $null -eq $result) { if ($includeEmpty) { [string]$result = [string]'' } else { [string]$result = [string](Convert-DateToIso -value ([datetime]::MinValue)) } } else { [string]$result = [string](Convert-DateToIso -value $result) } } {$_ -in @($adBoolean)} { if ($result -eq [System.DBNull]::Value -or $null -eq $result) { if ($includeEmpty) { [string]$result = [string]'' } else { [string]$result = [string]'False' } } else { [string]$result = [string]$result } } default { if ($result -eq [System.DBNull]::Value -or $null -eq $result) { [string]$result = [string]'' } else { [string]$result = [string]$result } } } } end { Get-CurrentVariables -InitialVariables $InitialVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference Return $result } <# Test: $rs = New-Object -ComObject ADODB.Recordset $rs.Fields.Append("MyDateField", $adDBTimeStamp) $rs.Open() $rs.AddNew() $rs.Fields("MyDateField").Value = Get-Date $adoField = $rs.Fields("MyDateField") ConvertTo-XmlString -adoField $adoField -debug $rs.Close() [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::ReleaseComObject($rs) | Out-Null #> } function Export-ArticleToXml { [CmdletBinding()] param( [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidateNotEmpty -strParam $_ })] [string]$select= (Get-DefaultSelectArticle) , [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string[]]$filter , [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidateMapping -strValue $_ -mapping (Get-MappingArticleKeys) })] [string]$alias = 'articleNo' , [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidateMapping -strValue $_ -mapping (Get-MappingArticleKeys) })] [string]$order= $alias , [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [switch]$reorder , [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [switch]$revers , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidateCustomerGroups -CustomerGroups $_ })] [string]$customerGroups , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string]$breadcrumbPath = '\Shop' , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [switch]$noEmptyPropertyTree , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidatePathXML -path $_ })] [string]$path , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidateConn -conn $_ })] $conn , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidatePathUDL -path $_ })] [string]$udl , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidateConnStr -connStr $_ })] [string]$connStr ) # ************************************************************************** # CREATE XML MESSAGE: ARTICLE # ************************************************************************** Begin { Write-Verbose -Message ('Starting: {0}' -f $myInvocation.Mycommand) Test-ValidateSingle -validParams (Get-SingleConnection) @PSBoundParameters $alias = Test-ValidateMapping -strValue $alias -mapping (Get-MappingArticleKeys) $order = Test-ValidateMapping -strValue $order -mapping (Get-MappingArticleKeys) New-Variable -Name 'myConn' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'newNode' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'node' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'xmlArticle' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'xmlMetadata' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'xmlPropertyTree' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'paramsArticle' -Scope 'Private' -Value (@{}) New-Variable -Name 'Result' -Scope 'Private' -Value ('') $InitialVariables = Get-CurrentVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference } Process { $myConn = Get-Conn -conn $conn -udl $udl -connStr $connStr $paramsArticle = Get-UsedParameters -validParams (Get-SetArticleWithGroupsFilter) -boundParams $PSBoundParameters # ************************************************************************** # Create a raw version for each database section # ************************************************************************** # XML RAW for Root [xml]$xml = Get-XmlEulandaRoot # XML RAW for Metadata [xml]$xmlMetadata = Get-XmlEulandaMetadata # XML RAW for PropertyTree if ($breadcrumbPath) { [xml]$xmlPropertyTree = Get-XmlEulandaProperty -breadcrumbPath $breadcrumbPath -tablename 'Article' -conn $myConn } else { [xml]$xmlPropertyTree = '<MERKMALBAUM><ARTIKEL /></MERKMALBAUM>' } if ($noEmptyPropertyTree -and $xmlPropertyTree.Merkmalbaum.ChildNodes.Count -eq 1 -and $xmlPropertyTree.Merkmalbaum.ChildNodes[0].IsEmpty) { [xml]$xmlPropertyTree = $null } # XML RAW for all articles including nodes like SHOP, LAGER, PREISLISTE, MERKMALLISTE [xml]$xmlArticle = Get-XmlEulandaArticle @paramsArticle -conn $myConn # ************************************************************************** # Assemble the individual XML nodes into an XML message. # ************************************************************************** $newNode = $xmlMetadata.SelectSingleNode("//METADATA") $node = $xml.ImportNode($newNode, $true) $xml.DocumentElement.AppendChild($node) | Out-Null if ($xmlPropertyTree) { $newNode = $xmlPropertyTree.SelectSingleNode("//MERKMALBAUM") $node = $xml.ImportNode($newNode, $true) $xml.DocumentElement.AppendChild($node) | Out-Null } if ($xmlArticle) { $newNode = $xmlArticle.SelectSingleNode("//ARTIKELLISTE") $node = $xml.ImportNode($newNode, $true) $xml.DocumentElement.AppendChild($node) | Out-Null } if ($path) { Format-Xml -xmlString $xml.OuterXml -pathOut $path } else { [string]$result= (Format-Xml -xmlString $xml.OuterXml) } } End { Get-CurrentVariables -InitialVariables $InitialVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference Return $result } # Test: Export-ArticleToXml -filter "ArtNummer>='1000' and ArtNummer<='1100'" -customerGroups 'HA,HB,HC' -udl 'C:\temp\Eulanda_1 Eulanda.udl' -path "$(Get-DesktopDir)\ARTICLE.xml" # Test: Export-ArticleToXml -filter "ArtNummer>='1000' and ArtNummer<='1100'" -customerGroups 'HA,HB,HC' -udl 'C:\temp\Eulanda_1 Eulanda.udl' } function Export-DeliveryToXml { [CmdletBinding()] param( [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidateId -id $_ })] [int]$deliveryId , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidateNo -no $_ })] [int]$deliveryNo , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [switch]$includeEmpty , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string[]]$sql = $( if ($deliveryId) { Get-DeliverySql -deliveryId $deliveryId } else { Get-DeliverySql -deliveryNo $deliveryNo } ) , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidatePathXML -path $_ })] [string]$path , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidateConn -conn $_ })] $conn , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidatePathUDL -path $_ })] [string]$udl , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidateConnStr -connStr $_ })] [string]$connStr ) begin { Write-Verbose -Message ('Starting: {0}' -f $myInvocation.Mycommand) Test-ValidateSingle -validParams (Get-SingleDeliveryKeys) @PSBoundParameters Test-ValidateSingle -validParams (Get-SingleConnection) @PSBoundParameters New-Variable -Name 'myConn' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'newNode' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'node' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'paramsDelivery' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([System.Collections.Hashtable]@{}) New-Variable -Name 'xml' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'xmlDelivery' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'xmlMetadata' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'result' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') $InitialVariables = Get-CurrentVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference } process { $myConn = Get-Conn -conn $conn -udl $udl -connStr $connStr $paramsDelivery = Get-UsedParameters -validParams (Get-SingleDeliveryKeys) -boundParams $PSBoundParameters # ************************************************************************** # Create a raw version for each database section # ************************************************************************** # XML RAW for Root [xml]$xml = Get-XmlEulandaRoot # XML RAW for Metadata [xml]$xmlMetadata = Get-XmlEulandaMetadata # XML RAW for Delivery [xml]$xmlDelivery = Get-XmlEulandaDelivery @paramsDelivery -sql $sql -includeEmpty:$includeEmpty -conn $myConn # ************************************************************************** # Assemble the individual XML nodes into an XML message. # ************************************************************************** $newNode = $xmlMetadata.SelectSingleNode("//METADATA") $node = $xml.ImportNode($newNode, $true) $xml.DocumentElement.AppendChild($node) | Out-Null if ($xmlDelivery) { $newNode = $xmlDelivery.SelectSingleNode("//LIEFERSCHEINLISTE") $node = $xml.ImportNode($newNode, $true) $xml.DocumentElement.AppendChild($node) | Out-Null } if ($path) { Format-Xml -xmlString $xml.OuterXml -pathOut $path } else { [string]$result= (Format-Xml -xmlString $xml.OuterXml) } } end { Get-CurrentVariables -InitialVariables $InitialVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference Return $result } # Test: Export-DeliveryToXml -deliveryNo 430952 -includeEmpty -udl 'C:\temp\Eulanda_1 JohnDoe.udl' -debug } function Export-PropertyToXml { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$breadcrumbPath , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [switch]$noEmptyPropertyTree , [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidateMapping -strValue $_ -mapping (Get-MappingTablename) })] [string]$tablename , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidatePathXML -path $_ })] [string]$path , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [AllowNull()] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidateConn -conn $_ })] $conn , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidatePathUDL -path $_ })] [string]$udl , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidateConnStr -connStr $_ })] [string]$connStr ) begin { Write-Verbose -Message ('Starting: {0}' -f $myInvocation.Mycommand) Test-ValidateSingle -validParams (Get-SingleConnection) @PSBoundParameters New-Variable -Name 'myConn' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'newNode' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'node' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'xmlMetadata' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'xmlPropertyTree' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'result' -Scope 'Private' -Value ('') $InitialVariables = Get-CurrentVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference } process { $myConn = Get-Conn -conn $conn -udl $udl -connStr $connStr $tablename = Test-ValidateMapping -strValue $tablename -mapping (Get-MappingTablename) # XML RAW for Root [xml]$xml = Get-XmlEulandaRoot # XML RAW for Metadata [xml]$xmlMetadata = Get-XmlEulandaMetadata # XML RAW for PropertyTree if ($breadcrumbPath) { [xml]$xmlPropertyTree = Get-XmlEulandaProperty -breadcrumbPath $breadcrumbPath -tablename $tablename -conn $myConn } else { [xml]$xmlPropertyTree = '<MERKMALBAUM><ARTIKEL /></MERKMALBAUM>' } if ($noEmptyPropertyTree -and $xmlPropertyTree.Merkmalbaum.ChildNodes.Count -eq 1 -and $xmlPropertyTree.Merkmalbaum.ChildNodes[0].IsEmpty) { [xml]$xmlPropertyTree = $null } $newNode = $xmlMetadata.SelectSingleNode("//METADATA") $node = $xml.ImportNode($newNode, $true) $xml.DocumentElement.AppendChild($node) | Out-Null if ($xmlPropertyTree) { $newNode = $xmlPropertyTree.SelectSingleNode("//MERKMALBAUM") $node = $xml.ImportNode($newNode, $true) $xml.DocumentElement.AppendChild($node) | Out-Null } if ($path) { Format-Xml -xmlString $xml.OuterXml -pathOut $path } else { [string]$result = (Format-Xml -xmlString $xml.OuterXml) } } end { Get-CurrentVariables -InitialVariables $InitialVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference Return $result } # Test: Export-PropertyToXml -breadcrumbPath '\Shop' -tablename 'Article' -udl 'C:\temp\Eulanda_1 Eulanda.udl' -path "$(Get-DesktopDir)\PROPERTYTREE.xml" # Test: Export-PropertyToXml -breadcrumbPath '\Produkte' -tablename 'Address' -udl 'C:\temp\Eulanda_1 Eulanda.udl' } Function Export-StockToXml { [CmdletBinding()] param( [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string[]]$filter , [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidateMapping -strValue $_ -mapping (Get-MappingArticleKeys) })] [string]$alias = 'articleNo' , [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [int]$qtyStatic , [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$warehouse , [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [switch]$legacy , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidatePathXML -path $_ })] [string]$path , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidateConn -conn $_ })] $conn , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidatePathUDL -path $_ })] [string]$udl , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidateConnStr -connStr $_ })] [string]$connStr ) begin { Write-Verbose -Message ('Starting: {0}' -f $myInvocation.Mycommand) Test-ValidateSingle -validParams (Get-SingleConnection) @PSBoundParameters New-Variable -Name 'myConn' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'nodeName' -Scope 'Private' -Value ('') New-Variable -Name 'sql' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string[]]@()) New-Variable -Name 'result' -Scope 'Private' -Value ('') $InitialVariables = Get-CurrentVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference } process { $myConn = Get-Conn -conn $conn -udl $udl -connStr $connStr $alias = Test-ValidateMapping -strValue $alias -mapping (Get-MappingArticleKeys) if ((! $warehouse) -and (! $legacy)) { [string]$nodeName = 'LAGERLISTE' } else { [string]$nodeName = 'LAGER' } [string[]]$sql= Get-StockSql -filter $filter -alias $alias -qtyStatic $qtyStatic -warehouse $warehouse -legacy:$legacy [System.Object]$data = Get-DataFromSql -sql $sql -conn $myConn -arrRoot $nodeName [xml]$xml = Convert-DataToXml -data $data -metadata -root 'EULANDA' -arrRoot 'ARTIKELLISTE' -arrSubRoot 'ARTIKEL' if ($path) { Format-Xml -xmlString $xml.OuterXml -pathOut $path } else { [string]$result= (Format-Xml -xmlString $xml.OuterXml) } } end { Get-CurrentVariables -InitialVariables $InitialVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference Return $result } # Test: Export-StocktoXml -path "C:\Temp\Stock.xml" -udl "C:\Git\Powershell\ProcosSystem\EULANDA_1 ProcosUSA.udl" } Function Find-MssqlServer { [CmdletBinding()] param( [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$localIp = (Get-LocalIp) , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string]$remoteIp = '' , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [int]$udpPort = 1434 , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [int]$timeoutSeconds = 2 ) begin { Write-Verbose -Message ('Starting: {0}' -f $myInvocation.Mycommand) New-Variable -Name 'broadcastIP' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'udpClient' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'tempObj' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'startTime' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'responseString' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'response' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'receivedEndpoint' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'rawString' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'udpPacket' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([System.Object[]]@()) New-Variable -Name 'pairs' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string[]]@()) New-Variable -Name 'list' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'key' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'item' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'i' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([int32]0) New-Variable -Name 'foundServers' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([System.Collections.Hashtable]@{}) New-Variable -Name 'endpoint' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'elapsedTime' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([double]0.0) New-Variable -Name 'localEndpoint' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'value' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'result' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([System.Collections.ArrayList]@()) $InitialVariables = Get-CurrentVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference } process { # $result = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList # Create UDP client $udpClient = New-Object System.Net.Sockets.UdpClient $udpClient.Client.ReceiveTimeout = $timeoutSeconds * 1000 $udpClient.Client.SetSocketOption([System.Net.Sockets.SocketOptionLevel]::Socket, [System.Net.Sockets.SocketOptionName]::Broadcast, 1) # Bind UDP client to local network interface $localEndpoint = New-Object System.Net.IPEndPoint ([System.Net.IPAddress]::Parse($localIp), 0) $udpClient.Client.Bind($localEndpoint) # Prepare magic message $udpPacket = 0x02, 0x00, 0x00 # Broadcast or single remote ip $endpoint = New-Object System.Net.IPEndPoint ([System.Net.IPAddress]::Parse($remoteIp), $udpPort) # Send message $udpClient.Send($udpPacket, $udpPacket.Length, $endpoint) | Out-Null # Wait for response $startTime = Get-Date $elapsedTime = 0 $foundServers = @{} try { while ($elapsedTime -lt $timeoutSeconds) { if ($udpClient.Available -gt 0) { try { $receivedEndpoint = New-Object System.Net.IPEndPoint ([System.Net.IPAddress]::Any, 0) $response = $udpClient.Receive([ref]$receivedEndpoint) $responseString = [System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetString($response) if (-not $foundServers.ContainsKey($receivedEndpoint.Address.ToString())) { $foundServers.Add($receivedEndpoint.Address.ToString(), $true) $rawString = $responseString.Substring(3,$responseString.Length-3) $rawString = $rawString.Replace(';;',"`t") $list = $rawString.Split("`t").trim() $list = $list | Where-Object { $_ -ne "" } foreach ($item in $list) { $pairs = $item.Split(';') $tempObj= [PSCustomObject]@{ Ip=$($receivedEndpoint.Address) } for ($i = 0; $i -lt $pairs.Length; $i += 2) { $key = $pairs[$i] $value = $pairs[$i+1] Add-Member -InputObject $tempObj -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $key -Value $value } $result.Add($tempObj) | Out-Null } } } catch [System.Net.Sockets.SocketException] { if ($_.Exception.ErrorCode -ne 10060) { throw } } } Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 100 $elapsedTime = (Get-Date) - $startTime $elapsedTime = $elapsedTime.TotalSeconds } } finally { $udpClient.Close() } } end { Get-CurrentVariables -InitialVariables $InitialVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference Return $result } # Test: Find-MssqlServer -remoteIp '' } function Format-Xml { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='XmlString')] param( [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName='XmlString')] [ValidateScript({[bool]([xml]$_ -is [System.Xml.XmlDocument])})] [string]$xmlString , [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName='Path')] [ValidateScript( { if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($_)) { return $true } else { (Test-Path $_ ) } }, ErrorMessage= "The file '{0}' does not exist or the path is incorrect!" )] [string]$pathIn , [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateScript( { if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($_)) { return $true } else { Test-Path (Split-Path $_ -Parent) } }, ErrorMessage= "The path '{0}' does not exist!" )] [string]$pathOut , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [switch]$removeDecoration , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [switch]$setDecoration ) begin { Write-Verbose -Message ('Starting: {0}' -f $myInvocation.Mycommand) New-Variable -Name 'data' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([System.Collections.ArrayList]@()) New-Variable -Name 'i' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([int32]0) New-Variable -Name 'strWriter' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([System.IO.StringWriter]::new()) New-Variable -Name 'writer' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'xml' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'result' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') $InitialVariables = Get-CurrentVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference } process { if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Path') { $xmlString = Get-Content -Path $pathIn } [System.Collections.ArrayList]$data = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList $data.Add($xmlString -join "`n") | Out-Null [System.Xml.XmlDataDocument]$xml= New-Object System.Xml.XmlDataDocument $xml.LoadXml($data -join "`n") if ($removeDecoration) { # Check if XML declaration is present and remove it if ($xml.FirstChild -is [System.Xml.XmlDeclaration]) { $xml.RemoveChild($xml.FirstChild) | Out-Null } } if ($setDecoration) { if (! ($xml.FirstChild -is [System.Xml.XmlDeclaration])) { $xmlString = $xml.OuterXml $i = $xmlString.IndexOf("<?") if ($i -lt 0) { $xmlString = ('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>' + $xmlString) } [System.Collections.ArrayList]$data = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList $data.Add($xmlString -join "`n") | Out-Null [System.Xml.XmlDataDocument]$xml= New-Object System.Xml.XmlDataDocument $xml.LoadXml($data -join "`n") } } [System.IO.StringWriter]$strWriter= New-Object System.Io.Stringwriter [System.Xml.XmlTextWriter]$writer= New-Object System.Xml.XmlTextWriter($strWriter) $writer.Formatting = [System.Xml.Formatting]::Indented $writer.Indentation = 4 $writer.IndentChar = " " $xml.WriteContentTo($writer) if ($pathOut) { $strWriter.ToString() | Out-File -FilePath $pathOut -Encoding UTF8 } else { $result = $strWriter.ToString() } } end { Get-CurrentVariables -InitialVariables $InitialVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference Return $result } # Test: Format-Xml -xmlString '<Root><Item /></Root>' } function Get-AddressId { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string]$addressMatch , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidateId -id $_ })] [int]$addressId , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [guid]$addressUid , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [switch]$like , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidateConn -conn $_ })] $conn , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidatePathUDL -path $_ })] [string]$udl , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidateConnStr -connStr $_ })] [string]$connStr ) begin { Write-Verbose -Message ('Starting: {0}' -f $myInvocation.Mycommand) Test-ValidateSingle -validParams (Get-SingleAddressKeys) @PSBoundParameters Test-ValidateSingle -validParams (Get-SingleConnection) @PSBoundParameters New-Variable -Name 'firstEntry' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'key' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'myConn' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'paramsAddress' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([System.Collections.Hashtable]@{}) New-Variable -Name 'rs' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'sql' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'sqlFrag' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'value' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'result' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([int32]0) $InitialVariables = Get-CurrentVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference } process { try { $myConn = Get-Conn -conn $conn -udl $udl -connStr $connStr $paramsAddress = Get-UsedParameters -validParams (Get-SingleAddressKeys) -boundParams $PSBoundParameters $firstEntry = $paramsAddress.GetEnumerator() | Select-Object -First 1 $key = Test-ValidateMapping -strValue ($firstEntry.Key) -mapping (Get-MappingAddressKeys) $value = $firstEntry.Value if ($like) { $sqlFrag = "$key like '$value%'" } else { $sqlFrag = "$key = '$value'" } [string]$sql = "SELECT Id FROM Adresse WHERE $sqlFrag" $rs = $myConn.Execute($sql) $rs = Get-AdoRs -recordset $rs if ($rs) { [int]$result = $rs.fields('Id').Value if ($rs.RecordCount -gt 1) { throw "The search value '$sqlFrag' gives more then one result! " +` "Function: $($myInvocation.MyCommand)" } } } catch { Throw "$_ Function: $($myInvocation.Mycommand)" } } end { Get-CurrentVariables -InitialVariables $InitialVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference Return $result } # Test: Get-AddressId -addressUid '{E05050A1-501F-462B-A2E2-FD27F7F52382}' -udl 'C:\temp\Eulanda_1 Eulanda.udl' } function Get-AddressSql { [CmdletBinding()] param( [parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory=$false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidateSelect -strParam $_ })] [string]$select= '*' , [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string[]]$filter , [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [ValidateSet('none', 'upper', 'lower', 'capital', IgnoreCase = $true)] [string]$strCase = 'none' , [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidateMapping -strValue $_ -mapping (Get-MappingAddressKeys) })] [string]$alias = 'addressMatch' , [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$order= $alias , [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [switch]$noIdAlias , [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [ValidateRange(0, [int]::MaxValue)] [Nullable[int]]$limit , [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [switch]$reorder , [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [switch]$revers ) begin { Write-Verbose -Message ('Starting: {0}' -f $myInvocation.Mycommand) New-Variable -Name 'arrOrder' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string[]]@()) New-Variable -Name 'arrSelect' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'fieldList' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'sqlFilter' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'sqlLimit' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'sqlMaster' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'sqlOrder' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'sqlRevers' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'sqlSelect' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'result' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string[]]@()) $InitialVariables = Get-CurrentVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference } process { $alias = Test-ValidateMapping -strValue $alias -mapping (Get-MappingAddressKeys) $order = Test-ValidateMapping -strValue $order -mapping (Get-MappingAddressKeys) if ($filter) { [string]$sqlFilter= "WHERE ( RTrim(LTrim(IsNull($alias,''))) <> '') AND $($filter -join(' AND ')) " } else { [string]$sqlFilter= "WHERE ( RTrim(LTrim(IsNull($alias,''))) <> '')" } if ($order) { [string]$sqlOrder = "ORDER BY dummy.$order" } else { [string]$sqlOrder = '' } $sqlSelect = $select if ($sqlSelect -ne '*') { if (! ($SqlSelect.Contains($alias, [System.StringComparison]::InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))) { $sqlSelect = "$alias,$sqlSelect" } if ($order) { [string[]]$arrOrder = $order -split ',' for ($i=0; $i -lt $arrOrder.count-1; $i++) { # Delete ASC and DESC $arrOrder[$i] = $arrOrder[$i].Split(' ')[0] if ($SqlSelect.Contains($arrOrder[$i], [System.StringComparison]::InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { $arrOrder[$i] = '' } } $arrOrder = $arrOrder | Where-Object { $_ -ne "" } $fieldList = $arrOrder -join ',' if ($fieldList) { $sqlSelect = "$fieldlist,$SqlSelect" } } } if (! ($null -eq $limit)) { $sqlLimit = "TOP $limit" } else { $SqlLimit = '' } if ($revers) { $sqlRevers = 'DESC' } else { $sqlRevers = '' } $arrSelect = $sqlSelect -split ',' $arrSelect = $arrSelect | ForEach-Object { $_.Trim() } if ($reorder) { $arrSelect = $arrSelect | Sort-Object } $arrSelect = $arrSelect | ForEach-Object { Convert-StringCase -value $_ -strCase $strcase } $arrSelect = $arrSelect | Get-Unique $sqlSelect = $arrSelect -join ',' if (! ($noIdAlias)) { $sqlSelect = "$alias [ID.ALIAS], $sqlSelect" } [string]$sqlMaster = @" SELECT $sqlSelect FROM ( SELECT $sqlLimit /* KEYS */ Id, Match, [Uid], /* IDENTIFIER */ IsNull(FremdRefNr, '') [FremdRefNr], IsNull(FremdNr, 0) [FremdNr], IsNull(Fibukonto,0) [Fibukonto], IsNull(ILN,0) [ILN], /* GROUPS */ IsNull(AdresseGr,'') [AdresseGr], /* ADDRESS */ IsNull(Name1, '') [Name1], IsNull(Name2, '') [Name2], IsNull(Name3, '') [Name3], IsNull(Strasse, '') [Strasse], IsNull(Plz, '') [Plz], IsNull(Ort, '') [Ort], RTrim(LTrim(IsNull(Land, ''))) [Land], /* COMMUNICATION */ IsNull(EMail, '') [EMail], IsNull(Tel, '') [Tel], IsNull(Fax, '') [Fax], IsNull(Auto, '') [Auto], IsNull(Homepage, '') [Homepage], /* CURRENCY */ IsNull(Rabatt, '') [Rabatt], IsNull(UstId, '') [UstId], IsNull(SteuerNr, '') [SteuerNr], IsNull(BankIBAN, '') [BankIBAN], IsNull(BankBIC, '') [BankBIC], /* DESCRIPTION */ IsNull(Karteikarte,'') [Karteikarte], /* OTHER */ IsNull(Warnung,'') [Warnung] FROM Adresse $sqlFilter ) Dummy $sqlOrder $sqlRevers "@ $result = [string[]]@($sqlMaster) } end { Get-CurrentVariables -InitialVariables $InitialVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference Return $result } # Test: Get-AddressSql } function Get-AdoRs { [CmdletBinding()] param( [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] $recordset ) begin { Write-Verbose -Message ('Starting: {0}' -f $myInvocation.Mycommand) New-Variable -Name 'result' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) $InitialVariables = Get-CurrentVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference } process { if ($recordset) { # Toggle all record sets until you find an open one Do { If ($recordset.State -ne $adStateOpen) { $recordset = $recordset.NextRecordset() } } until ( (! $recordset) -or ($recordset.State -eq $adStateOpen) ) if ($recordset) { if ($recordset.eof) { $recordset= $null } } } $result = $recordset } end { Get-CurrentVariables -InitialVariables $InitialVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference Return $result } # Test: Get-AdoRs (Get-Conn -udl 'C:\temp\Eulanda_1 Eulanda.udl').Execute('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Artikel') } function Get-ArticleId { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string]$barcode , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string]$articleNo , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidateId -id $_ })] [int]$articleId , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [guid]$articleUid , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidateConn -conn $_ })] $conn , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidatePathUDL -path $_ })] [string]$udl , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidateConnStr -connStr $_ })] [string]$connStr ) Begin { Write-Verbose -Message ('Starting: {0}' -f $myInvocation.Mycommand) Test-ValidateSingle -validParams (Get-SingleArticleKeys) @PSBoundParameters Test-ValidateSingle -validParams (Get-SingleConnection) @PSBoundParameters New-Variable -Name 'firstEntry' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'key' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'myConn' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'paramsArticle' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([System.Collections.Hashtable]@{}) New-Variable -Name 'rs' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'sql' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'sqlFrag' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'value' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'result' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([int32]0) $InitialVariables = Get-CurrentVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference } Process { $myConn = Get-Conn -conn $conn -udl $udl -connStr $connStr $paramsArticle = Get-UsedParameters -validParams (Get-SingleArticleKeys) -boundParams $PSBoundParameters $firstEntry = $paramsArticle.GetEnumerator() | Select-Object -First 1 $key = Test-ValidateMapping -strValue ($firstEntry.Key) -mapping (Get-MappingArticleKeys) $value = $firstEntry.Value $sqlFrag = "$key = '$value'" [string]$sql = "SELECT Id [articleId] FROM Artikel WHERE $sqlFrag" $rs = $myConn.Execute($sql) $rs = Get-AdoRs -recordset $rs if ($rs) { [int]$result = $rs.fields('articleId').Value } } End { Get-CurrentVariables -InitialVariables $InitialVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference Return $result } # Test: Get-ArticleId -barcode '4014751021005' -udl 'C:\temp\Eulanda_1 Eulanda.udl' } function Get-ArticleNo { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string]$barcode , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string]$articleNo , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidateId -id $_ })] [int]$articleId , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [guid]$articleUid , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidateConn -conn $_ })] $conn , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidatePathUDL -path $_ })] [string]$udl , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidateConnStr -connStr $_ })] [string]$connStr ) Begin { Write-Verbose -Message ('Starting: {0}' -f $myInvocation.Mycommand) Test-ValidateSingle -validParams (Get-SingleArticleKeys) @PSBoundParameters Test-ValidateSingle -validParams (Get-SingleConnection) @PSBoundParameters New-Variable -Name 'firstEntry' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'key' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'myConn' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'paramsArticle' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([System.Collections.Hashtable]@{}) New-Variable -Name 'rs' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'sql' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'sqlFrag' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'value' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'result' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') $InitialVariables = Get-CurrentVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference } Process { $myConn = Get-Conn -conn $conn -udl $udl -connStr $connStr $paramsArticle = Get-UsedParameters -validParams (Get-SingleArticleKeys) -boundParams $PSBoundParameters $firstEntry = $paramsArticle.GetEnumerator() | Select-Object -First 1 $key = Test-ValidateMapping -strValue ($firstEntry.Key) -mapping (Get-MappingArticleKeys) $value = $firstEntry.Value $sqlFrag = "$key = '$value'" [string]$sql = "SELECT ArtNummer [articleNo] FROM Artikel WHERE $sqlFrag" $rs = $myConn.Execute($sql) $rs = Get-AdoRs -recordset $rs if ($rs) { [string]$result = $rs.fields('articleNo').Value } } End { Get-CurrentVariables -InitialVariables $InitialVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference Return $result } # Test: Get-ArticleId -barcode '4014751021005' -udl 'C:\temp\Eulanda_1 Eulanda.udl' } function Get-ArticlePackingUnit { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string]$barcode , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string]$articleNo , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidateId -id $_ })] [int]$articleId , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [guid]$articleUid , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidateConn -conn $_ })] $conn , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidatePathUDL -path $_ })] [string]$udl , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidateConnStr -connStr $_ })] [string]$connStr ) Begin { Write-Verbose -Message ('Starting: {0}' -f $myInvocation.Mycommand) Test-ValidateSingle -validParams (Get-SingleArticleKeys) @PSBoundParameters Test-ValidateSingle -validParams (Get-SingleConnection) @PSBoundParameters New-Variable -Name 'firstEntry' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'key' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'myConn' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'paramsArticle' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([System.Collections.Hashtable]@{}) New-Variable -Name 'rs' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'sql' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'sqlFrag' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'value' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'result' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([int32]0) $InitialVariables = Get-CurrentVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference } Process { $myConn = Get-Conn -conn $conn -udl $udl -connStr $connStr $paramsArticle = Get-UsedParameters -validParams (Get-SingleArticleKeys) -boundParams $PSBoundParameters $firstEntry = $paramsArticle.GetEnumerator() | Select-Object -First 1 $key = Test-ValidateMapping -strValue ($firstEntry.Key) -mapping (Get-MappingArticleKeys) $value = $firstEntry.Value $sqlFrag = "$key = '$value'" [string]$sql = "SELECT VerpackEH [PackingUnit] FROM Artikel WHERE $sqlFrag" $rs = $myConn.Execute($sql) $rs = Get-AdoRs -recordset $rs if ($rs) { [int]$result = $rs.fields('PackingUnit').Value } } End { Get-CurrentVariables -InitialVariables $InitialVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference Return $result } # Test: Get-ArticlePackingUnit -barcode '4014751021005' -udl 'C:\temp\Eulanda_1 Eulanda.udl' } function Get-ArticleSql { [CmdletBinding()] param( [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidateSelect -strParam $_ })] [string]$select = (Get-DefaultSelectArticle) , [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string[]]$filter , [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidateStringCase $_ })] [string]$strCase = 'none' , [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidateMapping -strValue $_ -mapping (Get-MappingArticleKeys) })] [string]$alias = 'articleNo' , [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$order= $alias , [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [switch]$noIdAlias , [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [ValidateRange(0, [int]::MaxValue)] [Nullable[int]]$limit , [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [switch]$reorder , [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [switch]$revers ) begin { Write-Verbose -Message ('Starting: {0}' -f $myInvocation.Mycommand) $alias = Test-ValidateMapping -strValue $alias -mapping (Get-MappingArticleKeys) $order = Test-ValidateMapping -strValue $order -mapping (Get-MappingArticleKeys) New-Variable -Name 'arrOrder' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string[]]@()) New-Variable -Name 'arrSelect' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([System.Object[]]@()) New-Variable -Name 'fieldList' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'i' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([int32]0) New-Variable -Name 'sqlFilter' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'sqlLimit' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'sqlMaster' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'sqlOrder' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'sqlRevers' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'sqlSelect' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') $InitialVariables = Get-CurrentVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference } process { if ($filter) { [string]$sqlFilter= "WHERE ( RTrim(LTrim(IsNull($alias,''))) <> '') AND $($filter -join(' AND ')) " } else { [string]$sqlFilter= "WHERE ( RTrim(LTrim(IsNull($alias,''))) <> '')" } if ($order) { [string]$sqlOrder = "ORDER BY dummy.$order" } else { [string]$sqlOrder = '' } $sqlSelect = $select if ($sqlSelect -ne '*') { if (! ($SqlSelect.Contains($alias, [System.StringComparison]::InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))) { $sqlSelect = "$alias,$sqlSelect" } if ($order) { [string[]]$arrOrder = $order -split ',' for ($i=0; $i -lt $arrOrder.count-1; $i++) { # Delete ASC and DESC $arrOrder[$i] = $arrOrder[$i].Split(' ')[0] if ($SqlSelect.Contains($arrOrder[$i], [System.StringComparison]::InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { $arrOrder[$i] = '' } } $arrOrder = $arrOrder | Where-Object { $_ -ne "" } $fieldList = $arrOrder -join ',' if ($fieldList) { $sqlSelect = "$fieldlist,$SqlSelect" } } } if (! ($null -eq $limit)) { $sqlLimit = "TOP $limit" } else { $SqlLimit = '' } if ($revers) { $sqlRevers = 'DESC' } else { $sqlRevers = '' } $arrSelect = $sqlSelect -split ',' $arrSelect = $arrSelect | ForEach-Object { $_.Trim() } if ($reorder) { $arrSelect = $arrSelect | Sort-Object } $arrSelect = $arrSelect | ForEach-Object { Convert-StringCase -value $_ -strCase $strcase } $arrSelect = $arrSelect | Get-Unique $sqlSelect = $arrSelect -join ',' if (! ($noIdAlias)) { $sqlSelect = "$alias [ID.ALIAS], $sqlSelect" } [string]$sqlMaster = @" SELECT $sqlSelect FROM ( SELECT $sqlLimit /* KEYS */ Id, ArtNummer, IsNull(Barcode,'') [Barcode], [Uid], /* IDENTIFIER */ IsNull(ArtMatch,'') [ArtMatch], IsNull(ArtNummerErsatz,'') [ArtNummerErsatz], IsNull(ArtNummerHersteller,'') [ArtNummerHersteller], /* GROUPS */ IsNull(RabattGr,'') [RabattGr], IsNull(WarenGr,'') [WarenGr], IsNull(ErloesGr,'') [ErloesGr], VerpackEh, PreisEh, MengenEh, /* CURRENCY */ Waehrung, MwStGr, MwStSatz, EkNetto, IsNull(Ek2Netto,0.0)[Ek2Netto], BruttoFlg, Vk, VkNetto, VkBrutto, /* SHOP */ IsNull(ShopExportDatum,'1900-01-01') [ShopExportDatum], ShopFreigabeFlg, /* FLAGS */ AuslaufFlg, NeuFlg, SonderFlg, LoeschFlg, /* INTRASTAT */ IsNull(Upper(UrsprungsLand),'')[UrsprungsLand], IsNull(UrsprungsRegion,'') [UrsprungsRegion], IsNull(WarenNr,'') [WarenNr], /* DESCRIPTION */ IsNull(Ultrakurztext,'') [UltraKurztext], IsNull(Kurztext1,'') [Kurztext1], IsNull(Kurztext2,'') [Kurztext2], IsNull(Info,'') [Info], IsNull(Langtext,'') [Langtext], /* OTHER */ Gewicht, Volumen, IsNull(Warnung,'') [Warnung], IsNull(Lagerplatz,'') [Lagerplatz], LagerTyp, ChangeDate FROM Artikel $sqlFilter ) Dummy $sqlOrder $sqlRevers "@ } end { Get-CurrentVariables -InitialVariables $InitialVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference Return [string[]]@($sqlMaster) } # Test: Get-ArticleSql -filter "ArtNummer='130100'" } function Get-Bool { [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$boolStr ) begin { Write-Verbose -Message ('Starting: {0}' -f $myInvocation.Mycommand) New-Variable -Name 'result' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([boolean]$false) $InitialVariables = Get-CurrentVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference } process { $boolStr = $boolStr.ToUpper() if (($boolStr -eq "1") -or ($boolStr -eq "$TRUE") -or ($boolStr -eq "TRUE")) { [bool]$result = $true } else { [bool]$result = $false } } end { Get-CurrentVariables -InitialVariables $InitialVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference Return $result } # Test: Get-Bool -boolStr 1 } function Get-BreadcrumbId { param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$breadcrumbPath , [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidateMapping -strValue $_ -mapping (Get-MappingTablename) })] [string]$tablename , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidateConn -conn $_ })] $conn , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidatePathUDL -path $_ })] [string]$udl , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidateConnStr -connStr $_ })] [string]$connStr ) begin { Write-Verbose -Message ('Starting: {0}' -f $myInvocation.Mycommand) # DO NOT use connection validation, because params are optional $tablename = Test-ValidateMapping -strValue $tablename -mapping (Get-MappingTablename) New-Variable -Name 'myConn' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'rs' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'sql' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'result' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([int32]0) $InitialVariables = Get-CurrentVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference } process { [string]$sql = @" -- Format path 'subpath1\subpath2\subpath3' without leading or trailing backslashes DECLARE @BreadcrumbPath VARCHAR(100) = '$breadCrumbPath'; SET @BreadcrumbPath = REPLACE(@BreadcrumbPath, '\\', '') IF LEFT(@BreadcrumbPath, 1) = '\' SET @BreadcrumbPath = SUBSTRING(@BreadcrumbPath, 2, LEN(@BreadcrumbPath) - 1) IF RIGHT(@BreadcrumbPath, 1) = '\' SET @BreadcrumbPath = SUBSTRING(@BreadcrumbPath, 1, LEN(@BreadcrumbPath) - 1) SET @BreadcrumbPath = LTRIM(RTRIM(@BreadcrumbPath)) DECLARE @ParentId INT = NULL; DECLARE @BreadcrumbId INT = NULL; DECLARE @Crumb VARCHAR(1024); SELECT @ParentId=Id From merkmal where tabelle = '$tablename' and merkmaltyp=0 and ParentId is Null WHILE LEN(@BreadcrumbPath) > 0 BEGIN SET @Crumb = LEFT(@BreadcrumbPath, CHARINDEX('\', @BreadcrumbPath + '\') - 1); SET @BreadcrumbPath = SUBSTRING(@BreadcrumbPath, LEN(@Crumb) + 2, 1024); SELECT @ParentId = Id FROM Merkmal WHERE [Name] = @Crumb AND IsNull(ParentId, -1) = IsNull(@ParentId, -1) AND Tabelle = '$tablename'; IF @@ROWCOUNT = 0 SET @ParentId = -1; END; SET @BreadcrumbId = @ParentId; -- Result is: @BreadcrumbId "@ if (($conn) -or ($udl) -or ($connStr)) { $sql = "$sql`r`n SELECT @BreadcrumbId [BreadcrumbId];" $myConn = Get-Conn -conn $conn -udl $udl -connStr $connStr $rs = $myConn.Execute($sql) $rs = Get-AdoRs -recordset $rs if ($rs) { [int]$result = $rs.fields('BreadcrumbId').value } } else { [string]$result = [string]$sql } } End { Get-CurrentVariables -InitialVariables $InitialVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference Return $result } # Test: Get-BreadcrumbId -breadcrumbPath '\Shop' -tablename 'Artikel' -udl 'C:\temp\Eulanda_1 Eulanda.udl' } function Get-BreadcrumbPath { param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [int]$breadcrumbId , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidateConn -conn $_ })] $conn , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidatePathUDL -path $_ })] [string]$udl , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidateConnStr -connStr $_ })] [string]$connStr ) Begin { Write-Verbose -Message ('Starting: {0}' -f $myInvocation.Mycommand) # DO NOT use connection validation, because params are optional New-Variable -Name 'myConn' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'rs' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'sql' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'result' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') $InitialVariables = Get-CurrentVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference } process { [string]$sql = @" DECLARE @BreadcrumbPath varchar(1024); DECLARE @ID int = $breadcrumbId; WITH CTE AS ( SELECT ID, ParentID, Name, CAST(Name AS varchar(1024)) AS Pfad FROM Merkmal WHERE ID = @ID UNION ALL SELECT M.ID, M.ParentID, M.Name, CAST(M.Name + '\' + MK.Pfad AS varchar(1024)) FROM Merkmal AS M JOIN CTE AS MK ON M.ID = MK.ParentID ) SELECT TOP 1 @BreadcrumbPath=Pfad FROM CTE WHERE ParentID IS NULL ORDER BY ID DESC; IF CHARINDEX('\', @BreadcrumbPath) > 0 BEGIN -- Path found, cut the beginning like ':AR@1047' and start with first backslash SET @BreadcrumbPath = SUBSTRING(@BreadcrumbPath, CHARINDEX('\', @BreadcrumbPath), LEN(@BreadcrumbPath)) END ELSE BEGIN IF CHARINDEX(':', @BreadcrumbPath) > 0 BEGIN -- Path is the root SET @BreadcrumbPath = '\' END ELSE BEGIN -- Path or Id not found SET @BreadcrumbPath = '' END; END; -- Result is: @BreadcrumbPath "@ if (($conn) -or ($udl) -or ($connStr)) { $sql = "$sql`r`n SELECT @BreadcrumbPath [BreadcrumbPath];" $myConn = Get-Conn -conn $conn -udl $udl -connStr $connStr $rs = $myConn.Execute($sql) $rs = Get-AdoRs -recordset $rs if ($rs) { [string]$result = $rs.fields('BreadcrumbPath').value } } else { [string]$result = [string]$sql } } end { Get-CurrentVariables -InitialVariables $InitialVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference Return $result } # Test: Get-BreadcrumbPath -breadcrumbId 2280 -udl 'C:\temp\Eulanda_1 Eulanda.udl' } function Get-BroadcastIp { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string]$networkId , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string]$ip , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string]$subnet , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [int]$cidr ) begin { Write-Verbose -Message ('Starting: {0}' -f $myInvocation.Mycommand) New-Variable -Name 'maxHosts' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([int32]0) New-Variable -Name 'result' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') $InitialVariables = Get-CurrentVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference } process { try { if ((! $subnet) -and (! $cidr)) { $subnet = Get-Subnet # get it from localIp } if (! $networkId) { $networkId = Get-NetworkId -ip $ip -subnet $subnet -cidr $cidr } $maxHosts = Get-MaxHosts -subnet $subnet -cidr $cidr $result = Get-NextIp -ip $networkId -inc ($maxHosts + 1) } catch { $result= '' } } end { Get-CurrentVariables -InitialVariables $InitialVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference Return $result } # Test: Get-BroadcastIp -networkId -cidr 30 } function Get-Cidr { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string]$subnet , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string]$ip ) begin { Write-Verbose -Message ('Starting: {0}' -f $myInvocation.Mycommand) New-Variable -Name 'ipObj' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'subnetBitString' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'subnetBytes' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([System.Object[]]@()) New-Variable -Name 'result' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([int32]0) $InitialVariables = Get-CurrentVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference } process { try { if (! $subnet) { if (! $ip) { $ip= Get-LocalIp } $ipObj= [IPAddress]::Parse($ip) $result = (Get-NetIPAddress -AddressFamily IPv4 -IPAddress $ipObj -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).PrefixLength } else { $subnetBytes = $subnet.Split('.') | ForEach-Object { [byte] $_ } $subnetBitString = [Convert]::ToString($subnetBytes[0], 2).PadLeft(8, '0') + ` [Convert]::ToString($subnetBytes[1], 2).PadLeft(8, '0') + ` [Convert]::ToString($subnetBytes[2], 2).PadLeft(8, '0') + ` [Convert]::ToString($subnetBytes[3], 2).PadLeft(8, '0') $result = $subnetBitString.Replace('0','').Length } } catch { $result= 0 } } end { Get-CurrentVariables -InitialVariables $InitialVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference Return $result } # Test: Get-Cidr -subnet } function Get-Conn { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] $conn , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string]$udl , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string]$connStr ) begin { Write-Verbose -Message ('Starting: {0}' -f $myInvocation.Mycommand) Test-ValidateSingle -validParams (Get-SingleConnection) @PSBoundParameters New-Variable -Name 'result' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) $InitialVariables = Get-CurrentVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference } process { if ($conn) { $result = $conn if ($result.state -eq $adStateClosed) { $ } } elseif ($udl) { $result = Get-ConnFromUdl -udl $udl } elseif ($connStr) { $result = Get-ConnFromStr $connStr } else { throw "Neither a ado connection object, or udl filename or an connection string is specified. Function: $($myInvocation.MyCommand)" } } end { Get-CurrentVariables -InitialVariables $InitialVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference Return $result } # Test: Get-Conn -udl 'C:\temp\Eulanda_1 Eulanda.udl' } function Get-ConnItems { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidateConn -conn $_ })] $conn , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidatePathUDL -path $_ })] [string]$udl , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidateConnStr -connStr $_ })] [string]$connStr ) begin { Write-Verbose -Message ('Starting: {0}' -f $myInvocation.Mycommand) Test-ValidateSingle -validParams (Get-SingleConnection) @PSBoundParameters New-Variable -Name 'key' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'myConn' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'param' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'value' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'result' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([System.Collections.Hashtable]@{}) $InitialVariables = Get-CurrentVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference } process { $myConn = Get-Conn -conn $conn -udl $udl -connStr $connStr $params = $myConn.ConnectionString.Split(';') $result = @{} foreach ($param in $params) { $key, $value = $param.Split('=') if (($key) -and ($value)) { $key = $key.trim() $value = $value.trim() $result[$key] = $value } } } end { Get-CurrentVariables -InitialVariables $InitialVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference Return $result } # Test: Get-ConnItems -udl 'C:\temp\Eulanda_1 Eulanda.udl' } function Get-ConnStr { [CmdletBinding()] param( [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$database , [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$server , [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$user , [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$password , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidateConn -conn $_ })] $conn , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidatePathUDL -path $_ })] [string]$udl , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidateConnStr -connStr $_ })] [string]$connStr ) begin { Write-Verbose -Message ('Starting: {0}' -f $myInvocation.Mycommand) Test-ValidateSingle -validParams (Get-SingleConnection) @PSBoundParameters New-Variable -Name 'connItems' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([System.Collections.Hashtable]@{}) New-Variable -Name 'myConn' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'result' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') $InitialVariables = Get-CurrentVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference } process { if (! ($server)) { $myConn = Get-Conn -conn $conn -udl $udl -connStr $connStr $connItems = Get-ConnItems -conn $myConn $server= $connItems['Data Source'] $user= $connItems['User ID'] $password= $connItems['Password'] } if (($user) -and ($password)) { [string]$result = ` "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Data Source=$server;Initial Catalog=$database;" +` "Persist Security Info=True;User ID=$user;Password=$password" } else { [string]$result = "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Data Source=$server;Initial Catalog=$database;Integrated Security=SSPI" } } end { Get-CurrentVariables -InitialVariables $InitialVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference Return $result } # Test: Get-ConnStr -udl 'C:\temp\Eulanda_1 Eulanda.udl' -database MyDatabase } function Get-DataFromSql { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string[]]$sql , [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$arrRoot = 'Items' , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidateConn -conn $_ })] $conn , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidatePathUDL -path $_ })] [string]$udl , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidateConnStr -connStr $_ })] [string]$connStr ) begin { Write-Verbose -Message ('Starting: {0}' -f $myInvocation.Mycommand) Test-ValidateSingle -validParams (Get-SingleConnection) @PSBoundParameters New-Variable -Name 'field' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'i' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([int32]0) New-Variable -Name 'myConn' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'record' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'rs' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'result' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([System.Collections.ArrayList]@()) $InitialVariables = Get-CurrentVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference } process { $myConn = Get-Conn -conn $conn -udl $udl -connStr $connStr $result = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList $rs = $Null $rs = $myConn.Execute($sql[0]) $rs = Get-AdoRs -recordset $rs if ($rs) { while (! $rs.eof) { $record = [ordered]@{} for ($i=0; $i -lt $rs.fields.count; $i++) { $field = $rs.fields[$i] $record.add($, $field.value) | Out-Null } if ($sql.Count -gt 1) { # Detail exists [string]$sqlTemp= $sql[1] if ($sql.Count -gt 2) { # Master / Detail Link exists [string]$sqlLink= $rs.fields[$sql[2]].value.replace("'","''") $sqlTemp = ($sqlTemp -f $sqlLink) } $record.add($arrRoot, (Get-DataFromSql -sql @($sqlTemp) -conn $myConn -udl $udl -connStr $connStr )) | Out-Null } $result.Add($record) | Out-Null $rs.MoveNext() | Out-Null } } } end { Get-CurrentVariables -InitialVariables $InitialVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference Return $result } # Test: Get-DataFromSql -sql @('SELECT TOP 10 ArtNummer, Vk, Kurztext1 FROM Artikel') -udl 'C:\temp\Eulanda_1 Eulanda.udl' } function Get-DeliveryId { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidateNo -no $_ })] [int]$deliveryNo , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidateConn -conn $_ })] $conn , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidatePathUDL -path $_ })] [string]$udl , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidateConnStr -connStr $_ })] [string]$connStr ) begin { Write-Verbose -Message ('Starting: {0}' -f $myInvocation.Mycommand) Test-ValidateSingle -validParams (Get-SingleConnection) @PSBoundParameters New-Variable -Name 'myConn' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'rs' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'sql' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'result' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([int32]0) $InitialVariables = Get-CurrentVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference } process { $myConn = Get-Conn -conn $conn -udl $udl -connStr $connStr [string]$sql = "SELECT Id [DeliveryId] FROM Lieferschein WHERE KopfNummer = $deliveryNo" $rs = $myConn.Execute($sql) if ($rs) { if (! $rs.eof) { [int]$result = $rs.fields('DeliveryId').value } } } end { Get-CurrentVariables -InitialVariables $InitialVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference Return $result } # Test: Get-DeliveryId -udl 'C:\temp\Eulanda_1 Eulanda.udl' -deliveryNo 20230342 } function Get-DeliveryLink { [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidateId -id $_ })] [int]$deliveryId , [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidateNo -no $_ })] [int]$deliveryNo , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string]$alias = 'lf' ) begin { Write-Verbose -Message ('Starting: {0}' -f $myInvocation.Mycommand) Test-ValidateSingle -validParams (Get-SingleDeliveryKeys) @PSBoundParameters New-Variable -Name 'result' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') $InitialVariables = Get-CurrentVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference } process { if ($alias) { $alias = "$alias." } if ($deliveryId) { [string]$result = "$($alias)Id = $deliveryId" } else { [string]$result = "$($alias)KopfNummer = $deliveryNo" } } end { Get-CurrentVariables -InitialVariables $InitialVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference Return $result } # Test: Get-DeliveryLink -deliveryId 28096 -alias lf } function Get-DeliveryNo { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidateId -id $_ })] [int]$deliveryId , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidateConn -conn $_ })] $conn , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidatePathUDL -path $_ })] [string]$udl , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidateConnStr -connStr $_ })] [string]$connStr ) begin { Write-Verbose -Message ('Starting: {0}' -f $myInvocation.Mycommand) Test-ValidateSingle -validParams (Get-SingleConnection) @PSBoundParameters New-Variable -Name 'myConn' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'rs' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'sql' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'result' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([int32]0) $InitialVariables = Get-CurrentVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference } process { $myConn = Get-Conn -conn $conn -udl $udl -connStr $connStr $sql = "SELECT KopfNummer [DeliveryNo] FROM Lieferschein WHERE Id = $deliveryId" $rs = $myConn.Execute($sql) if ($rs) { if (! $rs.eof) { [int]$result = $rs.fields('DeliveryNo').value } } } end { Get-CurrentVariables -InitialVariables $InitialVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference Return $result } # Test: Get-DeliveryNo -deliveryId 28096 -udl 'C:\temp\Eulanda_1 Eulanda.udl' } function Get-DeliveryQty { [CmdletBinding()] param( [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidateId -id $_ })] [int]$deliveryId , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidateNo -no $_ })] [int]$deliveryNo , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidateConn -conn $_ })] $conn , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidatePathUDL -path $_ })] [string]$udl , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidateConnStr -connStr $_ })] [string]$connStr ) begin { Write-Verbose -Message ('Starting: {0}' -f $myInvocation.Mycommand) Test-ValidateSingle -validParams (Get-SingleDeliveryKeys) @PSBoundParameters Test-ValidateSingle -validParams (Get-SingleConnection) @PSBoundParameters New-Variable -Name 'article' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'myConn' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'quantity' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([single]0.0) New-Variable -Name 'rs' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'sql' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'result' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([System.Collections.Hashtable]@{}) $InitialVariables = Get-CurrentVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference } process { $myConn = Get-Conn -conn $conn -udl $udl -connStr $connStr [string]$article = "" [float]$quantity = 0.0 if (! $deliveryNo) { $deliveryNo = Get-DeliveryNo -deliveryId $deliveryId -conn $myConn } # The barcode is being misused here as an article no. [string]$sql = @" SELECT Art.Barcode [Article], lfp.Menge [Quantity] FROM LieferscheinPos [lfp] JOIN Lieferschein [lf] ON lfp.KopfId = JOIN Artikel [art] ON art.Id = lfp.ArtikelId WHERE lf.KopfNummer = $deliveryNo ORDER BY lfp.PosNummer "@ $rs = new-object -comObject ADODB.Recordset $rs.CursorLocation = $adUseClient $rs.Open($sql, $myConn, $adOpenKeyset, $adLockOptimistic, $adCmdText) if ($rs.eof) { throw "The delivery note '$deliveryNo' does not exist in EULANDA-ERP system. " +` "EULANDA DeliveryNo: $deliveryNo" } while (! $rs.eof) { [string]$article = $rs.fields('Article').value [float]$quantity = $rs.fields('Quantity').value # Under certain circumstances, the delivery note may contain the same article several times if (! $result.ContainsKey($article)) { $result.Add($article, $quantity) | Out-Null } else { $result.Item($article) += $quantity } $rs.MoveNext() | Out-Null } } end { Get-CurrentVariables -InitialVariables $InitialVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference Return $result } # Test: Get-DeliveryQty -deliveryId 28096 -udl 'C:\temp\Eulanda_1 Eulanda.udl' } function Get-DeliverySql { [CmdletBinding()] param( [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidateId -id $_ })] [int]$deliveryId , [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidateNo -no $_ })] [int]$deliveryNo ) begin { Write-Verbose -Message ('Starting: {0}' -f $myInvocation.Mycommand) Test-ValidateSingle -validParams (Get-SingleDeliveryKeys) @PSBoundParameters New-Variable -Name 'paramsDelivery' -Scope 'Private' -Value (@{}) New-Variable -Name 'sqlDetail' -Scope 'Private' -Value ('') New-Variable -Name 'sqlMaster' -Scope 'Private' -Value ('') New-Variable -Name 'result' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string[]]@()) $InitialVariables = Get-CurrentVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference } process { $paramsDelivery = Get-UsedParameters -validParams (Get-SingleDeliveryKeys) -boundParams $PSBoundParameters [string]$sqlMaster = @" SELECT lf.KopfNummer [Id.Alias], dbo.cnf_LfDruckAnschrift(lf.Id) [Anschrift], lf.AdresseID, lf.AnzahlPakete, af.KopfNummer [AuftragNummer], af.Datum [AuftragDatum], af.Id [AuftragId], af.KopfNummer [AuftragNummer], lf.BearbeitetDurch, af.BestellNummer, af.BestelltDurch, lf.Datum, lf.DruckName1, lf.DruckName2, lf.DruckName3, af.ShopLEMail [EMail], af.FibuKonto, lf.Gewicht, lf.GewichtSum, lf.ID, lf.ILN, lf.Info, dbo.cnf_LandNachISO(lf.Land) [Land], lf.LieferBed, lf.KopfNummer [LieferscheinNummer], lf.Name1, lf.Name2, lf.Name3, lf.NameLang, lf.Nachtext, lf.Objekt, lf.Ort, lf.OrtLang, lf.PLZ, lf.Provinz, lf.SpedAuftragNr, lf.Strasse, af.ShopLTel [Tel], lf.TrackingNr, lf.UstId, lf.UserD1, lf.UserD2, lf.UserI1, lf.UserI2, lf.UserI3, lf.UserN1, lf.UserN2, lf.UserN3, lf.UserVC1, lf.UserVC2, lf.UserVC3, lf.VersandartName, lf.Vortext, lf.Zahlungsart FROM PRINT_Lieferschein [lf] JOIN Adresse [adr] ON adr.Id = lf.AdresseId JOIN Auftrag [af] ON af.Id = lf.Af_Id WHERE $(Get-DeliveryLink @paramsDelivery) "@ [string]$sqlDetail = @" SELECT lfp.PosNummer [ID.ALIAS], -- special case, because it is sorted later by index 1 art.ArtMatch, art.ArtNummer, art.Barcode, lfp.ErweitertePos, lfp.Gewicht, lfp.GewichtGes, lfp.ID, lfp.Info, CAST(((lfp.Menge + lfp.VerpackEH -1 ) / lfp.VerpackEH) AS int) [Kartons], (lfp.Menge / lfp.VerpackEH) [KartonsBerechnet], lfp.Kurztext1, lfp.Kurztext2, lfp.Langtext [Langtext], lfp.Menge, lfp.MengenEh, lfp.PosNummer, art.RabattGr, lfp.Ultrakurztext, lfp.uid, art.UrsprungsLand, lfp.UserD1, lfp.UserD2, lfp.UserI1, lfp.UserI2, lfp.UserI3, lfp.UserN1, lfp.UserN2, lfp.UserN3, lfp.UserVC1, lfp.UserVC2, lfp.UserVC3, lfp.VerpackEh, art.WarenGr, art.WarenNr FROM Master_LieferscheinPos [lfp] JOIN Lieferschein [lf] ON lf.Id = lfp.KopfId JOIN Artikel [art] ON art.Id = lfp.ArtikelId WHERE $(Get-DeliveryLink @paramsDelivery -alias 'lf') "@ $result = [string[]]@($sqlMaster,$sqlDetail) } end { Get-CurrentVariables -InitialVariables $InitialVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference Return $result } # Test: Get-DeliverySql -deliveryId 28096 -debug } function Get-DeliveryStatus { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidateId -id $_ })] [int]$deliveryId , [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidateNo -no $_ })] [int]$deliveryNo , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidateConn -conn $_ })] $conn , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidatePathUDL -path $_ })] [string]$udl , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidateConnStr -connStr $_ })] [string]$connStr ) begin { Write-Verbose -Message ('Starting: {0}' -f $myInvocation.Mycommand) Test-ValidateSingle -validParams (Get-SingleDeliveryKeys) @PSBoundParameters Test-ValidateSingle -validParams (Get-SingleConnection) @PSBoundParameters New-Variable -Name 'myConn' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'rs' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'sql' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'sqlFrag' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'result' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([int32]0) $InitialVariables = Get-CurrentVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference } process { $myConn = Get-Conn -conn $conn -udl $udl -connStr $connStr if ($deliveryId) { [string]$sqlFrag = "Id = $deliveryId" } else { [string]$sqlFrag = "KopfNummer = $deliveryNo" } [string]$sql = "SELECT Status FROM Lieferschein WHERE $sqlFrag" $rs = $Null $rs = $myConn.Execute($sql) if ($rs) { if (! $rs.eof) { [int]$result = $rs.fields('Status').value } else { $rs = $null } } if (! $rs) { throw "The delivery note cannot be loaded! Sql: $sql" } } end { Get-CurrentVariables -InitialVariables $InitialVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference Return $result } # Test: Get-DeliveryStatus -deliveryId 28096 -udl 'C:\temp\Eulanda_1 Eulanda.udl' } function Get-DesktopDir { [CmdletBinding()] param() begin { Write-Verbose -Message ('Starting: {0}' -f $myInvocation.Mycommand) New-Variable -Name 'result' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') $InitialVariables = Get-CurrentVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference } process { [string]$result = [Environment]::GetFolderPath("Desktop") } end { Get-CurrentVariables -InitialVariables $InitialVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference Return $result } # Test: Get-DesktopDir } function Get-DmsFolderDelivery { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$dmsBaseFolder , [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidateId -id $_ })] [int]$deliveryId , [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidateNo -no $_ })] [int]$deliveryNo , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidateConn -conn $_ })] $conn , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidatePathUDL -path $_ })] [string]$udl , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidateConnStr -connStr $_ })] [string]$connStr ) begin { Write-Verbose -Message ('Starting: {0}' -f $myInvocation.Mycommand) Test-ValidateSingle -validParams (Get-SingleDeliveryKeys) @PSBoundParameters Test-ValidateSingle -validParams (Get-SingleConnection) @PSBoundParameters New-Variable -Name 'match' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'myConn' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'rs' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'sql' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'sqlFrag' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'result' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') $InitialVariables = Get-CurrentVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference } process { $myConn = Get-Conn -conn $conn -udl $udl -connStr $connStr if ($deliveryNo) { [string]$sqlFrag = "lf.KopfNummer = $deliveryNo" } else { [string]$sqlFrag = "lf.Id = $deliveryId" } [string]$match = "" [int]$deliveryNo = 0 [string]$sql = "SELECT ladr.Match [Match], lf.KopfNummer [DeliveryNo] FROM Lieferschein [lf] `r`n" +` "JOIN Adresse [ladr] ON lf.AdresseId = ladr.Id AND $sqlFrag" $rs = $Null $rs = $myConn.Execute($sql) if ($rs) { if (! $rs.eof) { $match = $rs.fields('Match').value $deliveryNo = $rs.fields('DeliveryNo').value } } else { throw "Delivery note could not be found for condition '$sqlFrag'. Function: $($myInvocation.MyCommand)" } [string]$result = "$dmsBaseFolder\Adresse\$match\Lieferschein\$deliveryNo" } end { Get-CurrentVariables -InitialVariables $InitialVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference Return $result } # Test: Get-DmsFolderDelivery -dmsBaseFolder 'C:\dms' -deliveryId 28096 -udl 'C:\temp\Eulanda_1 Eulanda.udl' -debug } function Get-DmsFolderSalesOrder { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$dmsBaseFolder , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidateNo -no $_ })] [int]$salesOrderNo , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidateId -id $_ })] [int]$salesOrderId , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidateNo -no $_ })] [int]$customerOrderNo , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidateConn -conn $_ })] $conn , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidatePathUDL -path $_ })] [string]$udl , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidateConnStr -connStr $_ })] [string]$connStr ) begin { Write-Verbose -Message ('Starting: {0}' -f $myInvocation.Mycommand) Test-ValidateSingle -validParams (Get-SingleSalesOrderKeys) @PSBoundParameters Test-ValidateSingle -validParams (Get-SingleConnection) @PSBoundParameters New-Variable -Name 'condition' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'match' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'myConn' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'rs' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'sql' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'result' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') $InitialVariables = Get-CurrentVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference } process { $myConn = Get-Conn -conn $conn -udl $udl -connStr $connStr if ($salesOrderId) { [string]$condition = "so.Id = $salesOrderId" } elseif ($salesOrderNo) { [string]$condition = "so.KopfNummer = $salesOrderNo" } elseif ($customerOrderNo) { [string]$condition = "so.Bestellnummer = '$customerOrderNo'" } else { throw "Sales order could not be found because of missing parameter. Function: $($myInvocation.MyCommand)" } [string]$sql = "SELECT radr.Match [Match], so.KopfNummer [SalesOrderNo] FROM Auftrag [so] `r`n" +` "JOIN Adresse [radr] ON so.AdresseId = radr.Id AND $condition" $rs = $myConn.Execute($sql) if ($rs) { if (! $rs.eof) { $match = $rs.fields('Match').value $salesOrderNo = $rs.fields('SalesOrderNo').value } } else { throw "Sales Order could not be found for condition '$condition'. Function: $($myInvocation.MyCommand)" } [string]$result = "$dmsBaseFolder\Adresse\$match\Auftrag\$salesOrderNo" } end { Get-CurrentVariables -InitialVariables $InitialVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference Return $result } # Test: Get-DmsFolderSalesOrder -dmsBaseFolder 'C:\dms' -salesOrderNo 20230348 -udl 'C:\temp\Eulanda_1 Eulanda.udl' } function Get-FieldTruncated { [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $rs , [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$fieldName , [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateRange("Positive")] [int]$maxLen ) begin { Write-Verbose -Message ('Starting: {0}' -f $myInvocation.Mycommand) New-Variable -Name 'result' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') $InitialVariables = Get-CurrentVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference } process { [string]$result = $rs.fields($fieldName).Value $result = $result.Trim() $result = $result.Substring(0, [System.Math]::Min($maxLen, $result.Length)) $result = $result.Trim() } end { Get-CurrentVariables -InitialVariables $InitialVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference Return $result } # Test: Get-FieldTruncated -rs (Get-Conn -udl 'C:\temp\Eulanda_1 Eulanda.udl').Execute('SELECT top 1 Kurztext1 FROM Artikel WHERE LEN(Kurztext1) = (SELECT MAX(LEN(Kurztext1)) FROM Artikel)') -fieldname 'Kurztext1' -maxLen 20 } function Get-Filename { [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateScript({ switch ($PSItem[-1]) { '.' {Throw 'A valid filepath cannot end with a period.'} '\' {Throw 'A valid filepath cannot end with a backslash.'} {$PSItem -match '\s'} {Throw 'A valid filepath cannot end with a blank character.'} Default {$true} } })] [string]$path ) begin { Write-Verbose -Message ('Starting: {0}' -f $myInvocation.Mycommand) New-Variable -Name 'result' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') $InitialVariables = Get-CurrentVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference } process { $result = [string](Split-Path -Path $path -Leaf) } end { Get-CurrentVariables -InitialVariables $InitialVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference Return $result } # Test: Get-Filename -path 'C:\temp\test.txt' } function Get-FirstIp { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string]$networkId , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string]$ip , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string]$subnet , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [int]$cidr ) begin { Write-Verbose -Message ('Starting: {0}' -f $myInvocation.Mycommand) New-Variable -Name 'result' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') $InitialVariables = Get-CurrentVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference } process { try { if ((! $subnet) -and (! $Cidr)) { $subnet = Get-Subnet # get it from loacalIp } if (! $networkId) { $networkId = Get-NetworkId -ip $ip -subnet $subnet -cidr $cidr } $result = Get-NextIp -ip $networkId } catch { $result= '' } } end { Get-CurrentVariables -InitialVariables $InitialVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference Return $result } # Test: Get-FirstIp -cidr 30 -ip '' } function Get-GatewayIp { [CmdletBinding()] param() begin { Write-Verbose -Message ('Starting: {0}' -f $myInvocation.Mycommand) New-Variable -Name 'result' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') $InitialVariables = Get-CurrentVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference } process { try { $result= (Get-NetRoute -DestinationPrefix '' ` -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | ` Sort-Object -Property RouteMetric | ` Select-Object -First 1).NextHop } catch { $result='' } } end { Get-CurrentVariables -InitialVariables $InitialVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference Return $result } # Test: Get-GatewayIp } function Get-Hostname { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string]$ip ) begin { Write-Verbose -Message ('Starting: {0}' -f $myInvocation.Mycommand) New-Variable -Name 'result' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') $InitialVariables = Get-CurrentVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference } process { try { if (! $ip) { $ip= Get-LocalIp } $result= [System.Net.Dns]::GetHostByAddress($ip).Hostname } catch { $result= '' } } end { Get-CurrentVariables -InitialVariables $InitialVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference Return $result } # Test: Get-Hostname } function Get-HtmlEncoded { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string]$taggedString ) begin { Write-Verbose -Message ('Starting: {0}' -f $myInvocation.Mycommand) New-Variable -Name 'result' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') $InitialVariables = Get-CurrentVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference } process { $result = $taggedString $result = $result.replace('\r', '') $result = $result.replace('\n', '{br/}') # Replace <br> and <strong> tags with placeholders $result = $result -replace "`r", '' $result = $result -replace "`n", '{br/}' $result = $result -replace '<br>', '{br/}' $result = $result -replace '<br/>', '{br/}' $result = $result -replace '<br />', '{br/}' $result = $result -replace '<strong>', '{strong}' $result = $result -replace '</strong>', '{/strong}' $result = $result -replace '<b>', '{b}' $result = $result -replace '</b>', '{/b}' $result = $result -replace '<i>', '{i}' $result = $result -replace '</i>', '{/i}' $result = $result -replace '<h1>', '{h1}' $result = $result -replace '</h1>', '{/h1}' $result = $result -replace '<h2>', '{h2}' $result = $result -replace '</h2>', '{/h2}' $result = $result -replace '<h3>', '{h3}' $result = $result -replace '</h3>', '{/h3}' $result = $result -replace '<p>', '{p}' $result = $result -replace '</p>', '{/p}' $result = $result -replace '<pre>', '{pre}' $result = $result -replace '</pre>', '{/pre}' $result = $result -replace '<ul>', '{ul}' $result = $result -replace '</ul>', '{/ul}' $result = $result -replace '<ol>', '{ol}' $result = $result -replace '</ol>', '{/ol}' $result = $result -replace '<li>', '{li}' $result = $result -replace '</li>', '{/li}' # Encode the string [string]$result = [System.Web.HttpUtility]::HtmlEncode($result) # Replace the placeholders with the original tags $result = $result -replace '{br/}', '<br/>' $result = $result -replace '{strong}', '<strong>' $result = $result -replace '{/strong}', '</strong>' $result = $result -replace '{b}', '<b>' $result = $result -replace '{/b}', '</b>' $result = $result -replace '{i}', '<i>' $result = $result -replace '{/i}', '</i>' $result = $result -replace '{h1}', '<h1>' $result = $result -replace '{/h1}', '</h1>' $result = $result -replace '{h2}', '<h2>' $result = $result -replace '{/h2}', '</h2>' $result = $result -replace '{h3}', '<h3>' $result = $result -replace '{/h3}', '</h3>' $result = $result -replace '{p}', '<p>' $result = $result -replace '{/p}', '</p>' $result = $result -replace '{pre}', '<pre>' $result = $result -replace '{/pre}', '</pre>' $result = $result -replace '{ul}', '<ul>' $result = $result -replace '{/ul}', '</ul>' $result = $result -replace '{ol}', '<ol>' $result = $result -replace '{/ol}', '</ol>' $result = $result -replace '{li}', '<li>' $result = $result -replace '{/li}', '</li>' } end { Get-CurrentVariables -InitialVariables $InitialVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference Return $result } # Test: Get-HtmlEncoded -taggedString 'This is <b>bold</b> and this > > not' } function Get-HtmlMetaData { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string]$description ) begin { Write-Verbose -Message ('Starting: {0}' -f $myInvocation.Mycommand) New-Variable -Name 'result' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([System.Collections.Hashtable]@{}) $InitialVariables = Get-CurrentVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference } process { [hashtable]$result = @{ author="EULANDA Software GmbH - ERP-Systems - Germany" generator="Powershell $($PsVersiontable.GitCommitId) by function ConvertTo-Html" keywords="eulanda, erp, powershell, convertto-html, html" viewport="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" } if ($description) { $result.Add('description', $description) | Out-Null } } end { Get-CurrentVariables -InitialVariables $InitialVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference Return $result } # Test: Get-HtmlMetaData -description 'My meta description' } function Get-HtmlStyle { [CmdletBinding()] param() begin { Write-Verbose -Message ('Starting: {0}' -f $myInvocation.Mycommand) New-Variable -Name 'result' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') $InitialVariables = Get-CurrentVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference } process { [string]$result = @" <style> html { margin: 0 auto; max-width: 800px; } body { font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; } h1 { font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; color: #e68a00; font-size: 28px; } h2 { font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; color: #000099; font-size: 16px; } h3 { font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 16px; } table { font-size: 12px; border: 0px; width: 600px; height: auto; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; } td { padding: 4px; margin: 0px; border: 0; vertical-align: top; } th { background: #395870; background: linear-gradient(#49708f, #293f50); color: #fff; font-size: 11px; text-transform: uppercase; padding: 10px 15px; vertical-align: middle; } tbody tr:nth-child(even) { background-color: #f0f0f2; } #CreationDate { font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; color: #ff3300; font-size: 12px; } .StatusAttention { color: #ff0000; } .StatusNormal { color: #008000; } </style> "@ } end { Get-CurrentVariables -InitialVariables $InitialVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference Return $result } # Test: Get-HtmlStyle } function Get-IniBool { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$section , [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$variable ) begin { Write-Verbose -Message ('Starting: {0}' -f $myInvocation.Mycommand) New-Variable -Name 'result' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([boolean]$false) $InitialVariables = Get-CurrentVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference } process { if (test-path variable:global:ini) { [string]$test = $global:ini[$section][$variable] $result = Get-Bool -boolStr $test } else { $result = $false } } end { Get-CurrentVariables -InitialVariables $InitialVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference Return $result } # Test: Get-IniBool -section 'Settings' -variable 'Name' } function Get-LastIp { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string]$networkId , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string]$ip , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string]$subnet , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [int]$cidr ) begin { Write-Verbose -Message ('Starting: {0}' -f $myInvocation.Mycommand) New-Variable -Name 'maxHosts' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([int32]0) New-Variable -Name 'result' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') $InitialVariables = Get-CurrentVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference } process { try { if ((! $subnet) -and (! $Cidr)) { $subnet = Get-Subnet # get it from localIp } if (! $networkId) { $networkId = Get-NetworkId -ip $ip -subnet $subnet -cidr $cidr } $maxHosts = Get-MaxHosts -subnet $subnet -cidr $cidr $result = Get-NextIp -ip $networkId -inc ($maxHosts) } catch { $result= '' } } end { Get-CurrentVariables -InitialVariables $InitialVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference Return $result } # Test: Get-LastIp -networkId -cidr 30 } function Get-LocalIp { [CmdletBinding()] param() begin { Write-Verbose -Message ('Starting: {0}' -f $myInvocation.Mycommand) New-Variable -Name 'gatewayIp' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'gatewayIpObj' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'ip' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'ipObj' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'localIps' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string[]]@()) New-Variable -Name 'subnetMask' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'subnetMaskObj' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'result' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') $InitialVariables = Get-CurrentVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference } process { try { $gatewayIp= Get-GatewayIp $gatewayIpObj= [IPAddress]::Parse($gatewayIp) [string[]]$localIps= (Get-NetIPAddress -AddressFamily IPV4 -PrefixOrigin DHCP,MANUAL).IpAddress foreach ($ip in $localIps) { $ipObj = [IPAddress]::Parse($ip) $subnetMask = Get-Subnet -localIp $ip $subnetMaskObj = [IPAddress]::Parse($subnetMask) if (($ipObj.Address -band $subnetMaskObj.Address) -eq ($gatewayIpObj.Address -band $subnetMaskObj.Address)) { $result = $ip break } } } catch { $result= '' } } end { Get-CurrentVariables -InitialVariables $InitialVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference Return $result } # Test: Get-LocalIp } function Get-LogName { [CmdletBinding()] param( [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$ident , [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$dateMask = "yyyy-MM-dd--HH-mm-ss-fff" ) begin { Write-Verbose -Message ('Starting: {0}' -f $myInvocation.Mycommand) New-Variable -Name 'datePart' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'result' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') $InitialVariables = Get-CurrentVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference } process { if (! $ident) {$ident = 'DEF'} [string]$datePart = Get-Date -date $ecStartTime -format $dateMask [string]$result = "LOG-$ident-$datePart.txt" } end { Get-CurrentVariables -InitialVariables $InitialVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference Return $result } # Test: Get-LogName -ident 'STANDARD' } function Get-LoremIpsum { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [int]$minParagraphs = 1 , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [int]$maxParagraphs = 5 ) begin { Write-Verbose -Message ('Starting: {0}' -f $myInvocation.Mycommand) New-Variable -Name 'i' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([int32]0) New-Variable -Name 'numParagraphs' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([int32]0) New-Variable -Name 'paragraph' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'paragraphs' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'result' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') $initialVariables = Get-CurrentVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference } process { $numParagraphs = Get-Random -Minimum $minParagraphs -Maximum $maxParagraphs $paragraphs = @() for ($i = 1; $i -le $numParagraphs; $i++) { $paragraph = "$(Get-RandomParagraph)" if (! $paragraphs) { $paragraphs = $paragraph } else { $paragraphs += "`r`n$paragraph" } } $result = $paragraphs.TrimEnd() } end { Get-CurrentVariables -initialVariables $initialVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference Return $result } # Test: Get-LoremIpsum -minParagraphs 2 } function Get-MaxHosts { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string]$subnet , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [int]$cidr ) begin { Write-Verbose -Message ('Starting: {0}' -f $myInvocation.Mycommand) New-Variable -Name 'result' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([int32]0) $InitialVariables = Get-CurrentVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference } process { if ((! $subnet) -and (! $cidr)) { $subnet= Get-Subnet # get it from localIp } try { if (! $cidr) { $cidr = Get-Cidr -subnet $subnet } [int]$result = [math]::Pow(2,(32-$cidr)) - 2 } catch { [int]$result = 0 } } end { Get-CurrentVariables -InitialVariables $InitialVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference Return $result } # Test: Get-MaxHosts -cidr 30 } function Get-ModulePath { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string]$module = 'EulandaConnect' ) begin { Write-Verbose -Message ('Starting: {0}' -f $myInvocation.Mycommand) New-Variable -Name 'result' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') $InitialVariables = Get-CurrentVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference } process { $result = ((Get-Module -Name $module).ModuleBase) } end { Get-CurrentVariables -InitialVariables $InitialVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference Return $result } # Test: Get-ModulePath } function Get-MssqlInstances { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [switch]$show ) begin { Write-Verbose -Message ('Starting: {0}' -f $myInvocation.Mycommand) New-Variable -Name 'backupPath' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'tempFilesObj' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'tcpIp' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([int32]0) New-Variable -Name 'sqlService' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'sqlServerRule' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([boolean]$false) New-Variable -Name 'sqlBrowserRule' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([boolean]$false) New-Variable -Name 'sharedMemory' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([int32]0) New-Variable -Name 'regKeyCombi' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'regKey' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'pipeName' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'patchLevel' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'namedPipes' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([int32]0) New-Variable -Name 'mdfFiles' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([System.Object[]]@()) New-Variable -Name 'mdfFilePath' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'tempObj' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'mdfFileInfo' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'ldfFileInfo' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'binnPath' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'browserService' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'collation' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'combi' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'databaseLastModified' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'databaseName' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'mdfFile' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'version' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'dataPath' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'filesResult' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([System.Collections.ArrayList]@()) New-Variable -Name 'firewallChecked' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([boolean]$false) New-Variable -Name 'instance' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'item' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'databaseSize' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([double]0.0) New-Variable -Name 'result' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([System.Collections.ArrayList]@()) $InitialVariables = Get-CurrentVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference } process { $regKey = "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\Instance Names\SQL" $result = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList try { foreach ($instance in (Get-Item -Path $regKey | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Property)) { $regKey = "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\$instance\MSSQLServer\CurrentVersion" $version = (Get-ItemProperty -Path $regKey).CurrentVersion $regKeyCombi = "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\Instance Names\SQL" $combi = (Get-ItemProperty -Path $regKeyCombi).$instance $regKeyCombi = "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\$combi\MSSQLServer" $backupPath = (Get-ItemProperty -Path $regKeyCombi).BackupDirectory $regKeyCombi = "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\$combi\Setup" $binnPath = (Get-ItemProperty -Path $regKeyCombi).SQLBinRoot $collation = (Get-ItemProperty -Path $regKeyCombi).Collation $patchLevel = (Get-ItemProperty -Path $regKeyCombi).PatchLevel $dataPath = "$((Get-ItemProperty -Path $regKeyCombi).SQLDataRoot)\DATA" $regKeyCombi = "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\$combi\MSSQLServer\SuperSocketNetLib\Tcp" $tcpIp = (Get-ItemProperty -Path $regKeyCombi).Enabled $regKeyCombi = "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\$combi\MSSQLServer\SuperSocketNetLib\Sm" $sharedMemory = (Get-ItemProperty -Path $regKeyCombi).Enabled $regKeyCombi = "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\$combi\MSSQLServer\SuperSocketNetLib\Np" $namedPipes = (Get-ItemProperty -Path $regKeyCombi).Enabled $pipeName = (Get-ItemProperty -Path $regKeyCombi).PipeName $sqlService = Get-Service -Name "MSSQL`$${instance}" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Status $browserService = Get-Service -Name "SQLBrowser" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Status [bool]$firewallChecked = $false [bool]$sqlBrowserRule= $false [bool]$sqlServerRule= $false try { $firewallBrowser= Get-NetFirewallPortFilter -ErrorAction Stop | Where-Object LocalPort -eq 1434 | Get-NetFirewallRule -ErrorAction Stop | Where-Object Enabled -eq True | Where-Object Direction -eq Inbound if ($firewallBrowser) { [bool]$sqlBrowserRule= $true } # No Exception, so it was checked [bool]$firewallChecked = $true } catch [Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.CimException] { } try { $firewallSqlServer = Get-NetFirewallApplicationFilter -ErrorAction Stop | Where-Object Program -match "$($binnPath.Replace('\','\\'))\\sqlservr.exe" | Get-NetFirewallRule -ErrorAction Stop if ($firewallSqlServer) { [bool]$sqlServerRule= $true } # No Exception, so it was checked [bool]$firewallChecked = $true } catch [Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.CimException] { } $mdfFiles = Get-ChildItem -Path "$dataPath\*.mdf" -Name | Sort-Object $filesResult = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList foreach ($mdfFile in $mdfFiles) { $databaseName = [System.IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($mdfFile) $ldfFile = Get-ChildItem -Path "$dataPath\$databaseName*.ldf" -Name | Select-Object -First 1 if ($ldfFile) { $mdfFilePath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($dataPath, $mdfFile) $mdfFileInfo = New-Object System.IO.FileInfo ([System.IO.Path]::Combine($dataPath, $mdfFile)) $ldfFileInfo = New-Object System.IO.FileInfo ([System.IO.Path]::Combine($dataPath, $ldfFile)) $databaseSize = [math]::Round(($mdfFileInfo.Length + $ldfFileInfo.Length) / 1MB, 2) $databaseLastModified = [System.IO.File]::GetLastWriteTime($mdfFilePath).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") $tempFilesObj = [PSCustomObject]@{ MdfFile = [string]$mdfFile LdfFile = [string]$ldfFile MdfSize = [double]$mdfFileInfo.Length / 1MB LdfSize = [double]$ldfFileInfo.Length / 1MB TotalSize = [double]$databaseSize LastModified = [string]$databaseLastModified } $filesResult.Add($tempFilesObj) | Out-Null } } $tempObj = [PSCustomObject]@{ Instance = [string]$instance Version = [version]$version PatchLevel = [version]$patchLevel Collation = [string]$collation BinnPath = [string]$binnPath DataPath = [string]$dataPath BackupPath = [string]$BackupPath SqlService = [string]$sqlService BrowserService = [string]$browserService TcpIp = [boolean]$tcpIp SharedMemory = [boolean]$sharedMemory NamedPipes = [boolean]$namedPipes PipeName = [string]$pipeName FirewallChecked = [bool]$firewallChecked SqlBrowserRule = [bool]$sqlBrowserRule SqlServerRule = [bool]$sqlServerRule Files = [PSCustomObject]$filesResult } $result.Add($tempObj) | Out-Null } if ($show) { foreach ($item in $result) { Write-Host "SERVER SETTINGS FOR: [ $($item.Instance) ]" -ForegroundColor Yellow $item | Select-Object -Property Instance, Version, PatchLevel, Collation, BinnPath, DataPath, BackupPath, SqlService, BrowserService, NamedPipes, TcpIp, SharedMemory, FirewallChecked, SqlBrowserRule, SqlServerRule | Format-List | Out-Host Write-Host "DATABASE FILES FOR: [ $($item.Instance) ]" -ForegroundColor Blue Write-Host "Sizes are shown in MB" -ForegroundColor Blue $item.Files | Format-List | Out-Host } If (-NOT ([Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal][Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()).IsInRole([Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole] "Administrator")) { Write-Host "Firewall rules was not to check, this requires administrator privileges. For this reason FirewallValid=False." -ForegroundColor Red } } } catch { if ($show) { Write-Host "$_" -ForegroundColor Red } } } end { Get-CurrentVariables -InitialVariables $InitialVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference Return $result } # Test: Get-MssqlInstances -show } function Get-MultipleOptions { [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$values , [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string[]]$list ) begin { Write-Verbose -Message ('Starting: {0}' -f $myInvocation.Mycommand) New-Variable -Name 'i' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([int32]0) New-Variable -Name 'idx' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([int32]0) New-Variable -Name 'item' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'newValues' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'value' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'valuesArray' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string[]]@()) New-Variable -Name 'result' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') $InitialVariables = Get-CurrentVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference } process { [string]$newValues = '' if ($values) { [string[]]$valuesArray = $values.Split(',') foreach ($value in $valuesArray) { [int]$idx = $list.ToUpper().IndexOf($value.ToUpper()) if ($idx -eq -1 ) { [string]$item = $list[0] } else { [string]$item = $list[$idx] } if ($newValues) { $i = $newValues.ToUpper().IndexOf($item.ToUpper()) if ($i -eq -1) { [string]$newValues += (',' + $item) } } else { [string]$newValues = $Item } } $result = $newValues } else { [string]$result = $list[0] } } end { Get-CurrentVariables -InitialVariables $InitialVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference Return $result } # Test: Get-MultipleOptions -values 'alpha,bravo,charlie' -list @('default','bravo','charlie','delta','echo') } function Get-NetworkId { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string]$ip , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string]$subnet , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [int]$cidr ) begin { Write-Verbose -Message ('Starting: {0}' -f $myInvocation.Mycommand) New-Variable -Name 'ipObj' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'subnetObj' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'result' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') $InitialVariables = Get-CurrentVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference } process { try { if (! $ip) { $ip= Get-LocalIp $subnet= Get-Subnet -localIp $ip } $ipObj= [IpAddress]$ip if (! $subnet) { $subnet = Get-Subnet -cidr $cidr } $subnetObj= [IpAddress]$subnet $result = ([IpAddress]($ipObj.Address -band $subnetObj.Address)).IpAddressToString } catch { $result= '' } } end { Get-CurrentVariables -InitialVariables $InitialVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference Return $result } # Test: Get-NetworkId -ip -cidr 30 } function Get-NextIp { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$ip , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [int]$inc = 1 ) begin { Write-Verbose -Message ('Starting: {0}' -f $myInvocation.Mycommand) New-Variable -Name 'ipBytes' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'ipInt' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([uint32]0) New-Variable -Name 'ipObj' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'newIp' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'nextIpBytes' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'nextIpInt' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([uint32]0) New-Variable -Name 'result' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') $InitialVariables = Get-CurrentVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference } process { try { $ipObj = [IPAddress]$ip $ipBytes = $ipObj.GetAddressBytes() [System.Array]::Reverse($ipBytes) $ipInt = [System.BitConverter]::ToUInt32($ipBytes, 0) $nextIpInt = $ipInt + $inc $nextIpBytes = [System.BitConverter]::GetBytes($nextIpInt) [System.Array]::Reverse($nextIpBytes) if ([IntPtr]::Size -eq 4) { # x86 $newIp = New-Object System.Net.IPAddress ([System.Array]::CreateInstance([byte], 4)) [System.Buffer]::BlockCopy($nextIpBytes, 0, $nextIp.GetAddressBytes(), 0, 4) } else { # x64 $newIp = New-Object System.Net.IPAddress -ArgumentList (,$nextIpBytes) } $result = $newIp.IPAddressToString } catch { $result = '' } } end { Get-CurrentVariables -InitialVariables $InitialVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference Return $result } # Test: Get-NextIp -ip '' -inc 5 } function Get-OldestFile { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$path ) begin { Write-Verbose -Message ('Starting: {0}' -f $myInvocation.Mycommand) New-Variable -Name 'entry' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'result' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') $InitialVariables = Get-CurrentVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference } process { $entry = Get-ChildItem -Path $path | Sort-Object -Property LastWriteTime | select-object -First 1 if ($entry) { [string]$result = $entry.Name } } end { Get-CurrentVariables -InitialVariables $InitialVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference Return $result } # Test: Get-OldestFile -path 'C:\temp' } function Get-Path32 { [CmdletBinding()] param() begin { Write-Verbose -Message ('Starting: {0}' -f $myInvocation.Mycommand) New-Variable -Name 'result' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') $InitialVariables = Get-CurrentVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference } process { if ( $($env:PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE) -eq "x86") { $result = $($env:PROGRAMFILES) } else { $result = $(${env:PROGRAMFILES(x86)}) } } end { Get-CurrentVariables -InitialVariables $InitialVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference Return $result } # Test: Get-Path32 } function Get-PropertySql { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$breadcrumbPath , [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidateMapping -strValue $_ -mapping (Get-MappingTablename) })] [string]$tablename ) begin { Write-Verbose -Message ('Starting: {0}' -f $myInvocation.Mycommand) $tablename = Test-ValidateMapping -strValue $tablename -mapping (Get-MappingTablename) New-Variable -Name 'BreadcrumbSql' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'sql' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'result' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string[]]@()) $InitialVariables = Get-CurrentVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference } process { [string]$BreadcrumbSql = Get-BreadcrumbId -breadcrumbPath $breadcrumbPath -tablename $tablename [string]$sql = @" $BreadcrumbSql -- Select the tree starting with the BreadcrumpID. If no ID is provided, select the entire tree. WITH CTE AS ( SELECT ID, ParentID, Name, UID, CASE WHEN MerkmalTyp = 2 THEN 1 Else MerkmalTyp END [Sort], Beschreibung, SqlBedingung, Color FROM Merkmal WHERE ID = @BreadcrumbID AND Tabelle = '$tablename' AND NOT Name LIKE '.%' UNION ALL SELECT t.ID, t.ParentID, t.Name, t.UID, CASE WHEN t.MerkmalTyp = 2 THEN 1 Else MerkmalTyp END [Sort], t.Beschreibung, t.SqlBedingung, t.Color FROM Merkmal t JOIN CTE c ON t.ParentID = c.ID WHERE t.Tabelle = '$tablename' AND NOT t.Name LIKE '.%' ) SELECT ID, ParentID, Name, UID, Sort, Color FROM CTE ORDER BY ParentId, Sort, Name; "@ [string[]]$result = @($sql) } end { Get-CurrentVariables -InitialVariables $InitialVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference Return $result } # Test: Get-PropertySql -breadcrumbPath '\Shop' -tablename 'Article' } function Get-PublicIp { [CmdletBinding()] Param () begin { Write-Verbose -Message ('Starting: {0}' -f $myInvocation.Mycommand) New-Variable -Name 'result' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') $InitialVariables = Get-CurrentVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference } process { $result = "" if (! $result) { try { $result = (Resolve-DnsName -Server -type A -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).IPAddress } catch { } } if (! $result) { try { $html = Invoke-RestMethod $lines = $html.split("`n") foreach ($line in $lines) { $p = $Line.IndexOf("IP Address:") if ($p -gt 0) { $p = $line.IndexOf(":") if ($p -gt 0) { $result = $line.SubString($p +1).Trim() } } } } catch { } } if (! $result) { try { $result = Invoke-RestMethod } catch { } } if (! $result) { $result= '' } } end { Get-CurrentVariables -InitialVariables $InitialVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference Return $result } # Test: Get-PublicIp } function Get-ResStr { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [string]$Key ) begin { Write-Verbose -Message ('Starting: {0}' -f $myInvocation.Mycommand) New-Variable -Name 'data' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'path' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'reslang' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'values' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([System.Collections.Hashtable]@{}) New-Variable -Name 'xml' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'xmlContent' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'xmlFile' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'xmlFiles' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([System.Object[]]@()) New-Variable -Name 'result' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') $InitialVariables = Get-CurrentVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference } process { if ($ecResx.count -eq 0) { Write-Debug "Get-ResX Init" [string]$path = (Get-Module -Name EulandaConnect | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Path) [string]$path = Split-path $path $xmlFiles = Get-ChildItem "$path\*.resx" foreach ($xmlFile in $xmlFiles) { $reslang = $xmlFile.Name.Split('.')[1] $xmlContent = Get-Content $xmlFile -Raw $xml = [xml]$xmlContent foreach ($data in $ { if ($ecResx[$]) { $ecResx[$][$reslang]= $data.value } else { $values = @{} $values[$reslang] =$data.value $ecResx[$] = $values } } } } if ($ecResx.ContainsKey($key)) { if ($ecResx[$key].ContainsKey($ecCulture)) { $result = $ecResx[$Key][$ecCulture] } elseif ($ecResx[$key].ContainsKey('en-US')) { $result = $ecResx[$Key]['en-US'] } else { $result = "?[$ecCulture`:$key]" } } else { $result = "?[$key]" } } end { Get-CurrentVariables -InitialVariables $InitialVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference Return $result } # Test: Get-ResStr -key 'OUT_WELCOME_COPYRIGHT' } function Get-SalesOrderId { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidateNo -no $_ })] [int]$salesOrderNo , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidateId -id $_ })] [int]$salesOrderId , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidateNo -no $_ })] [int]$customerOrderNo , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidateConn -conn $_ })] $conn , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidatePathUDL -path $_ })] [string]$udl , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidateConnStr -connStr $_ })] [string]$connStr ) Begin { Write-Verbose -Message ('Starting: {0}' -f $myInvocation.Mycommand) Test-ValidateSingle -validParams (Get-SingleSalesOrderKeys) @PSBoundParameters Test-ValidateSingle -validParams (Get-SingleConnection) @PSBoundParameters New-Variable -Name 'firstEntry' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'key' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'myConn' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'paramsSalesOrder' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([System.Collections.Hashtable]@{}) New-Variable -Name 'rs' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'sql' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'sqlFrag' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'value' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([int32]0) New-Variable -Name 'result' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([int32]0) $InitialVariables = Get-CurrentVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference } Process { $myConn = Get-Conn -conn $conn -udl $udl -connStr $connStr $paramsSalesOrder = Get-UsedParameters -validParams (Get-SingleSalesOrderKeys) -boundParams $PSBoundParameters $firstEntry = $paramsSalesOrder.GetEnumerator() | Select-Object -First 1 $key = Test-ValidateMapping -strValue ($firstEntry.Key) -mapping (Get-MappingSalesOrderKeys) $value = $firstEntry.Value $sqlFrag = "$key = '$value'" [string]$sql = "SELECT Id [salesOrderId] FROM Auftrag WHERE $sqlFrag" $rs = $myConn.Execute($sql) $rs = Get-AdoRs -recordset $rs if ($rs) { [int]$result = $rs.fields('salesOrderId').Value } } End { Get-CurrentVariables -InitialVariables $InitialVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference Return $result } # Test: Get-SalesOrderId -salesOrderNo '20230430' -udl 'C:\temp\Eulanda_1 Eulanda.udl' } function Get-ScriptDir { [CmdletBinding()] Param () begin { Write-Verbose -Message ('Starting: {0}' -f $myInvocation.Mycommand) New-Variable -Name 'invocation' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'result' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') $InitialVariables = Get-CurrentVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference } process { if (!(test-path variable:hostinvocation)) {$hostinvocation = $null} if ($null -ne $hostinvocation) { $result = (Split-Path $hostinvocation.MyCommand.path) } else { # scope 1 is the parent scope of the actual scope $invocation=(get-variable MyInvocation -Scope 1).Value if ($invocation.scriptname) { $result = (Split-Path $invocation.scriptname) } } if (-not (Test-Path $result)) { $result = $PSScriptRoot } if (-not (Test-Path $result)) { $result = (Get-Item -Path ".\" -Verbose).FullName} } end { Get-CurrentVariables -InitialVariables $InitialVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference Return $result } # Test: Get-ScriptDir } function Get-SftpNextFilename { [CmdletBinding()] Param( [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$server , [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [int]$port= 22 , [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$user , [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$password , [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$remoteFolder , [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$fileMask , [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$comObject= 'IPWorksSSH.SFTP' , [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$license= '(you have to buy one license from n/software)' ) begin { Write-Verbose -Message ('Starting: {0}' -f $myInvocation.Mycommand) New-Variable -Name 'i' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([int32]0) New-Variable -Name 'sftp' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'result' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') $InitialVariables = Get-CurrentVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference } process { $sftp = New-SftpInstance -comObject $comObject $sftp.ok = $license $sftp.Config("SSHAcceptAnyServerHostKey=true") $sftp.SSHHost = $server $sftp.SSHPassword = $password $sftp.SSHAuthMode = 2 $sftp.SSHUser = $user $sftp.SSHPort = $port $sftp.SSHLogon($sftp.SSHHost, $sftp.SSHPort) try { $sftp.RemotePath = $remoteFolder $sftp.RemoteFile = $fileMask $sFtp.ListDirectory() write-verbose "DirListCount: $($sftp.DirListCount)" For ($i=0; $i -le $sftp.DirListCount-1; $i++) { if (! $sftp.DirListIsDir($i)) { [string]$result = $sftp.DirListFilename($i) break } } } finally { $sftp.SSHLogoff() } } end { Get-CurrentVariables -InitialVariables $InitialVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference Return $result } # Test: # Test: Get-SftpNextFilename -Server '' -user 'demo' -password 'password' -remoteFolder '/pub/files' -filemask '*.rnd' -license '(you have to buy one license from n/software)' } function Get-SignToolPath { [CmdletBinding()] param() begin { Write-Verbose -Message ('Starting: {0}' -f $myInvocation.Mycommand) New-Variable -Name 'folders' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([System.Object[]]@()) New-Variable -Name 'newestFolder' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'rootPath' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'sortedFolders' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([System.Object[]]@()) New-Variable -Name 'versionRegex' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'result' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') $InitialVariables = Get-CurrentVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference } process { [string]$rootPath = "$(Get-Path32)\Windows Kits\10\bin\" [string]$versionRegex = '^10\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+$' $folders = Get-ChildItem -Path $rootPath -Directory | Where-Object { $_.Name -match $versionRegex } $sortedFolders = $folders | Sort-Object -Property @{Expression = {[version] $_.Name}; Descending = $true} $newestFolder = $sortedFolders | Select-Object -First 1 $result = Join-Path -Path $newestFolder.FullName -ChildPath 'x64\signtool.exe' if (! (Test-Path $result)) { throw "Signtool not found in expected Windows SDK folder '$rootPath'! You can install it with Install-Signtool." } } end { Get-CurrentVariables -InitialVariables $InitialVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference Return $result } # Test: Get-SignToolPath } function Get-SingleOption { [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$value , [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string[]]$list ) begin { Write-Verbose -Message ('Starting: {0}' -f $myInvocation.Mycommand) New-Variable -Name 'idx' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([int32]0) New-Variable -Name 'result' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') $InitialVariables = Get-CurrentVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference } process { [int]$idx = $list.ToUpper().IndexOf($value.ToUpper()) if ($idx -eq -1) { [string]$result = $list[0] } else { [string]$result = $list[$idx] } } end { Get-CurrentVariables -InitialVariables $InitialVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference Return $result } # Test: Get-SingleOption -value 'alpha' -list @('default','bravo','charlie','delta','echo') } function Get-Spaces { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateRange(0,[int]::MaxValue)] [int]$count = 1 ) begin { Write-Verbose -Message ('Starting: {0}' -f $myInvocation.Mycommand) New-Variable -Name 'result' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') $InitialVariables = Get-CurrentVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference } process { $result = ' ' * $count } end { Get-CurrentVariables -InitialVariables $InitialVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference Return $result } # Test: Get-Spaces -count 5 } function Get-StockSql { [CmdletBinding()] param( [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string[]]$filter , [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidateMapping -strValue $_ -mapping (Get-MappingArticleKeys) })] [string]$alias = 'articleNo' , [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [int]$qtyStatic , [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$warehouse , [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [switch]$legacy ) begin { Write-Verbose -Message ('Starting: {0}' -f $myInvocation.Mycommand) $alias = Test-ValidateMapping -strValue $alias -mapping (Get-MappingArticleKeys) New-Variable -Name 'qtyFields' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'sqlDetail' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'sqlFilter' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'sqlLink' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'sqlMaster' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'result' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string[]]@()) $InitialVariables = Get-CurrentVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference } process { if ($filter) { [string]$sqlFilter= " AND $($filter -join(' AND ')) " } else { [string]$sqlFilter= '' } if ($warehouse) { # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Only one warehouse # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Master # ------------------------------------------ [string]$sqlMaster = @" SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(100),art.$alias) [ID.ALIAS] FROM [dbo].Lagerort lo JOIN [dbo].LagerKonto lk on lk.Lagerort = JOIN [dbo].Artikel [art] ON = lk.artikelId AND art.ArtNummer not like '.MUSTER%' $sqlFilter WHERE >= 1000 AND < 1400 AND lk.IdentId IS NULL AND lk.PlatzId IS NULL AND lo.Bezeichnung = '$warehouse' ORDER BY 1 "@ # ------------------------------------------ # Detail # ------------------------------------------ if ($qtyStatic) { [string]$qty = $qtyStatic } else { [string]$qty = 'lk.Menge' } if ($legacy) { [string]$sqlLegacy= ", $qty [BESTANDVERFUEGBAR1], $qty [BESTANDVERFUEGBAR2]" } else { [string]$sqlLegacy = "" } [string]$sqlDetail = @" SELECT $qty [BESTANDVERFUEGBAR] $sqlLegacy FROM [dbo].Lagerort lo JOIN [dbo].LagerKonto lk on lk.Lagerort = JOIN [dbo].Artikel [art] ON art.$alias = '{0}' WHERE lk.ArtikelId = (SELECT TOP 1 Id FROM [dbo].Artikel WHERE $alias = '{0}') AND lk.IdentId IS NULL AND lk.PlatzId IS NULL AND lo.Bezeichnung = '$warehouse' "@ } elseif ($legacy) { # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # All warehouses with sales and purchase correction. Pur legacy support # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Master # ------------------------------------------ [string]$sqlMaster = @" SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(100),art.$alias) [ID.ALIAS] FROM [dbo].Artikel [art] WHERE art.ArtNummer not like '.MUSTER%' $sqlFilter ORDER BY 1 "@ # ------------------------------------------ # Detail # ------------------------------------------ if ($qtyStatic) { [string]$qtyFields = ` "$qtyStatic [BestandVerfuegbar], " +` "$qtyStatic [BestandVerfuegbar1], " +` "$qtyStatic [BestandVerfuegbar2]" } else { [string]$qtyFields = ` "[dbo].[cnf_BestandVerfuegbarGesamt](art.Id,0) [BestandVerfuegbar], " +` "[dbo].[cnf_BestandVerfuegbar1](art.Id,0) [BestandVerfuegbar1], " +` "[dbo].[cnf_BestandVerfuegbar2](art.Id,0) [BestandVerfuegbar2]" } [string]$sqlDetail = @" -- Total inventory from all own warehouses with sales and purchase output fields SELECT $qtyFields FROM [dbo].Artikel [art] WHERE art.$alias = '{0}' "@ } else { # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # All warehouses , all suplier and totals with sales and purchase correction # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Master # ------------------------------------------ [string]$sqlMaster = @" SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(100),art.$alias) [ID.ALIAS], art.Id [ID], CONVERT(varchar(36), art.Uid) [UID], art.ArtNummer [ARTNUMMER], art.Barcode [BARCODE], art.ChangeDate [CHANGEDATE], art.ShopFreigabeFlg [SHOPFREIGABEFLG], art.ShopExportDatum [SHOPEXPORTDATUM] FROM [dbo].Artikel [art] WHERE art.ArtNummer not like '.MUSTER%' $sqlFilter ORDER BY 1 "@ # ------------------------------------------ # Detail # ------------------------------------------ if ($qtyStatic) { $sqlStaticWarehouse = $qtyStatic $sql0 = $qtyStatic $sql1 = $qtyStatic $sql2 = $qtyStatic $sqlSupplier = $qtyStatic } else { $sqlStaticWarehouse = 'lk.Menge' $sql0 = '[dbo].[cnf_BestandVerfuegbarGesamt](art.Id,0)' $sql1 = '[dbo].[cnf_BestandVerfuegbar1](art.Id,0)' $sql2 = '[dbo].[cnf_BestandVerfuegbar2](art.Id,0)' $sqlSupplier = 'IsNull(kart.Bestand,0)' } [string]$sqlDetail = @" SELECT * FROM ( SELECT [KONTO], UPPER(lo.Bezeichnung) [BEZEICHNUNG], $sqlStaticWarehouse [MENGE] FROM [dbo].Lagerort lo JOIN [dbo].LagerKonto lk ON lk.Lagerort = JOIN [dbo].Artikel [art] ON art.$alias = '{0}' WHERE >= 1000 AND < 1400 AND lk.ArtikelId = (SELECT TOP 1 Id FROM [dbo].Artikel WHERE $alias = '{0}') AND lk.IdentId IS NULL AND lk.PlatzId IS NULL -- Total inventory from all own warehouses that is physically present UNION SELECT 10000+0 [KONTO], 'BESTANDVERFUEGBAR' [BEZEICHNUNG], $sql0 [MENGE] FROM [dbo].Artikel [art] WHERE art.$alias = '{0}' -- Total inventory from all own warehouses less sales orders UNION SELECT 10000+1 [KONTO], 'BESTANDVERFUEGBAR1' [BEZEICHNUNG], $sql1 [MENGE] FROM [dbo].Artikel [art] WHERE art.$alias = '{0}' -- Total inventory from all own warehouses less sales orders UNION SELECT 10000+1 [KONTO], 'BESTANDVERFUEGBAR2' [BEZEICHNUNG], $sql2 [MENGE] FROM [dbo].Artikel [art] WHERE art.$alias = '{0}' -- Inventory of suppliers, external goods UNION SELECT [KONTO], adr.Match [BEZEICHNUNG], $sqlSupplier [MENGE] FROM [dbo].Kreditor [k] JOIN [dbo].Adresse [adr] ON = k.AdresseID JOIN [dbo].KrArtikel [kart] ON kart.ArtikelId = (SELECT TOP 1 Id FROM [dbo].Artikel WHERE $alias = '{0}') AND kart.KreditorID = JOIN [dbo].Artikel [art] ON = kart.ArtikelID ) [INVENTORYREPORT] ORDER BY KONTO "@ } <# # This model 'flat' is experimental and not yet fully parameterized [string]$sqlMaster = @" SELECT GTIN [ID.ALIAS] FROM (SELECT ArtNummer [ArticleNo], Barcode [GTIN] FROM Artikel) [Master] WHERE GTIN>='1000000' AND GTIN <='8888889' @" [string]$sqlDetail = @" DECLARE @Id INT DECLARE @IdList TABLE (Id INT) INSERT INTO @IdList SELECT Id FROM Artikel order by id -- VALUES (31), (32), (33) DECLARE @Result TABLE ([Uid] VARCHAR(36), ArticleId INT, ArticleNo VARCHAR(80), GTIN VARCHAR(80), ChangeDate DateTime, ExportFlag Bit, ExportDate DateTime, StockGroup INT, Warehouse VARCHAR(50), Quantity INT) DECLARE IdCursor CURSOR FOR SELECT Id FROM @IdList OPEN IdCursor FETCH NEXT FROM IdCursor INTO @Id WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN INSERT INTO @Result -- Inventory from own warehouses SELECT CONVERT(varchar(36), art.Uid) [Uid], art.Id [ArticleId], art.ArtNummer [ArticleNo], IsNull(Art.Barcode,'') [GTIN], art.ChangeDate [ChangeDate], art.ShopFreigabeFlg [ExportFlag], art.ShopExportDatum [ExportDate], [StockGroup], UPPER(lo.Bezeichnung) [Warehouse], lk.Menge [Quantity] FROM Lagerort lo JOIN dbo.LagerKonto lk on lk.Lagerort = JOIN Artikel [art] ON = @Id AND art.ArtNummer not like '.MUSTER%' WHERE >= 1000 AND < 1400 AND lk.ArtikelId = @Id AND lk.IdentId IS NULL AND lk.PlatzId IS NULL -- Total inventory from all own warehouses that is physically present UNION SELECT CONVERT(varchar(36), art.Uid) [Uid], art.Id [ArticleId], art.ArtNummer [ArticleNo], IsNull(Art.Barcode,'') [GTIN], art.ChangeDate [ChangeDate], art.ShopFreigabeFlg [ExportFlag], art.ShopExportDatum [ExportDate], 10000+1 [StockGroup], 'AVAILABLE' [Warehouse], [dbo].[cnf_BestandVerfuegbarGesamt](@Id,0) [Quantity] FROM Artikel [art] WHERE = @Id AND art.ArtNummer not like '.MUSTER%' -- Total inventory from all own warehouses less sales orders UNION SELECT CONVERT(varchar(36),art.Uid) [Uid], art.Id [ArticleId], art.ArtNummer [ArticleNo], IsNull(Art.Barcode, '') [GTIN], art.ChangeDate [ChangeDate], art.ShopFreigabeFlg [ExportFlag], art.ShopExportDatum [ExportDate], 10000+2 [StockGroup], 'SALES' [Warehouse], [dbo].[cnf_BestandVerfuegbar1](@Id,0) [Quantity] FROM Artikel [art] WHERE = @Id AND art.ArtNummer not like '.MUSTER%' -- Total inventory from all own warehouses less sales orders and plus purchase orders UNION SELECT CONVERT(varchar(36),art.Uid) [Uid], art.Id [ArticleId], art.ArtNummer [ArticleNo], IsNull(Art.Barcode, '') [GTIN], art.ChangeDate [ChangeDate], art.ShopFreigabeFlg [ExportFlag], art.ShopExportDatum [ExportDate], 10000+3 [StockGroup], 'PURCHASE' [Warehouse], [dbo].[cnf_BestandVerfuegbar2](@Id,0) [Quantity] FROM Artikel [art] WHERE = @Id AND art.ArtNummer not like '.MUSTER%' -- Inventory of suppliers, external goods UNION SELECT CONVERT(varchar(36),art.Uid) [Uid], art.Id [ArticleId], art.ArtNummer [ArticleNo], IsNull(Art.Barcode, '') [GTIN], art.ChangeDate [ChangeDate], art.ShopFreigabeFlg [ExportFlag], art.ShopExportDatum [ExportDate], [StockGroup], adr.Match [Warehouse], IsNull(kart.Bestand,0) [Quantity] FROM Kreditor [k] JOIN Adresse [adr] ON = k.AdresseID JOIN KrArtikel [kart] ON kart.ArtikelId = @Id AND kart.KreditorID = JOIN Artikel [art] ON = kart.ArtikelID AND art.ArtNummer not like '.MUSTER%' FETCH NEXT FROM IdCursor INTO @Id END CLOSE IdCursor DEALLOCATE IdCursor SELECT GTIN [ARTNUMMER], Quantity [BESTANDVERFUEGBAR], Quantity [BESTANDVERFUEGBAR1], Quantity [BESTANDVERFUEGBAR2] FROM (SELECT [Uid], ArticleId, ArticleNo, GTIN, ChangeDate, ExportFlag, ExportDate, StockGroup, Warehouse, Quantity FROM @Result) [Details] WHERE StockGroup = 1001 AND GTIN>='1000000' AND GTIN <='8888889' AND GTIN = '{0}' "@ #> [string]$sqlLink= 'ID.ALIAS' $result = @($sqlMaster, $sqlDetail, $sqlLink) } end { Get-CurrentVariables -InitialVariables $InitialVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference Return $result } # Test: Get-StockSql -legacy -filter "ArtNummer='130100'" } function Get-Subnet { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$false)] [int]$cidr , [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false)] [string]$localIp ) begin { Write-Verbose -Message ('Starting: {0}' -f $myInvocation.Mycommand) New-Variable -Name 'localIpObj' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'result' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') $InitialVariables = Get-CurrentVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference } process { try { if (! $Cidr) { if (! $localIp) { $localIp= Get-LocalIp } $localIpObj= [IPAddress]::Parse($localIp) $cidr = (Get-NetIPAddress -AddressFamily IPv4 -IPAddress $localIpObj).PrefixLength } $result= ([IpAddress]([math]::pow(2, 32) -1 -bxor [math]::pow(2, (32 - $cidr))-1)).IpAddressToString } catch { $result= '' } } end { Get-CurrentVariables -InitialVariables $InitialVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference Return $result } # Test: Get-Subnet -cidr 24 } function Get-TempDir { [CmdletBinding()] param() begin { Write-Verbose -Message ('Starting: {0}' -f $myInvocation.Mycommand) New-Variable -Name 'result' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') $InitialVariables = Get-CurrentVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference } process { [string]$result = [System.IO.Path]::GetTempPath() if ($result.Substring($result.Length-1) -eq '\') { $result = $result.substring(0, $result.Length - 1) } if ($result -eq "\") { $result = "" } } end { Get-CurrentVariables -InitialVariables $InitialVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference Return $result } # Test: Get-TempDir } function Get-TranslateSection { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory = $true)] [string]$text , [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateLength(2,2)] [string]$iso , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string]$sub , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string]$subDefault ) begin { Write-Verbose -Message ('Starting: {0}' -f $myInvocation.Mycommand) New-Variable -Name 'arrLines' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string[]]@()) New-Variable -Name 'arrResult' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([System.Collections.ArrayList]@()) New-Variable -Name 'delim' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string[]]@()) New-Variable -Name 'isoCurrent' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'isoTemp' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'line' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'subCurrent' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'subTemp' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'result' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') $InitialVariables = Get-CurrentVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference } process { $iso = $iso.ToUpper() $sub = $sub.ToUpper() $subDefault = $subDefault.ToUpper() [string]$isoTemp = "" [string]$subTemp = "" [string]$isoCurrent = "" [string]$subCurrent = "" [System.Collections.ArrayList]$arrResult = @() $arrLines = $text.Replace("`r`n", "`n").Split("`n") Foreach ($line in $arrLines) { if ((Get-TranslateIsDelim -value $line) -eq $true) { [string[]]$delim = Get-TranslateExtractTag -value $line [string]$isoTemp = $delim[0] [string]$subTemp = $delim[1] If (($isoCurrent -eq $iso) -and ($subCurrent -eq $sub)) { break } if ((! $isoCurrent) -and ($isoTemp -eq $iso) -and ($subTemp -eq $sub)) { [System.Collections.ArrayList]$arrResult = @() $isoCurrent = $isoTemp $subCurrent = $subTemp } } else { # Iso tag language separator found and sort by it if ((($isoCurrent -eq $iso) -and ($subCurrent -eq $sub)) -or ((! $isoCurrent) -and (! $isoTemp) -and (!$sub)) -or ((! $isoCurrent) -and ($isoTemp -eq "00") -and ($subTemp -eq $sub))) { $arrResult.add($line) | Out-Null } } } if (($arrResult.count -eq 0) -and ($sub) -and ($subDefault)) { $arrResult.Add($subDefault) | Out-Null } $result = $arrResult -join "`r`n" } end { Get-CurrentVariables -InitialVariables $InitialVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference Return $result } # Test: Get-TranslateSection -text "This is my default text, It is used when no language is found`r`n[EN]`r`nThe moon always has the same face`r`n[DE]`r`nDer Mond hat immer das selbe Gesicht`r`n[IT]`r`nLa luna ha sempre la stessa faccia" -iso 'IT' } function Get-UpsellingFromVariants { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string]$barcode , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string]$articleNo , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [int]$articleId , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [guid]$articleUid , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidateConn -conn $_ })] $conn , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidatePathUDL -path $_ })] [string]$udl , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidateConnStr -connStr $_ })] [string]$connStr ) Begin { Write-Verbose -Message ('Starting: {0}' -f $myInvocation.Mycommand) Test-ValidateSingle -validParams (Get-SingleArticleKeys) @PSBoundParameters Test-ValidateSingle -validParams (Get-SingleConnection) @PSBoundParameters New-Variable -Name 'item' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'myConn' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'rs' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'sql' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'sqlFrag' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'result' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string[]]@()) $InitialVariables = Get-CurrentVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference } Process { try { if ($barcode) { [string]$sqlFrag = "Barcode = '$barcode'" } elseif ($articleNo) { [string]$sqlFrag = "ArtNummer = '$articleNo'" } elseif($articleUid) { [string]$sqlFrag = "Uid = '$articleUid'" } else { [string]$sqlFrag = "Id = $articleId" } [string]$sql = @" DECLARE @Master VARCHAR(100); DECLARE @Variant VARCHAR(100); SELECT @Variant = ArtNummer FROM Artikel WHERE $sqlFrag SET @Master = NULL; SELECT @Master = eart.MasterArticle FROM esolArtikelshop [eart] JOIN Artikel [art] on art.Id = eart.Id WHERE art.ArtNummer = @Variant; SELECT art.ArtNummer [ArticleNo] FROM Artikel [art] JOIN esolArtikelShop [eart] ON art.Id = eart.Id WHERE eart.MasterArticle = @Master AND art.ArtNummer <> @Variant ORDER BY 1; "@ $myConn = Get-Conn -conn $conn -udl $udl -connStr $connStr if (! (Test-ShopExtension -conn $myConn)) { Throw "'$($myInvocation.Mycommand)' needs shop extensions installed for using variants." } $rs = $myConn.Execute($sql) $rs = Get-AdoRs -recordset $rs if ($rs) { while (! $rs.eof) { [string]$item = $rs.fields('ArticleNo').Value $result += $item $rs.MoveNext() } } } catch { Throw "$_ Function: $($myInvocation.Mycommand)" } } End { Get-CurrentVariables -InitialVariables $InitialVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference Return $result } # Test: Get-UpsellingFromVariants -articleNo '130100' -udl 'C:\temp\Eulanda_1 Truccamo.udl' } function Get-XmlEulandaAddress { [CmdletBinding()] param( [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidateSelect -strParam $_ })] [string]$select= '*' , [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string[]]$filter , [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidateMapping -strValue $_ -mapping (Get-MappingAddressKeys) })] [string]$alias = 'addressMatch' , [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$order= $alias , [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [switch]$reorder , [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [switch]$revers , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidateConn -conn $_ })] $conn , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidatePathUDL -path $_ })] [string]$udl , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidateConnStr -connStr $_ })] [string]$connStr ) begin { Write-Verbose -Message ('Starting: {0}' -f $myInvocation.Mycommand) $alias = Test-ValidateMapping -strValue $alias -mapping (Get-MappingAddressKeys) $order = Test-ValidateMapping -strValue $order -mapping (Get-MappingAddressKeys) Test-ValidateSingle -validParams (Get-SingleConnection) @PSBoundParameters New-Variable -Name 'memoryStream' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'myConn' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'nodeName' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'nodeValue' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'ParamsAddress' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([System.Collections.Hashtable]@{}) New-Variable -Name 'rs' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'sql' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string[]]@()) New-Variable -Name 'streamReader' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'writer' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'xmlWriterSettings' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'result' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') $InitialVariables = Get-CurrentVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference } process { $myConn = Get-Conn -conn $conn -udl $udl -connStr $connStr $ParamsAddress = Get-UsedParameters -validParams (Get-SetAddressFilter) -boundParams $PSBoundParameters [string[]]$sql= Get-AddressSql @ParamsAddress $rs = $Null $rs = $myConn.Execute($sql[0]) $rs = Get-AdoRs -recordset $rs if ($rs) { # Creating a MemoryStream object to store the XML text $memoryStream = New-Object System.IO.MemoryStream # Use xmlWriterSettings to change the default settings of the xmlWriter $xmlWriterSettings = New-Object System.Xml.XmlWriterSettings $xmlWriterSettings.Encoding = [System.Text.UTF8Encoding]::new() # Prevent the declaration at the beginning like: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> $xmlWriterSettings.OmitXmlDeclaration = $true # Creating an XmlWriter object to write the XML structure $writer = [System.Xml.XmlWriter]::Create($memoryStream, $xmlWriterSettings) # Writing the XML structure with the XmlWriter object $writer.WriteStartElement('ADRESSELISTE') while (! $rs.eof) { $writer.WriteStartElement('ADRESSE') for ($i=0; $i -lt $rs.fields.count; $i++) { [string]$nodeName = $rs.fields[$i].Name.ToUpper() [string]$nodeValue = [string]$rs.fields[$i].value $writer.WriteElementString($nodeName,$nodeValue) } $writer.WriteEndElement() $rs.MoveNext() } $writer.WriteEndElement() # Exiting the XmlWriter object $writer.Flush() $writer.Close() # Read memoryStream with streamreader $memoryStream.Position = 0 $streamReader = New-Object System.IO.StreamReader($memoryStream) [string]$result = $streamReader.ReadToEnd() } } end { Get-CurrentVariables -InitialVariables $InitialVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference Return $result } # Test: Get-XmlEulandaAddress -filter "Match='EULANDA'" -select 'Match,Name1,Name2,Name3,Strasse,Plz,Ort' -alias 'addressMatch' -udl 'C:\temp\Eulanda_1 Eulanda.udl' } function Get-XmlEulandaArticle { [CmdletBinding()] param( [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidateSelect -strParam $_ })] [string]$select= (Get-DefaultSelectArticle) , [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string[]]$filter , [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidateMapping -strValue $_ -mapping (Get-MappingArticleKeys) })] [string]$alias = 'articleNo' , [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$order= $alias , [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [switch]$reorder , [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [switch]$revers , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidateCustomerGroups -CustomerGroups $_ })] [string]$customerGroups , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidateConn -conn $_ })] $conn , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidatePathUDL -path $_ })] [string]$udl , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidateConnStr -connStr $_ })] [string]$connStr ) begin { Write-Verbose -Message ('Starting: {0}' -f $myInvocation.Mycommand) $alias = Test-ValidateMapping -strValue $alias -mapping (Get-MappingArticleKeys) $order = Test-ValidateMapping -strValue $order -mapping (Get-MappingArticleKeys) Test-ValidateSingle -validParams (Get-SingleConnection) @PSBoundParameters New-Variable -Name 'articleNo' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'memoryStream' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'myConn' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'nodeName' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'nodeValue' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'rs' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'sql' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string[]]@()) New-Variable -Name 'streamReader' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'writer' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'xmlString' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'xmlWriterSettings' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'result' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') $InitialVariables = Get-CurrentVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference } process { [string]$result = "" $myConn = Get-Conn -conn $conn -udl $udl -connStr $connStr $paramsArticle = Get-UsedParameters -validParams (Get-SetArticleFilter) -boundParams $PSBoundParameters [string[]]$sql= Get-ArticleSql @paramsArticle $rs = $myConn.Execute($sql[0]) $rs = Get-AdoRs -recordset $rs if ($rs) { # Creating a MemoryStream object to store the XML text $memoryStream = New-Object System.IO.MemoryStream # Use xmlWriterSettings to change the default settings of the xmlWriter $xmlWriterSettings = New-Object System.Xml.XmlWriterSettings $xmlWriterSettings.Encoding = [System.Text.UTF8Encoding]::new() # Prevent the declaration at the beginning like: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> $xmlWriterSettings.OmitXmlDeclaration = $true # Creating an XmlWriter object to write the XML structure $writer = [System.Xml.XmlWriter]::Create($memoryStream, $xmlWriterSettings) # Writing the XML structure with the XmlWriter object $writer.WriteStartElement('ARTIKELLISTE') while (! $rs.eof) { # ADD NODE ARTIKEL (one article including other sub nodes like shop) $writer.WriteStartElement('ARTIKEL') # ADD NODE FIELDS ARTIKEL (article fields) for ($i=0; $i -lt $rs.fields.count; $i++) { [string]$nodeName = $rs.fields[$i].Name.ToUpper() [string]$nodeValue = [string]$rs.fields[$i].value $writer.WriteElementString($nodeName,$nodeValue) } # GET ARTICLENO for inserting all other nodes $articleNo = $rs.fields['ARTNUMMER'].value # ADD NODE SHOP (online shop items) if (Test-ShopExtension -conn $myConn) { $xmlString = Get-XmlEulandaShop -articleNo $articleNo -conn $myConn $writer.WriteRaw($xmlString) } # ADD NODE LAGER (stock) $xmlString= Get-XmlEulandaStock -articleNo $articleNo -conn $myConn $writer.WriteRaw($xmlString) # ADD NODE PREISLISTE (price list) $xmlString= Get-XmlEulandaTierPrice -articleNo $articleNo -customerGroups $customerGroups -conn $myConn $writer.WriteRaw($xmlString) # ADD NODE MERKMALLISTE (list of breadcrumb) $xmlString= Get-XmlEulandaBreadcrumb -articleNo $articleNo -tablename 'Article' -breadcrumbpath '\shop' -conn $myConn $writer.WriteRaw($xmlString) $writer.WriteEndElement() $rs.MoveNext() } $writer.WriteEndElement() # Exiting the XmlWriter object $writer.Flush() $writer.Close() # Read memoryStream with streamreader $memoryStream.Position = 0 $streamReader = New-Object System.IO.StreamReader($memoryStream) [string]$result = $streamReader.ReadToEnd() } } end { Get-CurrentVariables -InitialVariables $InitialVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference Return $result } # Test: Get-XmlEulandaArticle -filter "ArtNummer='1100'" -customerGroups 'HA,HB,HC' -alias 'Barcode' -udl 'C:\temp\Eulanda_1 Eulanda.udl' # Test: Get-XmlEulandaArticle -filter "ArtNummer='130100'" -udl 'C:\temp\Eulanda_1 Truccamo.udl' } Function Get-XmlEulandaBreadcrumb { param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string]$barcode , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string]$articleNo , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [int]$articleId , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [guid]$articleUid , [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$breadcrumbPath , [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidateMapping -strValue $_ -mapping (Get-MappingTablename) })] [string]$tablename , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidateConn -conn $_ })] $conn , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidatePathUDL -path $_ })] [string]$udl , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidateConnStr -connStr $_ })] [string]$connStr ) Begin { Write-Verbose -Message ('Starting: {0}' -f $myInvocation.Mycommand) $tablename = Test-ValidateMapping -strValue $tablename -mapping (Get-MappingTablename) Test-ValidateSingle -validParams (Get-SingleArticleKeys) @PSBoundParameters Test-ValidateSingle -validParams (Get-SingleConnection) @PSBoundParameters New-Variable -Name 'memoryStream' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'myConn' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'nodeName' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'nodeValue' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'paramsArticle' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([System.Collections.Hashtable]@{}) New-Variable -Name 'rs' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'sql' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'streamReader' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'writer' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'xmlWriterSettings' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'result' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') $InitialVariables = Get-CurrentVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference } Process { $paramsArticle = Get-UsedParameters -validParams (Get-SingleArticleKeys) -boundParams $PSBoundParameters try { $myConn = Get-Conn -conn $conn -udl $udl -connStr $connStr $articleId = Get-ArticleId @paramsArticle -conn $myConn [string]$sql = @" DECLARE @root VARCHAR(128) DECLARE @keyid int DECLARE @bs VARCHAR(2) DECLARE @blank VARCHAR(2) SET @bs = '\' SET @blank = '' SET @root = '$breadcrumbPath' IF @root = @blank SET @root=@bs IF LEN(@root)>1 AND SUBSTRING(@root,LEN(@root),1) <> @bs SET @root = @root + @bs EXEC cn_MerkOpenPath @keyid=@keyid OUT, @basekeyid=0, @path=@root, @tablename='$tablename' SELECT @bs + dbo.cnf_merkpfad(,@keyid) [PFAD] FROM Merkmalelement me LEFT JOIN merkmal m ON WHERE m.tabelle = '$tablename' and m.merkmaltyp = 1 and me.objektid = (SELECT id FROM $tablename WHERE Id=$articleId) and @bs + dbo.cnf_merkpfad(,@keyid) <> '\' and not @bs + dbo.cnf_merkpfad(,@keyid) like '%.USER%' ORDER BY @bs + dbo.cnf_merkpfad(,@keyid) "@ $rs = $Null $rs = $myConn.Execute($sql) $rs = Get-AdoRs -recordset $rs if ($rs) { # Creating a MemoryStream object to store the XML text $memoryStream = New-Object System.IO.MemoryStream # Use xmlWriterSettings to change the default settings of the xmlWriter $xmlWriterSettings = New-Object System.Xml.XmlWriterSettings $xmlWriterSettings.Encoding = [System.Text.UTF8Encoding]::new() # Prevent the declaration at the beginning like: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> $xmlWriterSettings.OmitXmlDeclaration = $true # Creating an XmlWriter object to write the XML structure $writer = [System.Xml.XmlWriter]::Create($memoryStream, $xmlWriterSettings) # Writing the XML structure with the XmlWriter object $writer.WriteStartElement('MERKMALLISTE') while (! $rs.eof) { $writer.WriteStartElement('MERKMAL') [string]$nodeName = $rs.fields[0].Name.ToUpper() [string]$nodeValue = [string]$rs.fields[0].value $writer.WriteElementString($nodeName,$nodeValue) $writer.WriteEndElement() $rs.movenext() } $writer.WriteEndElement() # Exiting the XmlWriter object $writer.Flush() $writer.Close() # Read memoryStream with streamreader $memoryStream.Position = 0 $streamReader = New-Object System.IO.StreamReader($memoryStream) [string]$result = $streamReader.ReadToEnd() } } catch { if ($Error.Count -gt 0) { $line = $myInvocation.ScriptLineNumber - 1 Throw "$_ Function: $($myInvocation.Mycommand), $($line): $($Error[0].Exception.Message)" } else { Throw $_ } } } End { Get-CurrentVariables -InitialVariables $InitialVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference Return $result } # Test: Get-XmlEulandaBreadcrumb -articleNo '130100' -tablename 'Article' -breadcrumbpath '\shop' -udl 'C:\temp\Eulanda_1 Truccamo.udl' } function Get-XmlEulandaDelivery { [CmdletBinding()] param( [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidateId -id $_ })] [int]$deliveryId , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidateNo -no $_ })] [int]$deliveryNo , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [switch]$includeEmpty , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string[]]$sql = $( if ($deliveryId) { Get-DeliverySql -deliveryId $deliveryId } else { Get-DeliverySql -deliveryNo $deliveryNo } ) , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidateConn -conn $_ })] $conn , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidatePathUDL -path $_ })] [string]$udl , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidateConnStr -connStr $_ })] [string]$connStr ) begin { Write-Verbose -Message ('Starting: {0}' -f $myInvocation.Mycommand) Test-ValidateSingle -validParams (Get-SingleDeliveryKeys) @PSBoundParameters Test-ValidateSingle -validParams (Get-SingleConnection) @PSBoundParameters New-Variable -Name 'i' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([int32]0) New-Variable -Name 'memoryStream' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'myConn' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'nodeName' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'paramsDelivery' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([System.Collections.Hashtable]@{}) New-Variable -Name 'streamReader' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'writer' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'xmlString' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'xmlValue' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'xmlWriterSettings' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'result' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') $InitialVariables = Get-CurrentVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference } process { try { [string]$result = "" $myConn = Get-Conn -conn $conn -udl $udl -connStr $connStr $paramsDelivery = Get-UsedParameters -validParams (Get-SingleDeliveryKeys) -boundParams $PSBoundParameters $rs = $Null $rs = $myConn.Execute($sql[0]) $rs = Get-AdoRs -recordset $rs if ($rs) { # Creating a MemoryStream object to store the XML text $memoryStream = New-Object System.IO.MemoryStream # Use xmlWriterSettings to change the default settings of the xmlWriter $xmlWriterSettings = New-Object System.Xml.XmlWriterSettings $xmlWriterSettings.Encoding = [System.Text.UTF8Encoding]::new() # Prevent the declaration at the beginning like: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> $xmlWriterSettings.OmitXmlDeclaration = $true # Creating an XmlWriter object to write the XML structure $writer = [System.Xml.XmlWriter]::Create($memoryStream, $xmlWriterSettings) # Writing the XML structure with the XmlWriter object $writer.WriteStartElement('LIEFERSCHEINLISTE') while (! $rs.eof) { $writer.WriteStartElement('LIEFERSCHEIN') for ($i=0; $i -lt $rs.fields.count; $i++) { if (($includeEmpty) -or (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($rs.fields[$i].Value))) { [string]$nodeName = $rs.fields[$i].Name.ToUpper() [string]$xmlValue = ConvertTo-XmlString -adoField $rs.fields[$i] -includeEmpty:$includeEmpty if (($includeEmpty) -or ($xmlValue)) { $writer.WriteElementString($nodeName, $xmlValue) } } } [string]$xmlString = Get-XmlEulandaDeliveryPos @paramsDelivery -includeEmpty:$includeEmpty -sql $sql -conn $myConn $writer.WriteRaw($xmlString) $writer.WriteEndElement() $rs.MoveNext() } $writer.WriteEndElement() # Exiting the XmlWriter object $writer.Flush() $writer.Close() # Read memoryStream with streamreader $memoryStream.Position = 0 $streamReader = New-Object System.IO.StreamReader($memoryStream) [string]$result = $streamReader.ReadToEnd() } } catch { if ($Error.Count -gt 0) { $line = $myInvocation.ScriptLineNumber - 1 Throw "$_ Function: $($myInvocation.Mycommand), $($line): $($Error[0].Exception.Message)" } else { Throw $_ } } } end { Get-CurrentVariables -InitialVariables $InitialVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference Return $result } # Test: Get-XmlEulandaDelivery -DeliveryNo 430952 -Udl 'C:\Temp\Eulanda_1 JohnDoe.udl' -debug } function Get-XmlEulandaDeliveryPos { [CmdletBinding()] param( [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidateId -id $_ })] [int]$deliveryId , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidateNo -no $_ })] [int]$deliveryNo , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [switch]$includeEmpty , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string[]]$sql = $( if ($deliveryId) { Get-DeliverySql -deliveryId $deliveryId } else { Get-DeliverySql -deliveryNo $deliveryNo } ) , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidateConn -conn $_ })] $conn , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidatePathUDL -path $_ })] [string]$udl , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidateConnStr -connStr $_ })] [string]$connStr ) begin { Write-Verbose -Message ('Starting: {0}' -f $myInvocation.Mycommand) Test-ValidateSingle -validParams (Get-SingleDeliveryKeys) @PSBoundParameters Test-ValidateSingle -validParams (Get-SingleConnection) @PSBoundParameters New-Variable -Name 'i' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([int32]0) New-Variable -Name 'memoryStream' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'myConn' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'nodeName' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'streamReader' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'writer' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'xmlValue' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'xmlWriterSettings' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'result' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') $InitialVariables = Get-CurrentVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference } process { try { [string]$result = "" $myConn = Get-Conn -conn $conn -udl $udl -connStr $connStr $rs = $Null $rs = $myConn.Execute("$($sql[1]) ORDER BY 1" ) $rs = Get-AdoRs -recordset $rs if ($rs) { # Creating a MemoryStream object to store the XML text $memoryStream = New-Object System.IO.MemoryStream # Use xmlWriterSettings to change the default settings of the xmlWriter $xmlWriterSettings = New-Object System.Xml.XmlWriterSettings $xmlWriterSettings.Encoding = [System.Text.UTF8Encoding]::new() # Prevent the declaration at the beginning like: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> $xmlWriterSettings.OmitXmlDeclaration = $true # Creating an XmlWriter object to write the XML structure $writer = [System.Xml.XmlWriter]::Create($memoryStream, $xmlWriterSettings) # Writing the XML structure with the XmlWriter object $writer.WriteStartElement('LIEFERSCHEINPOSLISTE') while (! $rs.eof) { $writer.WriteStartElement('LIEFERSCHEINPOS') for ($i=0; $i -lt $rs.fields.count; $i++) { if (($includeEmpty) -or (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($rs.fields[$i].Value))) { [string]$nodeName = $rs.fields[$i].Name.ToUpper() [string]$xmlValue = ConvertTo-XmlString -adoField $rs.fields[$i] -includeEmpty:$includeEmpty if (($includeEmpty) -or ($xmlValue)) { $writer.WriteElementString($nodeName, $xmlValue) } } } $writer.WriteEndElement() $rs.MoveNext() } $writer.WriteEndElement() # Exiting the XmlWriter object $writer.Flush() $writer.Close() # Read memoryStream with streamreader $memoryStream.Position = 0 $streamReader = New-Object System.IO.StreamReader($memoryStream) [string]$result = $streamReader.ReadToEnd() } } catch { if ($Error.Count -gt 0) { $line = $myInvocation.ScriptLineNumber - 1 Throw "$_ Function: $($myInvocation.Mycommand), $($line): $($Error[0].Exception.Message)" } else { Throw $_ } } } end { Get-CurrentVariables -InitialVariables $InitialVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference Return $result } # Test: Get-XmlEulandaDeliveryPos -DeliveryNo 430952 -Udl 'C:\Temp\Eulanda_1 JohnDoe.udl' } function Get-XmlEulandaMetadata { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [switch]$noUsername , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [switch]$noPcName ) begin { Write-Verbose -Message ('Starting: {0}' -f $myInvocation.Mycommand) New-Variable -Name 'memoryStream' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'streamReader' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'writer' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'xmlWriterSettings' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'result' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') $InitialVariables = Get-CurrentVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference } process { # Creating a MemoryStream object to store the XML text $memoryStream = New-Object System.IO.MemoryStream # Use xmlWriterSettings to change the default settings of the xmlWriter $xmlWriterSettings = New-Object System.Xml.XmlWriterSettings $xmlWriterSettings.Encoding = [System.Text.UTF8Encoding]::new() # Prevent the declaration at the beginning like: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> $xmlWriterSettings.OmitXmlDeclaration = $true # Creating an XmlWriter object to write the XML structure $writer = [System.Xml.XmlWriter]::Create($memoryStream, $xmlWriterSettings) # Writing the XML structure with the XmlWriter object $writer.WriteStartElement('METADATA') $writer.WriteElementString('VERSION',$global:ecModuleVersion.ToString()) $writer.WriteElementString('GENERATOR',$global:ecModuleName) $writer.WriteElementString('DATEFORMAT','ISO8601') $writer.WriteElementString('FLOATFORMAT','US') $writer.WriteElementString('COUNTRYFORMAT','ISO2') $writer.WriteElementString('FIELDNAMES','NATIVE') $writer.WriteElementString('DATE',(Convert-DateToIso -value $(Get-Date) -noTimeZone )) if (! $noPcName) { $writer.WriteElementString('PCNAME', "$env:COMPUTERNAME".ToUpper()) } if (! $noUserName) { $writer.WriteElementString('USERNAME', "$env:USERNAME".ToUpper()) } $writer.WriteEndElement() # Exiting the XmlWriter object $writer.Flush() $writer.Close() # Read memoryStream with streamreader $memoryStream.Position = 0 $streamReader = New-Object System.IO.StreamReader($memoryStream) [string]$result = $streamReader.ReadToEnd() } end { Get-CurrentVariables -InitialVariables $InitialVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference Return $result } # Test: Get-XmlEulandaMetadata } function Get-XmlEulandaProperty { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$breadcrumbPath , [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidateMapping -strValue $_ -mapping (Get-MappingTablename) })] [string]$tablename , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidateConn -conn $_ })] $conn , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidatePathUDL -path $_ })] [string]$udl , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidateConnStr -connStr $_ })] [string]$connStr ) Begin { Write-Verbose -Message ('Starting: {0}' -f $myInvocation.Mycommand) $tablename = Test-ValidateMapping -strValue $tablename -mapping (Get-MappingTablename) Test-ValidateSingle -validParams (Get-SingleConnection) @PSBoundParameters New-Variable -Name 'child' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'data' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([System.Object[]]@()) New-Variable -Name 'idMap' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([System.Collections.Hashtable]@{}) New-Variable -Name 'myConn' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'parent' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'parentId' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'properties' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'property' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'root' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'rootId' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'sql' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string[]]@()) New-Variable -Name 'subNode' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'xmlFlat' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'xmlHierarchy' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'result' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') $InitialVariables = Get-CurrentVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference } Process { try { $myConn = Get-Conn -conn $conn -udl $udl -connStr $connStr [string[]]$sql= Get-PropertySql -breadcrumbPath $breadcrumbPath -tablename $tablename [System.Object]$data = Get-DataFromSql -sql $sql -conn $myConn [xml]$xmlFlat = Convert-DataToXml -data $data -root 'EULANDA' -arrRoot 'MERKMALLISTE' -arrSubRoot 'MERKMAL' # Create a hash map with all ID values # MERKMAL (engl. =Property) $idMap = @{} foreach ($property in $xmlFlat.SelectNodes("//MERKMAL")) { $idMap[$property.Id] = $true } # Traversing all ParentId values and searching for the rootId # MERKMAL (engl. =Property) $rootId = $null foreach ($property in $xmlFlat.SelectNodes("//MERKMAL")) { $parentId = $property.ParentId if ($parentId -ne "" -and !$idMap.ContainsKey($parentId)) { $rootId = $parentId break } } # Create a new XML document for the hierarchy $xmlHierarchy = New-Object System.Xml.XmlDocument $root = $xmlHierarchy.CreateElement("MERKMALBAUM") $xmlHierarchy.AppendChild($root) | Out-Null # Converting the list of flat properties into a hierarchy $properties = $xmlFlat.SelectNodes("//MERKMAL") foreach ($property in $properties) { $parentId = $property.ParentId if ($parentId -eq $rootId) { $root.AppendChild($xmlHierarchy.ImportNode($property, $true)) | Out-Null } else { $parent = $xmlHierarchy.SelectSingleNode("//MERKMAL[ID=$parentId]") $parent.AppendChild($xmlHierarchy.ImportNode($property, $true)) | Out-Null } } # Move all the child elements of 'MERKMALBAUM' to 'MERKMALBAUM\ARTIKEL' or what ever # MERKMALBAUM (eng. =PropertyTree), ARTIKEL (eng. = Article) $subNode = $xmlHierarchy.CreateElement($tablename.ToUpper()) foreach ($child in $xmlHierarchy.SelectNodes("//MERKMALBAUM/*")) { $subNode.AppendChild($child.CloneNode($true)) | Out-Null } # Remove the original child nodes of the root $xmlHierarchy.DocumentElement.RemoveAll() # Add the subnode like ARTIKEL as the new child of the root $xmlHierarchy.DocumentElement.AppendChild($subNode) | Out-Null $result = $xmlHierarchy.OuterXml } catch { Throw "$_ Function: $($myInvocation.Mycommand)" } } End { Get-CurrentVariables -InitialVariables $InitialVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference Return $result } # Test: Get-XmlEulandaProperty -breadcrumbPath '\Produkte' -tablename 'Adresse' -udl 'C:\temp\Eulanda_1 Eulanda.udl' } Function Get-XmlEulandaRoot { [CmdletBinding()] param() begin { Write-Verbose -Message ('Starting: {0}' -f $myInvocation.Mycommand) New-Variable -Name 'xml' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'result' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') $InitialVariables = Get-CurrentVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference } process { [xml]$xml = [xml]"<EULANDA></EULANDA>" $result = $xml.OuterXml } end { Get-CurrentVariables -InitialVariables $InitialVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference Return $result } # Test: Get-XmlEulandaRoot } function Get-XmlEulandaShop { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string]$barcode , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string]$articleNo , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [Alias('id')] [int]$articleId , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [Alias('uid')] [guid]$articleUid , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidateConn -conn $_ })] $conn , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidatePathUDL -path $_ })] [string]$udl , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidateConnStr -connStr $_ })] [string]$connStr ) Begin { Write-Verbose -Message ('Starting: {0}' -f $myInvocation.Mycommand) Test-ValidateSingle -validParams (Get-SingleArticleKeys) @PSBoundParameters Test-ValidateSingle -validParams (Get-SingleConnection) @PSBoundParameters New-Variable -Name 'idx' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([int32]0) New-Variable -Name 'memoryStream' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'myConn' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'nodeName' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'nodeValue' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'paramsArticle' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([System.Collections.Hashtable]@{}) New-Variable -Name 'rs' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'sql' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'streamReader' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'upselling' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([System.Object[]]@()) New-Variable -Name 'writer' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'xmlWriterSettings' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'result' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') $InitialVariables = Get-CurrentVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference } Process { $paramsArticle = Get-UsedParameters -validParams (Get-SingleArticleKeys) -boundParams $PSBoundParameters try { [string]$result = '' $myConn = Get-Conn -conn $conn -udl $udl -connStr $connStr if (! (Test-ShopExtension -conn $myConn)) { Throw "'$($myInvocation.Mycommand)' needs shop extensions installed for using variants." } [int]$articleId = Get-ArticleId @paramsArticle -conn $myConn [string]$sql = @" DECLARE @ShopFields NVARCHAR(MAX); SET @ShopFields = STUFF( ( SELECT ', Arts.' + COLUMN_NAME FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS WHERE TABLE_NAME = 'esolArtikelShop' AND COLUMN_NAME NOT IN ('ID', 'VariantText1', 'VariantText2', 'VariantText3', 'VariantText4', 'VariantText5') FOR XML PATH('') ), 1, 2, '' ); DECLARE @MasterFields NVARCHAR(MAX); SET @MasterFields = 'Master.VariantText1, Master.VariantText2, Master.VariantText3, Master.VariantText4, Master.VariantText5'; DECLARE @AddressFields NVARCHAR(MAX); SET @AddressFields = 'adr.Match [MANUFACTURER]'; DECLARE @sql NVARCHAR(MAX); SET @sql = N' SELECT ' + @ShopFields + ', ' + @MasterFields + ', ' + @AddressFields + ' FROM esolArtikelShop [arts] LEFT JOIN Artikel art ON art.ID = arts.ID LEFT JOIN Adresse adr ON adr.ID = art.HerstellerID LEFT JOIN esolArtikelShop Master ON Master.ID = (SELECT ID FROM Artikel WHERE ArtNummer = arts.MasterArticle) WHERE art.Id = $articleId'; EXEC sp_executesql @sql; "@ $rs = $Null $rs = $myConn.Execute($sql) $rs = Get-AdoRs -recordset $rs if ($rs) { # Creating a MemoryStream object to store the XML text $memoryStream = New-Object System.IO.MemoryStream # Use xmlWriterSettings to change the default settings of the xmlWriter $xmlWriterSettings = New-Object System.Xml.XmlWriterSettings $xmlWriterSettings.Encoding = [System.Text.UTF8Encoding]::new() # Prevent the declaration at the beginning like: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> $xmlWriterSettings.OmitXmlDeclaration = $true # Creating an XmlWriter object to write the XML structure $writer = [System.Xml.XmlWriter]::Create($memoryStream, $xmlWriterSettings) # Writing the XML structure with the XmlWriter object $upselling= Get-UpsellingFromVariants @paramsArticle -conn $myConn $writer.WriteStartElement('SHOP') while (! $rs.eof) { for ($i=0; $i -lt $rs.fields.count; $i++) { [string]$nodeName = $rs.fields[$i].Name.ToUpper() [string]$nodeValue = [string]$rs.fields[$i].value # An automatic upselling is set up when dealing with variants that consist of more # than one unit. If no upselling has been specified, it is formed from these variants. if (($upselling) -and ($upselling.count -gt 0)) { if ($nodeName -match "^Up[1-8]$") { if (! $nodeValue) { [int]$idx = [int]$nodeName.Substring(2) if ($upselling.count -ge $idx) { $nodeValue = $upselling[$idx-1] }; } } } $writer.WriteElementString($nodeName,$nodeValue) } $rs.MoveNext() } $writer.WriteEndElement() # Exiting the XmlWriter object $writer.Flush() $writer.Close() # Read memoryStream with streamreader $memoryStream.Position = 0 $streamReader = New-Object System.IO.StreamReader($memoryStream) [string]$result = $streamReader.ReadToEnd() } } catch { if ($Error.Count -gt 0) { $line = $myInvocation.ScriptLineNumber - 1 Throw "$_ Function: $($myInvocation.Mycommand), $($line): $($Error[0].Exception.Message)" } else { Throw $_ } } } End { Get-CurrentVariables -InitialVariables $InitialVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference Return $result } # Test: Get-XmlEulandaShop -articleNo '130100' -udl 'C:\temp\Eulanda_1 Truccamo.udl' } function Get-XmlEulandaStock { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string]$barcode , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string]$articleNo , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [int]$articleId , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [guid]$articleUid , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidateConn -conn $_ })] $conn , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidatePathUDL -path $_ })] [string]$udl , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidateConnStr -connStr $_ })] [string]$connStr ) Begin { Write-Verbose -Message ('Starting: {0}' -f $myInvocation.Mycommand) Test-ValidateSingle -validParams (Get-SingleArticleKeys) @PSBoundParameters Test-ValidateSingle -validParams (Get-SingleConnection) @PSBoundParameters New-Variable -Name 'memoryStream' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'myConn' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'nodeName' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'nodeValue' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'paramsArticle' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([System.Collections.Hashtable]@{}) New-Variable -Name 'rawSql' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'rs' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'sql' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'streamReader' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'writer' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'xmlWriterSettings' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'result' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') $InitialVariables = Get-CurrentVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference } Process { $paramsArticle = Get-UsedParameters -validParams (Get-SingleArticleKeys) -boundParams $PSBoundParameters try { $myConn = Get-Conn -conn $conn -udl $udl -connStr $connStr [int]$articleId = Get-ArticleId @paramsArticle -conn $myConn [string]$rawSql = (Get-StockSql -legacy -alias 'articleId')[1] [string]$sql= ($rawSql -f $articleId ) $rs = $Null $rs = $myConn.Execute($sql) $rs = Get-AdoRs -recordset $rs if ($rs) { # Creating a MemoryStream object to store the XML text $memoryStream = New-Object System.IO.MemoryStream # Use xmlWriterSettings to change the default settings of the xmlWriter $xmlWriterSettings = New-Object System.Xml.XmlWriterSettings $xmlWriterSettings.Encoding = [System.Text.UTF8Encoding]::new() # Prevent the declaration at the beginning like: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> $xmlWriterSettings.OmitXmlDeclaration = $true # Creating an XmlWriter object to write the XML structure $writer = [System.Xml.XmlWriter]::Create($memoryStream, $xmlWriterSettings) # Writing the XML structure with the XmlWriter object $writer.WriteStartElement('LAGER') for ($i=0; $i -lt $rs.fields.count; $i++) { [string]$nodeName = $rs.fields[$i].Name.ToUpper() [string]$nodeValue = [string]$rs.fields[$i].value $writer.WriteElementString($nodeName,$nodeValue) } $writer.WriteEndElement() # Exiting the XmlWriter object $writer.Flush() $writer.Close() # Read memoryStream with streamreader $memoryStream.Position = 0 $streamReader = New-Object System.IO.StreamReader($memoryStream) [string]$result = $streamReader.ReadToEnd() } } catch { if ($Error.Count -gt 0) { $line = $myInvocation.ScriptLineNumber - 1 Throw "$_ Function: $($myInvocation.Mycommand), $($line): $($Error[0].Exception.Message)" } else { Throw $_ } } } End { Get-CurrentVariables -InitialVariables $InitialVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference Return $result } # Test: Get-XmlEulandaStock -articleNo '130100' -udl 'C:\temp\Eulanda_1 Truccamo.udl' } Function Get-XmlEulandaTierPrice { param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string]$barcode , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string]$articleNo , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [int]$articleId , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [guid]$articleUid , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidateCustomerGroups -customerGroups $_ })] [string]$customerGroups , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidateConn -conn $_ })] $conn , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidatePathUDL -path $_ })] [string]$udl , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidateConnStr -connStr $_ })] [string]$connStr ) Begin { Write-Verbose -Message ('Starting: {0}' -f $myInvocation.Mycommand) Test-ValidateSingle -validParams (Get-SingleArticleKeys) @PSBoundParameters Test-ValidateSingle -validParams (Get-SingleConnection) @PSBoundParameters New-Variable -Name 'memoryStream' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'myConn' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'nodeName' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'nodeValue' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'paramsArticle' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([System.Collections.Hashtable]@{}) New-Variable -Name 'rs' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'sql' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'sqlTierPrice' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'sqlTierPriceSimulation' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'streamReader' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'xmlWriter' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'xmlWriterSettings' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'result' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') $InitialVariables = Get-CurrentVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference } Process { $paramsArticle = Get-UsedParameters -validParams (Get-SingleArticleKeys) -boundParams $PSBoundParameters try { $myConn = Get-Conn -conn $conn -udl $udl -connStr $connStr $articleId = Get-ArticleId @paramsArticle -conn $myConn # Get's the tier prices from regular tier price table [string]$sqlTierPrice = @" DECLARE @ArticleId INT = $articleId SELECT pl.Name, pl.Waehrung, pl.BruttoFlg, p.Staffel, p.MengeAb, p.Vk FROM PreisListe [pl] JOIN Preis [p] ON pl.Id = p.PreisListe JOIN Artikel art ON art.Id = p.ArtikelId WHERE art.Id = @ArticleId ORDER BY pl.Name, p.Staffel "@ # Simulates the tier price structure for an article # based on its rebate group and a list of customer groups [string]$sqlTierPriceSimulation = @" DECLARE @ArticleId INT = $articleId DECLARE @CustomerGroups VARCHAR(100) = '$customerGroups' DECLARE @GroupList TABLE (GroupName VARCHAR(50)) -- Split the @CustomerGroups into individual group names and into a table WHILE LEN(@CustomerGroups) > 0 BEGIN DECLARE @CommaIndex INT SET @CommaIndex = CHARINDEX(',', @CustomerGroups) IF @CommaIndex = 0 BEGIN INSERT INTO @GroupList (GroupName) VALUES (LTRIM(RTRIM(@CustomerGroups))) SET @CustomerGroups = '' END ELSE BEGIN INSERT INTO @GroupList (GroupName) VALUES (LTRIM(RTRIM(LEFT(@CustomerGroups, @CommaIndex - 1)))) SET @CustomerGroups = SUBSTRING(@CustomerGroups, @CommaIndex + 1, LEN(@CustomerGroups) - @CommaIndex) END END DECLARE @Results TABLE (ArtNummer VARCHAR(50), Preis FLOAT, KG VARCHAR(50)) DECLARE @Group VARCHAR(50) DECLARE groupCursor CURSOR FOR SELECT GroupName FROM @GroupList OPEN groupCursor FETCH NEXT FROM groupCursor INTO @Group WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN INSERT INTO @Results (ArtNummer, Preis, KG) SELECT art.ArtNummer, art.VkNetto / 100.0 * (100.0 - rg.Rabatt), @Group FROM Artikel [art] JOIN KonRgKG [rg] ON art.RabattGr = rg.Rg AND rg.KG = @Group WHERE art.Id = @ArticleId FETCH NEXT FROM groupCursor INTO @Group END CLOSE groupCursor DEALLOCATE groupCursor SELECT KG [Name], 'EUR' [Waehrung], 0 [BruttoFlg], 1 [Staffel], 1.00 [MengeAb], Preis [Vk] FROM @Results ORDER BY ArtNummer, KG "@ if ($customerGroups) { [string]$sql = $sqlTierPriceSimulation } else { [string]$sql = $sqlTierPrice } $rs = $Null $rs = $myConn.Execute($sql) $rs = Get-AdoRs -recordset $rs if ($rs) { # Creating a MemoryStream object to store the XML text $memoryStream = New-Object System.IO.MemoryStream # Use xmlWriterSettings to change the default settings of the xmlWriter $xmlWriterSettings = New-Object System.Xml.XmlWriterSettings $xmlWriterSettings.Encoding = [System.Text.UTF8Encoding]::new() # Prevent the declaration at the beginning like: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> $xmlWriterSettings.OmitXmlDeclaration = $true # Creating an XmlWriter object to write the XML structure $xmlWriter = [System.Xml.XmlWriter]::Create($memoryStream, $xmlWriterSettings) # Writing the XML structure with the XmlWriter object $xmlWriter.WriteStartElement('PREISLISTE') while (! $rs.eof) { $xmlWriter.WriteStartElement('PREIS') for ($i=0; $i -lt $rs.fields.count; $i++) { [string]$nodeName = $rs.fields[$i].Name.ToUpper() [string]$nodeValue = [string]$rs.fields[$i].value $xmlWriter.WriteElementString($nodeName,$nodeValue) } $xmlWriter.WriteEndElement() $rs.movenext() } $xmlWriter.WriteEndElement() # Exiting the XmlWriter object $xmlWriter.Flush() $xmlWriter.Close() # Read memoryStream with streamreader $memoryStream.Position = 0 $streamReader = New-Object System.IO.StreamReader($memoryStream) [string]$result = $streamReader.ReadToEnd() } } catch { if ($Error.Count -gt 0) { $line = $myInvocation.ScriptLineNumber - 1 Throw "$_ Function: $($myInvocation.Mycommand), $($line): $($Error[0].Exception.Message)" } else { Throw $_ } } } End { Get-CurrentVariables -InitialVariables $InitialVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference Return $result } # Test: Get-XmlEulandaTierPrice -articleNo '1100' -customerGroups 'HA,HB,HC' -udl 'C:\temp\Eulanda_1 Eulanda.udl' } function Hide-Extensions { [CmdletBinding()] param() begin { Write-Verbose -Message ('Starting: {0}' -f $myInvocation.Mycommand) $InitialVariables = Get-CurrentVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference } process { Push-Location Set-Location HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced if ((Get-ItemProperty .).HideFileExt -eq 0) { Set-ItemProperty . HideFileExt 1 Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 500 Update-Desktop } Pop-Location } end { Get-CurrentVariables -InitialVariables $InitialVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference Return } # Test: Hide-Extensions } Function Install-SignTool { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string]$signToolBasePath= "$env:TEMP" , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string]$isoBasePath= "$env:TEMP" , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidateUrl -Url $_ })] [string]$url = "" , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [switch]$leaveIso , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [switch]$noBuild , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [switch]$noInstall ) begin { Write-Verbose -Message ('Starting: {0}' -f $myInvocation.Mycommand) New-Variable -Name 'build' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'cookieContainer' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'downloadLink' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'filename' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'headers' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([System.Collections.Hashtable]@{}) New-Variable -Name 'installer' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'isoDrive' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'isoPath' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'link' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'response' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'signToolPath' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'sourcePath' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'StorageHistoryCharts' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) $InitialVariables = Get-CurrentVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference } process { [hashtable]$headers = @{"User-Agent" = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/58.0.3029.110 Safari/537.36 Edge/16.16299"} # ------------------------ # Download Link # ------------------------ $response = Invoke-WebRequest -uri $url -Headers $headers -UseDefaultCredentials -UseBasicParsing -SessionVariable cookieContainer [string]$downloadLink= $null foreach ($link in $response.Links) {if ($link.outerHTML -match "Download the \.iso") {$downloadLink = $link.href; break } } # ------------------------ # Download Iso # ------------------------ if ($downloadLink) { $response = Invoke-WebRequest -uri $downloadLink -Headers $headers -Method Head -UseBasicParsing -SessionVariable cookieContainer [string]$filename = $response.Headers['Content-Disposition'].Split('; ')[1].Split('=')[1] [string]$build= $filename.Split('.')[0] [string]$isoPath= "$isoBasePath\$filename" # Invoke-WebRequest -uri $downloadLink -Headers $headers -UseBasicParsing -SessionVariable cookieContainer -OutFile "$isoPath" Write-Host -NoNewline "Downloading Windows SDK (ca. 1.5 GB)..." -ForegroundColor Blue (New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile($downloadLink, $isoPath) Write-Host " (ready)" } else { throw "Download link for SDK not found on sdk website!" } # ------------------------ # Extract ISO # ------------------------ Mount-DiskImage -ImagePath $isoPath -StorageType ISO | Out-Null [string]$isoDrive = (Get-Volume -FriendlyName "KSDK*" | Select-Object -ExpandProperty DriveLetter) + ":\" [string]$sourcePath = "$isoDrive\Installers" if ($noBuild) { [string]$signToolPath = "$signToolBasePath\Signtool" } else { [string]$signToolPath = "$signToolBasePath\Signtool($build)" } if (! (Test-Path $signToolPath )) { New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $signToolPath -force | Out-Null } [string]$installer= "Windows SDK Signing Tools-x86_en-us.msi" if (! (Test-path "$sourcePath\$installer")) { [string]$installer= "Windows SDK Signing Tools-x86_en-us.exe" } # Extracting Items Copy-Item "$sourcePath\$installer" $signToolPath -force Copy-Item "$sourcePath\" $signToolPath -force Copy-Item "$sourcePath\" $signToolPath -force Copy-Item "$sourcePath\" $signToolPath -force Copy-Item "$sourcePath\" $signToolPath -force Dismount-DiskImage -ImagePath $isoPath | Out-Null if (! $leaveIso) { Remove-Item $isoPath -Force } # ------------------------ # Install SignTool # ------------------------ if (! $noInstall) { $msiPath = "$signToolPath\$installer" $arguments = "/i `"$msiPath`" /qn" Start-Process msiexec.exe -ArgumentList $arguments -Wait -Verb RunAs Remove-Item -Path "$signToolPath\*.cab" -Force Remove-Item -Path "$signToolPath\$installer" -Force Remove-Item -Path "$signToolPath" -Force } } end { Get-CurrentVariables -InitialVariables $InitialVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference Return } # Test: Install-SignTool -leaveIso -noInstall } function New-ConnStr { [CmdletBinding()] param( [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$database , [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$server , [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$user , [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$password ) begin { Write-Verbose -Message ('Starting: {0}' -f $myInvocation.Mycommand) New-Variable -Name 'result' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') $InitialVariables = Get-CurrentVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference } process { if (($user) -and ($password)) { [string]$result = ` "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Data Source=$server;Initial Catalog=$database;" +` "Persist Security Info=True;User ID=$user;Password=$password" } else { [string]$result = "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Data Source=$server;Initial Catalog=$database;Integrated Security=SSPI" } } end { Get-CurrentVariables -InitialVariables $InitialVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference Return $result } # Test: New-ConnStr -database 'EULANDA_Truccamo' -Server '.\SQL2019' } function New-Delivery { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidateNo -no $_ })] [int]$salesOrderNo , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidateId -id $_ })] [int]$salesOrderId , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidateNo -no $_ })] [int]$customerOrderNo , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidateConn -conn $_ })] $conn , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidatePathUDL -path $_ })] [string]$udl , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidateConnStr -connStr $_ })] [string]$connStr ) begin { Write-Verbose -Message ('Starting: {0}' -f $myInvocation.Mycommand) Test-ValidateSingle -validParams (Get-SingleSalesOrderKeys) @PSBoundParameters Test-ValidateSingle -validParams (Get-SingleConnection) @PSBoundParameters New-Variable -Name 'myConn' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'paramsSalesOrder' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([System.Collections.Hashtable]@{}) New-Variable -Name 'relevantError' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'rs' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'sql' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'result' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([int32]0) $InitialVariables = Get-CurrentVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference } process { [int]$result = 0 $myConn = Get-Conn -conn $conn -udl $udl -connStr $connStr $paramsSalesOrder = Get-UsedParameters -validParams (Get-SingleSalesOrderKeys) -boundParams $PSBoundParameters $salesOrderId = Get-SalesOrderId @paramsSalesOrder -conn $myConn try { $sql = @" SET NOCOUNT ON DECLARE @Af_Id int DECLARE @Lf_Id int SET @Af_Id = $salesOrderId EXEC dbo.cn_TraAfLf_SingleAf @Lf_Id=@Lf_Id OUT, @af_id=@Af_Id SELECT @Lf_Id [Id] "@ $rs = new-object -comObject ADODB.Recordset $rs.CursorLocation = $adUseClient $rs.Open($sql, $myConn, $adOpenKeyset, $adLockOptimistic, $adCmdText) $rs = Get-AdoRs -recordset $rs if ($rs) { if (! $rs.eof) { [int]$result = $rs.fields('Id').value } } else { throw "The '$($myInvocation.MyCommand)' function has failed. Record set is closed. Sql: $sql" } } catch { $relevantError = Get-ErrorFromConn -conn $myConn Throw "Error: $_! $relevantError" } } end { Get-CurrentVariables -InitialVariables $InitialVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference Return $result } # Test: New-Delivery -salesOrderNo 131 -udl 'C:\temp\EULANDA_1 Truccamo.udl' } function New-DeliveryPropertyItem { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidateId -id $_ })] [int]$deliveryId , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidateNo -no $_ })] [int]$deliveryNo , [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidateId -id $_ })] [int]$propertyId , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidateConn -conn $_ })] $conn , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidatePathUDL -path $_ })] [string]$udl , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidateConnStr -connStr $_ })] [string]$connStr ) begin { Write-Verbose -Message ('Starting: {0}' -f $myInvocation.Mycommand) Test-ValidateSingle -validParams (Get-SingleDeliveryKeys) @PSBoundParameters Test-ValidateSingle -validParams (Get-SingleConnection) @PSBoundParameters New-Variable -Name 'myConn' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'sql' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'sqlFrag' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') $InitialVariables = Get-CurrentVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference } process { $myConn = Get-Conn -conn $conn -udl $udl -connStr $connStr if ($deliveryId) { [string]$sqlFrag = "Id = $deliveryId" } else { [string]$sqlFrag = "KopfNummer = $deliveryNo" } [string]$sql = @" DECLARE @KopfId INT; DECLARE @ObjektId INT; SELECT TOP 1 @ObjektId = ID FROM Lieferschein WHERE $sqlFrag; SET @KopfId = $propertyId; INSERT INTO MerkmalElement (KopfId, ObjektId) SELECT @KopfId, @ObjektId WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM MerkmalElement WHERE KopfId = @KopfId AND ObjektId = @ObjektId); "@ $myConn.Execute($sql) | out-null } end { Get-CurrentVariables -InitialVariables $InitialVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference Return } # Test: New-DeliveryPropertyItem -deliveryNo 66 -propertyId 2710 -udl 'C:\temp\EULANDA_1 Truccamo.udl' } class EulException : Exception { [string] $additionalData EulException($message, $additionalData) : base($message) { $this.additionalData = $additionalData } } function New-EulException { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string]$message , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] $additionalData ) Write-Verbose -Message ('Starting: {0}' -f $myInvocation.Mycommand) return [EulException]::New($message,$additionalData) } Class EulLog : System.IDisposable { [string]$filePath [string]$name EulLog($name, $path) { $this.Name = $name $this.FilePath = $this.ChkPath($path) $this.Put('Initialization') } [void]Dispose() { $this.Put('Finalization') } [string]Fname($name) { $monthYear = Get-Date -Uformat "%Y-%b" return "LOG_$name`_$monthYear.txt" } [string]ChkPath($path) { $fName = $this.Fname($ if (!(Get-Content "$path\events\$fName")) { [void](New-Item -Path "$path\events\$fName" -ItemType File -Force) } return "$path\events\$fName" } # main entry for logging an event [void]Put($level, $group, $message) { $now = (Get-Date).tostring("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") if (! (test-path variable:global:ecProcessId)) { $global:ecProcessId = "$([System.Guid]::NewGuid())" } $delim = "`t" $log= "{1}{0}{2}{0}{3}{0}{4}{0}{5}{0}{6}" -f $delim, $now, ($, $global:ecProcessId, $level, $group, $message Write-Debug $log [int]$maxRetries = 30 [int]$i = 0 while ($i -lt $maxRetries) { try { $log | Out-File -FilePath $this.filePath -Append -NoClobber $i = $maxRetries } catch { $i++ Write-Host "$_ Logfile: $log retries: $i from $maxRetries" -ForegroundColor Red Start-Sleep -Seconds 0.1 } } } # short way to log an event [void]Put($level, $message) { $this.Put($level,'(default)',$message) } # shortest way to log an event [void]Put($message) { $this.Put(0,'(default)',$message) } } function New-EulLog { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$name , [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$path ) Write-Verbose -Message ('Starting: {0}' -f $myInvocation.Mycommand) return [EulLog]::New($name, $path) } function New-SalesOrder { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidateId -id $_ })] [int]$invoiceAddressId , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidateConn -conn $_ })] $conn , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidatePathUDL -path $_ })] [string]$udl , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidateConnStr -connStr $_ })] [string]$connStr ) begin { Write-Verbose -Message ('Starting: {0}' -f $myInvocation.Mycommand) Test-ValidateSingle -validParams (Get-SingleConnection) @PSBoundParameters New-Variable -Name 'myConn' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'rs' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'sql' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'result' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([int32]0) $InitialVariables = Get-CurrentVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference } process { $myConn = Get-Conn -conn $conn -udl $udl -connStr $connStr # Create an empty sales order head [string]$sql = "SET NOCOUNT ON`r`n" +` "DECLARE @Af_Id int`r`n" +` "DECLARE @Ad_Id int`r`n" +` "SET @Ad_Id = $invoiceAddressId`r`n" +` "EXEC dbo.cn_CreAf @Af_Id = @Af_Id out, @Ad_Id = @Ad_Id`r`n" +` "SELECT @Af_Id [Id]" $rs = new-object -comObject ADODB.Recordset $rs.CursorLocation = $adUseClient $rs.Open($sql, $myConn, $adOpenKeyset, $adLockOptimistic, $adCmdText) # Toggle all record sets until you find an open one Do { If ($rs.State -ne $adStateOpen) { $rs = $rs.NextRecordset() } } until ( (! $rs) -or ($rs.State -eq $adStateOpen) ) # Get the id of the new order if (! $rs.eof) { [int]$result = $rs.fields('Id').value } } end { Get-CurrentVariables -InitialVariables $InitialVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference Return $result } # Test: New-SalesOrder -invoiceAddressId 3 -udl 'C:\temp\EULANDA_1 Truccamo.udl' } function New-Shortcut { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$file , [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$link ) begin { Write-Verbose -Message ('Starting: {0}' -f $myInvocation.Mycommand) New-Variable -Name 'shortcut' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'wshShell' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) $InitialVariables = Get-CurrentVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference } process { try { if (! (Test-Path $link)) { if (Test-Path $file) { $wshShell = New-Object -comObject WScript.Shell $shortcut = $wshShell.CreateShortcut($link) $shortcut.TargetPath = $file $shortcut.Save() } else { throw "WARNING! File '$file' is missing, no shortcut is created! Function: $($myInvocation.MyCommand)" } } } catch { if ($ErrorActionPreference -eq "SilentlyContinue") { # do nothing } elseif ($ErrorActionPreference -eq "Stop") { throw $_.Exception.Message } else { Write-Host $_.Exception.Message -ForegroundColor Red } } } end { Get-CurrentVariables -InitialVariables $InitialVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference } # Test: New-Shortcut -file 'C:\Temp\eulanda.exe' -link "$(Get-DesktopDir)\MyEulanda.lnk -ErrorAction Continue" } function New-Table { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, HelpMessage='Please provide the name of the data table')] [string]$tableName , [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, HelpMessage='Provide comma-separated column names and optionally add data types like "MyName/?Int"')] $columnNames ) begin { Write-Verbose -Message ('Starting: {0}' -f $myInvocation.Mycommand) New-Variable -Name 'count' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([int32]0) $InitialVariables = Get-CurrentVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference } process { if ($columnNames.GetType().Name -eq "String") { $columnNames = $columnNames -split "," } elseif ($columnNames.GetType().BaseType.Name -ne "Array") { throw 'The column name must be a string!' } $tempTable = New-Object System.Data.DataTable if ($columnNames.count -ne 0) { do { Remove-Variable -Name datatype -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -WarningAction SilentlyContinue $tempTable.Columns.Add() | Out-Null if ($columnNames[$count] -like "*/?*") { $datatype = $columnNames[$count].Substring($columnNames[$count].IndexOf("/?")+2) if ($datatype -eq 'int') {$datatype = 'Int32'} if ($datatype -eq 'long') {$datatype = 'Int64'} $columnNames[$count] = $columnNames[$count].Substring(0,$columnNames[$count].IndexOf("/?")) $tempTable.Columns[$count].DataType = "System.$datatype" } $tempTable.Columns[$count].ColumnName = $columnNames[$count] $tempTable.Columns[$count].Caption = $columnNames[$count] $count++ } until ($count -eq $columnNames.Count) } Set-Variable -Name $tableName -Scope Global -Value (New-Object System.Data.DataTable) Set-Variable -Name $tableName -Scope Global -Value $tempTable Remove-Variable -Name TempTable -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -WarningAction SilentlyContinue } end { Get-CurrentVariables -InitialVariables $InitialVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference Return } # Test: New-Table -tableName 'MyTable' -columnNames 'Name,Value/?Int' } function New-TempDir { [CmdletBinding()] param() begin { Write-Verbose -Message ('Starting: {0}' -f $myInvocation.Mycommand) New-Variable -Name 'name' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'parent' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'result' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') $InitialVariables = Get-CurrentVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference } process { $parent = [System.IO.Path]::GetTempPath() [string]$name = [System.Guid]::NewGuid() [string]$result = (Join-Path $parent $name) New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $result | Out-Null } end { Get-CurrentVariables -InitialVariables $InitialVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference Return $result } # Test: New-TempDir } function Open-Delivery { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidateId -id $_ })] [int]$deliveryId , [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidateNo -no $_ })] [int]$deliveryNo , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidateConn -conn $_ })] $conn , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidatePathUDL -path $_ })] [string]$udl , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidateConnStr -connStr $_ })] [string]$connStr ) begin { Write-Verbose -Message ('Starting: {0}' -f $myInvocation.Mycommand) Test-ValidateSingle -validParams (Get-SingleDeliveryKeys) @PSBoundParameters Test-ValidateSingle -validParams (Get-SingleConnection) @PSBoundParameters New-Variable -Name 'myConn' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'paramsDelivery' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([System.Collections.Hashtable]@{}) New-Variable -Name 'sql' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') $InitialVariables = Get-CurrentVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference } process { $myConn = Get-Conn -conn $conn -udl $udl -connStr $connStr $paramsDelivery = Get-UsedParameters -validParams (Get-SingleDeliveryKeys) -boundParams $PSBoundParameters $deliveryId = Get-DeliveryId @paramsDelivery -conn $myConn if ($deliveryId) { $sql = @" SET NOCOUNT ON; DECLARE @DeliveryId int SET @DeliveryId = $deliveryId EXEC dbo.cn_lfErfassen @lf_id=@DeliveryId "@ } try { $myConn.Execute($sql) | out-null } catch { $relevantError = Get-ErrorFromConn -conn $myConn Throw "Error: $_! $relevantError" } } end { Get-CurrentVariables -InitialVariables $InitialVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference } # Test: Open-Delivery -deliveryNo 69 -udl 'C:\temp\EULANDA_1 Truccamo.udl' } function Out-Beep { [CmdletBinding()] param() begin { Write-Verbose -Message ('Starting: {0}' -f $myInvocation.Mycommand) } process { [Console]::Beep() } end { } # Test: Out-Beep } function Out-Goodbye { [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [switch]$normally , [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [switch]$abnormally ) begin { Write-Verbose -Message ('Starting: {0}' -f $myInvocation.Mycommand) New-Variable -Name 'duration' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) $InitialVariables = Get-CurrentVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference } process { New-Variable -Name 'ecEndTime' -Scope 'Global' -Option ReadOnly -Force -Value ([datetime](Get-Date)) -Description 'End time of EulandaConnect module' write-host "Execution start: $(Use-Culture -culture $ecCulture -script {$($ecStartTime)})" -ForegroundColor "blue" write-host "Execution end: $(Use-Culture -culture $ecCulture -script {$($ecEndTime)})" -ForegroundColor "blue" $duration = New-Timespan -end $ecEndTime -start $ecStartTime Write-Host "Duration: $(($duration.TotalSeconds).ToString('0.##')) seconds" -ForegroundColor "blue" if ($normally) { Write-Host "Job finished normally" -ForegroundColor "blue" } if ($abnormally) { Write-Host "Job finished abnormally" -ForegroundColor "red" } } end { Get-CurrentVariables -InitialVariables $InitialVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference } # Test: Out-Goodbye -normally } function Out-Welcome { [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory=$false)] [ValidateScript({ if(-Not ($_ | Test-Path) ) { throw "File or folder '$_' does not exist!" } else { $true } })] [ValidateScript({ if($_ -notmatch "(\.ps1)") { throw "The file '$_' specified in the path argument must of type .ps1" } else { $true } })] [string]$projectScript , [parameter(Position = 1, Mandatory=$false)] [switch]$noBanner , [parameter(Position = 2, Mandatory=$false)] [switch]$noInfo , [parameter(Position = 3, Mandatory=$false)] [string]$culture ) begin { Write-Verbose -Message ('Starting: {0}' -f $myInvocation.Mycommand) New-Variable -Name 'banner' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'cultureObj' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'OUT_WELCOME_COPYRIGHT' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'OUT_WELCOME_LICENSEURI' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'OUT_WELCOME_PATH' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'OUT_WELCOME_PROJECTVERSION' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'OUT_WELCOME_STARTTIME' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'OUT_WELCOME_VERSION' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') $InitialVariables = Get-CurrentVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference } process { [string]$OUT_WELCOME_VERSION = 'OUT_WELCOME_VERSION' # EulandaConnect: {0} v{1} [string]$OUT_WELCOME_LICENSEURI = 'OUT_WELCOME_LICENSEURI' # {0} [string]$OUT_WELCOME_COPYRIGHT = 'OUT_WELCOME_COPYRIGHT' # Copyright: {0} [string]$OUT_WELCOME_PROJECTVERSION = 'OUT_WELCOME_PROJECTVERSION' # CustomProject: {0} v{1} [string]$OUT_WELCOME_STARTTIME = 'OUT_WELCOME_STARTTIME' # Execution start: {0} [string]$OUT_WELCOME_PATH = 'OUT_WELCOME_PATH' # Module Path: {0} $banner = @" ________ ____ ___ _ ______ ___ / ____/ / / / / / | / | / / __ \/ | / __/ / / / / / / /| | / |/ / / / / /| | / /___/ /_/ / /___/ ___ |/ /| / /_/ / ___ | /_____/\____/_____/_/ |_/_/ |_/_____/_/ |_| _____ ______ / ___/____ / __/ /__ ______ _________ \__ \/ __ \/ /_/ __/ | /| / / __ / ___/ _ \ ___/ / /_/ / __/ /_ | |/ |/ / /_/ / / / __/ /____/\____/_/ \__/ |__/|__/\__,_/_/ \___/ "@ if (! $noBanner) { write-host $banner -ForegroundColor "blue" } New-Variable -Name 'ecStartTime' -Scope 'Global' -Option ReadOnly -Force -Value ([datetime](Get-Date)) -Description 'Start time of EulandaConnect module' if (! $culture) { $culture = [System.Threading.Thread]::CurrentThread.CurrentCulture.Name } else { $cultureObj = [System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::GetCultureInfo($culture) [System.Threading.Thread]::CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = $cultureObj [System.Threading.Thread]::CurrentThread.CurrentUiCulture = $cultureObj New-Variable -Name 'ecCulture' -Scope 'Global' -Option ReadOnly -Force -Value ([string]$culture) -Description 'User language like en-US of EulandaConnect module' } if ($projectScript) { New-Variable -Name 'ecProjectName' -Scope 'Global' -Option ReadOnly -Force -Value ([string](Split-Path -LeafBase $projectScript)) -Description 'Project name using EulandaConnect module' New-Variable -Name 'ecProjectVersion' -Scope 'Global' -Option ReadOnly -Force -Value ([version](Read-VersionFromSynopsis -path $projectScript)) -Description 'Project version using for the EulandaConnect module' } Write-Debug (get-module -Name EulandaConnect).path if (! $noInfo) { Write-Host ( (Get-ResStr($OUT_WELCOME_VERSION) ) -f $ecModuleName, $($ecModuleVersion.ToString())) -ForegroundColor Blue Write-Host ( (Get-ResStr($OUT_WELCOME_COPYRIGHT) ) -f $($ecModuleCopyright)) -ForegroundColor Blue Write-Host ( (Get-ResStr($OUT_WELCOME_LICENSEURI) ) -f $($ecModuleLicenseURI)) -ForegroundColor Blue Write-Host ( (Get-ResStr($OUT_WELCOME_PATH) ) -f $($ecModulePath)) -ForegroundColor Blue write-host ( (Get-ResStr($OUT_WELCOME_STARTTIME) ) -f $(Use-Culture -culture $ecCulture -script {$($ecStartTime.toString())})) -ForegroundColor Blue if ($ecProjectVersion -gt [version]"0.0") { write-host ( (Get-ResStr($OUT_WELCOME_PROJECTVERSION) ) -f $($ecProjectName), $($ecProjectVersion.ToString())) -ForegroundColor Green } } } end { Get-CurrentVariables -InitialVariables $InitialVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference } # Test: Out-Welcome -culture 'en-US' } function Protect-String { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory = $true)] [string]$plainText , [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory = $true)] $key ) begin { Write-Verbose -Message ('Starting: {0}' -f $myInvocation.Mycommand) New-Variable -Name 'char' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'chars' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'securestring' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'result' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') $InitialVariables = Get-CurrentVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference } process { $key = Get-ProtectedKey $key $securestring = New-Object System.Security.SecureString $chars = $plainText.toCharArray() foreach ($char in $chars) { $secureString.AppendChar($char) } $result = ConvertFrom-SecureString -SecureString $secureString -Key $key } end { Get-CurrentVariables -InitialVariables $InitialVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference Return $result } # Test: Protect-String -plainText 'Hallo, i am John, John Doe!' -key 'MySpecialKey' } function Read-IniFile { [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateScript({ if(-Not ($_ | Test-Path) ){ throw "File or folder does not exist" } if(-Not ($_ | Test-Path -PathType Leaf) ){ throw "The path argument must be a file. Folder paths are not allowed." } if($_ -notmatch "(\.ini)"){ throw "The file specified in the path argument must be either of type ini" } return $true })] [System.IO.FileInfo]$path ) begin { Write-Verbose -Message ('Starting: {0}' -f $myInvocation.Mycommand) New-Variable -Name 'commentCount' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([int32]0) New-Variable -Name 'data' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([System.Object[]]@()) New-Variable -Name 'name' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'section' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'value' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'result' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([System.Collections.Hashtable]@{}) $InitialVariables = Get-CurrentVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference } process { if (!(test-path variable:section)) {[string]$section = $null} [int]$commentCount = 0 if (test-path $path) { $result = @{} $data = get-content $path -Encoding Default switch -regex($data) { "^\[(.+)\]" # Section { $section = $matches[1] if (!$result[$section]) { $result[$section] = [ordered]@{} } $commentCount = 0 } "^(;.*)$" # Comment { if (!($section)) { $section = "No-Section" if (! $result[$section]) { $result[$section] = @{} } } [string]$value = $matches[1] $commentCount = $commentCount + 1 $name = "Comment" + $commentCount } "(.+?)\s*=(.*)" # Key { if (!($section)) { $section = "No-Section" if (!$result[$section]) { $result[$section] = [ordered]@{} } } $name,$value = $matches[1..2] if ($result[$section].Contains($name)) { $result[$section][$name] = $value.Trim() } else { $result[$section].Add($name, $value.Trim()) } } } } } end { Get-CurrentVariables -InitialVariables $InitialVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference Return $result } # Test: Read-IniFile -path 'C:\windows\win.ini' } function Read-VersionFromSynopsis { [CmdletBinding()] param( [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [ValidateScript({ if(-Not ($_ | Test-Path) ) { throw "File or folder '$_' does not exist!" } else { $true } })] [ValidateScript({ if($_ -notmatch "(\.ps1)") { throw "The file '$_' specified in the path argument must of type .ps1" } else { $true } })] [string]$path , [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [ValidateRange(2, [int]::MaxValue)] [int]$maxLines = 250 ) begin { Write-Verbose -Message ('Starting: {0}' -f $myInvocation.Mycommand) New-Variable -Name 'arrSynopsis' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string[]]@()) New-Variable -Name 'content' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'endIndex' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([int32]0) New-Variable -Name 'line' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'startIndex' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([int32]0) New-Variable -Name 'synopsis' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'result' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) $InitialVariables = Get-CurrentVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference } process { [version]$result = "0.0" try { $content = Get-Content -Path $path -TotalCount $maxLines | Out-String $startIndex = $content.IndexOf(".NOTES") $endIndex = $content.IndexOf("#>") + 2 if ($endIndex -gt $startIndex) { $synopsis = $content.Substring($startIndex, $endIndex - $startIndex) $arrSynopsis = $synopsis.Split("`n") foreach ($line in $arrSynopsis) { if ($line.ToLower().Contains('version:')) { [version]$result = $line.Substring($line.IndexOf(":") + 1).Trim() break } } } } catch { } } end { Get-CurrentVariables -InitialVariables $InitialVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference Return $result } # Test: Read-VersionFromSynopsis -path '.\Debug.ps1' } function Receive-SftpFile { [CmdletBinding()] Param( [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$server , [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [int]$port= 22 , [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$user , [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$password , [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$remoteFolder , [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$file , [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$localFolder , [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$comObject= 'IPWorksSSH.SFTP' , [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$license= '(you have to buy one license from n/software)' ) begin { Write-Verbose -Message ('Starting: {0}' -f $myInvocation.Mycommand) New-Variable -Name 'sftp' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) $InitialVariables = Get-CurrentVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference } process { $sftp = New-SftpInstance -comObject $comObject $sftp.ok = $license $sftp.Config("SSHAcceptAnyServerHostKey=true") $sftp.Overwrite = $true $sftp.SSHHost = $server $sftp.SSHPassword = $password $sftp.SSHAuthMode = 2 $sftp.SSHUser = $user $sftp.SSHPort = $port $sftp.SSHLogon($sftp.SSHHost, $sftp.SSHPort) $sftp.LocalFile = "$localFolder\$file" $sftp.RemoteFile = "$remoteFolder/$file" $sftp.Download() $sftp.SSHLogoff() } end { Get-CurrentVariables -InitialVariables $InitialVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference Return } # Test: # Test: Receive-SftpFile -Server '' -user 'demo' -password 'password' -remoteFolder '/' -file 'readme.txt' -localFolder 'C:\temp' -license '(you have to buy one license from n/software)' } function Remove-DeliveryPropertyItem { [CmdletBinding()] param( [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidateId -id $_ })] [int]$deliveryId , [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidateNo -no $_ })] [int]$deliveryNo , [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidateId -id $_ })] [int]$propertyId , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidateConn -conn $_ })] $conn , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidatePathUDL -path $_ })] [string]$udl , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidateConnStr -connStr $_ })] [string]$connStr ) begin { Write-Verbose -Message ('Starting: {0}' -f $myInvocation.Mycommand) Test-ValidateSingle -validParams (Get-SingleDeliveryKeys) @PSBoundParameters Test-ValidateSingle -validParams (Get-SingleConnection) @PSBoundParameters New-Variable -Name 'myConn' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'sql' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'sqlFrag' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') $InitialVariables = Get-CurrentVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference } process { $myConn = Get-Conn -conn $conn -udl $udl -connStr $connStr if ($deliveryId) { [string]$sqlFrag = "Id = $deliveryId" } else { [string]$sqlFrag = "KopfNummer = $deliveryNo" } [string]$sql = @" DECLARE @KopfId INT; DECLARE @ObjektId INT; SELECT TOP 1 @ObjektId = ID FROM Lieferschein WHERE $sqlFrag; SET @KopfId = $propertyId; DELETE MerkmalElement WHERE KopfId = @KopfId AND ObjektId = @ObjektId; "@ $myConn.Execute($sql) | out-null } end { Get-CurrentVariables -InitialVariables $InitialVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference Return } # Test: Remove-DeliveryPropertyItem -deliveryNo 66 -propertyId 2710 -udl 'C:\temp\EULANDA_1 Truccamo.udl' } function Remove-ItemWithRetry { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$path ) begin { Write-Verbose -Message ('Starting: {0}' -f $myInvocation.Mycommand) New-Variable -Name 'retryCount' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([int32]0) New-Variable -Name 'stopLoop' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([boolean]$false) $InitialVariables = Get-CurrentVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference } process { $stopLoop = $false [int]$retryCount = "0" do { try { if (Test-Path $path) { if ($path.ToUpper().IndexOf('\TEMP\')) { Remove-Item -Path $path -Recurse -Force } else { Remove-Item -Path $path -Force } } $stopLoop = $true } catch { if ($retryCount -gt 5) { Write-Host "ERROR In $($myInvocation.MyCommand) Not possible to delete file $path! $_" -foregroundcolor "red" $stopLoop = $true $Error.Clear() } else { $Error.Clear() Write-Host "HINT! Removing file '$path' not working. Retry count '$retryCount'. Trying again..." -foregroundcolor "green" Start-Sleep -Seconds 10 $retryCount = $retryCount + 1 } } } While ($stopLoop -eq $false) } end { Get-CurrentVariables -InitialVariables $InitialVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference Return } # Test: Remove-ItemWithRetry -path 'C:\temp\readme.txt' } function Remove-SftpFile { [CmdletBinding()] Param( [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$server , [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [int]$port= 22 , [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$user , [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$password , [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$remoteFolder , [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$file , [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$comObject= 'IPWorksSSH.SFTP' , [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$license= '(you have to buy one license from n/software)' ) begin { Write-Verbose -Message ('Starting: {0}' -f $myInvocation.Mycommand) New-Variable -Name 'sftp' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) $InitialVariables = Get-CurrentVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference } process { $sftp = New-SftpInstance -comObject $comObject $sftp.ok = $license $sftp.Config("SSHAcceptAnyServerHostKey=true") $sftp.Overwrite = $true $sftp.SSHHost = $server $sftp.SSHPassword = $password $sftp.SSHAuthMode = 2 $sftp.SSHUser = $user $sftp.SSHPort = $port $sftp.SSHLogon($sftp.SSHHost, $sftp.SSHPort) $sftp.DeleteFile("$remoteFolder/$file") $sftp.SSHLogoff() } end { Get-CurrentVariables -InitialVariables $InitialVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference Return } # Test: # Test: Remove-SftpFile -Server '' -user 'demo' -password 'password' -remoteFolder '/' -file 'readme.txt' -license '(you have to buy one license from n/software)' } function Rename-MssqlDatabase { [CmdletBinding()] param( [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$oldName , [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$newName , [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$server , [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$user , [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$password ) begin { Write-Verbose -Message ('Starting: {0}' -f $myInvocation.Mycommand) New-Variable -Name 'dbId' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([int32]0) New-Variable -Name 'myConn' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'newLogicalLdf' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'newLogicalMdf' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'newPhysicalLdf' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'newPhysicalMdf' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'oldLogicalLdf' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'oldLogicalMdf' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'oldPhysicalLdf' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'oldPhysicalMdf' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'paramsConn' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([System.Collections.Hashtable]@{}) New-Variable -Name 'rs' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'sql' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') $InitialVariables = Get-CurrentVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference } process { $paramsConn = Get-UsedParameters -validParams (@('server','user','password')) -boundParams $PSBoundParameters $paramsConn.Add('database','Master') # Initialize connection and command objects $myConn= Get-Conn -connStr (New-ConnStr @paramsConn) [string]$sql = "SELECT DB_ID('$oldName') [DbId]" $rs = Get-AdoRs -recordset $myConn.Execute($sql) if ($rs) { [int]$dbId= $rs.fields('DbId').value if (! $dbId) { throw "No DB_ID found!" } } else { throw "No valid recordset found! Function: $myInvocation.Mycommand" } # Get path the logical file names [string]$sql = "SELECT name FROM sys.sysaltfiles WHERE dbid = $dbId and filename like N'%.mdf'" $rs = Get-AdoRs -recordset $myConn.Execute($sql) if ($rs) { [string]$oldLogicalMdf= $rs.fields('name').value if (! $oldLogicalMdf) { throw "No path for oldLogicalMdf found! Function: $myInvocation.Mycommand" } } else { throw "No valid recordset found! Function: $myInvocation.Mycommand" } [string]$sql = "SELECT name FROM sys.sysaltfiles WHERE dbid = $dbId and filename like N'%.ldf'" $rs = Get-AdoRs -recordset $myConn.Execute($sql) if ($rs) { [string]$oldLogicalLdf= $rs.fields('name').value if (! $oldLogicalLdf) { throw "No path for oldLogicalLdf found! Function: $myInvocation.Mycommand" } } else { throw "No valid recordset found! Function: $myInvocation.Mycommand" } # Get path the physical file names [string]$sql = "SELECT filename FROM sys.sysaltfiles WHERE dbid = $dbId and filename like N'%.mdf'" $rs = Get-AdoRs -recordset $myConn.Execute($sql) if ($rs) { [string]$oldPhysicalMdf= $rs.fields('filename').value if (! $oldPhysicalMdf) { throw "No path for oldPhysicalMdf found! Function: $myInvocation.Mycommand" } } else { throw "No valid recordset found! Function: $myInvocation.Mycommand" } [string]$sql = "SELECT filename FROM sys.sysaltfiles WHERE dbid = $dbId and filename like N'%.ldf'" $rs = Get-AdoRs -recordset $myConn.Execute($sql) if ($rs) { [string]$oldPhysicalLdf= $rs.fields('filename').value if (! $oldPhysicalLdf) { throw "No path for oldPhysicalLdf found! Function: $myInvocation.Mycommand" } } else { throw "No valid recordset found! Function: $myInvocation.Mycommand" } # Get the path from the data folder and the names from the MDF and LDF file [string]$path = Split-Path $oldPhysicalMdf $oldPhysicalMdf = Split-Path $oldPhysicalMdf -Leaf $oldPhysicalLdf = Split-Path $oldPhysicalLdf -Leaf # Rename the database, to do this log out all logged in users by putting # the database into single user mode [string]$sql = ` "ALTER DATABASE [$oldName] SET SINGLE_USER WITH ROLLBACK IMMEDIATE", ` "ALTER DATABASE [$oldName] MODIFY NAME = [$newName]", ` "ALTER DATABASE [$newName] SET MULTI_USER" $myConn.Execute($sql) | Out-Null # Build the new logical filenames [string]$newLogicalMdf = $newName [string]$newLogicalLdf = $newName + "_Log" # Build the new physical filenames [string]$newPhysicalMdf = $newName + ".mdf" [string]$newPhysicalLdf = $newName + "_log.ldf" # Rename the logical file names, this is only possible under their new name, # then take them offline to rename the files in the file system as well [string]$sql = ` "ALTER DATABASE [$newName] MODIFY FILE (NAME = [$oldLogicalMdf], NEWNAME = [$newLogicalMdf])", ` "ALTER DATABASE [$newName] MODIFY FILE (NAME = [$oldLogicalLdf], NEWNAME = [$newLogicalLdf])", ` "ALTER DATABASE [$newName] SET offline" $myConn.Execute($sql) | Out-Null # Prepare sql server for xp_cmdshell [string]$sql = ` "EXEC sp_configure 'show advanced options', 1", ` "RECONFIGURE", ` "EXEC sp_configure 'xp_cmdshell', 1", ` "RECONFIGURE" $myConn.Execute($sql) | Out-Null # Calls to the sql command shell to rename the file to the new file [string]$sql = ` "EXEC master..xp_cmdshell 'RENAME ""$path\$oldPhysicalMdf"" ""$newPhysicalMdf""'", ` "EXEC master..xp_cmdshell 'RENAME ""$path\$oldPhysicalLdf"" ""$newPhysicalLdf""'" $myConn.Execute($sql) | Out-Null # Makes the new physical files for the database known and puts the DB back online [string]$sql = ` "ALTER DATABASE [$newName] MODIFY FILE (NAME = [$newLogicalMdf], FILENAME = '$path\$newPhysicalMdf')", ` "ALTER DATABASE [$newName] MODIFY FILE (NAME = [$newLogicalLdf], FILENAME = '$path\$newPhysicalLdf')", ` "ALTER DATABASE [$newName] SET online" $myConn.Execute($sql) | Out-Null } end { Get-CurrentVariables -InitialVariables $InitialVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference } # Test: Rename-MssqlDatabase -oldName 'Eulanda_Truccamo' -newName 'Eulanda_MyTruccamo' -udl 'C:\temp\EULANDA_1 Truccamo.udl' } function Resize-Image { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$true, Position=0, Mandatory=$true)] [ValidateScript({ if (Test-Path $_) { $true } else { throw "Der Pfad '$_' existiert nicht." } })] [string]$pathIn , [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false)] [string]$pathOut , [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$modifier = "-resized" , [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [ValidateRange(10, 100)] [int]$quality = 65 , [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [ValidateRange(32, 5000)] [int]$maxWidth = 1200 , [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [ValidateRange(32, 5000)] [int]$maxHeight = 1200 , [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [switch]$passthru ) Begin { Write-Verbose -Message ('Starting: {0}' -f $myInvocation.Mycommand) New-Variable -Name 'directoryIn' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'directoryOut' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'extensionIn' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'extensionOut' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'filenameIn' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'filenameOut' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'img' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'imgNew' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'imgProcess' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'module' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'pathOutOrg' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'results' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([System.Object[]]@()) New-Variable -Name 'useDefaultOutputPath' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([boolean]$false) New-Variable -Name 'wiaFormatJpg' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'result' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) $InitialVariables = Get-CurrentVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference try { $useDefaultOutputPath = $pathOut -eq '' $pathOutOrg = $pathOut [string]$module= "WIA.ImageFile" $img = New-Object -COMObject $module $imgNew = New-Object -COMObject $module [string]$module= "WIA.ImageProcess" $imgProcess = New-Object -COMObject $module $wiaFormatJpg = "{B96B3CAE-0728-11D3-9D7B-0000F81EF32E}" $results = @() } catch { throw "The Windows library '$module' is not available. You can install it in the Windows Setup." } } Process { if ($useDefaultOutputPath) { $directoryIn = Split-Path $pathIn $filenameIn = [System.IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($pathIn) $extensionIn = [System.IO.Path]::GetExtension($pathIn) $pathOut = Join-Path $directoryIn ("$($filenameIn)$($modifier)$($extensionIn)") } else { $pathOut = $pathOutOrg $directoryOut = Split-Path $pathOut $filenameOut = [System.IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($pathOut) $extensionOut = [System.IO.Path]::GetExtension($pathOut) $directoryIn = Split-Path $pathIn $filenameIn = [System.IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($pathIn) $extensionIn = [System.IO.Path]::GetExtension($pathIn) write-verbose "***** OUTPUT *****" write-verbose "DirectoryOut $directoryOut" write-verbose "FilenameOut $filenameOut" write-verbose "ExtensionOut $extensionOut" write-verbose "***** INPUT *****" write-verbose "DirectoryIn $directoryIn" write-verbose "FilenameIn $filenameIn" write-verbose "ExtensionIn $extensionIn" if ($directoryOut -eq $directoryIn) { if ($filenameOut -eq $filenameIn) { $filenameOut = $filenameIn + "$modifier" } } elseif (($filenameOut -eq $filenameIn) -and ($extensionOut -eq $extensionIn)) { $filenameOut = $filenameIn + "$modifier" } elseif (! $extensionOut) { $filenameOut = $filenameIn $extensionOut = $extensionIn $directoryOut = $pathOut } $pathOut = Join-Path $directoryOut ($filenameOut + $extensionOut) } write-verbose "***** USED *****" write-verbose "PFADIN $pathIn" write-verbose "PFADOUT $pathOut" $img.LoadFile($pathIn) $imgProcess.Filters.Add($imgProcess.FilterInfos("Scale").FilterID) $imgProcess.Filters(1).Properties("MaximumWidth") = $maxWidth $imgProcess.Filters(1).Properties("MaximumHeight") = $maxHeight $imgProcess.Filters.Add($imgProcess.FilterInfos("Convert").FilterID) $imgProcess.Filters(2).Properties("FormatID").Value = $wiaFormatJpg $imgProcess.Filters(2).Properties("Quality").Value = [string]$quality $imgNew = $imgProcess.Apply($img) If (Test-Path $pathOut) { Remove-Item -path $pathOut -force } $imgNew.SaveFile($pathOut) $imgProcess.Filters.Remove(2) # Remove the filter backwards $imgProcess.Filters.Remove(1) $result = [PSCustomObject]@{ PathOut = $pathOut } $results += $result if ($passthru) { # Return $result } } End { [void][System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::ReleaseComObject([System.__ComObject]$imgProcess) [void][System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::ReleaseComObject([System.__ComObject]$img) [void][System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::ReleaseComObject([System.__ComObject]$imgNew) Get-CurrentVariables -InitialVariables $InitialVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference if ($passthru) { Return $results } } # Test: Resize-Image -pathIn c:\temp\eulanda.jpg -pathOut c:\temp\eulanda-neu.jpg -maxWidth 50 } function Send-Mail { [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$from , [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string[]]$to , [string[]]$cc , [string[]]$bcc , [string]$replyTo = $from , [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [Alias('server')] [string]$smtpServer , [ValidateSet('Normal', 'High', 'Low', IgnoreCase = $true)] [string]$priority= 'Normal' , [ValidateSet('utf8NoBOM', 'ascii','bigendianunicode','bigendianutf32', 'oem', 'unicode', 'utf7', 'utf8', 'utf8BOM', 'utf8NoBOM', 'utf32', IgnoreCase = $true)] [string]$encoding= 'utf8' , [string]$user , [string]$password , [secureString]$secPassword , [psCredential]$credential , [switch]$useSsl , [Alias('useHtml')] [switch]$bodyAsHtml , [int]$port= 25 , [Alias('DNO')] [ValidateSet('None', 'OnSuccess', 'OnFailure', 'Delay', 'Never')] [string[]]$deliveryNotificationOption = 'None' , [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$subject , [string]$body , [string[]]$attachment ) begin { Write-Verbose -Message ('Starting: {0}' -f $myInvocation.Mycommand) New-Variable -Name 'mailParams' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([System.Collections.Hashtable]@{}) New-Variable -Name 'message' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'oldPref' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) $InitialVariables = Get-CurrentVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference } process { # Allowed values SystemDefault, SSL3, Tls, Tls11, Tls12, Tls13. # Since 2012-2023: Tls, Tls11 and Tls12 are working [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls -bor ` [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls11 -bor ` [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12 # Get Credential by Dialog : $Credential = Get-Credential # Retruning user is like : $User = $credential.Username # Returning plain pPassword : $Password = $credential.GetNetworkCredential().Password [System.Object]$credential = $null if ( ($user) -and ($password ) ) { $secPassword = ConvertTo-SecureString $password -AsPlainText -Force $credential = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ($user, $secPassword) } $mailParams = @{ From = $from To = $to.Split(',') Subject = $subject Port = $port Priority = $priority Encoding = $encoding SmtpServer = $smtpServer DeliveryNotificationOption = $deliveryNotificationOption } if ($cc) {$mailParams.Add('CC', $cc.split(',')) } if ($bcc) {$mailParams.Add('BCC', $bcc.split(',')) } if ($useSsl) {$mailParams.Add('useSSL', $true) } if ($credential) { $mailParams.Add('Credential', $credential ) } if ($bodyAsHtml) {$mailParams.Add('bodyAsHtml', $true) } if ($body) {$mailParams.Add('Body', $body) } if ($attachment) { $mailParams.Add('Attachments', $attachment) } if (( $PSVersionTable.PsVersion.Major -gt 6 ) -or ` (($PSVersionTable.PsVersion.Major -eq 6) -and ` ($PSVersionTable.PsVersion.Minor -ge 2))) { if ($replyTo) { $mailParams.Add('ReplyTo', $replyTo ) } } try { $oldPref = $WarningPreference $WarningPreference = 'SilentlyContinue' Send-MailMessage @mailParams $WarningPreference = $oldPref [string]$message = "Email was sent with subject '$subject'" if ($attachment) {$message += "and attachment: '$attachment'"} write-verbose $message } catch { write-host "ERROR! Email was not sent to '$to'! Subject '$subject'. $_" -foregroundcolor Red } Start-Sleep -Seconds 1 } end { Get-CurrentVariables -InitialVariables $InitialVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference Return } # Test: Send-Mail -from '' -to '' -server '' -user '' -password 'JohnDoe' -subject 'One Testmail' -body 'Is better then nothing' } function Send-SftpFile { [CmdletBinding()] Param( [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$server , [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [int]$port= 22 , [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$user , [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$password , [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$remoteFolder , [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$file , [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$localFolder , [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$comObject= 'IPWorksSSH.SFTP' , [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$license= '(you have to buy one license from n/software)' ) begin { Write-Verbose -Message ('Starting: {0}' -f $myInvocation.Mycommand) New-Variable -Name 'sftp' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) $InitialVariables = Get-CurrentVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference } process { $sftp = New-SftpInstance -comObject $comObject $sftp.ok = $license $sftp.Config("SSHAcceptAnyServerHostKey=true") $sftp.SSHHost = $server $sftp.SSHPassword = $password $sftp.SSHAuthMode = 2 $sftp.SSHUser = $user $sftp.SSHPort = $port $sftp.SSHLogon($sftp.SSHHost, $sftp.SSHPort) $sftp.LocalFile = "$localFolder\$file" $sftp.RemoteFile = "$remoteFolder/$file" $sftp.Upload() $sftp.SSHLogoff() } end { Get-CurrentVariables -InitialVariables $InitialVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference Return } # Test: # Test: Send-SftpFile -Server '' -user 'demo' -password 'password' -remoteFolder '/' -file 'readme.txt' -localFolder 'C:\temp' -license '(you have to buy one license from n/software)' } function Set-DeliveryQty { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateScript({ if($_.Count -lt 1) { throw "The array 'quantities' must contain at least one hashtable element with a pair of 'articleNo' and 'qty'." } $true })] [array]$quantities , [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidateId -id $_ })] [int]$deliveryId , [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidateNo -no $_ })] [int]$deliveryNo , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string]$bookingInfo , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidateConn -conn $_ })] $conn , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidatePathUDL -path $_ })] [string]$udl , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidateConnStr -connStr $_ })] [string]$connStr ) begin { Write-Verbose -Message ('Starting: {0}' -f $myInvocation.Mycommand) Test-ValidateSingle -validParams (Get-SingleDeliveryKeys) @PSBoundParameters Test-ValidateSingle -validParams (Get-SingleConnection) @PSBoundParameters New-Variable -Name 'myConn' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'sql' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'sqlFrag' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'xmlFrag' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') $InitialVariables = Get-CurrentVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference } process { $myConn = Get-Conn -conn $conn -udl $udl -connStr $connStr if ($deliveryId) { [string]$sqlFrag = "@lf_id = $deliveryId," } else { [string]$sqlFrag = "@KopfNummer = $deliveryNo," } $xmlFrag = @( $quantities.foreach({ "<UPDATE><ARTNUMMER>" + [Security.SecurityElement]::Escape($_.articleNo) + "</ARTNUMMER>" + "<MENGE>$($_.qty)</MENGE></UPDATE>"}) ); $xmlFrag = $xmlFrag -join "`r`n" $sql = @" set nocount on; declare @Updates xml = N'$xmlFrag'; declare @exec int; exec @exec = dbo.cn_LfUpdateArFromXml $sqlFrag @Updates = @Updates, @xmlVersion = 1, @AfStornoRest = 1, @AfStornoGrund = '$bookingInfo' if @exec < 0 PRINT 'FEHLER' "@ $myConn.Execute($sql) | out-null } end { Get-CurrentVariables -InitialVariables $InitialVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference } # Test: Set-DeliveryQty -quantities @(@{articleNo = '206003'; qty = 1}, @{articleNo = '206003'; qty = 5}) -deliveryNo 69 -bookingInfo 'Correction' -udl 'C:\temp\EULANDA_1 Truccamo.udl' } function Set-StockQty { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateScript({ if($_.Count -lt 1) { throw "The array 'quantities' must contain at least one hashtable element with a pair of 'articleNo' and 'qty'." } $true })] [array]$quantities , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [int]$stockGroup = 1 , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string]$bookingInfo , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidateConn -conn $_ })] $conn , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidatePathUDL -path $_ })] [string]$udl , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidateConnStr -connStr $_ })] [string]$connStr ) begin { Write-Verbose -Message ('Starting: {0}' -f $myInvocation.Mycommand) Test-ValidateSingle -validParams (Get-SingleConnection) @PSBoundParameters New-Variable -Name 'myConn' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'sql' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'xmlFrag' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') $InitialVariables = Get-CurrentVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference } process { $myConn = Get-Conn -conn $conn -udl $udl -connStr $connStr $xmlFrag = @( $quantities.foreach({ "<item><ARTNUMMER>" + [Security.SecurityElement]::Escape($_.articleNo) + "</ARTNUMMER>" + "<MENGE>$($_.qty)</MENGE></item>"}) ); $xmlFrag = $xmlFrag -join "`r`n" $bookingInfo = if ($bookingInfo) {"'" + $bookingInfo.replace("'","''") + "'"} else {'null'}; $sql = @" set nocount on; declare @x xml = N'$xmlFrag'; select error from dbo.cnf_ExtractArMenge(@x,1) where error is not null; declare @Mengen [dbo].[TIdQtyTable], @ll_id int; insert @Mengen (id, quantity) select ArtikelId, Menge from dbo.cnf_ExtractArMenge(@x,0); exec dbo.cn_LL_SetBestandAbsolut @LagerGr = $stockGroup, @Mengen = @Mengen, @Objekt = $bookingInfo, @ll_id = @ll_id OUT; "@ $myConn.Execute($sql) | out-null } end { Get-CurrentVariables -InitialVariables $InitialVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference } # Test: Set-StockQty -quantities @(@{articleNo = '206003'; qty = 100}, @{articleNo = '206003'; qty = 500}) -bookingInfo 'Correction' -udl 'C:\temp\EULANDA_1 Truccamo.udl' } function Set-TrackingNo { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [System.Array]$trackingNo , [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidateId -id $_ })] [int]$deliveryId , [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidateNo -no $_ })] [int]$deliveryNo , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidateConn -conn $_ })] $conn , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidatePathUDL -path $_ })] [string]$udl , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidateConnStr -connStr $_ })] [string]$connStr ) begin { Write-Verbose -Message ('Starting: {0}' -f $myInvocation.Mycommand) Test-ValidateSingle -validParams (Get-SingleDeliveryKeys) @PSBoundParameters Test-ValidateSingle -validParams (Get-SingleConnection) @PSBoundParameters New-Variable -Name 'carrierNo' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'myConn' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'oldUnits' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([int32]0) New-Variable -Name 'oldValue' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'rs' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'sql' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'sqlFrag' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'tempArray' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string[]]@()) New-Variable -Name 'tempStr' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') $InitialVariables = Get-CurrentVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference } process { $myConn = Get-Conn -conn $conn -udl $udl -connStr $connStr if ($deliveryId) { [string]$sqlFrag = "Id = $deliveryId" } else { [string]$sqlFrag = "KopfNummer = $deliveryNo" } [string]$sql = "SELECT Id, KopfNummer [DeliveryNo], SpedAuftragNr [CarrierNo], TrackingNr [TrackingNo], " +` "AnzahlPakete [Units], VersandDatum [ShippingDate] FROM Lieferschein WHERE $sqlFrag" $rs = $Null $rs = new-object -comObject ADODB.Recordset $rs.CursorLocation = $adUseClient $rs.Open($sql, $myConn, $adOpenKeyset, $adLockOptimistic, $adCmdText) if (! $rs.eof) { [string]$carrierNo = $rs.fields('CarrierNo').value # Only if this is the secoond document we have for this delivery note # be need to keep the old trackings also. This is indicated by an existing carrierNo. if ($carrierNo) { [string]$tempStr = $rs.fields('TrackingNo').value [int]$oldUnits = $rs.fields('Units').value } else { [string]$tempStr = "" [int]$oldUnits = 0 } [string]$oldValue = $tempStr $tempStr = $tempStr.Replace("`r","").Trim() [System.Array]$tempArray = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new() $tempArray = $tempStr.split("`n") $tempArray = $tempArray + $trackingNo $tempArray = $tempArray | Select-Object -Unique $tempArray = $tempArray | Sort-Object -Descending $tempStr = $tempArray -join "`r`n" $tempStr = $tempStr.Trim() $tempArray = $tempStr.Split("`r`n") # Avoid unnecessary change dates in the database if (($oldValue -ne $tempStr) -or ($oldUnits -ne $tempArray.count)) { $rs.fields('TrackingNo').value = $tempStr $rs.fields('Units').value = [int]$tempArray.count $rs.fields('ShippingDate').value = (Get-Date).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") $rs.update() } } else { throw "The delivery note does not exist in EULANDA-ERP system! DeliveryNo: $deliveryNo" } } end { Get-CurrentVariables -InitialVariables $InitialVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference } # Test: Set-TrackingNo -trackingNo @('4711','0815') -deliveryNo 69 -udl 'C:\temp\EULANDA_1 Truccamo.udl' } function Show-Extensions { [CmdletBinding()] param() begin { Write-Verbose -Message ('Starting: {0}' -f $myInvocation.Mycommand) $InitialVariables = Get-CurrentVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference } process { Push-Location Set-Location HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced if ((Get-ItemProperty .).HideFileExt -eq 1) { Set-ItemProperty . HideFileExt 0 Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 500 Update-Desktop } Pop-Location } end { Get-CurrentVariables -InitialVariables $InitialVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference Return } # Test: Show-Extensions } function Show-MsgBox { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory = $true)] [string]$prompt , [Parameter(Position = 1, Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateSet(0,1,2,3,4,5)] [int]$btn = $mbYesNo , [Parameter(Position = 2, Mandatory = $false)] [string]$title = 'Info' , [Parameter(Position = 3, Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateSet(0,16,32,48,64)] [int]$icon = $mbInfo , [Parameter(Position = 4, Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateSet(0,256,512,768)] [int]$btnDef = $mbNone ) begin { Write-Verbose -Message ('Starting: {0}' -f $myInvocation.Mycommand) New-Variable -Name 'result' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([int32]0) $InitialVariables = Get-CurrentVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference } process { Add-Type -AssemblyName PresentationFramework | Out-Null [int]$result = [System.Windows.MessageBox]::Show((new-object System.Windows.Window -Property @{TopMost = $True}), $prompt, $title, $btn, $icon, $btnDef) } end { Get-CurrentVariables -InitialVariables $InitialVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference Return $result } # Test: Show-MsgBox -prompt 'Do you want to continue?' } function Show-MsgBoxYes { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory = $true)] [string]$prompt ) begin { Write-Verbose -Message ('Starting: {0}' -f $myInvocation.Mycommand) New-Variable -Name 'answer' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([int32]0) New-Variable -Name 'result' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([boolean]$false) $InitialVariables = Get-CurrentVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference } process { [int]$answer = Show-MsgBox -prompt $prompt -title 'Info' -icon $mbNone -btnDef $mbNone if ($answer -eq $mbrYes) { [bool]$result = $true } } end { Get-CurrentVariables -InitialVariables $InitialVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference Return $result } # Test: Show-MsgBoxYes -prompt 'Do you want more?' } function Test-Administrator { [CmdletBinding()] param() begin { Write-Verbose -Message ('Starting: {0}' -f $myInvocation.Mycommand) New-Variable -Name 'User' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'result' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([boolean]$false) $InitialVariables = Get-CurrentVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference } process { $User = New-Object Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal $([Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()) $result = $User.IsInRole([Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltinRole]::Administrator) } end { Get-CurrentVariables -InitialVariables $InitialVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference Return $result } # Test: Test-Administrator } function Test-ArticlePropertyItem { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string]$barcode , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string]$articleNo , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidateId -id $_ })] [int]$articleId , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [guid]$articleUid , [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateRange("Positive")] [int]$propertyId , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidateConn -conn $_ })] $conn , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidatePathUDL -path $_ })] [string]$udl , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidateConnStr -connStr $_ })] [string]$connStr ) begin { Write-Verbose -Message ('Starting: {0}' -f $myInvocation.Mycommand) Test-ValidateSingle -validParams (Get-SingleArticleKeys) @PSBoundParameters Test-ValidateSingle -validParams (Get-SingleConnection) @PSBoundParameters New-Variable -Name 'myConn' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'paramsArticle' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([System.Collections.Hashtable]@{}) New-Variable -Name 'rs' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'sql' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'result' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([boolean]$false) $InitialVariables = Get-CurrentVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference } process { $myConn = Get-Conn -conn $conn -udl $udl -connStr $connStr $paramsArticle = Get-UsedParameters -validParams (Get-SingleArticleKeys) -boundParams $PSBoundParameters $articleId = Get-ArticleId @paramsArticle -conn $myConn [bool]$result = $false [string]$sql = @" SELECT CASE WHEN EXISTS (SELECT me.ObjektId FROM MerkmalElement me JOIN Merkmal m ON m.Id = me.KopfId AND = $propertyId AND m.Tabelle = 'Artikel' AND m.MerkmalTyp = 1 WHERE me.ObjektId = $articleId ) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END [Item] "@ $rs = $Null $rs = $myConn.Execute($sql) if ($rs) { if (! $rs.eof) { if ($rs.fields('Item').Value -eq 1) { $result = $true } } } } end { Get-CurrentVariables -InitialVariables $InitialVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference Return $result } # Test: Test-ArticlePropertyItem -articleNo '206003' -propertyId 1358 -udl 'C:\temp\EULANDA_1 Truccamo.udl' } function Test-HasProperty { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $inputVar , [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$propertyName ) begin { Write-Verbose -Message ('Starting: {0}' -f $myInvocation.Mycommand) New-Variable -Name 'result' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([boolean]$false) $InitialVariables = Get-CurrentVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference } process { if ($propertyName) { if ($inputVar) { if ($null -ne $inputVar -and -not $inputVar.GetType().IsValueType) { [bool]$result = ($propertyName -in $inputVar.PSobject.Properties.Name) } } } } end { Get-CurrentVariables -InitialVariables $InitialVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference return $result } # Test: Test-HasProperty -inputVar $error -propertyName 'Count' } function Test-Numeric() { [CmdletBinding()] param( [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$value, [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [switch]$allowZero ) begin { Write-Verbose -Message ('Starting: {0}' -f $myInvocation.Mycommand) New-Variable -Name 'Matches' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([System.Collections.Hashtable]@{}) New-Variable -Name 'result' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([boolean]$false) $InitialVariables = Get-CurrentVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference } process { [bool]$result = $value -match "^[\d\.]+$" if (! $allowZero) { if ($result) { $value = $value.replace('0','') if (! $value) { $result = $false } } } } end { Get-CurrentVariables -InitialVariables $InitialVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference Return $result } # Test: Test-Numeric -value '45x' } function Test-PrivateIP { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$ip ) begin { Write-Verbose -Message ('Starting: {0}' -f $myInvocation.Mycommand) New-Variable -Name 'endBytes' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'ipBytes' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'privateIPRanges' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([System.Object[]]@()) New-Variable -Name 'range' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([System.Collections.Hashtable]@{}) New-Variable -Name 'startBytes' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'result' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([boolean]$false) $InitialVariables = Get-CurrentVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference } process { $result = $false $privateIPRanges = @( @{ Start = [System.Net.IPAddress]::Parse("") End = [System.Net.IPAddress]::Parse("") }, @{ Start = [System.Net.IPAddress]::Parse("") End = [System.Net.IPAddress]::Parse("") }, @{ Start = [System.Net.IPAddress]::Parse("") End = [System.Net.IPAddress]::Parse("") } ) $ipBytes = ([System.Net.IPAddress]::Parse($ip)).GetAddressBytes() foreach ($range in $privateIPRanges) { $startBytes = $range.Start.GetAddressBytes() $endBytes = $range.End.GetAddressBytes() if (($ipBytes[0] -ge $startBytes[0] -and $ipBytes[0] -le $endBytes[0]) -and ($ipBytes[1] -ge $startBytes[1] -and $ipBytes[1] -le $endBytes[1]) -and ($ipBytes[2] -ge $startBytes[2] -and $ipBytes[2] -le $endBytes[2]) -and ($ipBytes[3] -ge $startBytes[3] -and $ipBytes[3] -le $endBytes[3])) { $result = $true break } } } end { Get-CurrentVariables -InitialVariables $InitialVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference Return $result } # Test: Test-PrivateIP -ip '' } function Test-SalesOrder { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidateNo -no $_ })] [int]$salesOrderNo , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidateId -id $_ })] [int]$salesOrderId , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidateNo -no $_ })] [int]$customerOrderNo , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidateConn -conn $_ })] $conn , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidatePathUDL -path $_ })] [string]$udl , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidateConnStr -connStr $_ })] [string]$connStr ) begin { Write-Verbose -Message ('Starting: {0}' -f $myInvocation.Mycommand) Test-ValidateSingle -validParams (Get-SingleSalesOrderKeys) @PSBoundParameters Test-ValidateSingle -validParams (Get-SingleConnection) @PSBoundParameters New-Variable -Name 'firstEntry' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'key' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'myConn' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'paramsSalesOrder' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([System.Collections.Hashtable]@{}) New-Variable -Name 'rs' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'Sql' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'sqlFrag' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'value' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([int32]0) New-Variable -Name 'result' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([boolean]$false) $InitialVariables = Get-CurrentVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference } process { $myConn = Get-Conn -conn $conn -udl $udl -connStr $connStr $paramsSalesOrder = Get-UsedParameters -validParams (Get-SingleSalesOrderKeys) -boundParams $PSBoundParameters $firstEntry = $paramsSalesOrder.GetEnumerator() | Select-Object -First 1 $key = Test-ValidateMapping -strValue ($firstEntry.Key) -mapping (Get-MappingSalesOrderKeys) $value = $firstEntry.Value $sqlFrag = "$key = '$value'" [string]$Sql = "SELECT Id FROM Auftrag WHERE $sqlFrag" [bool]$result = $false $rs = $myConn.Execute($sql) if ($rs) { if (! $rs.eof) { [bool]$result = $true } } } end { Get-CurrentVariables -InitialVariables $InitialVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference Return $result } # Test: Test-SalesOrder -customerOrderNo '4711' -udl 'C:\temp\EULANDA_1 Truccamo.udl' } function Test-ShopExtension { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidateConn -conn $_ })] $conn , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidatePathUDL -path $_ })] [string]$udl , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidateConnStr -connStr $_ })] [string]$connStr ) Begin { Write-Verbose -Message ('Starting: {0}' -f $myInvocation.Mycommand) Test-ValidateSingle -validParams (Get-SingleConnection) @PSBoundParameters New-Variable -Name 'myConn' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'nullValue' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'objectId' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([int32]0) New-Variable -Name 'rs' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'Sql' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'result' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([boolean]$false) $InitialVariables = Get-CurrentVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference } Process { $myConn = Get-Conn -conn $conn -udl $udl -connStr $connStr try { [string]$Sql = "SELECT OBJECT_ID('esolArtikelShop') [ObjectId]" $rs = $myConn.Execute($sql) $rs = Get-AdoRs -recordset $rs if ($rs) { $nullValue = [DBNull]::Value $objectId = $rs.fields('ObjectId').value if ($nullValue -eq $objectId) { [bool]$result = $false } else { [bool]$result = $true } } } catch { Throw "$_ Function: $($myInvocation.Mycommand)" } } End { Get-CurrentVariables -InitialVariables $InitialVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference Return $result } # Test: Test-ShopExtension -udl 'C:\temp\EULANDA_1 Truccamo.udl' } function Test-Verbose { [CmdletBinding()] param() begin { Write-Verbose -Message ('Starting: {0}' -f $myInvocation.Mycommand) New-Variable -Name 'result' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([boolean]$false) $InitialVariables = Get-CurrentVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference } process { $result = [bool](Write-Verbose ([String]::Empty) 4>&1) } end { Get-CurrentVariables -InitialVariables $InitialVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference Return $result } # Test: Test-Verbose } function Test-XmlSchema { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string] $xmlFile , [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string] $schemaFile ) begin { Write-Verbose -Message ('Starting: {0}' -f $myInvocation.Mycommand) New-Variable -Name 'schema' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'schemaReader' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'validationEventHandler' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'xml' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'result' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([boolean]$false) $InitialVariables = Get-CurrentVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference } process { [string[]]$Script:xmlValidationErrorLog = @() [scriptblock] $validationEventHandler = { $Script:xmlValidationErrorLog += "$($args[1].Exception.Message)`r`n" } $xml = New-Object System.Xml.XmlDocument $schemaReader = New-Object System.Xml.XmlTextReader $schemaFile $schema = [System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchema]::Read($schemaReader, $validationEventHandler) $xml.Schemas.Add($schema) | Out-Null $xml.Load($XmlFile) $xml.Validate($validationEventHandler) if ($Script:xmlValidationErrorLog) { # $result = $false Write-Warning "$($Script:xmlValidationErrorLog.Count) errors found" Throw "$Script:xmlValidationErrorLog" } else { # $result = $true Write-Verbose "The '$(Get-Filename -path $xmlFile)' file has been successfully validated against the '$(Get-Filename -path $schemaFile)' schema." } } end { Get-CurrentVariables -InitialVariables $InitialVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference Return } # Test: Test-XmlSchema -xmlFile 'c:\temp\article.xml' -schemaFile 'c:\temp\article.xsd' } function Unprotect-String { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory = $true)] $protectedText , [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory = $true)] $key ) begin { Write-Verbose -Message ('Starting: {0}' -f $myInvocation.Mycommand) New-Variable -Name 'result' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') $InitialVariables = Get-CurrentVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference } process { $key = Get-ProtectedKey $key $result = $protectedText | ConvertTo-SecureString -key $key | ForEach-Object { [Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringAuto([Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR($_)) } } end { Get-CurrentVariables -InitialVariables $InitialVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference Return $result } # Test: Unprotect-String -protectedText "76492d1116743f0423413b16050a5345MgB8AEUAUgAxAEkASwBQAGUAWAA4AFcAMwBhADgANgArAFUANAA3AHIAZgBvAEEAPQA9AHwAZAA5AGEAMAA2ADQAZAAxAGEAZgA1ADkAYgA3ADcANwBlADAAOQBmADUAZgA4ADcANAA3ADUAOAA1ADgAYgAwADUAMAA1AGMAOABmADMAOAA0ADIAOQAzADQAMQA1AGQAMgAzADgAYwBlADkAMgBhADAAYwAyADAAOABiAGUANwA5AGIAOQBkAGUANQA5AGUAYwA4ADMAZQAxAGQANgA0ADIAMABkADYAYwA2ADEAZQA1ADEAZQBjADQAMAAxADkAOQA5AGYAOABkADcAYQA2AGYAZAA5ADEAYwBmADYANwAyADUAOAA1ADYAZQAxADQANgA0AGYAOQBjAGUAMQAyAA==" -key 'MySpecialKey' } function Update-Desktop { [CmdletBinding()] param() Write-Verbose -Message ('Starting: {0}' -f $myInvocation.Mycommand) New-Variable -Name 'accel_F5' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'c' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'dsktp' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'nullptr' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'WM_COMMAND' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([int32]0) $InitialVariables = Get-CurrentVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference try { $c= Add-Type -Name WinAPI -PassThru -MemberDefinition @' [DllImport("user32.dll")] public static extern IntPtr GetShellWindow(); [DllImport("user32.dll")] public static extern int SendMessageW(IntPtr hWnd, uint Msg, UIntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam); '@ $dsktp=$c::GetShellWindow(); $WM_COMMAND=273; $accel_F5=New-Object UIntPtr(41504); $nullptr=[IntPtr]::Zero; [int](($dsktp -eq $nullptr) -or ($c::SendMessageW($dsktp, $WM_COMMAND, $accel_F5, $nullptr) -ne 0)) | Out-Null } catch { } Get-CurrentVariables -InitialVariables $InitialVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference } Function Use-Culture { [CmdletBinding()] param( [System.Globalization.CultureInfo]$culture = (throw "USAGE: Use-Culture -culture culture -script {ScriptBlock}") , [ScriptBlock]$script= (throw "USAGE: Use-Culture -culture culture -script {ScriptBlock}") ) Write-Verbose -Message ('Starting: {0}' -f $myInvocation.Mycommand) $oldCulture = [System.Threading.Thread]::CurrentThread.CurrentCulture trap { [System.Threading.Thread]::CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = $oldCulture } [System.Threading.Thread]::CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = $culture Invoke-Command $script [System.Threading.Thread]::CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = $oldCulture } function Write-XmlMetadata { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] $writer , [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidateStringCase $_ })] [string]$strCase = 'upper' ) begin { Write-Verbose -Message ('Starting: {0}' -f $myInvocation.Mycommand) New-Variable -Name 'nodeName' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') $InitialVariables = Get-CurrentVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference } process { [string]$nodeName = (Convert-StringCase -value ('Metadata') -strCase $strCase) $writer.WriteStartElement($nodeName) [string]$nodeName = (Convert-StringCase -value ('Version') -strCase $strCase) $writer.WriteElementString($nodeName,$ecModuleVersion.toString()) [string]$nodeName = (Convert-StringCase -value ('Generator') -strCase $strCase) $writer.WriteElementString($nodeName,'EulandaConnect') [string]$nodeName = (Convert-StringCase -value ('Dateformat') -strCase $strCase) $writer.WriteElementString($nodeName,'ISO8601') [string]$nodeName = (Convert-StringCase -value ('Floatformat') -strCase $strCase) $writer.WriteElementString($nodeName,'US') [string]$nodeName = (Convert-StringCase -value ('Countryformat') -strCase $strCase) $writer.WriteElementString($nodeName,'ISO2') [string]$nodeName = (Convert-StringCase -value ('Fieldnames') -strCase $strCase) $writer.WriteElementString($nodeName,'NATIVE') [string]$nodeName = (Convert-StringCase -value ('Date') -strCase $strCase) $writer.WriteElementString($nodeName,(Convert-DateToIso -value $(Get-Date) -noTimeZone )) [string]$nodeName = (Convert-StringCase -value ('PCName') -strCase $strCase) $writer.WriteElementString($nodeName, "$env:COMPUTERNAME".ToUpper()) [string]$nodeName = (Convert-StringCase -value ('UserName') -strCase $strCase) $writer.WriteElementString($nodeName, "$env:USERNAME".ToUpper()) $writer.WriteEndElement() } end { Get-CurrentVariables -InitialVariables $InitialVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference Return $writer } # Test: $stream = New-Object System.IO.MemoryStream;$settings = New-Object System.Xml.XmlWriterSettings;$writer = [System.XML.XmlWriter]::Create($stream, $settings);Write-XmlMetadata -writer $writer } # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Private functions # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function Get-ConnFromStr { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidateConnStr -connStr $_ })] [string]$connStr ) begin { Write-Verbose -Message ('Starting: {0}' -f $myInvocation.Mycommand) New-Variable -Name 'conn' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) } process { $conn = new-object -comObject ADODB.Connection $conn.CursorLocation = $adUseClient $conn.ConnectionString = $connStr $conn.CommandTimeout = $adTimeout $ } end { Return $conn } # Because its private function the test is like this: # Test: $Features = Import-Module -Name '.\EulandaConnect.psm1' -PassThru -Force # & $Features { Get-ConnFromStr -connStr 'Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;Persist Security Info=False;User ID=Eulanda;Initial Catalog=Eulanda_Truccamo;Data Source=.\SQL2019' } } function Get-ConnFromUdl { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateScript({ Test-ValidatePathUDL -path $_ })] [string]$udl ) begin { Write-Verbose -Message ('Starting: {0}' -f $myInvocation.Mycommand) New-Variable -Name 'conn' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) } process { $conn = new-object -comObject ADODB.Connection $conn.CursorLocation = $adUseClient $conn.ConnectionString = "File Name=$udl" $conn.CommandTimeout = $adTimeout $ } end { Return $conn } # Because its private function the test is like this: # Test: $Features = Import-Module -Name '.\EulandaConnect.psm1' -PassThru -Force # & $Features { Get-ConnFromUdl -udl 'C:\temp\Eulanda_1 Eulanda.udl' } } function Get-CurrentVariables { <# .SYNOPSIS A helper function to identify new local variables in the current scope when debugging PowerShell scripts. .DESCRIPTION The Get-CurrentVariables function is a debugging tool designed to help identify new local variables created in the current scope of a script. The function works by comparing the current set of variables to an initial set and outputting the difference. This allows the user to easily identify new variables and their types. When the Debug switch is set, the function generates the code necessary to initialize these new variables with their appropriate default values. .PARAMETER InitialVariables An array of variable names representing the initial set of variables before executing the main code. If this parameter is not provided, the function returns the current set of variables in the scope. .EXAMPLE function ExampleFunction { [CmdletBinding()] param () begin { $initialVariables = Get-CurrentVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference } process { # Your main code here and now some new variables... $localVar1 = "Example 1" $localVar2 = "Example 2" $localVar3 = [version]"0.0" } end { Get-CurrentVariables -initialVariables $initialVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference } } ExampleFunction -Debug The above example demonstrates how to use Get-CurrentVariables in a script to identify new local variables when debugging is enabled. The function is called in the begin and end blocks of the script, and the new variables are output with their initialization code when the Debug switch is set. Screenoutput is: Neue lokale Variablen: New-Variable -Name 'localVar1' -Scope 'Private' -Value ('') New-Variable -Name 'localVar2' -Scope 'Private' -Value ('') New-Variable -Name 'localVar3' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([System.Version]::new()) #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string[]]$initialVariables ) function Test-IsComObject { param ( $InputObject ) return ($InputObject -is [System.__ComObject]) } if ($PSBoundParameters['Debug']) { New-Variable -Name 'currentVariables' -Scope 'Private' -Value @() New-Variable -Name 'newVariables' -Scope 'Private' -Value @() New-Variable -Name 'firstTime' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([bool]$false) New-Variable -Name 'variableName' -Scope 'Private' -Value '' New-Variable -Name 'variable' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([PsVariable]$null) New-Variable -Name 'type' -Scope 'Private' -Value '' New-Variable -Name 'initValue' -Scope 'Private' -Value '' New-Variable -Name 'privateVariableCode' -Scope 'Private' -Value '' # Write-Host 'Test that the function is active' -ForegroundColor Yellow $currentVariables = (Get-Variable).Name if ($initialVariables) { $newVariables = $currentVariables | Where-Object { $_ -notin $initialVariables } | Sort-Object -Property @{Expression = { $_ -eq 'result' }; Ascending = $true } # $newVariables = $currentVariables | Where-Object { $_ -notin $initialVariables } $firstTime = $true foreach ($variableName in $newVariables) { $variable = Get-Variable $variableName if (($null -ne $variable.Value) -and ($ -notlike '_*')) { # $type = $variable.Value.GetType().ToString() # $type = $variable.Value.GetType().FullName if (Test-IsComObject $variable.Value) { $type = "COM-Object" } elseif ($null -ne $variable.Value) { $type = $variable.Value.GetType().ToString() } else { $type = "null" } if ($type.StartsWith("System.Text.UTF8Encoding")) { $type = 'System.Text.Encoding' $initValue = '[System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8' } else { # Set initialization values by type # Write-Host "$($variable.Name) : $type" switch ($type) { 'System.Boolean' { $initValue = '[boolean]$false' } 'System.Byte' { $initValue = '[byte]0' } 'System.Int16' { $initValue = '[int16]0' } 'System.Int32' { $initValue = '[int32]0' } 'System.Int64' { $initValue = '[int64]0' } 'System.UInt16' { $initValue = '[uint16]0' } 'System.UInt32' { $initValue = '[uint32]0' } 'System.UInt64' { $initValue = '[uint64]0' } 'System.Single' { $initValue = '[single]0.0' } 'System.Double' { $initValue = '[double]0.0' } 'System.Decimal' { $initValue = '[decimal]0.0' } 'System.String' { $initValue = "[string]''" } 'System.String[]' { $initValue = '[string[]]@()' } 'System.Array' { $initValue = '[array]@()' } 'System.Hashtable' { $initValue = '[hashtable]@{}' } 'System.Collections.ArrayList' { $initValue = '[System.Collections.ArrayList]@()' } 'System.Collections.Hashtable' { $initValue = '[System.Collections.Hashtable]@{}' } 'System.Object' { $initValue = '[System.Object]::New()' } 'System.Object[]' { $initValue = '[System.Object[]]@()' } 'System.IO.StringWriter' { $initValue = '[System.IO.StringWriter]::new()' } default { $initValue = '$null' } # Set to null for all other types } } $privateVariableCode = "New-Variable -Name '$($variable.Name)' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($initValue)" if ($firstTime) { Write-Host 'Neue Variablen:' -ForegroundColor Yellow } Write-Host $privateVariableCode -ForegroundColor Yellow $firstTime = $false } } } else { return $currentVariables } } else { Return @() } } function Get-DefaultSelectArticle { [CmdletBinding()] param() [string]$result = 'CHANGEDATE, ARTNUMMER, BARCODE, MWSTSATZ, MWSTGR, WAEHRUNG, GEWICHT, ' +` 'SHOPEXPORTDATUM, SHOPFREIGABEFLG, AUSLAUFFLG, NEUFLG, SONDERFLG, LOESCHFLG, ' +` 'VERPACKEH, PREISEH, EKNETTO, VK, BRUTTOFLG, VKNETTO, VKBRUTTO, LAGERTYP, ' +` 'URSPRUNGSLAND, WARENNR, VOLUMEN, KURZTEXT1, KURZTEXT2, ULTRAKURZTEXT, LANGTEXT, INFO' Return $result } function Get-ErrorFromConn { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [object]$Conn ) begin { Write-Verbose -Message ('Starting: {0}' -f $myInvocation.Mycommand) New-Variable -Name 'description' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'err' -Scope 'Private' -Value ($null) New-Variable -Name 'i' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([int32]0) New-Variable -Name 'result' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') $InitialVariables = Get-CurrentVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference } process { if ($Conn -and $Conn.ConnectionString) { for ($i = 0; $i -lt $Conn.Errors.Count; $i++) { $err = $Conn.Errors.Item($i) $description = $err.Description # Check if the error description contains the relevant part if ($description -match '\[VENDOR:CNSOFT\]\[ADDRESS:USER\]\[LANGUAGE:DE\]\[PROC:<unknown_proc>\](.*)') { $result = $Matches[1].Trim() break } } } } end { Get-CurrentVariables -InitialVariables $InitialVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference Return $result } # Because its private function the test is like this: # Test: $Features = Import-Module -Name '.\EulandaConnect.psm1' -PassThru -Force # $myConn = Get-Conn -udl 'C:\temp\EULANDA_1 Truccamo.udl' # $myConn.execute("Select *") # force an error # & $Features { Get-ErrorFromConn -conn $myConn -debug } } function Get-MappingAddressKeys { [CmdletBinding()] param() $result = @{ 'addressId' = 'Id'; 'addressMatch'= 'Match'; 'addressUid' = 'Uid'; } Return $result } function Get-MappingArticleKeys { [CmdletBinding()] param() $result = @{ 'articleId' = 'Id'; 'articleNo' = 'ArtNummer'; 'articleUid' = 'Uid'; 'Barcode' = 'Barcode'; } Return $result } function Get-MappingSalesOrderKeys { [CmdletBinding()] param() $result = @{ 'salesOrderId' = 'Id'; 'salesOrderNo' = 'KopfNummer'; 'customerOrderNo' = 'Bestellnummer'; } Return $result } function Get-MappingTablename { [CmdletBinding()] param() $result = @{ 'article' = 'artikel'; 'address' = 'adresse'; 'delivery' = 'lieferschein'; } Return $result } function Get-ProtectedKey { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$key ) Write-Verbose -Message ('Starting: {0}' -f $myInvocation.Mycommand) if ($key.length -lt 16) { $key = $key.PadRight(16,' ') } elseif ($key.length -lt 32) { $key = $key.PadRight(32,' ') } else { Throw "The key should contain no more than 32 characters. The best security is 32 characters, otherwise 16 characters!" } $length = $key.length $pad = 32-$length $encoding = New-Object System.Text.ASCIIEncoding $bytes = $encoding.GetBytes($key + "0" * $pad) return $bytes } function Get-PunctuationIdx { [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string]$text ) Write-Verbose -Message ('Starting: {0}' -f $myInvocation.Mycommand) [int]$idx = -1 [int]$i = Get-PunctuationIdxByChar -text $text -Match '.' if ($i -gt $idx) { $idx = $i } [int]$i = Get-PunctuationIdxByChar -text $text -Match '!' if ($i -gt $idx) { $idx = $i } [int]$i = Get-PunctuationIdxByChar -text $text -Match '?' if ($i -gt $idx) { $idx = $i } if ($idx -eq -1) { # if no punctuation is found, then take space char [int]$i = Get-PunctuationIdxByChar -text $text -Match ' ' if ($i -gt $idx) { $idx = $i } } if ($idx -eq -1 ) { $idx = $text.Length-1 } return $idx } function Get-PunctuationIdxByChar { [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string]$text , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string]$match ) Write-Verbose -Message ('Starting: {0}' -f $myInvocation.Mycommand) [int]$idx = -1 while (1 -eq 1 ) { [Int]$Idx = $text.lastIndexOf($match) if ($match -ne ' ') { if (($idx -ne -1) -and ($idx -lt $text.length-1)) { if ($text.Substring($idx+1, 1) -eq ' ') { break } else { if ($text.length -gt 1) { $text = $Text.SubString(0, $idx) } else { break } } } else { break } } else { break } } if ($idx -le 0) { return -1 } else { if ($match -eq ' ') { return $idx } else { return $idx+1 } } } function Get-RandomParagraph { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [int]$minSentences = 2 , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [int]$maxSentences = 4 ) $sentences = @() $numSentences = Get-Random -Minimum $minSentences -Maximum $maxSentences for ($i = 1; $i -le $numSentences; $i++) { $sentence = "$(Get-RandomWords)$(Get-RandomPunctuation)" if (! $sentences) { $sentences = $sentence } else { $sentences += " $sentence" } } return $sentences.TrimEnd() } function Get-RandomPunctuation { [CmdletBinding()] param() $punctuations = @(".", ".", ".", ".", ".", "!", "!", "!", "?", "?") $index = Get-Random -Minimum 0 -Maximum $punctuations.Count return $punctuations[$index] } function Get-RandomWords { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [int]$MinWords = 5 , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [int]$MaxWords = 20 ) $loremIpsum = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit sed do " +` "eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua ut enim ad minim " +` "veniam quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea " +` "commodo consequat Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate " +` "velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur excepteur sint occaecat " +` "cupidatat non proident sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est " +` "laborum" $words = $loremIpsum.Split() | Where-Object { $_.Length -gt 1 } $numWords = Get-Random -Minimum $MinWords -Maximum $MaxWords $result = "" for ($i = 1; $i -le $numWords; $i++) { $word = $words[(Get-Random -Minimum 0 -Maximum $words.Count)] if ($i -eq 1) { $word = $word.Substring(0, 1).ToUpper() + $word.Substring(1) } if ((Get-Random -Minimum 0 -Maximum 10) -eq 0) { $word = $word.Substring(0, 1).ToUpper() + $word.Substring(1) } $result += $word + " " } return $result.TrimEnd() } function Get-SetAddressFilter { [CmdletBinding()] param() return @('select','filter','order','alias','reorder','revers') } function Get-SetArticleFilter { [CmdletBinding()] param() return @('select','filter','order','alias','reorder','revers') } function Get-SetArticleWithGroupsFilter { [CmdletBinding()] param() return @('select','filter','order','alias','reorder','revers','customerGroups') } function Get-SetStringCase { [CmdletBinding()] param() return @('none', 'upper', 'lower', 'capital') } function Get-SingleAddressKeys { [CmdletBinding()] param() return (Get-MappingAddressKeys).Keys } function Get-SingleArticleKeys { [CmdletBinding()] param() return (Get-MappingArticleKeys).Keys } function Get-SingleConnection { [CmdletBinding()] param() return @("conn", "connStr", "udl") } function Get-SingleDeliveryKeys { [CmdletBinding()] param() return @("deliveryId", "deliveryNo") } function Get-SingleSalesOrderKeys { [CmdletBinding()] param() Return (Get-MappingSalesOrderKeys).Keys } function Get-TranslateExtractTag { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string]$value ) Write-Verbose -Message ('Starting: {0}' -f $myInvocation.Mycommand) [string]$iso = "" [string]$SubVar = "" [string[]]$result = @("", "") $value = $value.Substring(0, $value.Length-1) # delete last $value = $value.Substring(1, $value.Length-1) # delete first $value = $value.ToUpper() # check for an optional part $p = $value.IndexOf(":") if ($p -eq -1) { $iso = $value.ToUpper() } else { if ($p -eq 0 ) { $subVar = $value.Substring(1, $value.Length-1).ToUpper() $iso = "00" # Default } else { $iso = $value.Substring(0, 2).ToUpper() $subVar = $value.SubString(3, $value.Length-3).ToUpper() } } $result[0] = $iso $result[1] = $subVar Return $result } function Get-TranslateIsDelim { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string]$value ) Write-Verbose -Message ('Starting: {0}' -f $myInvocation.Mycommand) [bool]$result = $false # test if the first character is an open bracket if ($value.SubString(0,1) -eq "[") { $value = $value.TrimEnd() # test if the last character is a closed bracket if ($value.Substring($value.Length-1) -eq "]") { $value = $value.Substring(0, $value.Length-1) # delete last $value = $value.Substring(1, $value.Length-1) # delete first # check if there is an optional part $p = $value.IndexOf(":") if ($p -eq -1) { # without optional part the iso tag must be 2 characters long if ($value.Length -eq 2) {$result = $True } else { $result = $False } } else { # valid positions for the colon are the first or the third (after the iso-tag) if (($p -eq 0) -or ($p -eq 2)) { $result = $True } else { $result = $False } } } } Return $result } function Get-UsedParameters { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string[]]$validParams , [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [System.Collections.Hashtable]$boundParams ) begin { Write-Verbose -Message ('Starting: {0}' -f $myInvocation.Mycommand) New-Variable -Name 'key' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'keyLower' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([string]'') New-Variable -Name 'validParamsLower' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([System.Object[]]@()) New-Variable -Name 'result' -Scope 'Private' -Value ([System.Collections.Hashtable]@{}) $InitialVariables = Get-CurrentVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference } process { # Convert the valid parameters to lowercase letters $validParamsLower = $validParams | ForEach-Object { $_.ToLower() } foreach ($key in $boundParams.Keys) { # Convert the current key to lowercase letters $keyLower = $key.ToLower() # Check if the lowercase key is included in the valid parameters if ($validParamsLower -contains $keyLower) { # Add the element with the original key to the result $result[$key] = $boundParams[$key] } } } end { Get-CurrentVariables -InitialVariables $InitialVariables -Debug:$DebugPreference return $result } } function New-SftpInstance { [CmdletBinding()] param( [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$comObject= 'IPWorksSSH.SFTP' ) Write-Verbose -Message ('Starting: {0}' -f $myInvocation.Mycommand) try { $sftp = New-Object -COMObject $comObject } catch { throw "The SFTP library (ocx) '$comObject' is not registred on this pc. " +` "Register it with 'regsvr32 path\sftp160.ocx'. " +` "ATTENTION: The name of the OCX could be diffrent on your system!" } Return $sftp } function Test-ValidateConn { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [object]$conn ) if ($conn -and $conn -is [System.__ComObject]) { return $true } else { throw "The connection object is not a valid COM object." } } function Test-ValidateConnStr { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string]$connStr ) $regex = "^(?=.*Data Source=)(?=.*Initial Catalog=).*" if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($connStr) -and $connStr -notmatch $regex) { Throw "The connection string '$connStr' is not valid." } return $true } function Test-ValidateCustomerGroups { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$false,ValueFromPipeline=$true, Position=0)] [AllowEmptyString()] [string]$customerGroups ) begin { $regexPattern = '^[\w\s-]*((,[\w\s-]+)+)?$' } process { if (-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($customerGroups)) { if ($customerGroups -notmatch $regexPattern) { throw "Invalid customerGroups parameter: must be empty, a single string, or a comma-separated list of strings." } } } end { $true } } function Test-ValidateFileExists { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)] [string]$Path ) process { if (-not (Test-Path $Path)) { throw "File '$Path' does not exist." } return $true } } function Test-ValidateId { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [ValidateRange(-2147483648,2147483647)] [int]$id , [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$name = 'ID' ) if ($id -lt 1) { throw "When the '$name' is specified, the value must be an integer and greater than 0, but it was '$id'." } return $id } Function Test-ValidateLeastOne { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [string[]]$validParams = @() , [Parameter(ValueFromRemainingArguments=$true)] [string[]]$RemainingArguments ) begin { $count = 0 $parentFunctionName = "" $callStack = Get-PSCallStack for ($i = 1; $i -lt $callStack.Count; $i++) { $fn = $callStack[$i].FunctionName if ($fn -ne $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) { $parentFunctionName = $fn break } } $parentFunctionName = $parentFunctionName.Replace("<Begin>", "").TrimEnd() $parentFunction = Get-Command -Name $parentFunctionName -All | Where-Object { $_.CommandType -eq 'Function' } | Select-Object -First 1 $commonParameters = [System.Management.Automation.PSCmdlet]::CommonParameters $parentParameters = $parentFunction.Parameters.Keys | Where-Object { $_ -ne 'RemainingArguments' -and $commonParameters -notcontains $_ } if ($null -eq $RemainingArguments -or $RemainingArguments.Count -eq 0) { $RemainingArguments = @() foreach ($param in $parentParameters) { $RemainingArguments += "-$param" $RemainingArguments += $null } } if ($validParams.Count -eq 0) { $validParams = $parentParameters } for ($i = 0; $i -lt $RemainingArguments.Count; $i += 2) { $paramName = $RemainingArguments[$i].Substring(1) $paramValue = $RemainingArguments[$i+1] if (-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($paramValue)) { if ($validParams -contains $paramName) { $count++ } } } } process { if ($count -lt 1) { $validParamsList = $ValidParams -join ', ' $message = "At least one parameter of these ($validParamsList) must be specified in $parentFunctionName!" throw $message } } } function Test-ValidateMapping { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string]$strValue , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [hashtable]$mapping ) $allValidValues = $mapping.Keys + $mapping.Values if ($strValue -notin $allValidValues) { throw "The value '$strValue' is not a valid value. Valid values are: $($allValidValues -join ', ')." } if ($mapping.ContainsKey($strValue)) { $result = $mapping[$strValue] } else { $result = $strValue } Return $result } function Test-ValidateNo { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [Alias('no')] [ValidateRange(-2147483648,2147483647)] [int]$transactionNo , [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$name = 'Transaction Number' ) if ($transactionNo -lt 1) { throw "When the '$name' is specified, the value must be an integer and greater than 0, but it was '$transactionNo'." } return $transactionNo } function Test-ValidateNotEmpty { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string]$strParam ) if ($strParam -eq "") { throw "The parameter cannot be an empty string!" } return $true } function Test-ValidatePathPS { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string]$path ) if ($path) { $Extension = [System.IO.Path]::GetExtension($path) $pathOnly = Split-Path $path if (!(Test-Path $pathOnly)) { throw New-Object System.Management.Automation.ValidationMetadataException ` -ArgumentList "The path part of the provided path $path does not exist." } if ($Extension -ne '.ps1') { throw New-Object System.Management.Automation.ValidationMetadataException ` -ArgumentList "The file extension of the provided path $path must be '.ps1'." } } return $true } function Test-ValidatePathUDL { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [Alias('udl')] [string]$path ) if ($path) { $Extension = [System.IO.Path]::GetExtension($path) $pathOnly = Split-Path $path if (!(Test-Path $pathOnly)) { throw New-Object System.Management.Automation.ValidationMetadataException ` -ArgumentList "The path part of the provided path $path does not exist." } if ($Extension -ne '.udl') { throw New-Object System.Management.Automation.ValidationMetadataException ` -ArgumentList "The file extension of the provided path $path must be '.udl'." } } return $true } function Test-ValidatePathXML { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string]$path ) if ($path) { $Extension = [System.IO.Path]::GetExtension($path) $pathOnly = Split-Path $path if (!(Test-Path $pathOnly)) { throw New-Object System.Management.Automation.ValidationMetadataException ` -ArgumentList "The path part of the provided path $path does not exist." } if ($Extension -ne '.xml') { throw New-Object System.Management.Automation.ValidationMetadataException ` -ArgumentList "The file extension of the provided path $path must be '.xml'." } } return $true } function Test-ValidateSelect { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string]$strParam ) if ($strParam -eq "") { throw "The parameter 'select' cannot be an empty string!" } return $true } Function Test-ValidateSingle { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [string[]]$validParams , [Parameter(ValueFromRemainingArguments=$true)] [string[]]$remainingArguments ) begin { $count = 0 # $RemainingArguments contains all parameters of the calling function. # In $RemainingArguments each entry with even index is a parameter name and each odd is # the parameter value. Each parameter name is stored as with a leading hyphen and a # closing colon, such as '-udl:'. Before comparison the characters are removed. if ($null -ne $remainingArguments -and $remainingArguments.GetType().IsArray) { for ($i = 0; $i -lt $remainingArguments.Count; $i += 2) { $paramName = $remainingArguments[$i].Substring(1, $remainingArguments[$i].Length - 2) $paramValue = $remainingArguments[$i+1] if (-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($paramValue)) { if ($validParams -contains $paramName) { $count++ } } } } } process { if ($count -ne 1) { $validParamsList = $ValidParams -join ', ' $parentFunctionName = "" $callStack = Get-PSCallStack for ($i = 1; $i -lt $callStack.Count; $i++) { $fn = $callStack[$i].FunctionName if ($fn -ne $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) { $parentFunctionName = $fn break } } $parentFunctionName = $parentFunctionName.Replace("<Begin>", "").TrimEnd() $message = "Exactly one parameter of these ($validParamsList) must be specified in $parentFunctionName!" throw $message } } } function Test-ValidateStringCase { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string]$value ) if ($value -in (Get-SetStringCase)) { return $true } else { throw "Invalid value. Allowed values are $((Get-SetStringCase) -join ', ')." } } function Test-ValidateUrl { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$Url ) if ($Url -match "^(http|https)://([\w-]+\.)+[\w-]+(/[\w-./?%&=]*)?$") { return $true } else { throw "The value '$Url' is not a valid URL. Please enter a valid URL." } } # SIG # Begin signature block # MIIpigYJKoZIhvcNAQcCoIIpezCCKXcCAQExDzANBglghkgBZQMEAgEFADB5Bgor # BgEEAYI3AgEEoGswaTA0BgorBgEEAYI3AgEeMCYCAwEAAAQQH8w7YFlLCE63JNLG # KX7zUQIBAAIBAAIBAAIBAAIBADAxMA0GCWCGSAFlAwQCAQUABCDv1dqjPJxxI8Ce # T56r5C6E0BlKN/ri5mco2SH/WqV4N6CCEngwggVvMIIEV6ADAgECAhBI/JO0YFWU # jTanyYqJ1pQWMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBDAUAMHsxCzAJBgNVBAYTAkdCMRswGQYDVQQI # DBJHcmVhdGVyIE1hbmNoZXN0ZXIxEDAOBgNVBAcMB1NhbGZvcmQxGjAYBgNVBAoM # EUNvbW9kbyBDQSBMaW1pdGVkMSEwHwYDVQQDDBhBQUEgQ2VydGlmaWNhdGUgU2Vy # dmljZXMwHhcNMjEwNTI1MDAwMDAwWhcNMjgxMjMxMjM1OTU5WjBWMQswCQYDVQQG # EwJHQjEYMBYGA1UEChMPU2VjdGlnbyBMaW1pdGVkMS0wKwYDVQQDEyRTZWN0aWdv # IFB1YmxpYyBDb2RlIFNpZ25pbmcgUm9vdCBSNDYwggIiMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUA # A4ICDwAwggIKAoICAQCN55QSIgQkdC7/FiMCkoq2rjaFrEfUI5ErPtx94jGgUW+s # hJHjUoq14pbe0IdjJImK/+8Skzt9u7aKvb0Ffyeba2XTpQxpsbxJOZrxbW6q5KCD # J9qaDStQ6Utbs7hkNqR+Sj2pcaths3OzPAsM79szV+W+NDfjlxtd/R8SPYIDdub7 # P2bSlDFp+m2zNKzBenjcklDyZMeqLQSrw2rq4C+np9xu1+j/2iGrQL+57g2extme # me/G3h+pDHazJyCh1rr9gOcB0u/rgimVcI3/uxXP/tEPNqIuTzKQdEZrRzUTdwUz # T2MuuC3hv2WnBGsY2HH6zAjybYmZELGt2z4s5KoYsMYHAXVn3m3pY2MeNn9pib6q # RT5uWl+PoVvLnTCGMOgDs0DGDQ84zWeoU4j6uDBl+m/H5x2xg3RpPqzEaDux5mcz # mrYI4IAFSEDu9oJkRqj1c7AGlfJsZZ+/VVscnFcax3hGfHCqlBuCF6yH6bbJDoEc # QNYWFyn8XJwYK+pF9e+91WdPKF4F7pBMeufG9ND8+s0+MkYTIDaKBOq3qgdGnA2T # OglmmVhcKaO5DKYwODzQRjY1fJy67sPV+Qp2+n4FG0DKkjXp1XrRtX8ArqmQqsV/ # AZwQsRb8zG4Y3G9i/qZQp7h7uJ0VP/4gDHXIIloTlRmQAOka1cKG8eOO7F/05QID # AQABo4IBEjCCAQ4wHwYDVR0jBBgwFoAUoBEKIz6W8Qfs4q8p74Klf9AwpLQwHQYD # VR0OBBYEFDLrkpr/NZZILyhAQnAgNpFcF4XmMA4GA1UdDwEB/wQEAwIBhjAPBgNV # HRMBAf8EBTADAQH/MBMGA1UdJQQMMAoGCCsGAQUFBwMDMBsGA1UdIAQUMBIwBgYE # VR0gADAIBgZngQwBBAEwQwYDVR0fBDwwOjA4oDagNIYyaHR0cDovL2NybC5jb21v # ZG9jYS5jb20vQUFBQ2VydGlmaWNhdGVTZXJ2aWNlcy5jcmwwNAYIKwYBBQUHAQEE # KDAmMCQGCCsGAQUFBzABhhhodHRwOi8vb2NzcC5jb21vZG9jYS5jb20wDQYJKoZI # hvcNAQEMBQADggEBABK/oe+LdJqYRLhpRrWrJAoMpIpnuDqBv0WKfVIHqI0fTiGF # OaNrXi0ghr8QuK55O1PNtPvYRL4G2VxjZ9RAFodEhnIq1jIV9RKDwvnhXRFAZ/ZC # J3LFI+ICOBpMIOLbAffNRk8monxmwFE2tokCVMf8WPtsAO7+mKYulaEMUykfb9gZ # pk+e96wJ6l2CxouvgKe9gUhShDHaMuwV5KZMPWw5c9QLhTkg4IUaaOGnSDip0TYl # d8GNGRbFiExmfS9jzpjoad+sPKhdnckcW67Y8y90z7h+9teDnRGWYpquRRPaf9xH # +9/DUp/mBlXpnYzyOmJRvOwkDynUWICE5EV7WtgwggYcMIIEBKADAgECAhAz1wio # kUBTGeKlu9M5ua1uMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBDAUAMFYxCzAJBgNVBAYTAkdCMRgwFgYD # VQQKEw9TZWN0aWdvIExpbWl0ZWQxLTArBgNVBAMTJFNlY3RpZ28gUHVibGljIENv # ZGUgU2lnbmluZyBSb290IFI0NjAeFw0yMTAzMjIwMDAwMDBaFw0zNjAzMjEyMzU5 # NTlaMFcxCzAJBgNVBAYTAkdCMRgwFgYDVQQKEw9TZWN0aWdvIExpbWl0ZWQxLjAs # BgNVBAMTJVNlY3RpZ28gUHVibGljIENvZGUgU2lnbmluZyBDQSBFViBSMzYwggGi # MA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4IBjwAwggGKAoIBgQC70f4et0JbePWQp64sg/GNIdMw # hoV739PN2RZLrIXFuwHP4owoEXIEdiyBxasSekBKxRDogRQ5G19PB/YwMDB/NSXl # wHM9QAmU6Kj46zkLVdW2DIseJ/jePiLBv+9l7nPuZd0o3bsffZsyf7eZVReqskmo # PBBqOsMhspmoQ9c7gqgZYbU+alpduLyeE9AKnvVbj2k4aOqlH1vKI+4L7bzQHkND # brBTjMJzKkQxbr6PuMYC9ruCBBV5DFIg6JgncWHvL+T4AvszWbX0w1Xn3/YIIq62 # 0QlZ7AGfc4m3Q0/V8tm9VlkJ3bcX9sR0gLqHRqwG29sEDdVOuu6MCTQZlRvmcBME # Jd+PuNeEM4xspgzraLqVT3xE6NRpjSV5wyHxNXf4T7YSVZXQVugYAtXueciGoWnx # G06UE2oHYvDQa5mll1CeHDOhHu5hiwVoHI717iaQg9b+cYWnmvINFD42tRKtd3V6 # zOdGNmqQU8vGlHHeBzoh+dYyZ+CcblSGoGSgg8sCAwEAAaOCAWMwggFfMB8GA1Ud # IwQYMBaAFDLrkpr/NZZILyhAQnAgNpFcF4XmMB0GA1UdDgQWBBSBMpJBKyjNRsjE # osYqORLsSKk/FDAOBgNVHQ8BAf8EBAMCAYYwEgYDVR0TAQH/BAgwBgEB/wIBADAT # BgNVHSUEDDAKBggrBgEFBQcDAzAaBgNVHSAEEzARMAYGBFUdIAAwBwYFZ4EMAQMw # SwYDVR0fBEQwQjBAoD6gPIY6aHR0cDovL2NybC5zZWN0aWdvLmNvbS9TZWN0aWdv # UHVibGljQ29kZVNpZ25pbmdSb290UjQ2LmNybDB7BggrBgEFBQcBAQRvMG0wRgYI # KwYBBQUHMAKGOmh0dHA6Ly9jcnQuc2VjdGlnby5jb20vU2VjdGlnb1B1YmxpY0Nv # ZGVTaWduaW5nUm9vdFI0Ni5wN2MwIwYIKwYBBQUHMAGGF2h0dHA6Ly9vY3NwLnNl # Y3RpZ28uY29tMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBDAUAA4ICAQBfNqz7+fZyWhS38Asd3tj9lwHS # /QHumS2G6Pa38Dn/1oFKWqdCSgotFZ3mlP3FaUqy10vxFhJM9r6QZmWLLXTUqwj3 # ahEDCHd8vmnhsNufJIkD1t5cpOCy1rTP4zjVuW3MJ9bOZBHoEHJ20/ng6SyJ6UnT # s5eWBgrh9grIQZqRXYHYNneYyoBBl6j4kT9jn6rNVFRLgOr1F2bTlHH9nv1HMePp # GoYd074g0j+xUl+yk72MlQmYco+VAfSYQ6VK+xQmqp02v3Kw/Ny9hA3s7TSoXpUr # 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