Function Export-GHEntraFido { <# .SYNOPSIS Exports FIDO data from a specified URL. .DESCRIPTION This function fetches the HTML content from the provided URL, parses the HTML to find a specific table with headers "Description" and "AAGUID", and extracts the data from the table. The data is then output in a structured format. .PARAMETER Url The URL of the webpage containing the FIDO data table. .EXAMPLE Export-GHEntraFido -Url "" This command fetches and exports the FIDO data from the specified URL. .NOTES The function uses HtmlAgilityPack to parse the HTML content. #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$Url ) # Fetch the webpage content $response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $Url $htmlContent = $response.Content # Load the HTML content into an HtmlDocument object $htmlDocument = New-Object HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument $htmlDocument.LoadHtml($htmlContent) # Extract all table nodes from the HTML document $tableNodes = $htmlDocument.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//table") # Find the target table based on headers $targetTableNode = $null foreach ($tableNode in $tableNodes) { $headers = $tableNode.SelectNodes(".//thead/tr/th") | ForEach-Object { $_.InnerText.Trim() } if ($headers -contains "Description" -and $headers -contains "AAGUID") { $targetTableNode = $tableNode break } } if ($null -ne $targetTableNode) { # Extract headers from the target table $headers = $targetTableNode.SelectNodes(".//thead/tr/th") | ForEach-Object { $_.InnerText.Trim() } # Initialize an array to hold the data $data = @() # Process the rows of the target table $rowNodes = $targetTableNode.SelectNodes(".//tbody/tr") foreach ($rowNode in $rowNodes) { $cellNodes = $rowNode.SelectNodes("td") $row = @{ Description = "" AAGUID = "" Bio = "" USB = "" NFC = "" BLE = "" Vendor = "" # Initialize Vendor as an empty string } for ($i = 0; $i -lt $cellNodes.Count; $i++) { $header = $headers[$i] $cell = $cellNodes[$i] $value = $cell.InnerText.Trim() if ($header -in @("Bio", "USB", "BLE", "NFC")) { $urlValue = $null if ($cell.SelectSingleNode(".//a")) { $urlValue = $cell.SelectSingleNode(".//a").GetAttributeValue("href", "") } elseif ($cell.SelectSingleNode(".//img")) { $urlValue = $cell.SelectSingleNode(".//img").GetAttributeValue("src", "") } if ($urlValue -match "(yes|no)\.png$") { $value = $matches[1] -replace "yes", "Yes" -replace "no", "No" } } $row[$header] = $value } $data += [PSCustomObject]$row } # Output the data in the specified order $data | Select-Object Description, AAGUID, Bio, USB, NFC, BLE, Vendor } else { Write-Error "No table found with the specified headers." } } |