<# .SYNOPSIS Fetches and processes FIDO2 hardware vendor data from a specified URL. .DESCRIPTION This function fetches the webpage content from the specified URL, parses the HTML to find the table with headers "Description" and "AAGUID", and processes the rows to extract data. It ensures the table order is "Description", "AAGUID", "Bio", "USB", "NFC", "BLE" and outputs the data as an object for easy use in the pipeline. .PARAMETER Url The URL of the webpage to fetch the FIDO2 hardware vendor data from. .EXAMPLE $data = Export-EntraFido -Url "" $data | Format-Table .EXAMPLE Export-EntraFido -Url "" | Export-Csv -Path "FidoData.csv" -NoTypeInformation #> function Export-EntraFido { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$Url ) # Fetch the webpage content $response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $Url $htmlContent = $response.Content # Load the HTML content into an HtmlDocument object $htmlDocument = New-Object HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument $htmlDocument.LoadHtml($htmlContent) # Extract all table nodes from the HTML document $tableNodes = $htmlDocument.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//table") # Find the target table based on headers $targetTableNode = $null foreach ($tableNode in $tableNodes) { $headers = $tableNode.SelectNodes(".//thead/tr/th") | ForEach-Object { $_.InnerText.Trim() } if ($headers -contains "Description" -and $headers -contains "AAGUID") { $targetTableNode = $tableNode break } } if ($null -ne $targetTableNode) { # Extract headers from the target table $headers = $targetTableNode.SelectNodes(".//thead/tr/th") | ForEach-Object { $_.InnerText.Trim() } # Initialize an array to hold the data $data = @() # Process the rows of the target table $rowNodes = $targetTableNode.SelectNodes(".//tbody/tr") foreach ($rowNode in $rowNodes) { $cellNodes = $rowNode.SelectNodes("td") $row = @{ Description = "" AAGUID = "" Bio = "" USB = "" NFC = "" BLE = "" } for ($i = 0; $i -lt $cellNodes.Count; $i++) { $header = $headers[$i] $cell = $cellNodes[$i] $value = $cell.InnerText.Trim() if ($header -in @("Bio", "USB", "BLE", "NFC")) { $urlValue = $null if ($cell.SelectSingleNode(".//a")) { $urlValue = $cell.SelectSingleNode(".//a").GetAttributeValue("href", "") } elseif ($cell.SelectSingleNode(".//img")) { $urlValue = $cell.SelectSingleNode(".//img").GetAttributeValue("src", "") } if ($urlValue -match "(yes|no)\.png$") { $value = $matches[1] -replace "yes", "Yes" -replace "no", "No" } } $row[$header] = $value } $data += [PSCustomObject]$row } # Output the data in the specified order $data | Select-Object Description, AAGUID, Bio, USB, NFC, BLE } else { Write-Error "No table found with the specified headers." } } |