function Get-AzStorageNetworkConfig { <# Gets all aliases and outputs them to a CSV file. Defines which Policy as Code (PAC) environment we are using, if omitted, the script prompts for a value. The values are read from `$DefinitionsRootFolder/global-settings.jsonc. Definitions folder path. Defaults to environment variable `$env:PAC_DEFINITIONS_FOLDER or './Definitions'. Output file name. Defaults to environment variable `$env:PAC_OUTPUT_FOLDER/Storage/StorageNetwork.csv or './Outputs/Storage/StorageNetwork.csv'. Set to false if used non-interactive .\Get-AzStorageNetworkConfig.ps1 -PacEnvironmentSelector "dev" -DefinitionsRootFolder "C:\Src\Definitions" -OutputFolder "C:\Src\Outputs" -Interactive $true Gets all aliases and outputs them to a CSV file. .\Get-AzStorageNetworkConfig.ps1 -Interactive $true Gets all aliases and outputs them to a CSV file. The script prompts for the PAC environment and uses the default definitions and output folders. #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Defines which Policy as Code (PAC) environment we are using, if omitted, the script prompts for a value. The values are read from `$DefinitionsRootFolder/global-settings.jsonc.", Position = 0)] [string] $PacEnvironmentSelector, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Definitions folder path. Defaults to environment variable `$env:PAC_DEFINITIONS_FOLDER or './Definitions'.")] [string]$DefinitionsRootFolder, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Output file name. Defaults to environment variable `$env:PAC_OUTPUT_FOLDER/Storage/StorageNetwork.csv or './Outputs/Storage/StorageNetwork.csv'.")] [string] $OutputFileName, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Set to false if used non-interactive")] [bool] $Interactive = $true ) # Dot Source Helper Scripts $InformationPreference = "Continue" $pacEnvironment = Select-PacEnvironment $PacEnvironmentSelector -DefinitionsRootFolder $DefinitionsRootFolder -OutputFolder $OutputFolder -Interactive $Interactive $null = Set-AzCloudTenantSubscription -Cloud $ -TenantId $pacEnvironment.tenantId -subscriptionId $pacEnvironment.defaultSubscriptionId -Interactive $pacEnvironment.interactive $targetTenant = $pacEnvironment.targetTenant if ($OutputFileName -eq "") { $OutputFileName = "$($pacEnvironment.outputFolder)/Storage/StorageNetwork.csv" } Write-Information "===================================================================================================" Write-Information "Processing" Write-Information "===================================================================================================" # Connect to Azure Tenant $subs = Get-AzSubscription -TenantId $targetTenant | Where-Object { $_.State -eq 'Enabled' } $output = @() foreach ($sub in $subs) { Select-AzSubscription -Subscription $sub.Name $accts = Get-AzStorageAccount $privateendpoints = Get-AzPrivateEndpoint if ($privateendpoints) { $pelist = $privateendpoints.PrivateLinkServiceConnections.PrivateLinkServiceId | ForEach-Object { $_.split('/')[-1] } } else { $pelist = $null } foreach ($acct in $accts) { if ($acct.NetworkRuleSet.IpRules.IPAddressOrRange) { $ipRules = [String]::Join("; ", $acct.NetworkRuleSet.IpRules.IPAddressOrRange) } else { $ipRules = $false } if ($acct.NetworkRuleSet.VirtualNetworkRules) { $vnetRules = [String]::Join("; ", ($acct.NetworkRuleSet.VirtualNetworkRules.VirtualNetworkResourceId | ForEach-Object { ($_ -split ("/"))[-1] })) } else { $vnetRules = $false } $StorageAccountProperties = @{ StorageAccountName = $acct.StorageAccountName ResourceGroupName = $acct.ResourceGroupName Subscription = $sub.Name Environment = $acct.Tags.Environment Bypass = $acct.NetworkRuleSet.Bypass DefaultAction = $acct.NetworkRuleSet.DefaultAction IpRules = $ipRules VirtualNetworkRules = $vnetRules PrivateEndpointEnabled = ($pelist -contains $acct.StorageAccountName) } $output += New-Object PSObject -Property $StorageAccountProperties } } if (-not (Test-Path $OutputFileName)) { New-Item $OutputFileName -Force } $output | Export-Csv -Path $OutputFileName -NoTypeInformation } |