function Build-PolicyDocumentation { <# Builds documentation from instructions in policyDocumentations folder reading the delployed Policy Resources from the EPAC envioronment. Definitions folder path. Defaults to environment variable `$env:PAC_DEFINITIONS_FOLDER or './Definitions'. Output Folder. Defaults to environment variable `$env:PAC_OUTPUT_FOLDER or './Outputs'. Formats CSV multi-object cells to use new lines and saves it as UTF-8 with BOM - works only fro Excel in Windows. Default uses commas to separate array elements within a cell Set to false if used non-interactive Suppresses prompt for confirmation to delete existing file in interactive mode Build-PolicyDocumentation.ps1 -definitionsRootFolder "C:\PAC\Definitions" -outputFolder "C:\PAC\Output" -interactive Builds documentation from instructions in policyDocumentations folder reading the delployed Policy Resources from the EPAC envioronment. Build-PolicyDocumentation.ps1 -interactive Builds documentation from instructions in policyDocumentations folder reading the delployed Policy Resources from the EPAC envioronment. The script prompts for the PAC environment and uses the default definitions and output folders. Build-PolicyDocumentation.ps1 -definitionsRootFolder "C:\PAC\Definitions" -outputFolder "C:\PAC\Output" -interactive -suppressConfirmation Builds documentation from instructions in policyDocumentations folder reading the delployed Policy Resources from the EPAC envioronment. The script prompts for the PAC environment and uses the default definitions and output folders. It suppresses prompt for confirmation to delete existing file in interactive mode. #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Definitions folder path. Defaults to environment variable `$env:PAC_DEFINITIONS_FOLDER or './Definitions'.")] [string]$definitionsRootFolder, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Output Folder. Defaults to environment variable `$env:PAC_OUTPUT_FOLDER or './Outputs'.")] [string] $outputFolder, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Formats CSV multi-object cells to use new lines and saves it as UTF-8 with BOM - works only fro Excel in Windows. Default uses commas to separate array elements within a cell")] [switch] $windowsNewLineCells, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Set to false if used non-interactive")] [bool] $interactive = $true, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Suppresses prompt for confirmation of each file in interactive mode")] [switch] $suppressConfirmation ) # Dot Source Helper Scripts #region Initialize $InformationPreference = 'Continue' $globalSettings = Get-GlobalSettings -definitionsRootFolder $definitionsRootFolder -outputFolder $outputFolder $definitionsFolder = $globalSettings.policyDocumentationsFolder $pacEnvironments = $globalSettings.pacEnvironments $outputPath = "$($globalSettings.outputFolder)/PolicyDocumentation" if (-not (Test-Path $outputPath)) { New-Item $outputPath -Force -ItemType directory } # Caching information to optimize different outputs $cachedPolicyResourceDetails = @{} $cachedAssignmentsDetails = @{} $currentPacEnvironmentSelector = "" $pacEnvironment = $null #endregion Initialize Write-Information "" Write-Information "===================================================================================================" Write-Information "Reading documentation definitions in folder '$definitionsFolder'" Write-Information "===================================================================================================" $filesRaw = @() $filesRaw += Get-ChildItem -Path $definitionsFolder -Recurse -File -Filter "*.jsonc" $filesRaw += Get-ChildItem -Path $definitionsFolder -Recurse -File -Filter "*.json" $files = @() $files += ($filesRaw | Sort-Object -Property Name) if ($files.Length -gt 0) { Write-Information "Number of documentation definition files = $($files.Length)" } else { Write-Information "There aren't any documentation definition files in the folder provided!" } $processAllFiles = -not $interactive -or $suppressConfirmation -or $files.Length -eq 1 foreach ($file in $files) { Write-Information "" Write-Information "===================================================================================================" Write-Information "Reading and Processing '$($file.Name)'" Write-Information "===================================================================================================" $processThisFile = $processAllFiles if (-not $processAllFiles) { $title = "Process documentation definition file '$($file.Name)'" $message = "Do you want to process the file?" $yes = New-Object System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription "&Yes", ` "Process the current file." $all = New-Object System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription "&All", ` "Process remaining files files in folder '$definitionsFolder'." $skip = New-Object System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription "&Skip", ` "Skip processing this file." $options = [System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription[]]($yes, $skip, $all) $result = $Host.UI.PromptForChoice($title, $message, $options, 0) switch ($result) { 0 { $processThisFile = $true } 1 { $processThisFile = $false Write-Information "***************************************************************************************************" Write-Information "***************************************************************************************************" Write-Information "** Skipping file '$($file.Name)'" Write-Information "***************************************************************************************************" Write-Information "***************************************************************************************************" Write-Information "" Write-Information "" } 2 { $processThisFile = $true $processAllFiles = $true } } } if ($processThisFile) { $json = Get-Content -Path $file.FullName -Raw -ErrorAction Stop if (-not (Test-Json $json)) { Write-Error "The JSON file '$($file.Name)' is not valid." -ErrorAction Stop } $documentationSpec = $json | ConvertFrom-Json if (-not ($documentationSpec.documentAssignments -or $documentationSpec.documentPolicySets)) { Write-Error "JSON document must contain 'documentAssignments' and/or 'documentPolicySets' element(s)." -ErrorAction Stop } $documentPolicySets = $documentationSpec.documentPolicySets if ($documentPolicySets -and $documentPolicySets.Count -gt 0) { $pacEnvironment = $null foreach ($documentPolicySetEntry in $documentPolicySets) { $pacEnvironmentSelector = $documentPolicySetEntry.pacEnvironment if (-not $pacEnvironmentSelector) { Write-Error "documentPolicySet entry does not specify pacEnvironment." -ErrorAction Stop } $fileNameStem = $documentPolicySetEntry.fileNameStem if (-not $fileNameStem) { Write-Error "documentPolicySet entry does not specify fileNameStem." -ErrorAction Stop } $title = $documentPolicySetEntry.title if (-not $title) { Write-Error "documentPolicySet entry does not specify title." -ErrorAction Stop } if ($documentPolicySetEntry.initiatives) { Write-Error "Legacy field `"initiatives`" used, change to `"policySets`"." -ErrorAction Stop } $policySets = $documentPolicySetEntry.policySets if (-not $policySets -or $policySets.Count -eq 0) { Write-Error "documentPolicySet entry does not specify required policySets array entry." -ErrorAction Stop } $itemArrayList = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new() if ($null -ne $policySets -and $policySets.Count -gt 0) { foreach ($policySet in $policySets) { $itemEntry = @{ shortName = $policySet.shortName itemId = $ policySetId = $ assignmentId = $null } $null = $itemArrayList.Add($itemEntry) } } else { Write-Error "documentPolicySet entry does not specify an policySets array or policySets array is empty" -ErrorAction Stop } $itemList = $itemArrayList.ToArray() $environmentColumnsInCsv = $documentPolicySetEntry.environmentColumnsInCsv if (-not $cachedPolicyResourceDetails.ContainsKey($pacEnvironmentSelector)) { if ($currentPacEnvironmentSelector -ne $pacEnvironmentSelector) { $currentPacEnvironmentSelector = $pacEnvironmentSelector $pacEnvironment = Switch-PacEnvironment ` -pacEnvironmentSelector $currentPacEnvironmentSelector ` -pacEnvironments $pacEnvironments ` -interactive $interactive } } # Retrieve Policies and PolicySets for current pacEnvironment from cache or from Azure $policyResourceDetails = Get-PolicyResourceDetails ` -pacEnvironmentSelector $pacEnvironmentSelector ` -pacEnvironment $pacEnvironment ` -cachedPolicyResourceDetails $cachedPolicyResourceDetails $policySetDetails = $policyResourceDetails.policySets $flatPolicyList = Convert-PolicySetsToFlatList ` -itemList $itemList ` -details $policySetDetails # Print documentation Out-PolicySetsDocumentationToFile ` -outputPath $outputPath ` -fileNameStem $fileNameStem ` -windowsNewLineCells:$windowsNewLineCells ` -title $title ` -itemList $itemList ` -environmentColumnsInCsv $environmentColumnsInCsv ` -policySetDetails $policySetDetails ` -flatPolicyList $flatPolicyList } } # Process instructions to document Assignments if ($documentationSpec.documentAssignments) { $documentAssignments = $documentationSpec.documentAssignments $environmentCategories = $documentAssignments.environmentCategories # Process assignments for every environmentCategory specified [hashtable] $assignmentsByEnvironment = @{} foreach ($environmentCategoryEntry in $environmentCategories) { if (-not $environmentCategoryEntry.pacEnvironment) { Write-Error "JSON document does not contain the required 'pacEnvironment' element." -ErrorAction Stop } # Load pacEnvironment $pacEnvironmentSelector = $environmentCategoryEntry.pacEnvironment if ($currentPacEnvironmentSelector -ne $pacEnvironmentSelector) { $currentPacEnvironmentSelector = $pacEnvironmentSelector $pacEnvironment = Switch-PacEnvironment ` -pacEnvironmentSelector $currentPacEnvironmentSelector ` -pacEnvironments $pacEnvironments ` -interactive $interactive } # Retrieve Policies and PolicySets for current pacEnvironment from cache or from Azure $policyResourceDetails = Get-PolicyResourceDetails ` -pacEnvironmentSelector $currentPacEnvironmentSelector ` -pacEnvironment $pacEnvironment ` -cachedPolicyResourceDetails $cachedPolicyResourceDetails # Retrieve assignments and process information or retrieve from cache is assignment previously processed $assignmentArray = $environmentCategoryEntry.representativeAssignments $itemList, $assignmentsDetails = Get-AssignmentsDetails ` -pacEnvironmentSelector $currentPacEnvironmentSelector ` -assignmentArray $assignmentArray ` -policyResourceDetails $policyResourceDetails ` -cachedAssignmentsDetails $cachedAssignmentsDetails # Flatten Policy lists in Assignments and reconcile the most restrictive effect for each Policy $flatPolicyList = Convert-PolicySetsToFlatList ` -itemList $itemList ` -details $assignmentsDetails # Store results of processing and flattening for use in document generation $null = $assignmentsByEnvironment.Add($environmentCategoryEntry.environmentCategory, @{ pacEnvironmentSelector = $currentPacEnvironmentSelector scopes = $environmentCategoryEntry.scopes itemList = $itemList assignmentsDetails = $assignmentsDetails flatPolicyList = $flatPolicyList } ) } # Build documents $documentationSpecifications = $documentAssignments.documentationSpecifications foreach ($documentationSpecification in $documentationSpecifications) { $documentationType = $documentationSpecification.type if ($null -ne $documentationType) { Write-Information "Field documentationType ($($documentationType)) is deprecated" } Out-PolicyAssignmentDocumentationToFile ` -outputPath $outputPath ` -windowsNewLineCells:$windowsNewLineCells ` -documentationSpecification $documentationSpecification ` -assignmentsByEnvironment $assignmentsByEnvironment } } } } } |