"nodeName": "/Management/", "scope": { "tenant1": [ "/providers/Microsoft.Management/managementGroups/management" ] }, "children": [ { "nodeName": "Logging/", "children": [ { "nodeName": "ActivityLogs", "assignment": { "name": "Deploy-Log-Analytics", "displayName": "Configure Log Analytics workspace and automation account to centralize logs and monitoring", "description": "Deploy resource group containing Log Analytics workspace and linked automation account to centralize logs and monitoring. The automation account is a prerequisite for solutions like Updates and Change Tracking." }, "definitionEntry": { "policyId": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/policyDefinitions/8e3e61b3-0b32-22d5-4edf-55f87fdb5955" }, "parameters": { "rgName": "", "workspaceName": "", "workspaceRegion": "", "automationAccountName": "", "automationRegion": "", "dataRetention": "" }, "nonComplianceMessages": [ { "Message": "Log Analytics workspace and automation account must be configured to centralize logs and monitoring." } ] } ] } ] } |