function FlattenPolicy-File-Structure { <# Flattens the policy file structure to a single folder. #> # Remove hidden files, like thumbs.db $removeHiddenFiles = $true # Get hidden files or not. Depending on removeHiddenFiles setting $getHiddelFiles = !$removeHiddenFiles # Remove empty directories locally Function Remove-EmptyFolder($path) { # Go through each subfolder, Foreach ($subFolder in Get-ChildItem -Force -Literal $path -Directory) { # Call the function recursively Remove-EmptyFolder -path $subFolder.FullName } # Get all child items $subItems = Get-ChildItem -Force:$getHiddelFiles -LiteralPath $path # If there are no items, then we can delete the folder # Exluce folder: If (($subItems -eq $null) -and (-Not($path.contains("DfsrPrivate")))) If ($null -eq $subItems) { Remove-Item -Force -Recurse:$removeHiddenFiles -LiteralPath $Path -Verbose } } $fileSpec = "azurepolicy.json" $rootDir = "C:\Src\SCaC\Policies" Get-ChildItem $rootDir -recurse -include azurepolicy.*.json | Remove-Item -Verbose Get-ChildItem $rootDir -recurse -include *.md | Remove-Item -Verbose $fileList = Get-ChildItem -Path $rootDir -Filter $fileSpec -Recurse foreach ($fileInfo in $fileList) { $fileName = $fileInfo.FullName $directoryName = Split-Path $fileName $newFileName = $directoryName + ".json" Move-Item $fileName -Destination $newFileName -Verbose } Remove-EmptyFolder -path $rootDir } |