function Out-PolicyExemptions { [CmdletBinding()] param ( $Exemptions, $Assignments, $PacEnvironment, $PolicyExemptionsFolder, [switch] $OutputJson, [switch] $OutputCsv, [string] $FileExtension = "json", [switch] $ActiveExemptionsOnly ) $numberOfExemptions = $Exemptions.Count Write-Information "===================================================================================================" Write-Information "Output Exemption list ($numberOfExemptions)" Write-Information "===================================================================================================" $pacSelector = $PacEnvironment.pacSelector $outputPath = "$PolicyExemptionsFolder/$pacSelector" if (-not (Test-Path $outputPath)) { $null = New-Item $outputPath -Force -ItemType directory } #region Sort Metadata and epacMetaData $exemptionskeys = $Exemptions.Keys foreach ($key in $exemptionskeys) { # Create a new ordered hash table $orderedMetadata = [ordered]@{} # Get the properties of the original object and sort them alphabetically $metadataKeys = $Exemptions.$($key).metadata.Keys | Sort-Object # Add the sorted properties to the new ordered hash table foreach ($metadataKey in $metadataKeys) { $orderedMetadata.$metadataKey = $Exemptions.$($key).metadata.$metadataKey } $Exemptions.$($key).metadata = $orderedMetadata } $exemptionskeys = $Exemptions.Keys foreach ($key in $exemptionskeys) { # Create a new ordered hash table $orderedEpacMetadata = [ordered]@{} # Get the properties of the original object and sort them alphabetically $epacMetadataKeys = $Exemptions.$($key).metadata.epacMetadata.Keys | Sort-Object # Add the sorted properties to the new ordered hash table foreach ($epacMetadataKey in $epacMetadataKeys) { $orderedEpacMetadata.$epacMetadataKey = $Exemptions.$($key).metadata.epacMetadata.$epacMetadataKey } $Exemptions.$($key).metadata.epacMetadata = $orderedEpacMetadata } #region Transformations $policyDefinitionReferenceIdsTransform = @{ label = "policyDefinitionReferenceIds" expression = { if ($_.policyDefinitionReferenceIds) { ($_.policyDefinitionReferenceIds -join "&").ToString() } else { '' } } } $metadataTransformCsv = @{ label = "metadata" expression = { if ($_.metadata) { $step1 = Get-CustomMetadata -Metadata $_.metadata -Remove "pacOwnerId" $temp = (ConvertTo-Json $step1 -Depth 100 -Compress).ToString() if ($temp -eq "{}") { '' } else { $temp } } else { '' } } } $metadataTransformJson = @{ label = "metadata" expression = { if ($_.metadata) { $temp = Get-CustomMetadata -Metadata $_.metadata -Remove "pacOwnerId" $temp } else { $null } } } $resourceSelectorsTransform = @{ label = "resourceSelectors" expression = { if ($_.resourceSelectors) { (ConvertTo-Json $_.resourceSelectors -Depth 100 -Compress).ToString() } else { '' } } } $expiresInDaysTransform = @{ label = "expiresInDays" expression = { if ($_.expiresInDays -eq [Int32]::MaxValue) { 'n/a' } else { $_.expiresInDays } } } $assignmentScopeValidationTransform = @{ label = "assignmentScopeValidation" expression = { if ($_.assignmentScopeValidation) { $_.assignmentScopeValidation } else { '' } } } #endregion Transformations Write-Information "" $selectedExemptions = $Exemptions.Values $numberOfExemptions = $selectedExemptions.Count if ($ActiveExemptionsOnly) { #region Active Exemptions $stem = "$outputPath/active-exemptions" Write-Information "===================================================================================================" Write-Information "Output $numberOfExemptions active (not expired or orphaned) Exemptions for epac environment '$pacSelector'" Write-Information "===================================================================================================" if ($OutputJson) { $selectedArray = $selectedExemptions | Where-Object status -in @("active", "active-expiring-within-15-days") | Select-Object -Property name, ` displayName, ` description, ` exemptionCategory, ` expiresOn, ` scope, ` policyAssignmentId, ` policyDefinitionReferenceIds, ` resourceSelectors, ` $metadataTransformJson, ` assignmentScopeValidation $jsonArray = @() if ($selectedArray -and $selectedArray.Count -gt 0) { $jsonArray += $selectedArray } $jsonFile = "$stem.$FileExtension" if (Test-Path $jsonFile) { Remove-Item $jsonFile } $outputJsonObj = [ordered]@{ '$schema' = "" exemptions = $jsonArray } ConvertTo-Json $outputJsonObj -Depth 100 | Out-File $jsonFile -Force } if ($OutputCsv) { $selectedArray = $selectedExemptions | Where-Object status -in @("active", "active-expiring-within-15-days") | Select-Object -Property name, ` displayName, ` description, ` exemptionCategory, ` expiresOn, ` scope, ` policyAssignmentId, ` $policyDefinitionReferenceIdsTransform, ` $resourceSelectorsTransform, ` $metadataTransformCsv, ` $assignmentScopeValidationTransform $excelArray = @() if ($null -ne $selectedArray -and $selectedArray.Count -gt 0) { $excelArray += $selectedArray } $csvFile = "$stem.csv" if (Test-Path $csvFile) { Remove-Item $csvFile } if ($excelArray.Count -gt 0) { $excelArray | ConvertTo-Csv -UseQuotes AsNeeded | Out-File $csvFile -Force } else { $columnHeaders = "name,displayName,description,exemptionCategory,expiresOn,scope,policyAssignmentId,policyDefinitionReferenceIds,metadata,assignmentScopeValidation" $columnHeaders | Out-File $csvFile -Force } } #endregion Active Exemptions } else { #region All Exemptions $stem = "$outputPath/all-exemptions" Write-Information "===================================================================================================" Write-Information "Output $numberOfExemptions Exemptions (all) for epac environment '$pacSelector'" Write-Information "===================================================================================================" if ($OutputJson) { $selectedArray = $selectedExemptions | Select-Object -Property name, ` displayName, ` description, ` exemptionCategory, ` expiresOn, ` status, ` $expiresInDaysTransform, ` scope, ` policyAssignmentId, ` policyDefinitionReferenceIds, ` resourceSelectors, ` $metadataTransformJson, ` assignmentScopeValidation $jsonArray = @() if ($selectedArray -and $selectedArray.Count -gt 0) { $jsonArray += $selectedArray } $jsonFile = "$stem.$FileExtension" if (Test-Path $jsonFile) { Remove-Item $jsonFile } $outputJsonObj = [ordered]@{ '$schema' = "" exemptions = $jsonArray } ConvertTo-Json $outputJsonObj -Depth 100 | Out-File $jsonFile -Force } if ($OutputCsv) { $selectedArray = $selectedExemptions | Select-Object -Property name, ` displayName, ` description, ` exemptionCategory, ` expiresOn, ` status, ` $expiresInDaysTransform, ` scope, ` policyAssignmentId, ` $policyDefinitionReferenceIdsTransform, ` $resourceSelectorsTransform, ` $metadataTransformCsv, ` $assignmentScopeValidationTransform $excelArray = @() if ($null -ne $selectedArray -and $selectedArray.Count -gt 0) { $excelArray += $selectedArray } $csvFile = "$stem.csv" if (Test-Path $csvFile) { Remove-Item $csvFile } if ($excelArray.Count -gt 0) { $excelArray | ConvertTo-Csv -UseQuotes AsNeeded | Out-File $csvFile -Force } else { $columnHeaders = "name,displayName,description,exemptionCategory,expiresOn,status,expiresInDays,scope,policyAssignmentId,policyDefinitionReferenceIds,metadata,assignmentScopeValidation" $columnHeaders | Out-File $csvFile -Force } } #endregion All Exemptions } } |