function Search-AzGraphAllItems { param ( [string] $Query, [hashtable] $ScopeSplat = @{ UseTenantScope = $true }, $ProgressItemName, $ProgressIncrement = 1000 ) # Search-AzGraph can only return a maximum of 1000 items. Without the -First it will only return 100 items if ($ProgressItemName -ne "Policy Set definitions") { $body = @{ query = $Query } } else { $body = @{ query = $Query options = @{ "`$top" = $ProgressIncrement "`$skip" = 0 } } } if ($ScopeSplat.ManagementGroup) { $body.managementGroups = @($ScopeSplat.ManagementGroup) } elseif ($ScopeSplat.Subscription) { $body.subscriptions = @($ScopeSplat.Subscription) } elseif ($ScopeSplat.ManagementGroups) { $body.managementGroups = $ScopeSplat.ManagementGroups } elseif ($ScopeSplat.Subscriptions) { $body.subscriptions = $ScopeSplat.Subscriptions } [System.Collections.ArrayList] $data = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new() $dsi = 0 do { try { $bodyJson = $body | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100 $response = Invoke-AzRestMethod -Method POST ` -Path "/providers/Microsoft.ResourceGraph/resources?api-version=2022-10-01" ` -Payload $bodyJson $dsi++ if ($response.StatusCode -ge 400) { $contentString = $response.Content -join "" $contentObj = ConvertFrom-Json -InputObject $contentString if ($contentObj.error.details[0].code -eq "ResponsePayloadTooLarge") { Write-Host "Payload too large detected. Adjusting request and retrying..." $ProgressIncrement = [Convert]::ToInt32([math]::Floor($ProgressIncrement / 2)) # Modify body to include pagination options $body = @{ query = $Query options = @{ "`$top" = $ProgressIncrement "`$skip" = 0 } } # Retry immediately without incrementing $dsi continue } } } catch { Write-Warning "Recovering Data Stream Error: $_" $dsi++ } }until($dsi -eq 5 -or ($response.StatusCode -ge 200 -and $response.StatusCode -lt 300)) if ($dsi -eq 5) { Write-Error "Failed to recover data stream after 5 attempts, information may be incomplete. Consider exiting running the script again." } elseif ($dsi -gt 1) { Write-Information "Data Stream recovered after $dsi attempts" } $statusCode = $response.StatusCode $content = $response.Content if ($statusCode -lt 200 -or $statusCode -ge 300) { Write-Error "Search-AzGraph REST error for '$Scope' $($statusCode) -- $($content)" -ErrorAction Stop } $result = $content | ConvertFrom-Json -Depth 100 -AsHashtable $count = $result.count if ($count -gt 0) { $null = $data.AddRange($ if ($data.count % $ProgressIncrement -eq 0) { Write-Information "Retrieved $($data.count) $ProgressItemName" } while ($result.ContainsKey("`$skipToken")) { # More data available, $skipToken will allow the next query in this loop to continue where the last invocation ended $body.options = @{ "`$skipToken" = $result["`$skipToken"] } $bodyJson = $body | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100 $response = Invoke-AzRestMethod -Method POST ` -Path "/providers/Microsoft.ResourceGraph/resources?api-version=2022-10-01" ` -Payload $bodyJson $statusCode = $response.StatusCode $content = $response.Content if ($statusCode -lt 200 -or $statusCode -ge 300) { Write-Error "Search-AzGraph REST error for '$Scope' $($statusCode) -- $($content)" -ErrorAction Stop } $result = $content | ConvertFrom-Json -Depth 100 -AsHashtable $count = $result.count if ($count -gt 0) { $null = $data.AddRange($ if ($data.count % $ProgressIncrement -eq 0) { Write-Information "Retrieved $($data.count) $ProgressItemName" } } else { break } } $count = $data.Count if ($count % $ProgressIncrement -ne 0) { Write-Information "Retrieved $($count) $ProgressItemName" } } else { Write-Information "No $ProgressItemName found" } Write-Output $data -NoEnumerate } |