
function Test-HydrationManagementGroupName {
This function tests if a given Management Group name is valid given Azure's naming requirements.
The function checks if the provided Management Group name is valid. A valid name does not contain any of the following characters: /, ?, #. Additionally, the name must be 90 characters or less in length.
.PARAMETER ManagementGroupName
The name of the Management Group to be validated.
Test-HydrationManagementGroupName -ManagementGroupName "ValidName"
This will return $true if "ValidName" is a valid Management Group name, and $false otherwise.
The function uses the Select-String cmdlet to match the Management Group name against a regular expression pattern. It also checks the length of the name.

    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
# $isValid = $ManagementGroupName | Select-String -Pattern '^[^\/\?#]*$' -Quiet
$isValid = $ManagementGroupName | Select-String -Pattern "^[a-zA-Z0-9\-_\.\(\)]+$" -Quiet
if ($isValid -and $ManagementGroupName.Length -le 90) {
    Write-Debug "Management Group `"$ManagementGroupName `" name is valid."
    return $true
else {
    Write-Debug "Management Group `"$ManagementGroupName `" name is invalid."
    return $false