
    This is a function that will not be published in the final version of this module, and should not be used as a standalone unless you are developing new code using this function.
    This function creates new children for a management group, duplicating a hierarchy from a source management group. It uses a prefix to update the names to manage uniqueness requirements.
    The New-HydrationManagementGroupChildren function takes a parent group name and a list of child names.
    It then creates new child groups under the specified parent group.
.PARAMETER Hierarchy
    An output from Get-AzManagementGroupRestMethod -GroupId $ManagementGroup -Expand -Recurse , this will be used as the source for the management group copy job.
    The prefix to be used for naming in the destination of the management group copy job.
    The suffix to be used for naming in the destination of the management group copy job.

function New-HydrationManagementGroupChildren {

    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    if (!($Suffix)) {
        $Suffix = ""
    if (!($Prefix)) {
        $Prefix = ""
    Write-Debug "Suffix: $Suffix"
    Write-Debug "Prefix: $Prefix"
    foreach ($child in $ {
        $destParentGroupId = $( -join ("/providers/Microsoft.Management/managementGroups/", $Prefix, $Hierarchy.Name, $Suffix))
        if ($child.Type -eq "Microsoft.Management/managementGroups") {
            $newMGName = $( -join ($Prefix, $child.Name, $Suffix))
            Write-Information " Creating $newMGName in $destParentGroupId..."
            $i = 0
            do {
                if ($i -gt 1) {
                    Start-Sleep -seconds 30
                    Write-Warning " Last attempt appears to have failed, retry $i of 10..."
                # Error action included because timeouts happen frequently, but mean nothing. Rather than have responses cause concern, we simply suppress the error and test. It takes longer, but this should be a task that is run very infrequently outside of a lab environment.
                try {
                    $null = $newMg = New-AzManagementGroup -GroupName $newMGName -DisplayName $( -join ($Prefix, $child.DisplayName, $Suffix)) -ParentId $destParentGroupId -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
                catch {
                    Write-Information "Error: $_"
                    Write-Information "This is generally transient, so we test after, this is just here for debugging"
                try {
                    $null = $testResult = Get-AzManagementGroupRestMethod -GroupId $newMGName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
                catch {
                    $testResult = $false
            }until($ -eq $newMGName -or $i -eq 10)
            $mgChildren = $child.Children | Where-Object { $_.Type -eq "Microsoft.Management/managementGroups" }
            if ($mgChildren.count -gt 0) {
                Write-Information " Creating child Management Groups of $(-join($Prefix,$child.Name,$Suffix)) from $($mgChildren.Name -join ", ")..."
                do {
                    try {
                        $null = $childHierarchy = Get-AzManagementGroupRestMethod -GroupId $child.Name -Expand  -Recurse 
                    catch {
                        $testResult = $false
                }until($ -or $i -eq 10)
                New-HydrationManagementGroupChildren -Hierarchy $childHierarchy -Prefix $Prefix -Suffix $Suffix