
    This function updates the assignment scope of the Hydration Starter Kit.
    The Update-HydrationStarterKitAssignmentScope function updates the assignment scope of the Hydration Starter Kit based on the provided parameters.
    The path to the JSON file from the StarterKit that will be modified.
    The path to the CSV file from the StarterKit that will be modified.
.PARAMETER outputCsv
    The path where the output CSV file will be created.
.PARAMETER outputJson
    The path where the output JSON file will be created.
.PARAMETER Assignment
    The assignment object that will be used as .
    The CSV data object.
.PARAMETER answers
    The answers hashtable.
    Update-HydrationStarterKitAssignmentScope -Json "./input.json" -Csv "./input.csv" -outputCsv "./output.csv" -outputJson "./output.json" -Assignment $assignment -CsvData $csvData -answers $answers
    This example updates the assignment scope of the Hydration Starter Kit using the provided parameters.
    The function creates a new directory if the directory of the output CSV file does not exist. It then iterates over the environments in the answers. If the branching flow is "github", it removes the non-production columns from the CSV data and the non-production block from the assignment. Otherwise, it keeps all the columns and blocks. It then updates the scope of each child in the assignment.

function Update-HydrationStarterKitAssignmentScope {

    param (
    # TODO: Add another set that replaces answers with branchflow and environments var as a second set of inputs instead of answers
    $InformationPreference = "Continue"
    if (!(Test-Path (Split-Path $outputCsv))) {
        New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path (Split-Path $outputCsv) -Force | Out-Null
    foreach ($env in $answers.environments) {
        if ($answers.branchingFlow -eq "github") {
            # Remove Non-Prod columns
            Write-Information "Creating $outputCsv"
            $CsvData | Select-Object -ExcludeProperty nonprod*  | Export-Csv -Path $outputCsv -NoTypeInformation -Encoding ascii -Force
            # Remove Non-Prod Block
            $newAssignmentChildren = $Assignment.children | Where-Object { $_.parameterSelector -eq "prod" }
        else {
            Write-Information "Creating $outputCsv"
            $CsvData | Export-Csv -Path $outputCsv -NoTypeInformation -Encoding ascii -Force
            # Remove Non-Prod Block
            $newAssignmentChildren = $Assignment.children 
        foreach ($child in $newAssignmentChildren) {
            $child.scope = [ordered]@{}
            foreach ($scope in $answers.environments.keys) {
                $child.scope.add($answers.environments.$scope.pacSelector, $( -join ("/providers/Microsoft.Management/managementGroups/", $answers.environments.$scope.initialPolicyScope)))
        $Assignment.children = @($newAssignmentChildren)
    Write-Information "Creating $outputJson"
    $Assignment | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 20 | Out-File -FilePath $outputJson -Encoding ascii -Force