
function New-HydrationGlobalSettingsFile {
    This function creates a new EPAC Global Settings File.
    The New-HydrationGlobalSettingsFile function creates a new Hydration Global Settings File based on the provided parameters. It takes three parameters: AnswerFilePath, Answers, and RepoRootPath.
.PARAMETER AnswerFilePath
    The path to the Answer file, which is generated using the New-HydrationAnswerFile function.
    The hashtable of answers. This parameter consumes the file output by New-HydrationAnswerFIle.
    The root path of the repository. This parameter is mandatory.
    New-HydrationGlobalSettingsFile -AnswerFilePath "./AnswerFile.txt" -RepoRootPath "./Repo"
    This example creates a new Hydration Global Settings File using the Answer file at "./AnswerFile.txt" and the repository at "./Repo".
    The function first checks if the Definitions directory exists in the repository. If it does not, it creates the directory. It then reads the Answer file and converts it to a hashtable. It then creates the Global Settings object by iterating over the environments in the answers.

param (
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'AnswerFile')]
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Answers')]
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
$InformationPreference = "Continue"
$mgBaseString = "/providers/Microsoft.Management/managementGroups/"
$definitionsPath = Join-Path $RepoRootPath "Definitions"
if (!(Test-Path $definitionsPath)) {
    New-HydrationDefinitionFolder -DefinitionsRootFolder $definitionsPath
if ($AnswerFilePath) {
    $Answers = Get-Content $AnswerFilePath -Encoding ascii | convertfrom-json -Depth 10 -AsHashtable
# Test to see if we need an exclusion for the epac root group
Write-Information "`nCreating Global Settings..."
# Build GlobalSettings object
$environmentBlock = @()
foreach ($env in $answers.environments.Keys) {
    $ebEntry = [ordered]@{
        pacSelector             = $answers.environments.$env.pacSelector
        cloud                   = $answers.environments.$
        tenantId                = $answers.environments.$env.tenantId
        deploymentRootScope     = $($mgBaseString + $answers.environments.$env.intermediateRootGroupName)
        desiredState            = @{
            strategy                     = $answers.environments.$env.strategy
            keepDfcSecurityAssignments   = $false
            excludedScopes               = @() # TODO: No setting support yet
            excludedPolicyDefinitions    = @() # TODO: No setting support yet
            excludedPolicySetDefinitions = @() # TODO: No setting support yet
            excludedPolicyAssignments    = @() # TODO: No setting support yet
        globalNotScopes         = @() # TODO: No setting support yet
        managedIdentityLocation = $answers.managedIdentityLocations
        # keepDfcSecurityAssignments = $false # Old location
    $environmentBlock += $ebEntry
$globalSettings = [ordered]@{
    '$schema'       = ""
    pacOwnerId      = $answers.pacOwnerId
    pacEnvironments = $environmentBlock
$globalSettingsPath = Join-Path $definitionsPath "global-settings.jsonc"
Write-Information "Writing Global Settings to $globalSettingsPath`n"
if (!(test-path $(Split-Path $globalSettingsPath))) {
    New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $definitionsPath -Force
$globalSettings | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10 | Out-File -FilePath $globalSettingsPath -Encoding ascii -Force
return $globalSettings