function Out-DocumentationForPolicySets { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [string] $OutputPath, [switch] $WindowsNewLineCells, $DocumentationSpecification, [array] $ItemList, [array] $EnvironmentColumnsInCsv, [hashtable] $PolicySetDetails, [hashtable] $FlatPolicyList, [switch] $IncludeManualPolicies ) $fileNameStem = $DocumentationSpecification.fileNameStem $title = $DocumentationSpecification.title $environmentColumnsInCsv = $DocumentationSpecification.environmentColumnsInCsv Write-Information "Generating Policy Set documentation for '$title', files '$FileNameStem'." #region Markdown [System.Collections.Generic.List[string]] $allLines = [System.Collections.Generic.List[string]]::new() $leadingHeadingHashtag = "#" if ($DocumentationSpecification.markdownAdoWiki) { $leadingHeadingHashtag = "" $null = $allLines.Add("[[_TOC_]]`n") } else { $null = $allLines.Add("# $title`n") if ($DocumentationSpecification.markdownAddToc) { $null = $allLines.Add("[[_TOC_]]`n") } } $null = $allLines.Add("Auto-generated Policy effect documentation for PolicySets grouped by Effect and sorted by Policy category and Policy display name.") $inTableAfterDisplayNameBreak = "<br/>" $inTableBreak = "<br/>" if ($DocumentationSpecification.markdownNoEmbeddedHtml) { $inTableAfterDisplayNameBreak = ": " $inTableBreak = ", " } #region Policy Set List $addedTableHeader = "" $addedTableDivider = "" $null = $allLines.Add("`n$leadingHeadingHashtag# Policy Set (Initiative) List`n") foreach ($item in $ItemList) { $shortName = $item.shortName $policySetId = $item.policySetId $policySetDetail = $PolicySetDetails.$policySetId $policySetDisplayName = $policySetDetail.displayName -replace "\n\r", " " -replace "\n", " " -replace "\r", " " $policySetDescription = $policySetDetail.description -replace "\n\r", " " -replace "\n", " " -replace "\r", " " $null = $allLines.Add("$leadingHeadingHashtag## $($shortName)`n") $null = $allLines.Add("- Display name: $($policySetDisplayName)`n") $null = $allLines.Add("- Type: $($policySetDetail.policyType)") $null = $allLines.Add("- Category: $($policySetDetail.category)`n") $null = $allLines.Add("$($policySetDescription)`n") $addedTableHeader += " $shortName |" $addedTableDivider += " :-------- |" } #endregion Policy Set List #region Policy Effects if ($DocumentationSpecification.markdownIncludeComplianceGroupNames) { $null = $allLines.Add("`n$leadingHeadingHashtag# Policy Effects by Policy`n") $null = $allLines.Add("| Category | Policy | Compliance |$addedTableHeader") $null = $allLines.Add("| :------- | :----- | :----------|$addedTableDivider") } else { $null = $allLines.Add("`n$leadingHeadingHashtag# Policy Effects`n") $null = $allLines.Add("| Category | Policy |$addedTableHeader") $null = $allLines.Add("| :------- | :----- |$addedTableDivider") } $FlatPolicyList.Values | Sort-Object -Property { $_.category }, { $_.displayName } | ForEach-Object -Process { $policySetList = $_.policySetList $addedEffectColumns = "" $effectValue = "Unknown" if ($null -ne $_.effectValue) { $effectValue = $_.effectValue } else { $effectValue = $_.effectDefault } if ($effectValue -ne "Manual" -or $IncludeManualPolicies) { $groupNamesList = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new() foreach ($item in $ItemList) { $shortName = $item.shortName if ($policySetList.ContainsKey($shortName)) { $perPolicySet = $policySetList.$shortName $effectValue = $perPolicySet.effectValue $effectAllowedValues = $perPolicySet.effectAllowedValues $text = Convert-EffectToMarkdownString ` -Effect $effectValue ` -AllowedValues $effectAllowedValues 1 ` -inTableBreak $inTableBreak $addedEffectColumns += " $text |" [array] $groupNames = $perPolicySet.groupNames if ($groupNames.Count -gt 0) { $groupNamesList.AddRange($groupNames) } } else { $addedEffectColumns += " |" } } $complianceText = "" if ($DocumentationSpecification.markdownIncludeComplianceGroupNames) { if ($groupNamesList.Count -gt 0) { $groupNamesList = $groupNamesList | Sort-Object -Unique $complianceText = "| $($groupNamesList -join $inTableBreak) " } else { $complianceText = "| " } } $policyDisplayName = $_.displayName -replace "\n\r", " " -replace "\n", " " -replace "\r", " " $policyDescription = $_.description -replace "\n\r", " " -replace "\n", " " -replace "\r", " " $null = $allLines.Add("| $($_.category) | **$($policyDisplayName)**$($inTableAfterDisplayNameBreak)$($policyDescription) $complianceText|$addedEffectColumns") } else { Write-Verbose "Skipping manual policy: $($" } } #endregion Policy Effects #region Policy Parameters if ($DocumentationSpecification.markdownSuppressParameterSection) { Write-Verbose "Suppressing Parameters section in Markdown" } else { $null = $allLines.Add("`n$leadingHeadingHashtag# Policy Parameters by Policy`n") $null = $allLines.Add("| Category | Policy |$addedTableHeader") $null = $allLines.Add("| :------- | :----- |$addedTableDivider") $FlatPolicyList.Values | Sort-Object -Property { $_.category }, { $_.displayName } | ForEach-Object -Process { $policySetList = $_.policySetList $addedParametersColumns = "" $effectValue = "Unknown" if ($null -ne $_.effectValue) { $effectValue = $_.effectValue } else { $effectValue = $_.effectDefault } if ($effectValue -ne "Manual" -or $IncludeManualPolicies) { $hasParameters = $false foreach ($item in $ItemList) { $shortName = $item.shortName if ($policySetList.ContainsKey($shortName)) { $perPolicySet = $policySetList.$shortName $parameters = $perPolicySet.parameters $text = "" $notFirst = $false foreach ($parameterName in $parameters.Keys) { $parameter = $parameters.$parameterName if (-not $parameter.isEffect) { $hasParameters = $true $markdownMaxParameterLength = 42 if ($DocumentationSpecification.markdownMaxParameterLength) { $markdownMaxParameterLength = $DocumentationSpecification.markdownMaxParameterLength if ($markdownMaxParameterLength -lt 16) { Write-Error "markdownMaxParameterLength must be at least 16; it is $markdownMaxParameterLength" -ErrorAction Stop } } if ($parameterName.length -gt $markdownMaxParameterLength) { $parameterName = $parameterName.substring(0, $markdownMaxParameterLength - 3) + "..." } $value = $parameter.value if ($notFirst) { $text += $inTableBreak } else { $notFirst = $true } if ($null -eq $value) { $value = $parameter.defaultValue if ($null -eq $value) { $value = "null" } } $valueString = "" if ($value -is [string]) { $valueString = $value } else { $valueString = ConvertTo-Json $value -Depth 100 -Compress } if ($valueString.length -gt $markdownMaxParameterLength) { $valueString = $valueString.substring(0, $markdownMaxParameterLength - 3) + "..." } $text += "$($parameterName) = **``$valueString``**" } } $addedParametersColumns += " $text |" } else { $addedParametersColumns += " |" } } if ($hasParameters) { $policyDisplayName = $_.displayName -replace "\n\r", " " -replace "\n", " " -replace "\r", " " $policyDescription = $_.description -replace "\n\r", " " -replace "\n", " " -replace "\r", " " $null = $allLines.Add("| $($_.category) | **$($policyDisplayName)**$($inTableAfterDisplayNameBreak)$($policyDescription) |$addedParametersColumns") } } else { Write-Verbose "Skipping manual policy: $($" } } } #endregion Policy Parameters # Output file $outputFilePath = "$($OutputPath -replace '[/\\]$','')/$" $allLines | Out-File $outputFilePath -Force #endregion Markdown #region CSV $outputEnvironmentColumns = $null -ne $EnvironmentColumnsInCsv -and $EnvironmentColumnsInCsv.Length -gt 0 if (!$outputEnvironmentColumns) { $EnvironmentColumnsInCsv = @( "default" ) } [System.Collections.ArrayList] $allRows = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new() [System.Collections.ArrayList] $columnHeaders = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new() # Create header rows for CSV $null = $columnHeaders.AddRange(@("name", "referencePath", "policyType", "category", "displayName", "description", "groupNames", "policySets", "allowedEffects" )) foreach ($environmentCategory in $EnvironmentColumnsInCsv) { $null = $columnHeaders.Add("$($environmentCategory)Effect") } foreach ($environmentCategory in $EnvironmentColumnsInCsv) { $null = $columnHeaders.Add("$($environmentCategory)Parameters") } # deal with multi value cells $inCellSeparator1 = ": " $inCellSeparator2 = "," $inCellSeparator3 = "," if ($WindowsNewLineCells) { $inCellSeparator1 = ":`n " $inCellSeparator2 = ",`n " $inCellSeparator3 = ",`n" } $allRows.Clear() # Content rows $FlatPolicyList.Values | Sort-Object -Property { $_.category }, { $_.displayName } | ForEach-Object -Process { # Initialize row - with empty strings $rowObj = [ordered]@{} foreach ($key in $columnHeaders) { $null = $rowObj.Add($key, "") } # Cache loop values $effectAllowedValues = $_.effectAllowedValues $isEffectParameterized = $_.isEffectParameterized $effectAllowedOverrides = $_.effectAllowedOverrides $groupNamesList = $_.groupNamesList $effectDefault = $_.effectDefault $policySetEffectStrings = $_.policySetEffectStrings $effectValue = "Unknown" if ($null -ne $_.effectValue) { $effectValue = $_.effectValue } else { $effectValue = $_.effectDefault } if ($effectValue -ne "Manual" -or $IncludeManualPolicies) { # Build common columns $ = $ $rowObj.referencePath = $_.referencePath $rowObj.policyType = $_.policyType $rowObj.category = $_.category $rowObj.displayName = $_.displayName $rowObj.description = $_.description if ($groupNamesList.Count -gt 0) { $rowObj.groupNames = $groupNamesList -join $inCellSeparator3 } if ($policySetEffectStrings.Count -gt 0) { $rowObj.policySets = $policySetEffectStrings -join $inCellSeparator3 } $rowObj.allowedEffects = Convert-AllowedEffectsToCsvString ` -DefaultEffect $effectDefault ` -IsEffectParameterized $isEffectParameterized ` -EffectAllowedValues $effectAllowedValues.Keys ` -EffectAllowedOverrides $effectAllowedOverrides ` -InCellSeparator1 $inCellSeparator1 ` -InCellSeparator2 $inCellSeparator2 # Per environment columns $parameters = $_.parameters $parametersValueString = Convert-ParametersToString -Parameters $parameters -OutputType "csvValues" $normalizedEffectDefault = Convert-EffectToCsvString -Effect $effectDefault foreach ($environmentCategory in $EnvironmentColumnsInCsv) { $rowObj["$($environmentCategory)Effect"] = $normalizedEffectDefault $rowObj["$($environmentCategory)Parameters"] = $parametersValueString } # Add row to spreadsheet $null = $allRows.Add($rowObj) } else { Write-Verbose "Skipping manual policy: $($" } } # Output file $outputFilePath = "$($OutputPath -replace '[/\\]$','')/$($FileNameStem).csv" if ($WindowsNewLineCells) { $allRows | ConvertTo-Csv | Out-File $outputFilePath -Force -Encoding utf8BOM } else { # Mac or Linux $allRows | ConvertTo-Csv | Out-File $outputFilePath -Force -Encoding utf8NoBOM } #endregion CSV #region Compliance CSV # Pivot the data by group name [hashtable] $perGroupNamePolicies = @{} $FlatPolicyList.Values | Sort-Object -Property { $_.category }, { $_.displayName } | ForEach-Object -Process { $groupNamesList = $_.groupNamesList foreach ($groupName in $groupNamesList) { if (!$perGroupNamePolicies.ContainsKey($groupName)) { $perGroupNamePolicies.Add($groupName, [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new()) } $null = $perGroupNamePolicies.$groupName.Add($_) } } # Sort by groupName $complianceColumnHeaders = @( "groupName", "category", "policyDisplayName", "allowedEffects", "defaultEffect", "policyId" ) $allRows.Clear() $perGroupNamePolicies.Keys | Sort-Object | ForEach-Object -Process { # Initialize row in te correct order - with empty strings $rowObj = [ordered]@{} foreach ($key in $complianceColumnHeaders) { $null = $rowObj.Add($key, "") } # Cache loop values $groupName = $_ $policies = $perGroupNamePolicies.$groupName $categoryList = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new() $displayNameList = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new() $effectsList = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new() $defaultEffectList = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new() $policyIdList = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new() foreach ($policy in $policies) { # collect Policy information $null = $categoryList.Add($policy.category) $null = $displayNameList.Add($policy.displayName) $null = $policyIdList.Add($ # Collect effects values $effectAllowedValues = $policy.effectAllowedValues $isEffectParameterized = $policy.isEffectParameterized $effectAllowedOverrides = $policy.effectAllowedOverrides $effectDefault = $policy.effectDefault $allowedEffects = $effectDefault if ($isEffectParameterized -and $effectAllowedValues.Count -gt 1) { $allowedEffects = "param:$($effectAllowedValues.Keys -join '|')" } elseif ($effectAllowedOverrides.Count -gt 0) { $allowedEffects = "overr:$($effectAllowedOverrides -join '|')" } $null = $effectsList.Add($allowedEffects) $null = $defaultEffectList.Add($effectDefault) } # Build a row $rowObj.groupName = $groupName $rowObj.category = $categoryList -join $inCellSeparator3 $rowObj.policyDisplayName = $displayNameList -join $inCellSeparator3 $rowObj.allowedEffects = $effectsList -join $inCellSeparator3 $rowObj.defaultEffect = $defaultEffectList -join $inCellSeparator3 $rowObj.policyId = $policyIdList -join $inCellSeparator3 # Add row to spreadsheet $null = $allRows.Add($rowObj) } # Output file $outputFilePath = "$($OutputPath -replace '[/\\]$','')/$($FileNameStem)-compliance.csv" if ($WindowsNewLineCells) { $allRows | ConvertTo-Csv | Out-File $outputFilePath -Force -Encoding utf8BOM } else { # Mac or Linux $allRows | ConvertTo-Csv | Out-File $outputFilePath -Force -Encoding utf8NoBOM } #endregion Compliance CSV #region Parameters JSON $sb = [System.Text.StringBuilder]::new() $null = $sb.Append("{") $null = $sb.Append("`n `"parameters`": {") $FlatPolicyList.Values | Sort-Object -Property { $_.category }, { $_.displayName } | ForEach-Object -Process { if ($_.isEffectParameterized) { $policySetList = $_.policySetList $referencePath = $_.referencePath $displayName = $_.displayName $category = $_.category $null = $sb.Append("`n // ") $null = $sb.Append("`n // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------") $null = $sb.Append("`n // $($category) -- $($displayName)") if ($referencePath -ne "") { $null = $sb.Append("`n // referencePath: $($referencePath)") } foreach ($item in $ItemList) { $shortName = $item.shortName if ($policySetList.ContainsKey($shortName)) { $perPolicySet = $policySetList.$shortName $policySetDisplayName = $perPolicySet.displayName if ($perPolicySet.isEffectParameterized) { $null = $sb.Append("`n // $($policySetDisplayName): $($perPolicySet.effectDefault) ($($perPolicySet.effectParameterName))") } else { $null = $sb.Append("`n // $($policySetDisplayName): $($perPolicySet.effectDefault) ($($perPolicySet.effectReason))") } } } $null = $sb.Append("`n // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------") $parameterText = Convert-ParametersToString -Parameters $_.parameters -OutputType "jsonc" $null = $sb.Append($parameterText) } } $null = $sb.Append("`n }") $null = $sb.Append("`n}") # Output file $outputFilePath = "$($OutputPath -replace '[/\\]$', '')/$FileNameStem.jsonc" $sb.ToString() | Out-File $outputFilePath -Force #endregion } |