function Search-AzGraphAllItems { param ( [string] $Query, [hashtable] $ScopeSplat = @{ UseTenantScope = $true }, $ProgressItemName, $ProgressIncrement = 1000 ) [System.Collections.ArrayList] $data = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new() # Search-AzGraph can only return a maximum of 1000 items. Without the -First it will only return 100 items $result = Search-AzGraph $Query -First 1000 @ScopeSplat $null = $data.AddRange($result.Data) while ($null -ne $result.SkipToken) { # More data available, SkipToken will allow the next query in this loop to continue where the last invocation ended $count = $data.Count if ($count % $ProgressIncrement -eq 0) { Write-Information "Retrieved $count $ProgressItemName" } $result = Search-AzGraph $Query -First 1000 -SkipToken $result.SkipToken @ScopeSplat $null = $data.AddRange($result.Data) } $count = $data.Count if ($count % $ProgressIncrement -ne 0) { Write-Information "Retrieved $($count) $ProgressItemName" } Write-Output $data -NoEnumerate } |