
#Region '.\Private\Check-DiskSpace.ps1' -1

function Check-DiskSpace {
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    begin {
        Write-EnhancedLog -Message "Starting Check-DiskSpace function" -Level "Notice"
        Log-Params -Params $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.BoundParameters

    process {
        try {
            $drive = Get-PSDrive -PSProvider FileSystem | Where-Object { $_.Root -eq ([System.IO.Path]::GetPathRoot($Path)) }
            if ($drive -and ($drive.Free -lt ($RequiredSpaceGB * 1GB))) {
                Write-EnhancedLog -Message "Not enough disk space on drive $($drive.Root). Required: $RequiredSpaceGB GB, Available: $([math]::round($drive.Free / 1GB, 2)) GB." -Level "ERROR"
                throw "Not enough disk space on drive $($drive.Root)."
            } else {
                Write-EnhancedLog -Message "Sufficient disk space available on drive $($drive.Root)." -Level "INFO"
        } catch {
            Write-EnhancedLog -Message "An error occurred during disk space check: $_" -Level "ERROR"
            Handle-Error -ErrorRecord $_
            throw $_

    end {
        Write-EnhancedLog -Message "Check-DiskSpace function execution completed." -Level "Notice"
#EndRegion '.\Private\Check-DiskSpace.ps1' 35
#Region '.\Private\Handle-RobocopyExitCode.ps1' -1

function Handle-RobocopyExitCode {
    Handles the exit code from a Robocopy operation.
    The Handle-RobocopyExitCode function interprets the exit code returned by a Robocopy operation and logs an appropriate message. The exit codes provide information about the success or failure of the operation and any additional conditions encountered.
    .PARAMETER ExitCode
    The exit code returned by Robocopy.
    Handle-RobocopyExitCode -ExitCode 0
    Logs a message indicating no files were copied, no files were mismatched, and no failures were encountered.
    Handle-RobocopyExitCode -ExitCode 1
    Logs a message indicating all files were copied successfully.
    This function is typically used internally after executing a Robocopy command to handle and log the exit status.

    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    begin {
        Write-EnhancedLog -Message "Starting Handle-RobocopyExitCode function" -Level "Notice"
        Log-Params -Params $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.BoundParameters

    process {
        try {
            switch ($ExitCode) {
                0 { Write-EnhancedLog -Message "No files were copied. No files were mismatched. No failures were encountered." -Level "INFO" }
                1 { Write-EnhancedLog -Message "All files were copied successfully." -Level "INFO" }
                2 { Write-EnhancedLog -Message "There are some additional files in the destination directory that are not present in the source directory. No files were copied." -Level "INFO" }
                3 { Write-EnhancedLog -Message "Some files were copied. Additional files were present. No failure was encountered." -Level "INFO" }
                4 { Write-EnhancedLog -Message "Some files were mismatched. No files were copied." -Level "INFO" }
                5 { Write-EnhancedLog -Message "Some files were copied. Some files were mismatched. No failure was encountered." -Level "INFO" }
                6 { Write-EnhancedLog -Message "Additional files and mismatched files exist. No files were copied." -Level "INFO" }
                7 { Write-EnhancedLog -Message "Files were copied, a file mismatch was present, and additional files were present." -Level "INFO" }
                8 { Write-EnhancedLog -Message "Several files did not copy." -Level "ERROR" }
                default { Write-EnhancedLog -Message "Robocopy failed with exit code $ExitCode" -Level "ERROR" }
        catch {
            Write-EnhancedLog -Message "An error occurred while handling the Robocopy exit code: $_" -Level "ERROR"
            Handle-Error -ErrorRecord $_
            throw $_

    end {
        Write-EnhancedLog -Message "Handle-RobocopyExitCode function execution completed." -Level "Notice"
#EndRegion '.\Private\Handle-RobocopyExitCode.ps1' 61
#Region '.\Private\Test-Directory.ps1' -1

function Test-Directory {
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]

    begin {
        Write-EnhancedLog -Message "Starting Test-Directory function" -Level "Notice"
        Log-Params -Params $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.BoundParameters

    process {
        try {
            if (-Not (Test-Path -Path $Path -PathType Container)) {
                Write-EnhancedLog -Message "The path '$Path' is not a valid directory." -Level "ERROR"
                throw "The path '$Path' is not a valid directory."
            } else {
                Write-EnhancedLog -Message "The path '$Path' is a valid directory." -Level "INFO"
        } catch {
            Write-EnhancedLog -Message "An error occurred during directory validation: $_" -Level "ERROR"
            Handle-Error -ErrorRecord $_
            throw $_

    end {
        Write-EnhancedLog -Message "Test-Directory function execution completed." -Level "Notice"
#EndRegion '.\Private\Test-Directory.ps1' 32
#Region '.\Private\Test-Robocopy.ps1' -1

function Test-Robocopy {
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [string]$RobocopyPath = "C:\Windows\System32\Robocopy.exe"

    begin {
        Write-EnhancedLog -Message "Starting Test-Robocopy function" -Level "Notice"
        Log-Params -Params $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.BoundParameters

    process {
        try {
            if (-Not (Test-Path -Path $RobocopyPath)) {
                Write-EnhancedLog -Message "Robocopy.exe is not available at the specified path: $RobocopyPath" -Level "ERROR"
                throw "Robocopy.exe is not available at the specified path: $RobocopyPath"
            else {
                Write-EnhancedLog -Message "Robocopy.exe is available at the specified path: $RobocopyPath" -Level "INFO"
        catch {
            Write-EnhancedLog -Message "An error occurred during Robocopy availability check: $_" -Level "ERROR"
            Handle-Error -ErrorRecord $_
            throw $_

    end {
        Write-EnhancedLog -Message "Test-Robocopy function execution completed." -Level "Notice"
#EndRegion '.\Private\Test-Robocopy.ps1' 35
#Region '.\Public\Copy-FilesToPathWithKill-Archive.ps1' -1

# function Copy-FilesToPathWithKill {
# <#
# Copies all files and folders in the specified source directory to the specified destination path, and kills any processes that lock files preventing the copy operation.

# This function copies all files and folders located in the specified source directory to the specified destination path. If any files are locked by other processes, the function identifies and kills those processes, then retries the copy operation.

# .PARAMETER SourcePath
# The source path from where the files and folders will be copied.

# .PARAMETER DestinationPath
# The destination path where the files and folders will be copied.

# Copy-FilesToPathWithKill -SourcePath "C:\Source" -DestinationPath "C:\Temp"

# This example copies all files and folders in the "C:\Source" directory to the "C:\Temp" directory.
# #>
# [CmdletBinding()]
# param (
# [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
# [string]$SourcePath,

# [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
# [string]$DestinationPath
# )

# Begin {
# Write-EnhancedLog -Message "Starting the copy process from the Source Path $SourcePath to $DestinationPath" -Level "INFO"
# Log-Params -Params @{
# SourcePath = $SourcePath
# DestinationPath = $DestinationPath
# }

# # Ensure the destination directory exists
# if (-not (Test-Path -Path $DestinationPath)) {
# New-Item -Path $DestinationPath -ItemType Directory | Out-Null
# }
# }

# Process {
# try {
# # Attempt the copy operation
# $copyParams = @{
# Path = "$SourcePath\*"
# Destination = $DestinationPath
# Recurse = $true
# Force = $true
# ErrorAction = "Stop"
# }
# Copy-Item @copyParams

# Write-EnhancedLog -Message "All items copied successfully from the Source Path $SourcePath to $DestinationPath." -Level "INFO"
# }
# catch {
# Write-EnhancedLog -Message "Error occurred during the copy process: $_" -Level "ERROR"
# Handle-Error -ErrorRecord $_

# # Check if the error is due to a file being in use by another process
# if ($_.Exception -match "because it is being used by another process") {
# Write-EnhancedLog -Message "Attempting to find and kill the process locking the file." -Level "WARNING"
# try {
# # Find the process locking the file
# $lockedFile = $_.Exception.Message -match "'(.+?)'" | Out-Null
# $lockedFile = $matches[1]

# $lockingProcesses = Get-Process | Where-Object { $_.Modules | Where-Object { $_.FileName -eq $lockedFile } }

# foreach ($process in $lockingProcesses) {
# Write-EnhancedLog -Message "Killing process $($process.Id) locking the file $lockedFile" -Level "INFO"
# Stop-Process -Id $process.Id -Force -Confirm:$false
# }

# # Retry the copy operation
# Copy-Item @copyParams
# Write-EnhancedLog -Message "Copy operation retried and succeeded." -Level "INFO"
# }
# catch {
# Write-EnhancedLog -Message "Failed to find or kill the process locking the file: $lockedFile" -Level "ERROR"
# Handle-Error -ErrorRecord $_
# }
# }
# }
# }

# End {
# Write-EnhancedLog -Message "Copy process completed." -Level "INFO"
# }
# }

# # Copy-FilesToPathWithKill -SourcePath "C:\Source" -DestinationPath "C:\Temp"
#EndRegion '.\Public\Copy-FilesToPathWithKill-Archive.ps1' 95
#Region '.\Public\Copy-FilesWithRobocopy.ps1' -1

function Copy-FilesWithRobocopy {
    Copies files from a source directory to a destination directory using Robocopy and verifies the operation.
    The Copy-FilesWithRobocopy function copies files from a source directory to a destination directory based on a specified file pattern using Robocopy. It validates the source and destination directories, checks disk space, logs the Robocopy process, and verifies the copy operation. It also handles locked files by finding and killing the locking processes.
    .PARAMETER Source
    The source directory from which files will be copied.
    .PARAMETER Destination
    The destination directory to which files will be copied.
    .PARAMETER FilePattern
    The file pattern to match files that should be copied. If not provided, defaults to '*'.
    .PARAMETER RetryCount
    The number of retries if a copy fails. Default is 2.
    .PARAMETER WaitTime
    The wait time between retries in seconds. Default is 5.
    .PARAMETER RequiredSpaceGB
    The required free space in gigabytes at the destination. Default is 10 GB.
    .PARAMETER Exclude
    The directories or files to exclude from the copy operation.
    Copy-FilesWithRobocopy -Source "C:\Source" -Destination "C:\Destination" -FilePattern "*.txt"
    Copies all .txt files from C:\Source to C:\Destination.
    "*.txt", "*.log" | Copy-FilesWithRobocopy -Source "C:\Source" -Destination "C:\Destination"
    Copies all .txt and .log files from C:\Source to C:\Destination using pipeline input for the file patterns.
    Copy-FilesWithRobocopy -Source "C:\Source" -Destination "C:\Destination" -Exclude ".git"
    Copies files from C:\Source to C:\Destination excluding the .git folder.
    This function relies on the following private functions:
    - Check-DiskSpace.ps1
    - Handle-RobocopyExitCode.ps1
    - Test-Directory.ps1
    - Test-Robocopy.ps1
    - Verify-CopyOperation.ps1

    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
        [string]$FilePattern = '*',  # Default to '*' if not provided
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [int]$RetryCount = 2,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [int]$WaitTime = 5,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [int]$RequiredSpaceGB = 10, # Example value for required space
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]

    begin {
        Write-EnhancedLog -Message "Starting Copy-FilesWithRobocopy function" -Level "Notice"
        Log-Params -Params $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.BoundParameters

        # Validate Robocopy, source, and destination directories
        try {
            Test-Directory -Path $Source
            Write-EnhancedLog -Message "Validated source directory: $Source" -Level "INFO"

            Test-Directory -Path $Destination
            Write-EnhancedLog -Message "Validated destination directory: $Destination" -Level "INFO"
        catch {
            Write-EnhancedLog -Message "Critical error during validation of source or destination directories or Robocopy validation." -Level "CRITICAL"
            Handle-Error -ErrorRecord $_
            throw $_

        # Check disk space
        try {
            Check-DiskSpace -Path $Destination -RequiredSpaceGB $RequiredSpaceGB
        catch {
            Write-EnhancedLog -Message "Critical error during disk space validation." -Level "CRITICAL"
            Handle-Error -ErrorRecord $_
            throw $_

        # Prepare Robocopy log file path
        $timestamp = Get-Date -Format "yyyyMMddHHmmss"
        $logFilePath = "$env:TEMP\RobocopyLog_$timestamp.log"
        Write-EnhancedLog -Message "Robocopy log file will be saved to: $logFilePath" -Level "INFO"

    process {
        try {
            $robocopyPath = "C:\Windows\System32\Robocopy.exe"
            $robocopyArgs = @(

            # Add exclude arguments if provided
            if ($Exclude) {
                $excludeDirs = $Exclude | ForEach-Object { "/XD `"$($_)`"" }
                $excludeFiles = $Exclude | ForEach-Object { "/XF `"$($_)`"" }
                $robocopyArgs = $robocopyArgs + $excludeDirs + $excludeFiles

                # Log what is being excluded
                foreach ($item in $Exclude) {
                    Write-EnhancedLog -Message "Excluding: $item" -Level "INFO"

            Write-EnhancedLog -Message "Starting Robocopy process with arguments: $robocopyArgs" -Level "INFO"

            # Splatting Start-Process parameters
            $startProcessParams = @{
                FilePath     = $robocopyPath
                ArgumentList = $robocopyArgs
                NoNewWindow  = $true
                Wait         = $true
                PassThru     = $true

            $process = Start-Process @startProcessParams

            if ($process.ExitCode -ne 0) {
                Write-EnhancedLog -Message "Robocopy process failed with exit code: $($process.ExitCode)" -Level "CRITICAL"

            Handle-RobocopyExitCode -ExitCode $process.ExitCode
        catch {
            Write-EnhancedLog -Message "An error occurred while copying files with Robocopy: $_" -Level "ERROR"
            Handle-Error -ErrorRecord $_

            # Check if the error is due to a file being used by another process
            if ($_.Exception -match "because it is being used by another process") {
                Write-EnhancedLog -Message "Attempting to find and kill the process locking the file." -Level "WARNING"
                try {
                    # Find the process locking the file
                    $lockedFile = $_.Exception.Message -match "'(.+?)'" | Out-Null
                    $lockedFile = $matches[1]

                    # Kill the processes locking the file
                    Kill-LockingProcesses -LockedFile $lockedFile

                    # Retry the Robocopy operation
                    Write-EnhancedLog -Message "Retrying Robocopy operation after killing the locking process." -Level "INFO"
                    $process = Start-Process @startProcessParams

                    if ($process.ExitCode -ne 0) {
                        Write-EnhancedLog -Message "Robocopy process failed again with exit code: $($process.ExitCode)" -Level "CRITICAL"

                    Handle-RobocopyExitCode -ExitCode $process.ExitCode
                    Write-EnhancedLog -Message "Copy operation retried and succeeded." -Level "INFO"
                catch {
                    Write-EnhancedLog -Message "Failed to find or kill the process locking the file: $lockedFile" -Level "ERROR"
                    Handle-Error -ErrorRecord $_
                    throw $_
            else {
                throw $_

    end {
        Write-EnhancedLog -Message "Verifying copied files..." -Level "Notice"

        # Call Verify-CopyOperation to ensure the files were copied correctly
        Verify-CopyOperation -SourcePath $Source -DestinationPath $Destination

        Write-EnhancedLog -Message "Copy-FilesWithRobocopy function execution completed." -Level "Notice"

# # Example usage
# $sourcePath = "C:\Source"
# $destinationPath = "C:\Destination"

# Copy-FilesWithRobocopy -Source $sourcePath -Destination $destinationPath
#EndRegion '.\Public\Copy-FilesWithRobocopy.ps1' 201
#Region '.\Public\Copy-FileToPublicAndTemp.ps1' -1

function Copy-FileToPublicAndTemp {
    Copies a specified file to the public desktop and C:\temp, making it available to all users and in the temp directory.
    This function copies a specified file to the public desktop and C:\temp, ensuring it is available to all users and also in the temp directory. Enhanced logging is used for feedback and error handling.
    .PARAMETER SourceFilePath
    The path of the file to be copied.
    Copy-FileToPublicAndTemp -SourceFilePath "C:\Path\To\fcremove.exe"
    This example copies the file "fcremove.exe" to the public desktop and C:\temp, making it available to all users and in the temp directory.

    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    begin {
        Write-EnhancedLog -Message 'Starting Copy-FileToPublicAndTemp function' -Level 'INFO'
        Log-Params -Params $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.BoundParameters

    process {
        try {
            if (-not (Test-Path -Path $SourceFilePath)) {
                Write-EnhancedLog -Message "Source file not found: $SourceFilePath" -Level "ERROR"
                throw "Source file not found: $SourceFilePath"

            # Define the destination paths
            $publicDesktopPath = 'C:\Users\Public\Desktop'
            $tempPath = 'C:\temp'

            # Ensure the public desktop directory exists
            $publicDesktopParams = @{
                Path      = $publicDesktopPath
                ItemType  = 'Directory'
                Force     = $true
                ErrorAction = 'Stop'
            if (-not (Test-Path -Path $publicDesktopPath)) {
                Write-EnhancedLog -Message "Public desktop path not found. Creating directory." -Level "INFO"
                New-Item @publicDesktopParams | Out-Null

            # Ensure the temp directory exists
            $tempParams = @{
                Path      = $tempPath
                ItemType  = 'Directory'
                Force     = $true
                ErrorAction = 'Stop'
            if (-not (Test-Path -Path $tempPath)) {
                Write-EnhancedLog -Message "Temp path not found. Creating directory." -Level "INFO"
                New-Item @tempParams | Out-Null

            # Copy the file to the public desktop
            $destinationFilePathPublic = Join-Path -Path $publicDesktopPath -ChildPath (Split-Path -Leaf $SourceFilePath)
            $copyParamsPublic = @{
                Path        = $SourceFilePath
                Destination = $destinationFilePathPublic
                Force       = $true
                ErrorAction = 'Stop'
            Write-EnhancedLog -Message "Copying file to: $destinationFilePathPublic" -Level "INFO"
            Copy-Item @copyParamsPublic
            Write-EnhancedLog -Message "File copied to: $destinationFilePathPublic" -Level "INFO"

            # Copy the file to the temp directory
            $destinationFilePathTemp = Join-Path -Path $tempPath -ChildPath (Split-Path -Leaf $SourceFilePath)
            $copyParamsTemp = @{
                Path        = $SourceFilePath
                Destination = $destinationFilePathTemp
                Force       = $true
                ErrorAction = 'Stop'
            Write-EnhancedLog -Message "Copying file to: $destinationFilePathTemp" -Level "INFO"
            Copy-Item @copyParamsTemp
            Write-EnhancedLog -Message "File copied to: $destinationFilePathTemp" -Level "INFO"

        } catch {
            Write-EnhancedLog -Message "An error occurred while copying the file: $_" -Level "ERROR"
            Handle-Error -ErrorRecord $_

    end {
        Write-EnhancedLog -Message 'Copy-FileToPublicAndTemp function completed' -Level 'INFO'
#EndRegion '.\Public\Copy-FileToPublicAndTemp.ps1' 98
#Region '.\Public\Copy-ItemWithRobocopy-Archive.ps1' -1

# function Copy-ItemsWithRobocopy {
# [CmdletBinding()]
# param (
# [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
# [string]$SourcePath,

# [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
# [string]$DestinationPath
# )

# Begin {
# Write-EnhancedLog -Message "Starting Copy-ItemsWithRobocopy function" -Level "INFO"
# Log-Params -Params @{
# SourcePath = $SourcePath
# DestinationPath = $DestinationPath
# }

# # Ensure the destination directory 'DownloadsBackup' exists
# $finalDestinationPath = Join-Path -Path $DestinationPath -ChildPath "DownloadsBackup"
# if (-not (Test-Path -Path $finalDestinationPath)) {
# New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $finalDestinationPath | Out-Null
# }
# }

# Process {
# try {
# # Use Robocopy for copying. /E is for copying subdirectories including empty ones. /R:0 and /W:0 are for no retries and no wait between retries.
# # Ensure to add a trailing backslash to the source path to copy its contents
# $robocopyArgs = @("${SourcePath}\", $finalDestinationPath, "/E", "/R:0", "/W:0")

# $result = robocopy @robocopyArgs
# switch ($LASTEXITCODE) {
# 0 { Write-EnhancedLog -Message "No files were copied. No files were mismatched. No failures were encountered." -Level "INFO" }
# 1 { Write-EnhancedLog -Message "All files were copied successfully." -Level "INFO" }
# 2 { Write-EnhancedLog -Message "There are some additional files in the destination directory that are not present in the source directory. No files were copied." -Level "INFO" }
# 3 { Write-EnhancedLog -Message "Some files were copied. Additional files were present. No failure was encountered." -Level "INFO" }
# 4 { Write-EnhancedLog -Message "Some files were mismatched. No files were copied." -Level "INFO" }
# 5 { Write-EnhancedLog -Message "Some files were copied. Some files were mismatched. No failure was encountered." -Level "INFO" }
# 6 { Write-EnhancedLog -Message "Additional files and mismatched files exist. No files were copied." -Level "INFO" }
# 7 { Write-EnhancedLog -Message "Files were copied, a file mismatch was present, and additional files were present." -Level "INFO" }
# 8 { Write-EnhancedLog -Message "Several files did not copy." -Level "ERROR" }
# default { Write-EnhancedLog -Message "Robocopy failed with exit code $LASTEXITCODE" -Level "ERROR" }
# }
# } catch {
# Write-EnhancedLog -Message "An error occurred in Copy-ItemsWithRobocopy function: $($_.Exception.Message)" -Level "ERROR"
# Handle-Error -ErrorRecord $_
# }
# }

# End {
# Write-EnhancedLog -Message "Exiting Copy-ItemsWithRobocopy function" -Level "INFO"
# }
# }
#EndRegion '.\Public\Copy-ItemWithRobocopy-Archive.ps1' 54
#Region '.\Public\Find-LockingProcesses.ps1' -1

function Find-LockingProcesses {
    Finds processes that are locking a specified file.
    The Find-LockingProcesses function identifies processes that are locking a specified file by checking the modules loaded by each process.
    .PARAMETER LockedFile
    The path to the locked file.
    $lockingProcesses = Find-LockingProcesses -LockedFile "C:\Path\To\LockedFile.txt"
    Finds processes locking the specified file and returns the processes.
    This function relies on the Get-Process cmdlet and its ability to enumerate loaded modules.

    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    Begin {
        Write-EnhancedLog -Message "Starting Find-LockingProcesses function" -Level "Notice"
        Log-Params -Params $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.BoundParameters

    Process {
        try {
            Write-EnhancedLog -Message "Finding processes locking file: $LockedFile" -Level "INFO"
            $lockingProcesses = Get-Process | Where-Object { $_.Modules | Where-Object { $_.FileName -eq $LockedFile } }
            if ($lockingProcesses) {
                foreach ($process in $lockingProcesses) {
                    Write-EnhancedLog -Message "Process locking the file: $($process.ProcessName) (ID: $($process.Id))" -Level "INFO"
            } else {
                Write-EnhancedLog -Message "No processes found locking the file: $LockedFile" -Level "INFO"
            return $lockingProcesses
        catch {
            Write-EnhancedLog -Message "An error occurred while finding locking processes: $($_.Exception.Message)" -Level "ERROR"
            Handle-Error -ErrorRecord $_

    End {
        Write-EnhancedLog -Message "Exiting Find-LockingProcesses function" -Level "Notice"

# Example usage
# $lockingProcesses = Find-LockingProcesses -LockedFile "C:\Path\To\LockedFile.txt"
#EndRegion '.\Public\Find-LockingProcesses.ps1' 57
#Region '.\Public\Kill-LockingProcesses.ps1' -1

function Kill-LockingProcesses {
    Kills processes that are locking a specified file.
    The Kill-LockingProcesses function finds processes that are locking a specified file and terminates them forcefully.
    .PARAMETER LockedFile
    The path to the locked file.
    Kill-LockingProcesses -LockedFile "C:\Path\To\LockedFile.txt"
    Finds and kills processes locking the specified file.
    This function relies on the Find-LockingProcesses function to identify locking processes.

    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    Begin {
        Write-EnhancedLog -Message "Starting Kill-LockingProcesses function" -Level "Notice"
        Log-Params -Params $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.BoundParameters

    Process {
        try {
            Write-EnhancedLog -Message "Finding processes locking file: $LockedFile" -Level "INFO"
            $lockingProcesses = Find-LockingProcesses -LockedFile $LockedFile

            if ($lockingProcesses) {
                foreach ($process in $lockingProcesses) {
                    Write-EnhancedLog -Message "Killing process $($process.ProcessName) (ID: $($process.Id)) locking the file $LockedFile" -Level "INFO"
                    Stop-Process -Id $process.Id -Force -Confirm:$false
            } else {
                Write-EnhancedLog -Message "No processes found locking the file: $LockedFile" -Level "INFO"
        catch {
            Write-EnhancedLog -Message "An error occurred while killing locking processes: $($_.Exception.Message)" -Level "ERROR"
            Handle-Error -ErrorRecord $_

    End {
        Write-EnhancedLog -Message "Exiting Kill-LockingProcesses function" -Level "Notice"

# Example usage
# Kill-LockingProcesses -LockedFile "C:\Path\To\LockedFile.txt"
#EndRegion '.\Public\Kill-LockingProcesses.ps1' 58
#Region '.\Public\Validate-FileExists.ps1' -1

function Validate-FileExists {
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    if (-Not (Test-Path -Path $FilePath)) {
        Write-EnhancedLog -Message "File '$FilePath' does not exist." -Level "ERROR"
        throw "File '$FilePath' does not exist."

#EndRegion '.\Public\Validate-FileExists.ps1' 14
#Region '.\Public\Verify-CopyOperation.ps1' -1

function Verify-CopyOperation {
    Verifies that files have been correctly copied between a source and destination directory.
    The Verify-CopyOperation function compares the contents of a source directory with a destination directory to ensure that all files and directories have been successfully copied.
    It reports missing files, extra files, and provides detailed information about any discrepancies found during the verification process.
    .PARAMETER SourcePath
    The path to the source directory whose contents are being copied and need verification.
    .PARAMETER DestinationPath
    The path to the destination directory where the files from the source have been copied.
    Verify-CopyOperation -SourcePath "C:\Source" -DestinationPath "C:\Destination"
    Verifies the copied contents between C:\Source and C:\Destination, checking for any discrepancies such as missing or extra files.
    Custom objects detailing missing, extra, or mismatched files between the source and destination.
    The function uses recursion to verify subdirectories and outputs the results to the console.
    Any discrepancies between the source and destination directories are logged for analysis.

    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = "Provide the source directory path.")]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = "Provide the destination directory path.")]

    begin {
        Write-EnhancedLog -Message "Verifying copy operation..." -Level "Notice"
        Log-Params -Params @{
            SourcePath = $SourcePath
            DestinationPath = $DestinationPath

        $sourceItems = Get-ChildItem -Path $SourcePath -Recurse -File
        $destinationItems = Get-ChildItem -Path $DestinationPath -Recurse -File

        # Use a generic list for better performance compared to using an array with +=
        $verificationResults = [System.Collections.Generic.List[PSCustomObject]]::new()

    process {
        try {
            foreach ($item in $sourceItems) {
                $relativePath = $item.FullName.Substring($SourcePath.Length)
                $correspondingPath = Join-Path -Path $DestinationPath -ChildPath $relativePath

                if (-not (Test-Path -Path $correspondingPath)) {
                            Status       = "Missing"
                            SourcePath   = $item.FullName
                            ExpectedPath = $correspondingPath
                            FileSize     = $item.Length
                            LastModified = $item.LastWriteTime
                else {
                    # Compare file sizes and timestamps
                    $destItem = Get-Item -Path $correspondingPath
                    if ($item.Length -ne $destItem.Length -or $item.LastWriteTime -ne $destItem.LastWriteTime) {
                                Status       = "Mismatch"
                                SourcePath   = $item.FullName
                                ExpectedPath = $correspondingPath
                                SourceSize   = $item.Length
                                DestinationSize = $destItem.Length
                                SourceModified  = $item.LastWriteTime
                                DestinationModified = $destItem.LastWriteTime

            foreach ($item in $destinationItems) {
                $relativePath = $item.FullName.Substring($DestinationPath.Length)
                $correspondingPath = Join-Path -Path $SourcePath -ChildPath $relativePath

                if (-not (Test-Path -Path $correspondingPath)) {
                            Status       = "Extra"
                            ActualPath   = $item.FullName
                            FileSize     = $item.Length
                            LastModified = $item.LastWriteTime
        catch {
            Write-EnhancedLog -Message "Error during verification process: $($_.Exception.Message)" -Level "ERROR"
            Handle-Error -ErrorRecord $_

    end {
        if ($verificationResults.Count -gt 0) {
            Write-EnhancedLog -Message "Discrepancies found. See detailed log." -Level "WARNING"
            $verificationResults | Format-Table -AutoSize | Out-String | ForEach-Object { 
                Write-EnhancedLog -Message $_ -Level "INFO" 

            # Uncomment when troubleshooting
            $verificationResults | Out-GridView
        else {
            Write-EnhancedLog -Message "All items verified successfully. No discrepancies found." -Level "Notice"

        Write-EnhancedLog -Message ("Total items in source: $SourcePath " + $sourceItems.Count) -Level "INFO"
        Write-EnhancedLog -Message ("Total items in destination: $DestinationPath " + $destinationItems.Count) -Level "INFO"

        # Return the verification results for further processing
        return $verificationResults
#EndRegion '.\Public\Verify-CopyOperation.ps1' 124