$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path $sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path) -replace '\.Tests\.', '.' . "$here\$sut" Describe 'JsonTransformAttribute Tests' { It 'should convert a stringified JSON array to an array' { $a = new-object JsonTransformAttribute $res = $a.Transform($null, '["foo","bar"]') Should -HaveType [array] -ActualValue $res $res.Count | Should -Be 2 } It 'should convert an empty stringified JSON array to null' { $a = new-object JsonTransformAttribute $res = $a.Transform($null, '[]') $res | Should -Be $null } It 'should convert a stringified JSON object to an object' { $a = new-object JsonTransformAttribute $res = $a.Transform($null, '{"foo": "bar"}') Should -HaveType [PSCustomObject] -ActualValue $res $res.foo | Should -Be 'bar' } It 'should convert an empty stringified JSON object to an empty object' { $a = new-object JsonTransformAttribute $res = $a.Transform($null, '{}') Should -HaveType [PSCustomObject] -ActualValue $res ($res | Get-Member).Count | Should -Be 4 } } |