.VERSION 1.01 .GUID 06461afa-14a1-4e68-87dd-9e42203ac0be .AUTHOR dougbrad@microsoft.com .COMPANYNAME .COPYRIGHT .TAGS .LICENSEURI .PROJECTURI .ICONURI .EXTERNALMODULEDEPENDENCIES .REQUIREDSCRIPTS .EXTERNALSCRIPTDEPENDENCIES .RELEASENOTES .PRIVATEDATA #> <# .SYNOPSIS Enables collection of Performance Counters used by VM Insights to a Log Analytics Workspace .Description This script takes parameters: WorkspaceName and WorkspaceResourceGroupName The Log Analytics Workspace is configured to collect counters used by VM Insights, see the variable $countersToAddJson for counters that are added. For more info on Log Analytics Performance Counters, see: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/log-analytics/log-analytics-data-sources-performance-counters .PARAMETER WorkspaceName Name of Log Analytics Workspace to configure .PARAMETER WorkspaceResourceGroupName Resource Group the Log Analytics Workspace is in .PARAMETER WorkspaceSubscriptionId <Optional> SubscriptionId the Log Analytics Workspace is in .EXAMPLE .\Enable-VMInsightsPerfCounters.ps1 -WorkspaceName <Name of Workspace> -WorkspaceResourceGroupName <Workspace Resource Group> .LINK This script is posted to and further documented at the following location: http://aka.ms/OnBoardVMInsights #> [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true)] param( [Parameter(mandatory = $true)][string]$WorkspaceName, [Parameter(mandatory = $true)][string]$WorkspaceResourceGroupName, [Parameter(mandatory = $false)][string]$WorkspaceSubscriptionId ) # # FUNCTIONS # function Get-CounterInConfiguredCounters { <# .SYNOPSIS Return the Counter if found in list of ExistingCounters For LinuxPerformanceObject if object and instance match as this is identifier for a definition #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][psobject]$NewCounter, [Parameter(mandatory = $true)][psobject]$ExistingCounters ) if ($NewCounter.Kind -eq "WindowsPerformanceCounter") { foreach ($existingCounter in $ExistingCounters) { if ($existingCounter.Properties.objectName -eq $NewCounter.properties.objectName -and $existingCounter.Properties.counterName -eq $NewCounter.properties.counterName -and $existingCounter.Properties.instanceName -eq $NewCounter.properties.instanceName) { Write-Verbose("Counter: " + $NewCounter.name + " with same objectName, counterName, instanceName found") return $existingCounter } } Write-Verbose("Counter with settings of: " + $NewCounter.Name + " not found") } elseif ($NewCounter.kind -eq "LinuxPerformanceObject") { foreach ($existingCounter in $ExistingCounters) { if ($existingCounter.Properties.objectName -eq $NewCounter.properties.objectName -and $existingCounter.Properties.instanceName -eq $NewCounter.properties.instanceName) { Write-Verbose("Counter: " + $NewCounter.name + " with same objectName, instanceName found") return $existingCounter } } Write-Verbose("Counter with settings of: " + $NewCounter.Name + " not found") } } # List of Counters to configure for the workspace # Can deploy through an ARM template but the values for 'name' must be updated based on configuration state of the workspace $countersToAddJson = @" [ { "apiVersion": "2015-11-01-preview", "type": "datasources", "name": "VMInsights-LogicalDisk-Pct-Free-Space", "dependsOn": [ "[parameters('WorkspaceResourceId')]" ], "kind": "WindowsPerformanceCounter", "properties": { "objectName": "LogicalDisk", "instanceName": "*", "intervalSeconds": 60, "counterName": "% Free Space" } }, { "apiVersion": "2015-11-01-preview", "type": "datasources", "name": "VMInsights-LogicalDisk-Avg-DiskSecRead", "dependsOn": [ "[parameters('WorkspaceResourceId')]" ], "kind": "WindowsPerformanceCounter", "properties": { "objectName": "LogicalDisk", "instanceName": "*", "intervalSeconds": 60, "counterName": "Avg. Disk sec/Read" } }, { "apiVersion": "2015-11-01-preview", "type": "datasources", "name": "VMInsights-LogicalDisk-Avg-DiskSecTransfer", "dependsOn": [ "[parameters('WorkspaceResourceId')]" ], "kind": "WindowsPerformanceCounter", "properties": { "objectName": "LogicalDisk", "instanceName": "*", "intervalSeconds": 60, "counterName": "Avg. Disk sec/Transfer" } }, { "apiVersion": "2015-11-01-preview", "type": "datasources", "name": "VMInsights-LogicalDisk-Avg-DiskSecWrite", "dependsOn": [ "[parameters('WorkspaceResourceId')]" ], "kind": "WindowsPerformanceCounter", "properties": { "objectName": "LogicalDisk", "instanceName": "*", "intervalSeconds": 60, "counterName": "Avg. Disk sec/Write" } }, { "apiVersion": "2015-11-01-preview", "type": "datasources", "name": "VMInsights-LogicalDisk-Disk-BytesSec", "dependsOn": [ "[parameters('WorkspaceResourceId')]" ], "kind": "WindowsPerformanceCounter", "properties": { "objectName": "LogicalDisk", "instanceName": "*", "intervalSeconds": 60, "counterName": "Disk Bytes/sec" } }, { "apiVersion": "2015-11-01-preview", "type": "datasources", "name": "VMInsights-LogicalDisk-Disk-ReadBytesSec", "dependsOn": [ "[parameters('WorkspaceResourceId')]" ], "kind": "WindowsPerformanceCounter", "properties": { "objectName": "LogicalDisk", "instanceName": "*", "intervalSeconds": 60, "counterName": "Disk Read Bytes/sec" } }, { "apiVersion": "2015-11-01-preview", "type": "datasources", "name": "VMInsights-LogicalDisk-Disk-ReadsSec", "dependsOn": [ "[parameters('WorkspaceResourceId')]" ], "kind": "WindowsPerformanceCounter", "properties": { "objectName": "LogicalDisk", "instanceName": "*", "intervalSeconds": 60, "counterName": "Disk Reads/sec" } }, { "apiVersion": "2015-11-01-preview", "type": "datasources", "name": "VMInsights-LogicalDisk-Disk-TransfersSec", "dependsOn": [ "[parameters('WorkspaceResourceId')]" ], "kind": "WindowsPerformanceCounter", "properties": { "objectName": "LogicalDisk", "instanceName": "*", "intervalSeconds": 60, "counterName": "Disk Transfers/sec" } }, { "apiVersion": "2015-11-01-preview", "type": "datasources", "name": "VMInsights-LogicalDisk-Disk-WriteBytesSec", "dependsOn": [ "[parameters('WorkspaceResourceId')]" ], "kind": "WindowsPerformanceCounter", "properties": { "objectName": "LogicalDisk", "instanceName": "*", "intervalSeconds": 60, "counterName": "Disk Write Bytes/sec" } }, { "apiVersion": "2015-11-01-preview", "type": "datasources", "name": "VMInsights-LogicalDisk-Disk-WritesSec", "dependsOn": [ "[parameters('WorkspaceResourceId')]" ], "kind": "WindowsPerformanceCounter", "properties": { "objectName": "LogicalDisk", "instanceName": "*", "intervalSeconds": 60, "counterName": "Disk Writes/sec" } }, { "apiVersion": "2015-11-01-preview", "type": "datasources", "name": "VMInsights-LogicalDisk-FreeMegabytes", "dependsOn": [ "[parameters('WorkspaceResourceId')]" ], "kind": "WindowsPerformanceCounter", "properties": { "objectName": "LogicalDisk", "instanceName": "*", "intervalSeconds": 60, "counterName": "Free Megabytes" } }, { "apiVersion": "2015-11-01-preview", "type": "datasources", "name": "VMInsights-Memory-AvailableMBytes", "dependsOn": [ "[parameters('WorkspaceResourceId')]" ], "kind": "WindowsPerformanceCounter", "properties": { "objectName": "Memory", "instanceName": "*", "intervalSeconds": 60, "counterName": "Available MBytes" } }, { "apiVersion": "2015-11-01-preview", "type": "datasources", "name": "VMInsights-NetworkAdapter-BytesReceived-sec", "dependsOn": [ "[parameters('WorkspaceResourceId')]" ], "kind": "WindowsPerformanceCounter", "properties": { "objectName": "Network Adapter", "instanceName": "*", "intervalSeconds": 60, "counterName": "Bytes Received/sec" } }, { "apiVersion": "2015-11-01-preview", "type": "datasources", "name": "VMInsights-NetworkAdapter-BytesSent-sec", "dependsOn": [ "[parameters('WorkspaceResourceId')]" ], "kind": "WindowsPerformanceCounter", "properties": { "objectName": "Network Adapter", "instanceName": "*", "intervalSeconds": 60, "counterName": "Bytes Sent/sec" } }, { "apiVersion": "2015-11-01-preview", "type": "datasources", "name": "VMInsights-Processor-Pct-Processor-Time-Total", "dependsOn": [ "[parameters('WorkspaceResourceId')]" ], "kind": "WindowsPerformanceCounter", "properties": { "objectName": "Processor", "instanceName": "_Total", "intervalSeconds": 60, "counterName": "% Processor Time" } }, { "apiVersion": "2015-11-01-preview", "type": "datasources", "name": "VMInsights-Logical-Disk-Linux", "dependsOn": [ "[parameters('WorkspaceResourceId')]" ], "kind": "LinuxPerformanceObject", "properties": { "objectName": "Logical Disk", "instanceName": "*", "intervalSeconds": 60, "performanceCounters": [ { "counterName": "% Used Space" }, { "counterName": "Disk Read Bytes/sec" }, { "counterName": "Disk Reads/sec" }, { "counterName": "Disk Transfers/sec" }, { "counterName": "Disk Write Bytes/sec" }, { "counterName": "Disk Writes/sec" }, { "counterName": "Free Megabytes" }, { "counterName": "Logical Disk Bytes/sec" } ] } }, { "apiVersion": "2015-11-01-preview", "type": "datasources", "name": "VMInsights-Memory-Linux", "dependsOn": [ "[parameters('WorkspaceResourceId')]" ], "kind": "LinuxPerformanceObject", "properties": { "objectName": "Memory", "instanceName": "*", "intervalSeconds": 60, "performanceCounters": [ { "counterName": "Available MBytes Memory" } ] } }, { "apiVersion": "2015-11-01-preview", "type": "datasources", "name": "VMInsights-Network", "dependsOn": [ "[parameters('WorkspaceResourceId')]" ], "kind": "LinuxPerformanceObject", "properties": { "objectName": "Network", "instanceName": "*", "intervalSeconds": 60, "performanceCounters": [ { "counterName": "Total Bytes Received" }, { "counterName": "Total Bytes Transmitted" } ] } }, { "apiVersion": "2015-11-01-preview", "type": "datasources", "name": "VMInsights-Processor-Pct-Processor-Time-Linux", "dependsOn": [ "[parameters('WorkspaceResourceId')]" ], "kind": "LinuxPerformanceObject", "properties": { "objectName": "Processor", "instanceName": "*", "intervalSeconds": 60, "performanceCounters": [ { "counterName": "% Processor Time" } ] } } ] "@ $countersToAdd = $countersToAddJson | ConvertFrom-Json $DefaultIntervalSeconds = 60 # # Main Script # # # First make sure authenticed, select to the WorkspaceSubscriptionId if supplied # $account = Get-AzureRmContext if ($null -eq $account.Account) { Write-Output("Account Context not found, please login") if ($WorkspaceSubscriptionId) { Login-AzureRmAccount -subscriptionid $WorkspaceSubscriptionId } else { Login-AzureRmAccount } } if ($WorkspaceSubscriptionId) { if ($account.Subscription.SubscriptionId -eq $WorkspaceSubscriptionId) { Write-Verbose("Subscription: $WorkspaceSubscriptionId is already selected.") $account } else { Write-Output("Current Subscription:") $account Write-Output("Changing to subscription: $WorkspaceSubscriptionId") Select-AzureRmSubscription -SubscriptionId $WorkspaceSubscriptionId } } # Enable Linux Performance Collection (no way from PowerShell to check if already enabled) Write-Output("Enabling Linux Performance Collection") Enable-AzureRmOperationalInsightsLinuxPerformanceCollection -WorkspaceName $WorkspaceName -ResourceGroupName $WorkspaceResourceGroupName Write-Output("Getting existing Windows Performance Counter Configuration") $existingWindowsPerfCounters = Get-AzureRmOperationalInsightsDataSource -WorkspaceName $WorkspaceName -ResourceGroupName $WorkspaceResourceGroupName -Kind WindowsPerformanceCounter Write-Output("Getting existing Linux Performance Counter Configuration") $existingLinuxPerfCounters = Get-AzureRmOperationalInsightsDataSource -WorkspaceName $WorkspaceName -ResourceGroupName $WorkspaceResourceGroupName -Kind LinuxPerformanceObject foreach ($newCounter in $countersToAdd ) { # # Windows # if ($newCounter.kind -eq "WindowsPerformanceCounter") { $existingCounterDataSource = $null if ($existingWindowsPerfCounters) { $existingCounterDataSource = Get-CounterInConfiguredCounters -NewCounter $newCounter -ExistingCounters $existingWindowsPerfCounters } if ($existingCounterDataSource) { Write-Output("Collection already configured:`n Name: " + $existingCounterDataSource.Name + " Object: " ` + $existingCounterDataSource.properties.objectName + " Instance: " ` + $existingCounterDataSource.properties.instanceName + " Counter: " ` + $existingCounterDataSource.properties.counterName) } else { Write-Output("Configuring collection with Name: " + $newCounter.name + " ObjectName: " + $newCounter.properties.objectName + ` " CounterName: " + $newCounter.properties.counterName + " InstanceName: " + $newCounter.properties.instanceName) New-AzureRmOperationalInsightsWindowsPerformanceCounterDataSource ` -WorkspaceName $WorkspaceName ` -ResourceGroupName $WorkspaceResourceGroupName ` -ObjectName $newCounter.properties.objectName ` -CounterName $newCounter.properties.counterName ` -InstanceName $newCounter.properties.instanceName ` -Name $newCounter.name ` -IntervalSeconds $DefaultIntervalSeconds } } # # Linux # elseif ($newCounter.kind -eq "LinuxPerformanceObject") { $existingCounterDataSource = $null if ($existingLinuxPerfCounters) { $existingCounterDataSource = Get-CounterInConfiguredCounters -NewCounter $newCounter -ExistingCounters $existingLinuxPerfCounters } if ($existingCounterDataSource) { Write-Verbose("Counter: " + $NewCounter.name + " with same objectName, instanceName found. Need to check if need to update with additinal counters.") # Put existing configured counters into a Powershell Array $existingCounterNamesArray = @() foreach ($existingCounter in $existingCounterDataSource.properties.performanceCounters) { $existingCounterNamesArray += $existingCounter.counterName } # Put our set counters into a PowerShell Array $newCounterNamesArray = @() foreach ($counter in $newCounter.properties.performanceCounters) { $newCounterNamesArray += $counter.counterName } # Combine and remove duplicates $allCounters = $newCounterNamesArray + $newCounterNamesArray $allCounters = $allCounters | Select-Object -uniq if ($allCounters.Count -gt $existingCounterNamesArray.Count) { Write-Output("Updating collection with Name: " + $newCounter.name + ` " ObjectName: " + $existingCounterDataSource.Properties.objectName + ` " CounterNames: " + $counterNamesArray + " InstanceName: " + $newCounter.properties.instanceName) # Update with new counters, using the existing settings for Name, IntervalSeconds, ... New-AzureRmOperationalInsightsLinuxPerformanceObjectDataSource ` -WorkspaceName $WorkspaceName ` -ResourceGroupName $WorkspaceResourceGroupName ` -ObjectName $existingCounterDataSource.Properties.objectName ` -CounterNames $allCounters ` -InstanceName $existingCounterDataSource.properties.instanceName ` -Name $existingCounterDataSource.name ` -IntervalSeconds $existingCounterDataSource.properties.intervalSeconds ` -Force } else { Write-Output("Collection already configured:`n Name: " + $existingCounterDataSource.Name + " Object: " ` + $existingCounterDataSource.properties.objectName + " Instance: " ` + $existingCounterDataSource.properties.instanceName + " Counters: " ` + $existingCounterNamesArray ) } } # No existing Perf DataSource with same object and instance else { # Put counters into a PowerShell Array $counterNamesArray = @() foreach ($counter in $newCounter.properties.performanceCounters) { $counterNamesArray += $counter.counterName } Write-Output("Creating a counter with Name: " + $newCounter.name + " ObjectName: " + $newCounter.properties.objectName + ` " CounterName: " + $counterNamesArray + " InstanceName: " + $newCounter.properties.instanceName) New-AzureRmOperationalInsightsLinuxPerformanceObjectDataSource ` -WorkspaceName $WorkspaceName ` -ResourceGroupName $WorkspaceResourceGroupName ` -ObjectName $newCounter.properties.objectName ` -CounterNames $counterNamesArray ` -InstanceName $newCounter.properties.instanceName ` -Name $newCounter.name ` -IntervalSeconds $DefaultIntervalSeconds } } } |