.VERSION 2.52 .GUID 7fe4961a-160d-4050-bba8-b80e649e0d48 .AUTHOR jbritt@microsoft.com .COMPANYNAME Microsoft .COPYRIGHT Microsoft .TAGS .LICENSEURI .PROJECTURI https://blogs.technet.microsoft.com/msoms/2017/01/17/enable-azure-resource-metrics-logging-using-powershell .ICONURI https://msdnshared.blob.core.windows.net/media/2017/01/1-OMS-011717.png .EXTERNALMODULEDEPENDENCIES .REQUIREDSCRIPTS .EXTERNALSCRIPTDEPENDENCIES .RELEASENOTES September 14, 2017 Fixes Fixed Logic in initial authentication check for Azure Login. Thank you Paul! https://blogs.technet.microsoft.com/msoms/2017/01/17/enable-azure-resource-metrics-logging-using-powershell/#comment-62455 Updated minor try / catch logic #> <# .SYNOPSIS Configure a resource (given a resource ID in Azure) to enable Azure Diagnostics and send that data to an OMS Workspace. This WSID specified as a parameter is the resourceID of the OMS workspace within an Azure Subscription in the following format "/subscriptions/<subscriptionID GUID>/resourceGroups/<OMS Resource Group>/providers/Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/<OMS WS Name>" Note This script currently supports onboarding Azure resources that support Azure Diagnostics (metrics and logs) to Log Analytics. Use of Update switch "-Update $True" updates the resource to a new workspace ID and enable diagnostics or just refresh the configuration for all resources. Use of "-Force" provides the ability to launch this script without prompting, if all required parameters are provided. .DESCRIPTION This script takes a SubscriptionID, ResourceType, ResourceGroup and a workspace ID as parameters, analyzes the subscription or specific ResourceGroup defined for the resources specified in $Resources, and enables those resources for diagnostic metrics also enabling the workspace ID for the OMS workspace to receive these metrics. .PARAMETER Update Specify update if you want to update all resources regardless of configuration .PARAMETER WSID The resourceID of your OMS workspace within Azure .PARAMETER SubscriptionId The subscriptionID of the Azure Subscription that contains the resources you want to update .PARAMETER ResourceType The ResourceType you want to update within your Azure Subscription .PARAMETER ResourceGroupName If desired, use a resourcegroup instead of updating all resources of a particular type within an Azure subscription .PARAMETER ResourceName If desired, use a resource name instead of updating all resources of a particular type within an Azure subscription .PARAMETER Force Use Force to run silently [providing all parameters needed for silent mode - see get-help <scriptfile> -examples] .PARAMETER CategoriesChosen Use CategoriesChosen to provide categories for logs to enable in the following format: "JobLogs,JobStreams" .PARAMETER DisableLogs Use this to disable all logs for a resource without requiring categories .PARAMETER Disablemetrics Use this to disable metrics specifically for a resource DisableLogs and DisableMetrics can be used at the same time to enable both for a resource that supports both Disable switches take precedence over Enable switches .PARAMETER EnableLogs Use this to enable all logs for a resource without requiring categories .PARAMETER EnableMetrics Use this to enable metrics specifically for a resource EnableLogs and EnableMetrics can be used at the same time to enable both for a resource that supports both .EXAMPLE .\Enable-AzureRMDiagnostics.ps1 -WSID "/subscriptions/fd2323a9-2324-4d2a-90f6-7e6c2fe03512/resourceGroups/OI-EAST-USE/providers/Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/OMSWS" -SubscriptionId "fd2323a9-2324-4d2a-90f6-7e6c2fe03512" -ResourceType "Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases" -ResourceGroup "RGName" -Force Take in parameters and execute silently without prompting using Force. .EXAMPLE .\Enable-AzureRMDiagnostics.ps1 -WSID "/subscriptions/fd2323a9-2324-4d2a-90f6-7e6c2fe03512/resourceGroups/OI-EAST-USE/providers/Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/OMSWS" -SubscriptionId "fd2323a9-2324-4d2a-90f6-7e6c2fe03512" -ResourceType "Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases" -ResourceGroup "RGName" -Force -Update Take in parameters and execute silently without prompting and update all resources with a new WSID .EXAMPLE .\Enable-AzureRMDiagnostics.ps1 -Verbose To Support Verbose log Output .EXAMPLE .\Enable-AzureRMDiagnostics.ps1 -SubscriptionId "fd2323a9-2324-4d2a-90f6-7e6c2fe03512" -ResourceType "Microsoft.Network/networkSecurityGroups" -ResourceGroup "RGName" -CategoriesChosen "NetworkSecurityGroupEvent,NetworkSecurityGroupRuleCounter" [Enable] all Network Security Groups and respective categories listed for those resources within a targeted subscription and ResourceGroup .EXAMPLE .\Enable-AzureRMDiagnostics.ps1 -SubscriptionId "fd2323a9-2324-4d2a-90f6-7e6c2fe03512" -ResourceType "Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces" -CategoriesChosen "ArchiveLogs,OperationalLogs,AutoScaleLogs" -DisableLogs -DisableMetrics [Disable] all log categories listed for those resources within a targeted subscription and metrics at the same time .EXAMPLE .\Enable-AzureRMDiagnostics.ps1 -SubscriptionId "fd2323a9-2324-4d2a-90f6-7e6c2fe03512" -ResourceType "Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces" -CategoriesChosen "ArchiveLogs,OperationalLogs,AutoScaleLogs" -DisableLogs -DisableMetrics -force Silently [disable] all log categories listed for those resources within a targeted subscription and metrics at the same time .EXAMPLE .\Enable-AzureRMDiagnostics.ps1 -SubscriptionId "fd2323a9-2324-4d2a-90f6-7e6c2fe03512" -ResourceType "Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces" -DisableMetrics [Disable] all metrics for all specified resourceTypes within a targeted subscription .EXAMPLE .\Enable-AzureRMDiagnostics.ps1 -SubscriptionId "fd2323a9-2324-4d2a-90f6-7e6c2fe03512" -ResourceName "MyResource" -EnableMetrics -ResourceType "Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces" [Enable] all metrics for all specified resource named of a resourceType within a targeted subscription Note if resourcetype is left off - resource must support requested operation or error will be thrown .NOTES AUTHOR: Microsoft Log Analytics Team / Jim Britt Senior Program Manager - Azure CAT LASTEDIT: Sept 14, 2017 September 14, 2017 Fixes Fixed Logic in initial authentication check for Azure Login. Thank you Paul! https://blogs.technet.microsoft.com/msoms/2017/01/17/enable-azure-resource-metrics-logging-using-powershell/#comment-62455 Updated minor try / catch logic June 03, 2017 Fixes Breaking changes with ARM CMDLETS introduced with the below update required an update to the script https://github.com/Azure/azure-powershell/blob/preview/documentation/release-notes/migration-guide.4.0.0.md Additional logic has been added to check for SubscriptionName versus Name and SubscriptionID versus ID. Login check has been updated to use Get-AzureRMSubscription due to changes in Get-AzureRMContext with this release of the cmdlets as well. April 11, 2017 Features Introduced (3) new switches - see updated examples EnableMetrics - use this to enable metrics specifically for a resource EnableLogs - use this to enable all logs for a resource without requiring categories EnableLogs and EnableMetrics can be used at the same time to enable both for a resource that supports both ResourceName - use this switch to specify a single resource (requires resourceType) April 03, 2017 Bug Fixed Fixed array logic for DiagnosticCapable when only one resourcetype exists. THank you Jeroen van Hartingsveldt for your submitted bug and supporting a resolution! March 31, 2017 Bug Fixed Added detection for no workspaces in subscription Added detection for no monitorable resources to enable in a subscription March 30th, 2017 Bug Fixed Updated parameter sets for disable switches. March 27th, 2017 Features Added Style updates:credit goes to Simon Wåhlin <simon.wahlin@knowledgefactory.se> Microsoft MVP – Cloud and Datacenter Management Thank you Simon!! for the great improvements in reduced logic complexity and efficiency. Feature Updates * Adding Azure Diagnostic Logs as an option for sending to Log Analytics. * Disable Logs and Metrics [see examples] Peer Reviews and Input: Kristian Nese, Tiander Turpijn [Azure CAT] / Richard Rundle [OMS PG] January 18th, 2017 Bug Fixed Bug Resolved with single resource returned for resourcetype not initializing an array object. How Found: Simon Wåhlin <simon.wahlin@knowledgefactory.se> Microsoft MVP – Cloud and Datacenter Management .LINK This script posted to and discussed at the following locations: https://www.powershellgallery.com/packages/Enable-AzureRMDiagnostics https://blogs.technet.microsoft.com/msoms/2017/01/17/enable-azure-resource-metrics-logging-using-powershell/ https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/log-analytics/log-analytics-azure-sql/ #> param ( # Use Update to refresh a configuration such as changing to a new OMS WORKSPACE [switch]$Update, # Provide ResourceID of Workspace within same Tenant # to send multiple subs to one workspace [Parameter(Mandatory=$False,ParameterSetName='default')] [Parameter(Mandatory=$True,ParameterSetName='force')] [string]$WSID, # Provide SubscriptionID to bypass subscription listing [Parameter(Mandatory=$False,ParameterSetName='default')] [Parameter(Mandatory=$True,ParameterSetName='force')] [guid]$SubscriptionId, # Add ResourceType to reduce scope to Resource Type instead of entire list of resources to scan [Parameter(Mandatory=$False,ParameterSetName='default')] [Parameter(Mandatory=$True,ParameterSetName='force')] [string]$ResourceType, # Add a ResourceGroup name to reduce scope from entire Azure Subscription to RG [string]$ResourceGroupName, # Add a ResourceName name to reduce scope from entire Azure Subscription to specific named resource [string]$ResourceName, # Provide categories for logs to enable in the following format: "JobLogs,JobStreams" [string]$CategoriesChosen, # Use Force to run in silent mode (requires certain parameters to be provided) [Parameter(Mandatory=$True,ParameterSetName='force')] [switch]$Force, # Use to remove the configuration of logs for a selected resource type [switch]$DisableLogs, # Use to remove the configuration of metrics for a selected resource type [switch]$DisableMetrics, # Use to add the configuration of logs for a selected resource type (not requiring categories) # CategoriesChosen switch can be used in combination to enable granular category choice # Can be used with $EnableMetrics to enable metrics and logs at the same time [switch]$EnableLogs, # Use to add the configuration of metrics for a selected resource type # Can be used with $EnableLogs to enable metrics and logs at the same time [switch]$EnableMetrics ) # FUNCTIONS # Get the ResourceType listing from all ResourceTypes capable in this subscription # to be sent to log analytics - use "-ResourceType" param to bypass function Get-ResourceType ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [array]$allResources ) { $analysis = @() foreach($resource in $allResources) { $Categories =@(); $metrics = $false #initialize metrics flag to $false $logs = $false #initialize logs flag to $false if (! $analysis.where({$_.ResourceType -eq $resource.ResourceType})) { try { Write-Verbose "Checking $($resource.ResourceType)" $setting = Get-AzureRmDiagnosticSetting -ResourceId $resource.ResourceId -ErrorAction Stop # If logs are supported or metrics on each resource, set value as $True if ($setting.Logs) { $logs = $true $Categories = $setting.Logs.category } if ($setting.Metrics) { $metrics = $true } } catch {} finally { $object = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{'ResourceType' = $resource.ResourceType; 'Metrics' = $metrics; 'Logs' = $logs; 'Categories' = $Categories} $analysis += $object } } } # Return the list of supported resources $analysis } # Enable Diagnostics and set WSID for each resource (if not already set) function Set-Resource { [cmdletbinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [array]$Resources, [switch]$Update, [string]$WSID, [array]$CategoryArray, [switch]$DisableLogs, [switch]$DisableMetrics, [switch]$EnableMetrics, [switch]$EnableLogs, [psobject]$DiagnosticCapability ) Write-Host "Processing resources. Please wait...." Foreach($Resource in $Resources) { If(!($DisableLogs) -and !($DisableMetrics)) { $WSIDOK = $True $ResourceDiagnosticSetting = get-AzureRmDiagnosticSetting -ResourceId $Resource.ResourceId if($ResourceDiagnosticSetting.WorkspaceId -ne $null -and $ResourceDiagnosticSetting.WorkspaceId -ne $WSID -and $Update -eq $False) { # If update switch not used, WSIDOK is set to false and warning is thrown $WSIDOK = $False $WS = ($ResourceDiagnosticSetting.WorkspaceId -split "/workspaces/", 2)[1] Write-Host "Resource $($Resource.Name) is already enabled for Workspace $WS. " -NoNewline write-host "Use -Update" -ForegroundColor Yellow } # Update switch enables updating workspaceID if one is already specified. if($Update -eq $True -and $WSIDOK -eq $True) { try { $WS = ($WSID -split "/workspaces/", 2)[1] $Diag = Set-AzureRmDiagnosticSetting -WorkspaceId $WSID -ResourceId $Resource.ResourceId if($Diag){Write-Host "Workspace for existing resource $($Resource.Name) was updated to $WS."} } catch { write-host "An error occurred setting diagnostics on $($Resource.Name)" } } # Metrics if(!($CategoryArray) -or $EnableMetrics -and $DiagnosticCapability.metrics -eq $True) { if($ResourceDiagnosticSetting.Metrics.Enabled -eq $False -and $DiagnosticCapability.metrics) { try { $Diag = Set-AzureRmDiagnosticSetting -WorkspaceId $WSID -ResourceId $Resource.ResourceId -Enabled $True -Timegrains "PT1M" if($Diag){Write-Host "Metrics gathering for new resource $($Resource.Name) was set to enabled"} } catch { write-host "An error occurred setting diagnostics on $($Resource.Name)" } } } # Logs and categories if($CategoryArray -or $EnableLogs -and $DiagnosticCapability.logs -eq $True) { if($CategoryArray) { Foreach($Category in $CategoryArray) { foreach($ResDiagSetting in $ResourceDiagnosticSetting.logs) { if($ResDiagSetting.category -eq $Category -and $ResDiagSetting.enabled -eq $False) { try { $Diag = Set-AzureRmDiagnosticSetting -WorkspaceId $WSID -ResourceId $Resource.ResourceId -Enabled $True -Categories $Category if($Diag){Write-Host "Resource $($Resource.Name) was enabled for Log Category $Category"} } catch { Throw "An error occurred setting diagnostics on $($Resource.Name) for $Category" } } } } } elseif($EnableLogs) { foreach($ResDiagSetting in $ResourceDiagnosticSetting.logs) { # Enable only logs if not already enabled # (enablelogs bypasses categorieschosen param) if($ResDiagSetting.enabled -eq $False) { try { $Diag = Set-AzureRmDiagnosticSetting -WorkspaceId $WSID -ResourceId $Resource.ResourceId -Enabled $True -Categories $($ResDiagSetting.category) if($Diag){Write-Host "Resource $($Resource.Name) was enabled for Log Category $($ResDiagSetting.category)"} } catch { write-host "An error occurred setting diagnostics on $($Resource.Name) for $($ResDiagSetting.category)" } } } } } } # Logic for Disabling logs and metrics elseif($DisableLogs -or $DisableMetrics) { # Disable specific categories on logs as defined by CategoriesChosen if($DisableLogs -and $CategoryArray -and $DiagnosticCapability.logs -eq $True) { foreach($Category in $CategoryArray) { try { $RemoveDiag = Set-AzureRmDiagnosticSetting -ResourceId $Resource.ResourceId -Enabled $False -categories $Category Write-Host "Resource $($Resource.Name) disabled category $Category for gathering" } catch { write-host "An error occurred removing diagnostic log category $Category on $($Resource.Name)" } } } # Disable logs on a resource(s) if logs is a capablity supported on the resource(s) # This logic will dynamically build the categories supported and disable all # CategoriesChosen will override this if you want to disable only specific categories in a log If($DisableLogs -and !($CategoryArray) -and $DiagnosticCapability.logs -eq $True) { $ResourceDiagnosticSetting = get-AzureRmDiagnosticSetting -ResourceId $Resource.ResourceId foreach($Entry in $ResourceDiagnosticSetting.logs) { try { $RemoveDiag = Set-AzureRmDiagnosticSetting -ResourceId $Resource.ResourceId -Enabled $False -categories $($Entry.Category) Write-Host "Resource $($Resource.Name) disabled category $($Entry.Category) for gathering" } catch { write-host "An error occurred removing diagnostic log category $Category on $($Resource.Name)" } } } # Disable metrics on a resource(s) if metrics is a capablity supported on the resource(s) if($DisableMetrics -and $DiagnosticCapability.Metrics -eq $True) { try { $RemoveDiag = Set-AzureRmDiagnosticSetting -ResourceId $Resource.ResourceId -Enabled $False -Timegrains "PT1M" Write-Host "Resource $($Resource.Name) was disabled for metrics gathering" } catch { write-host "An error occurred removing diagnostic metrics on $($Resource.Name)" } } } } } # Function used to build numbers in selection tables for menus function Add-IndexNumberToArray ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [array]$array ) { for($i=0; $i -lt $array.Count; $i++) { Add-Member -InputObject $array[$i] -Name "#" -Value ($i+1) -MemberType NoteProperty } $array } # MAIN SCRIPT #Variable Definitions [array]$Resources = @() # Login to Azure - if already logged in, use existing credentials. Write-Host "Authenticating to Azure..." -ForegroundColor Cyan try { $AzureLogin = Get-AzureRmSubscription } catch { $null = Login-AzureRmAccount $AzureLogin = Get-AzureRmSubscription } # Authenticate to Azure if not already authenticated # Ensure this is the subscription where your Azure Resources are you want to send diagnostic data from If($AzureLogin -and !($SubscriptionID)) { [array]$SubscriptionArray = Add-IndexNumberToArray (Get-AzureRmSubscription) [int]$SelectedSub = 0 # use the current subscription if there is only one subscription available if ($SubscriptionArray.Count -eq 1) { $SelectedSub = 1 } # Get SubscriptionID if one isn't provided while($SelectedSub -gt $SubscriptionArray.Count -or $SelectedSub -lt 1) { Write-host "Please select a subscription from the list below" $SubscriptionArray | select "#", Id, Name | ft try { $SelectedSub = Read-Host "Please enter a selection from 1 to $($SubscriptionArray.count)" } catch { Write-Warning -Message 'Invalid option, please try again.' } } if($($SubscriptionArray[$SelectedSub - 1].Name)) { $SubscriptionName = $($SubscriptionArray[$SelectedSub - 1].Name) } elseif($($SubscriptionArray[$SelectedSub - 1].SubscriptionName)) { $SubscriptionName = $($SubscriptionArray[$SelectedSub - 1].SubscriptionName) } write-verbose "You Selected Azure Subscription: $SubscriptionName" if($($SubscriptionArray[$SelectedSub - 1].SubscriptionID)) { [guid]$SubscriptionID = $($SubscriptionArray[$SelectedSub - 1].SubscriptionID) } if($($SubscriptionArray[$SelectedSub - 1].ID)) { [guid]$SubscriptionID = $($SubscriptionArray[$SelectedSub - 1].ID) } } Write-Host "Selecting Azure Subscription: $($SubscriptionID.Guid) ..." -ForegroundColor Cyan $Null = Select-AzureRmSubscription -SubscriptionId $SubscriptionID.Guid # Build a list of workspaces to choose from. If workspace is in another subscription # provide the resourceID of that workspace as a parameter # *** OMS workspace currently must be within the same tenant as the resource being configured *** [array]$Workspaces=@() if(!($WSID) -and !($DisableLogs) -and !($DisableMetrics)) { try { $Workspaces = Add-IndexNumberToArray (Get-AzureRmOperationalInsightsWorkspace) Write-Host "Generating a list of workspaces from Azure Subscription Selected..." -ForegroundColor Cyan [int]$SelectedWS = 0 if ($Workspaces.Count -eq 1) { $SelectedWS = 1 } # Get WS Resource ID if one isn't provided while($SelectedWS -gt $Workspaces.Count -or $SelectedWS -lt 1 -and $Workspaces -ne $Null) { Write-Host "Please select a workspace from the list below" $Workspaces| select "#", Name, Location, ResourceGroupName, ResourceId | ft if($Workspaces.count -ne 0) { try { $SelectedWS = Read-Host "Please enter a selection from 1 to $($Workspaces.count)" } catch { Write-Warning -Message 'Invalid option, please try again.' } } } } catch { Write-Warning -Message 'No Workspace found - try specifying parameter WSID' } If($Workspaces) { Write-Host "You Selected Workspace: " -nonewline -ForegroundColor Cyan Write-Host "$($Workspaces[$SelectedWS - 1].Name)" -ForegroundColor Yellow $WSID = $($Workspaces[$SelectedWS - 1].ResourceID) } else { Throw "No OMS workspaces available in selected subscription $SubscriptionID" } } # Determine which resourcetype to search on [array]$ResourcesToCheck = @() [array]$DiagnosticCapable=@() [array]$Logcategories = @() # Build parameter set according to parameters provided. $FindResourceParams = @{} if($ResourceType) { $FindResourceParams['ResourceType'] = $ResourceType } if($ResourceGroupName) { $FindResourceParams['ResourceGroupNameEquals'] = $ResourceGroupName } if($ResourceName) { $FindResourceParams['ResourceNameEquals'] = $ResourceName } $ResourcesToCheck = Find-AzureRmResource @FindResourceParams # If resourceType defined, ensure it can support diagnostics configuration if($ResourceType) { try { $Resources = $ResourcesToCheck $DiagnosticCapable = Get-ResourceType -allResources $Resources [int]$ResourceTypeToProcess = 0 if ( $DiagnosticCapable.Count -eq 1) { $ResourceTypeToProcess = 1 } } catch { Throw "No diagnostic capable resources of type $ResourceType available in selected subscription $SubscriptionID" } } # Gather a list of resources supporting Azure Diagnostic logs and metrics and display a table if(!($ResourceType)) { Write-Host "Gathering a list of monitorable Resource Types from Azure Subscription ID " -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Cyan Write-Host "$SubscriptionId..." -ForegroundColor Yellow try { $DiagnosticCapable = Add-IndexNumberToArray (Get-ResourceType $ResourcesToCheck).where({$_.metrics -eq $True -or $_.Logs -eq $True}) [int]$ResourceTypeToProcess = 0 if ( $DiagnosticCapable.Count -eq 1) { $ResourceTypeToProcess = 1 } while($ResourceTypeToProcess -gt $DiagnosticCapable.Count -or $ResourceTypeToProcess -lt 1 -and $Force -ne $True) { Write-Host "The table below are the resource types that support sending diagnostics to Log Analytics" $DiagnosticCapable | select "#", ResourceType, Metrics, Logs |ft try { $ResourceTypeToProcess = Read-Host "Please select a number from 1 - $($DiagnosticCapable.count) to enable (""True"" = supported configuration)" } catch { Write-Warning -Message 'Invalid option, please try again.' } } $ResourceType = $DiagnosticCapable[$ResourceTypeToProcess -1].ResourceType # Find all resources for $ResourceType defined $Resources = $ResourcesToCheck.where({$_.ResourceType -eq $ResourceType}) } catch { Throw "No diagnostic capable resources available in selected subscription $SubscriptionID" } } # Convert string to array if($CategoriesChosen) { # Trim spaces out $CategoriesChosen = $CategoriesChosen.replace(" ","") # Define our array of log categories [array]$Logcategories = ($CategoriesChosen -split ",") } # If Logs is $True and categories not defined - prompt for categories to enable if(!($CategoriesChosen) -and !($Force) -and !($EnableLogs) -and !($DisableLogs) -and $DiagnosticCapable[$ResourceTypeToProcess -1].logs -eq $True) { foreach($Diag in $DiagnosticCapable.where({$_.ResourceType -eq $ResourceType})) { $CategoryList = $Diag.Categories $CAnalysis=@() $CategoriesChosen = @() if($Diag.ResourceType -eq $ResourceType) { foreach($Category in $CategoryList) { $cObject = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{'Categories' = $Category; 'ResourceType' = $ResourceType}| ` select 'Categories', 'ResourceType' $CAnalysis += $CObject } } $Canalysis = Add-IndexNumberToArray ($CAnalysis) Write-Host "The following categories are available for logs for $ResourceType" $CAnalysis|select "#",Categories, ResourceType|ft [array]$Logcategories =@() [array]$CategoriesChosen = (Read-host "Please provide # of log(s) to process (separated by a comma) or type ALL").ToUpper() if($CategoriesChosen[0] -eq "ALL") { foreach($Category in $CAnalysis) { $Logcategories = $Logcategories + $($Category.Categories) } } elseif($CategoriesChosen -ne $Null) { # Trim spaces out $CategoriesChosen = $CategoriesChosen.replace(" ","") [array]$CategoriesChosen = ($CategoriesChosen -split ",") foreach($Category in $CategoriesChosen) { $Logcategories = $Logcategories + $($CAnalysis[$Category-1].Categories) } } Write-Host "You Chose the following" foreach($Line in $Logcategories) { write-host $Line -ForegroundColor Yellow } } } [array]$CategoriesChosen = $Logcategories # Validate customer wants to continue to update all resources in ResourceType selected # If Force used, will update without prompting if ($Force -OR $PSCmdlet.ShouldContinue("This operation will update $($Resources.Count) $ResourceType resources in your subscription. Continue?",$ResourceType) ) { Write-Host "Configuring $($Resources.Count) [$ResourceType] resources in your subscription." Set-Resource -Resources $Resources -Update:$Update -WSID $WSID -CategoryArray $CategoriesChosen ` -DisableLogs:$DisableLogs -DisableMetrics:$DisableMetrics ` -EnableMetrics:$EnableMetrics -EnableLogs:$EnableLogs ` -DiagnosticCapability $DiagnosticCapable[$ResourceTypeToProcess -1] Write-Host "Complete" -ForegroundColor Cyan } else { Write-Host "You selected No - exiting" Write-Host "Complete" -ForegroundColor Cyan } |