
Function Initialize-ModuleVariable {
            Initializes module variables related to this module
            This function initializes module variables required for CMDlets to delegate.
        .PARAMETER None
            This function does not accept any parameters.
            Used Functions:
                Name | Module
                Get-ExtendedRightHashTable | ActiveDirectory
                Get-AttributeSchemaHashTable | ActiveDirectory
            Version: 1.0
            DateModified: 05/Apr/2024
            LasModifiedBy: Vicente Rodriguez Eguibar
                Eguibar Information Technology S.L.

    [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $false, ConfirmImpact = 'Low')]

    Param ()

    Begin {
        $txt = ($constants.Header -f
            (Get-FunctionDisplay $PsBoundParameters -Verbose:$False)
        Write-Verbose -Message $txt

        # Module imports

        Import-Module ActiveDirectory -SkipEditionCheck -Force -Verbose:$false | Out-Null

        # Variables Definition

    } #end Begin

    Process {

        try {
            # Active Directory DistinguishedName
            $Variables.AdDN = ([ADSI]'LDAP://RootDSE').DefaultNamingContext.ToString()

            # Configuration Naming Context
            $Variables.configurationNamingContext = ([ADSI]'LDAP://RootDSE').configurationNamingContext.ToString()

            # Active Directory DistinguishedName
            $Variables.defaultNamingContext = ([ADSI]'LDAP://RootDSE').DefaultNamingContext.ToString()

            # Get current DNS domain name
            $Variables.DnsFqdn = [System.DirectoryServices.ActiveDirectory.Domain]::GetCurrentDomain().Name

            # Naming Contexts
            $Variables.namingContexts = ([ADSI]'LDAP://RootDSE').namingContexts

            # Partitions Container
            $Variables.PartitionsContainer = (([ADSI]'LDAP://RootDSE').configurationNamingContext.ToString())

            # Root Domain Naming Context
            $Variables.rootDomainNamingContext = ([ADSI]'LDAP://RootDSE').rootDomainNamingContext.ToString()

            # Schema Naming Context
            $Variables.SchemaNamingContext = ([ADSI]'LDAP://RootDSE').SchemaNamingContext.ToString()
        } Catch {
            Write-Error -Message 'Something went wrong while trying to fill $Variables!'
        # Well-Known SIDs
        #. "$PSScriptRoot\Enum.WellKnownSids.ps1"
        #Get-AdWellKnownSID -SID 'S-1-5-18' | Out-Null # Just to ensure it's loaded and callable

        # Following functions must be the last ones to be called, otherwise error is thrown.

        # Hashtable containing the mappings between ClassSchema/AttributeSchema and GUID's
        Try {
            [hashtable]$TmpMap = [hashtable]::New([StringComparer]::OrdinalIgnoreCase)
            [hashtable]$Splat = [hashtable]::New([StringComparer]::OrdinalIgnoreCase)

            Write-Verbose -Message 'The GUID map is null, empty, zero, or false.'
            Write-Verbose -Message 'Getting the GUID value of each schema class and attribute'
            #store the GUID value of each schema class and attribute
            $Splat = @{
                SearchBase = $Variables.SchemaNamingContext
                LDAPFilter = '(schemaidguid=*)'
                Properties = 'lDAPDisplayName', 'schemaIDGUID'
            $AllSchema = Get-ADObject @Splat

            Write-Verbose -Message 'Processing all schema class and attribute'
            Foreach ($item in $AllSchema) {
                # add current Guid to $TempMap
                $TmpMap.Add($item.lDAPDisplayName, ([System.GUID]$item.schemaIDGUID).GUID)
            } #end ForEach

            # Include "ALL [nullGUID]"
            $TmpMap.Add('All', $Constants.guidNull)

            Write-Verbose -Message '$Variables.GuidMap was empty. Adding values to it!'
            $Variables.GuidMap = $TmpMap
        } catch {
            Write-Error -Message 'Something went wrong while trying to fill $Variables.GuidMap!'

        # Hashtable containing the mappings between SchemaExtendedRights and GUID's
        Try {
            [hashtable]$TmpMap = [hashtable]::New([StringComparer]::OrdinalIgnoreCase)
            [hashtable]$Splat = [hashtable]::New([StringComparer]::OrdinalIgnoreCase)

            Write-Verbose -Message 'The Extended Rights map is null, empty, zero, or false.'
            Write-Verbose -Message 'Getting the GUID value of each Extended attribute'
            # store the GUID value of each extended right in the forest
            $Splat = @{
                SearchBase = ('CN=Extended-Rights,{0}' -f $Variables.configurationNamingContext)
                LDAPFilter = '(objectclass=controlAccessRight)'
                Properties = 'DisplayName', 'rightsGuid'
            $AllExtended = Get-ADObject @Splat

            Write-Verbose -Message 'Processing all Extended attributes'
            ForEach ($Item in $AllExtended) {
                # add current Guid to $TempMap
                $TmpMap.Add($Item.displayName, ([system.guid]$Item.rightsGuid).GUID)
            } #end Foreach

            # Include "ALL [nullGUID]"
            $TmpMap.Add('All', $Constants.guidNull)

            Write-Verbose -Message '$Variables.ExtendedRightsMap was empty. Adding values to it!'
            $Variables.ExtendedRightsMap = $TmpMap
        } Catch {
            Write-Error -Message 'Something went wrong while trying to fill $Variables.ExtendedRightsMap!'

    } #end Process

    End {
        $txt = ($Constants.Footer -f $MyInvocation.InvocationName,
            'initializing Variables.'
        Write-Verbose -Message $txt
    } #end End

} #end Function