Function Initialize-ModuleVariable { <# .SYNOPSIS Initializes module variables related to this module .DESCRIPTION This function initializes module variables required for CMDlets to delegate. .PARAMETER None This function does not accept any parameters. .NOTES Used Functions: Name | Module ---------------------------------------|-------------------------- Get-ExtendedRightHashTable | ActiveDirectory Get-AttributeSchemaHashTable | ActiveDirectory .NOTES Version: 1.0 DateModified: 05/Apr/2024 LasModifiedBy: Vicente Rodriguez Eguibar Eguibar Information Technology S.L. #> [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $false, ConfirmImpact = 'Low')] [OutputType([void])] Param () Begin { $txt = ($constants.Header -f (Get-Date).ToShortDateString(), $MyInvocation.Mycommand, (Get-FunctionDisplay $PsBoundParameters -Verbose:$False) ) Write-Verbose -Message $txt ############################## # Module imports Import-Module ActiveDirectory -SkipEditionCheck -Force -Verbose:$false | Out-Null ############################## # Variables Definition } #end Begin Process { try { # Active Directory DistinguishedName $Variables.AdDN = ([ADSI]'LDAP://RootDSE').DefaultNamingContext.ToString() # Configuration Naming Context $Variables.configurationNamingContext = ([ADSI]'LDAP://RootDSE').configurationNamingContext.ToString() # Active Directory DistinguishedName $Variables.defaultNamingContext = ([ADSI]'LDAP://RootDSE').DefaultNamingContext.ToString() # Get current DNS domain name $Variables.DnsFqdn = [System.DirectoryServices.ActiveDirectory.Domain]::GetCurrentDomain().Name # Naming Contexts $Variables.namingContexts = ([ADSI]'LDAP://RootDSE').namingContexts # Partitions Container $Variables.PartitionsContainer = (([ADSI]'LDAP://RootDSE').configurationNamingContext.ToString()) # Root Domain Naming Context $Variables.rootDomainNamingContext = ([ADSI]'LDAP://RootDSE').rootDomainNamingContext.ToString() # Schema Naming Context $Variables.SchemaNamingContext = ([ADSI]'LDAP://RootDSE').SchemaNamingContext.ToString() } Catch { Write-Error -Message 'Something went wrong while trying to fill $Variables!' } # Well-Known SIDs #. "$PSScriptRoot\Enum.WellKnownSids.ps1" #Get-AdWellKnownSID -SID 'S-1-5-18' | Out-Null # Just to ensure it's loaded and callable # Following functions must be the last ones to be called, otherwise error is thrown. # Hashtable containing the mappings between ClassSchema/AttributeSchema and GUID's Try { [hashtable]$TmpMap = [hashtable]::New([StringComparer]::OrdinalIgnoreCase) [hashtable]$Splat = [hashtable]::New([StringComparer]::OrdinalIgnoreCase) Write-Verbose -Message 'The GUID map is null, empty, zero, or false.' Write-Verbose -Message 'Getting the GUID value of each schema class and attribute' #store the GUID value of each schema class and attribute $Splat = @{ SearchBase = $Variables.SchemaNamingContext LDAPFilter = '(schemaidguid=*)' Properties = 'lDAPDisplayName', 'schemaIDGUID' } $AllSchema = Get-ADObject @Splat Write-Verbose -Message 'Processing all schema class and attribute' Foreach ($item in $AllSchema) { # add current Guid to $TempMap $TmpMap.Add($item.lDAPDisplayName, ([System.GUID]$item.schemaIDGUID).GUID) } #end ForEach # Include "ALL [nullGUID]" $TmpMap.Add('All', $Constants.guidNull) Write-Verbose -Message '$Variables.GuidMap was empty. Adding values to it!' $Variables.GuidMap = $TmpMap } catch { Write-Error -Message 'Something went wrong while trying to fill $Variables.GuidMap!' } # Hashtable containing the mappings between SchemaExtendedRights and GUID's Try { [hashtable]$TmpMap = [hashtable]::New([StringComparer]::OrdinalIgnoreCase) [hashtable]$Splat = [hashtable]::New([StringComparer]::OrdinalIgnoreCase) Write-Verbose -Message 'The Extended Rights map is null, empty, zero, or false.' Write-Verbose -Message 'Getting the GUID value of each Extended attribute' # store the GUID value of each extended right in the forest $Splat = @{ SearchBase = ('CN=Extended-Rights,{0}' -f $Variables.configurationNamingContext) LDAPFilter = '(objectclass=controlAccessRight)' Properties = 'DisplayName', 'rightsGuid' } $AllExtended = Get-ADObject @Splat Write-Verbose -Message 'Processing all Extended attributes' ForEach ($Item in $AllExtended) { # add current Guid to $TempMap $TmpMap.Add($Item.displayName, ([system.guid]$Item.rightsGuid).GUID) } #end Foreach # Include "ALL [nullGUID]" $TmpMap.Add('All', $Constants.guidNull) Write-Verbose -Message '$Variables.ExtendedRightsMap was empty. Adding values to it!' $Variables.ExtendedRightsMap = $TmpMap } Catch { Write-Error -Message 'Something went wrong while trying to fill $Variables.ExtendedRightsMap!' } } #end Process End { $txt = ($Constants.Footer -f $MyInvocation.InvocationName, 'initializing Variables.' ) Write-Verbose -Message $txt } #end End } #end Function |