# UpdateGpt on file GpoPrivilegeRights.cs function Update-GpoVersion { <# .SYNOPSIS Updates the version number of a specified Group Policy Object (GPO). .DESCRIPTION The Update-GpoVersion function increments the computer version number of a specified GPO by 3. It updates both the directory object and the GPT.INI file in the SYSVOL share. .PARAMETER GpoName The name of the GPO to be updated. .EXAMPLE Update-GpoVersion -GpoName "Default Domain Policy" .INPUTS GPO Name. .OUTPUTS None. #> [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true, ConfirmImpact = 'Medium')] [OutputType([void])] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'Specify the name of the GPO.', Position = 0)] [string] $GpoName ) Begin { $txt = ($Variables.HeaderDelegation -f (Get-Date).ToShortDateString(), $MyInvocation.Mycommand, (Get-FunctionDisplay -HashTable $PsBoundParameters -Verbose:$False) ) Write-Verbose -Message $txt ############################## # Module imports Import-MyModule -Name 'GroupPolicy' -SkipEditionCheck -Verbose:$false ############################## # Variables Definition [Int64]$versionObject = $null # Retrieve the GPO object by name $gpo = Get-GPO -Name $PsBoundParameters['GpoName'] -ErrorAction Stop # Get the GPO ID $gpoId = ('{' + $gpo.Id + '}') # Build SYSVOL path $sysVolPath = '\\{0}\SYSVOL\{0}' -f $env:USERDNSDOMAIN $pathToGpt = '{0}\Policies\{1}\gpt.ini' -f $sysVolPath, $gpoId } #end Begin Process { Try { # Get the GPO object $url = 'LDAP://CN={0},CN=Policies,CN=System,{1}' -f $gpoId, $Variables.defaultNamingContext $de = [System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry]::New($url) } catch { Write-Error -Message ('Error accessing GPO through DirectoryEntry' -f $Gpo.Name) #Get-ErrorDetail -ErrorRecord $_ } #end Try-Catch # Get the VersionObject of the DirectoryEntry (the GPO) $versionObject = [Int64]($de.Properties['VersionNumber'].Value.ToString()) Write-Verbose -Message ('Old GPO Version Number: {0}' -f $versionObject) # Convert the value into a 8 digit HEX string $hexValue = $versionObject.ToString('x8') # Top 16 bits HEX UserVersionNumber - first 4 characters (complete with zero to the left) # This is the UserVersion $hexUserVN = $hexValue.Substring(0, 4) # Lower 16 bits HEX ComputerVersionNumber - last 4 characters (complete with zero to the left) # This is the ComputerVersion $hexComputerVN = $hexValue.Substring(4) # Lower 16 bits as Integer ComputerVersionNumber $computerVN = [Convert]::ToInt64($hexComputerVN, 16) # Increment Computer Version Number by 3 $computerVN += 3 # Concatenate '0x' and 'HEX UserVersionNumber having 4 digits' and 'HEX ComputerVersionNumber having 4 digits' $newHex = '0x{0}{1}' -f $hexUserVN, $computerVN.ToString('x4') # Convert the New Hex number to integer $newVersionObject = [Convert]::ToInt64($newHex, 16) try { if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($GpoName, 'Update GPO version')) { # Update the GPO VersionNumber with the new value $de.Properties['VersionNumber'].Value = $newVersionObject.ToString() # Last, write the GPCMachineExtensionName attribute with the Client-Side Extension GUID # If not the settings won't display in the GPO Management tool and the target # server won't be able to read the GPO. $de.Properties['gPCMachineExtensionNames'].Value = '[{827D319E-6EAC-11D2-A4EA-00C04F79F83A}{803E14A0-B4FB-11D0-A0D0-00A0C90F574B}]' # Save the information on the DirectoryObject $de.CommitChanges() # Close the DirectoryEntry $de.Close() # Write new version value to GPT (Including Section Name) if (Test-Path -Path $pathToGpt) { # New instance of IniFile class $Gpt = [IniFileHandler.IniFile]::new($pathToGpt) #$Gpt.ReadFile($pathToGpt) # Check section exists if ($Gpt.SectionExists('General')) { Write-Verbose -Message ('Section Name: General') # Change value of an existing key $Gpt.SetKeyValue('General', 'Version', $newVersionObject.ToString()) $Gpt.SetKeyValue('General', 'displayName', $Gpo.DisplayName) } else { Write-Verbose -Message 'Section [General] does not exist. Creating it with Key=Value.' $Gpt.AddSection('General') # Add a new Key/Value pair within a given section $Gpt.SetKeyValue('General', 'Version', $newVersionObject.ToString()) $Gpt.SetKeyValue('General', 'displayName', $Gpo.DisplayName) } #end If-Else # Save file using default encoding UTF-8 $Gpt.SaveFile($pathToGpt) Write-Verbose -Message ('Saving new Version of GPO to file {0}' -f $pathToGpt) } #end If } #end If } catch { #Get-ErrorDetail -ErrorRecord $_ throw "The GPTs.ini file could not be modified: $_. Message is $($_.Exception.Message)" } #end Try-Catch } #end Process End { $txt = ($Variables.FooterDelegation -f $MyInvocation.InvocationName, 'Version of GPO updated (Private Function).' ) Write-Verbose -Message $txt } #end End } |