function Get-EdenServiceCommandList { <# .SYNOPSIS Gets Eden command metadata. .DESCRIPTION Gets the metadata for all eden service commands. #> [CmdletBinding()] param( ) $commandsAndFiles = @( @{Command="-----EDEN e-e -----"; Alias="e-e"; Type = "Group"; }, @{Group = "Eden"; Command="Install-EdenTools"; Alias="e-eti"; Type = "System"; }, @{Group = "Eden"; Command="Get-EdenServiceCommands"; Alias="e-esc"; Type = "System"; }, @{Command="-----CODING e-c -----"; Alias="e-c"; Type = "Group"; }, @{Group = "Coding"; Command="New-EdenSolution"; Alias="e-csol"; Type = "Template";}, @{Group = "Coding"; Command="New-EdenSolution -Template"; Alias="e-csol -t"; Type = "Template";}, @{Group = "Coding"; Command="New-EdenService"; Alias="e-cs"; Type = "Template";}, @{Group = "Coding"; Command="New-EdenService -Template"; Alias="e-cs -t"; Type = "Template";}, @{Group = "Coding"; Command="Get-EdenTemplates"; Alias="e-ct"; Type = "System"; }, @{Group = "Coding"; Command="Install-EdenTemplates -Source"; Alias="e-ctmp -s"; Type = "System"; }, @{Group = "Coding"; Command="New-EdenServiceComponent -Type"; Alias="e-cc -ty"; Type = "Special"; }, @{Group = "Coding"; Command="New-EdenServiceComponent -Template"; Alias="e-cc -t"; Type = "Template";}, @{Command="-----CODING - STANDARD COMPONENTS e-csc -----"; Alias="e-csc"; Type = "Group";}, @{Group = "Coding"; Command="Install-EdenServiceCodingTools"; Alias="e-cscti"; Type = "Standard"; Message = "Installing coding tools."}, @{Group = "Coding"; Command="Show-EdenServiceCodingTools"; Alias="e-cscts"; Type = "Standard"; Message = "Showing coding tools."}, @{Group = "Coding"; Command="New-EdenServiceFunction"; Alias="e-cscf"; Type = "Coding"; Message = "Creating new function."}, @{Group = "Coding"; Command="New-EdenServiceFunctionRequest"; Alias="e-cscreq"; Type = "Coding"; Message = "Creating new function request."}, @{Group = "Coding"; Command="New-EdenServiceFunctionResponse"; Alias="e-cscres"; Type = "Coding"; Message = "Creating new function response."}, @{Group = "Coding"; Command="New-EdenServiceEvent"; Alias="e-csce"; Type = "Coding"; Message = "Creating new event."}, @{Group = "Coding"; Command="New-EdenServiceService"; Alias="e-cscsvc"; Type = "Coding"; Message = "Creating new internal service."}, @{Group = "Coding"; Command="New-EdenServiceSubscription"; Alias="e-cscsub"; Type = "Coding"; Message = "Creating new subscription."}, @{Group = "Coding"; Command="New-EdenServiceFeatureTest"; Alias="e-cscftest"; Type = "Coding"; Message = "Creating new feature test."}, @{Command="-----BUILDING e-b -----"; Alias="e-b"; Type = "Group";}, @{Group = "Building"; Command="Install-EdenServiceBuildTools"; Alias="e-bti"; Type = "Standard"; Message = "Installing build tools."}, @{Group = "Building"; Command="Build-EdenService"; Alias="e-bb"; Type = "Standard"; Message = "Building the service."}, @{Group = "Building"; Command="Build-EdenServiceContinuous"; Alias="e-bbc"; Type = "Standard"; Message = "Building the service continuously."}, @{Group = "Building"; Command="Show-EdenServiceBuildReport"; Alias="e-bbr"; Type = "Standard"; Message = "Showing build report."}, @{Group = "Building"; Command="Publish-EdenServiceBuildReport"; Alias="e-bpbr"; Type = "Standard"; Message = "Publish build report."}, @{Group = "Building"; Command="Show-EdenServiceBuildReportPublished"; Alias="e-bbrp"; Type = "Standard"; Message = "Showing published build report."}, @{Group = "Building"; Command="Publish-EdenService"; Alias="e-bp"; Type = "Standard"; Message = "Publishing the service."}, @{Command="-----TESTING CODE e-tc -----"; Alias="e-tc"; Type = "Group";}, @{Group = "Testing Code"; Command="Install-EdenServiceCodeTestTools"; Alias="e-tcti"; Type = "Standard"; Message = "Installing code testing tools."}, @{Group = "Testing Code"; Command="Test-EdenServiceCode"; Alias="e-tct"; Type = "Standard"; Message = "Testing the code."}, @{Group = "Testing Code"; Command="Test-EdenServiceCodeContinuous"; Alias="e-tctc"; Type = "Standard"; Message = "Testing the code continuously."} @{Group = "Testing Code"; Command="Show-EdenServiceCodeCoverage"; Alias="e-tccc"; Type = "Standard"; Message = "Showing the code coverage."}, @{Group = "Testing Code"; Command="Publish-EdenServiceCodeCoverage"; Alias="e-tcpcc"; Type = "Standard"; Message = "Publishing the code coverage results."}, @{Group = "Testing Code"; Command="Show-EdenServiceCodeCoveragePublished"; Alias="e-tcccp"; Type = "Standard"; Message = "Showing the published code coverage."}, @{Group = "Testing Code"; Command="Show-EdenServiceCodeTestResults"; Alias="e-tctr"; Type = "Standard"; Message = "Showing the code test results."}, @{Group = "Testing Code"; Command="Publish-EdenServiceCodeTestResults"; Alias="e-tcptr"; Type = "Standard"; Message = "Publishing the code test results."}, @{Group = "Testing Code"; Command="Show-EdenServiceCodeTestResultsPublished"; Alias="e-tctrp"; Type = "Standard"; Message = "Showing the published code test results."}, @{Command="-----SETTINGS e-st -----"; Alias="e-st"; Type = "Group";}, @{Group = "Settings"; Command="New-EdenSettings -Name"; Alias="e-stn -n"; Type = "System"; Message = "Creating the new settings."}, @{Group = "Settings"; Command="Get-EdenSettings -Name"; Alias="e-stg -n"; Type = "System"; Message = "Getting the settings."}, @{Group = "Settings"; Command="Get-EdenSecureSetting -Value"; Alias="e-stss"; Type = "System"; Message = "Getting the secure setting value."}, @{Command="-----RUNNING e-r -----"; Alias="e-r"; Type = "Group";}, @{Group = "Running"; Command="Install-EdenServiceRunTools"; Alias="e-rti"; Type = "Standard"; Message = "Installing the run time tools."}, @{Group = "Running"; Command="Start-EdenLocalServiceApplication"; Alias="e-rsa"; Type = "Standard"; Message = "Starting the local service application."}, @{Group = "Running"; Command="Start-EdenLocalServiceApplicationContinuous";Alias="e-rsac"; Type = "Standard"; Message = "Starting the local service application continuously."}, @{Group = "Running"; Command="Start-EdenLocalServiceTunnel"; Alias="e-rst"; Type = "Standard"; Message = "Creating the public tunnel to the local application."}, @{Group = "Running"; Command="Get-EdenLocalServicePublicUrl"; Alias="e-rgu"; Type = "Standard"; Message = "Getting the public url of the local service."}, @{Group = "Running"; Command="Get-EdenLocalServiceStatus"; Alias="e-rgs"; Type = "Standard"; Message = "Getting the boolean status of the local service."}, @{Group = "Running"; Command="Deploy-EdenLocalServiceSubscriptions"; Alias="e-rds"; Type = "Standard"; Message = "Deploying the subscriptions for the local application."}, @{Group = "Running"; Command="Start-EdenLocalService"; Alias="e-rs"; Type = "Command"; Commands = @("Start-EdenLocalServiceApplication", "Start-EdenLocalServiceTunnel", "Get-EdenLocalServicePublicUrl", "Get-EdenLocalServiceStatus", "Deploy-EdenLocalServiceSubscriptions"); Message = "Starting the local service."}, @{Group = "Running"; Command="Start-EdenLocalService -Continuous"; Alias="e-rs -c"; Type = "Command"; Commands = @("Start-EdenLocalServiceApplicationContinuous", "Start-EdenLocalServiceTunnel", "Get-EdenLocalServicePublicUrl", "Get-EdenLocalServiceStatus", "Deploy-EdenLocalServiceSubscriptions"); Message = "Starting the local service continuously."}, @{Group = "Running"; Command="Show-EdenLocalService"; Alias="e-rshow"; Type = "Standard"; Message = "Showing the local service."}, @{Command="-----TESTING FEATURES e-tf -----"; Alias="e-tf"; Type = "Group";}, @{Group = "Testing Features"; Command="Install-EdenServiceFeaturesTestTools"; Alias="e-tfti"; Type = "Standard"; Message = "Installing feature testing tools."}, @{Group = "Testing Features"; Command="Test-EdenServiceFeatures"; Alias="e-tft"; Type = "Standard"; Message = "Testing features."}, @{Group = "Testing Features"; Command="Test-EdenServiceFeaturesContinuous"; Alias="e-tftc"; Type = "Standard"; Message = "Testing features continuously."}, @{Group = "Testing Features"; Command="Show-EdenServiceFeaturesTestResults"; Alias="e-tftr"; Type = "Standard"; Message = "Showing feature test results."}, @{Group = "Testing Features"; Command="Publish-EdenServiceFeaturesTestResults"; Alias="e-tfptr"; Type = "Standard"; Message = "Publishing feature test results."}, @{Group = "Testing Features"; Command="Show-EdenServiceFeaturesTestResultsPublished"; Alias="e-tftrp"; Type = "Standard"; Message = "Showing published feature test results."}, @{Command="-----SOURCE CONROL e-sc -----"; Alias="e-sc"; Type = "Group";}, @{Group = "Source Control"; Command="Install-EdenSourceControlTools"; Alias="e-scti"; Type = "Standard"; Message = "Installing source control tools."}, @{Group = "Source Control"; Command="New-EdenRepo"; Alias="e-scrn"; Type = "Standard"; Message = "Creating a new repository."}, @{Group = "Source Control"; Command="Show-EdenChanges"; Alias="e-scch"; Type = "Standard"; Message = "Showing the source code changes."}, @{Group = "Source Control"; Command="New-EdenCommit"; Alias="e-sccn"; Type = "Standard"; Message = "Committing the source code changes."}, @{Group = "Source Control"; Command="Sync-EdenCommits"; Alias="e-sccs"; Type = "Standard"; Message = "Syncing the source code commits."}, @{Command="-----TESTING PERFORMANCE e-tp -----"; Alias="e-tp"}, @{Group = "Testing Performance"; Command="Install-EdenServicePerformanceTestTools"; Alias="e-tpti"; Type = "Standard"; Message = "Installing performance testing tools."}, @{Group = "Testing Performance"; Command="Test-EdenServicePerformance"; Alias="e-tpt"; Type = "Standard"; Message = "Testing performance."}, @{Group = "Testing Performance"; Command="Show-EdenServicePerformanceTestResults"; Alias="e-tptr"; Type = "Standard"; Message = "Showing performance test results."}, @{Group = "Testing Performance"; Command="Publish-EdenServicePerformanceTestResults"; Alias="e-tpptr"; Type = "Standard"; Message = "Publishing the performance test results."}, @{Group = "Testing Performance"; Command="Show-EdenServicePerformanceTestResultsPublished"; Alias="e-tptrp"; Type = "Standard"; Message = "Showing published performance test results."}, @{Command="-----TESTING SECURITY e-ts -----"; Alias="e-ts"; Type = "Group";}, @{Group = "Testing Security"; Command="Install-EdenServiceTestSecurityTools"; Alias="e-tsti"; Type = "Standard"; Message = "Installing security testing tools."}, @{Group = "Testing Security"; Command="Test-EdenServiceSecurity"; Alias="e-tst"; Type = "Standard"; Message = "Testing security."}, @{Group = "Testing Security"; Command="Show-EdenServiceSecurityTestResults"; Alias="e-tstr"; Type = "Standard"; Message = "Showing security test results."}, @{Group = "Testing Security"; Command="Publish-EdenServiceSecurityTestResults"; Alias="e-tsptr"; Type = "Standard"; Message = "Publishing security test results."}, @{Group = "Testing Security"; Command="Show-EdenServiceSecurityTestResultsPublished"; Alias="e-tstrp"; Type = "Standard"; Message = "Showing published security test results."}, @{Command="-----DEPLOYING e-d -----"; Alias="e-dp"; Type = "Group";}, @{Group = "Deploying"; Command="Install-EdenServiceDeploymentTools"; Alias="e-dpti"; Type = "Standard"; Message = "Installing deployment tools."}, @{Group = "Deploying"; Command="Deploy-EdenServiceInfrastructure"; Alias="e-dpi"; Type = "Standard"; Message = "Deploying infrastructure."}, @{Group = "Deploying"; Command="Deploy-EdenServiceApplicationStaging"; Alias="e-dpas"; Type = "Standard"; Message = "Deploying staging application(s)."}, @{Group = "Deploying"; Command="Test-EdenServiceFeaturesStaging"; Alias="e-dptf"; Type = "Standard"; Message = "Testing features in staging."}, @{Group = "Deploying"; Command="Test-EdenServiceSecurityStaging"; Alias="e-dpts"; Type = "Standard"; Message = "Testing security in staging."}, @{Group = "Deploying"; Command="Test-EdenServicePerformanceStaging"; Alias="e-dptp"; Type = "Standard"; Message = "Testing performance in staging."}, @{Group = "Deploying"; Command="Invoke-EdenServiceStagingSwap"; Alias="e-dpss"; Type = "Standard"; Message = "Swaping staging with production."}, @{Group = "Deploying"; Command="Deploy-EdenServiceApplication"; Alias="e-dpa"; Type = "Command"; Commands = @("Deploy-EdenServiceApplicationStaging", "Test-EdenServiceFeaturesStaging", "Test-EdenServiceSecurityStaging", "Test-EdenServicePerformanceStaging", "Invoke-ServiceStagingSwap"); Message = "Deploying application(s)."}, @{Group = "Deploying"; Command="Deploy-EdenServiceSubscriptions"; Alias="e-dps"; Type = "Standard"; Message = "Deploying subscriptions."}, @{Group = "Deploying"; Command="Deploy-EdenService"; Alias="e-dpd"; Type = "Command"; Commands = @("Deploy-EdenServiceInfrastructure", "Deploy-EdenServiceApplication", "Deploy-EdenServiceSubscriptions"); Message = "Deploying service."}, @{Group = "Deploying"; Command="Show-EdenServiceDeploymentsList"; Alias="e-dpl"; Type = "Standard"; Message = "Showing deployments."}, @{Command="-----PIPELINE e-pl -----"; Alias="e-pl"; Type = "Group";}, @{Group = "Pipeline"; Command="Install-EdenServicePipelineTools"; Alias="e-plti"; Type = "Standard"; Message = "Installing pipeline tools."}, @{Group = "Pipeline"; Command="New-EdenServicePipeline"; Alias="e-pln"; Type = "Standard"; Message = "Creating pipeline."}, @{Group = "Pipeline"; Command="Invoke-EdenServicePipeline"; Alias="e-pli"; Type = "Command"; Commands = @("Build-EdenService", "Test-EdenServiceCode", "Publish-EdenService", "Deploy-EdenService"); Message = "Invoking pipeline."}, @{Group = "Pipeline"; Command="Show-EdenServicePipelineReport"; Alias="e-plr"; Type = "Standard"; Message = "Showing pipeline report."}, @{Group = "Pipeline"; Command="Show-EdenServicePipelineHistory"; Alias="e-plh"; Type = "Standard"; Message = "Showing pipeline history."}, @{Command="-----OPERATIONS e-o -----"; Alias="e-o"; Type = "Group";}, @{Group = "Operations"; Command="Install-EdenServiceOperationsTools"; Alias="e-oti"; Type = "Standard"; Message = "Installing operations tools."}, @{Group = "Operations"; Command="Show-EdenServiceInfrastructure"; Alias="e-oi"; Type = "Standard"; Message = "Showing service infrastructure."}, @{Group = "Operations"; Command="Show-EdenServiceMonitor"; Alias="e-om"; Type = "Standard"; Message = "Installing service monitoring."}, @{Group = "Operations"; Command="Get-EdenServiceHealth"; Alias="e-oh"; Type = "Standard"; Message = "Getting service health."}, @{Group = "Operations"; Command="Get-EdenServiceStatus"; Alias="e-os"; Type = "Standard"; Message = "Getting service status."}, @{Group = "Operations"; Command="Get-EdenServiceUrl"; Alias="e-ou"; Type = "Standard"; Message = "Getting service url."}, @{Command="-----WORK e-w -----"; Alias="e-w"; Type = "Group";}, @{Group = "Work"; Command="Install-EdenServiceWorkTools"; Alias="e-wti"; Type = "Standard"; Message = "Installing work tools."}, @{Group = "Work"; Command="Show-EdenServiceFeatureRoadMap"; Alias="e-wfrm"; Type = "Standard"; Message = "Showing product roadmap."}, @{Group = "Work"; Command="Show-EdenServiceFeatureList"; Alias="e-wfl"; Type = "Standard"; Message = "Showing product features."}, @{Group = "Work"; Command="Show-EdenServiceWorkItemAssignments"; Alias="e-wia"; Type = "Standard"; Message = "Showing working item assignments."}, @{Group = "Work"; Command="Show-EdenServiceWorkItemList"; Alias="e-wil"; Type = "Standard"; Message = "Showing work item list."}, @{Group = "Work"; Command="Show-EdenServiceWorkItemBoard"; Alias="e-wib"; Type = "Standard"; Message = "Installing coding tools."}, @{Command="-----SUPPORT e-su -----"; Alias="e-su"; Type = "Group";}, @{Group = "Support"; Command="Install-EdenServiceSupportTools"; Alias="e-suti"; Type = "Standard"; Message = "Installing support tools."}, @{Group = "Support"; Command="Show-EdenServiceSupportList"; Alias="e-sul"; Type = "Standard"; Message = "Showing support list."}, @{Group = "Support"; Command="Show-EdenServiceSupportSubmissionForm"; Alias="e-susf"; Type = "Standard"; Message = "Showing support submission form."}, @{Command="-----DOCUMENTATION e-doc -----"; Alias="e-doc"; Type = "Group";}, @{Group = "Documentation"; Command="Install-EdenServiceDocTools"; Alias="e-docti"; Type = "Standard"; Message = "Installing documentation tools."}, @{Group = "Documentation"; Command="Show-EdenServiceDocs"; Alias="e-docs"; Type = "Standard"; Message = "Showing service docs."}, @{Group = "Documentation"; Command="Show-EdenServiceDocsFunctional"; Alias="e-docsf"; Type = "Standard"; Message = "Showing service functional docs."}, @{Group = "Documentation"; Command="Show-EdenServiceDocsReference"; Alias="e-docsr"; Type = "Standard"; Message = "Showing service reference docs."}, @{Group = "Documentation"; Command="Show-EdenServiceDocsArchitecture"; Alias="e-docsa"; Type = "Standard"; Message = "Showing service architecture docs."}, @{Group = "Documentation"; Command="Show-EdenServiceDocsInfrastructure"; Alias="e-docsi"; Type = "Standard"; Message = "Showing service infrastructure docs."}, @{Group = "Documentation"; Command="Show-EdenServiceDocsOperations"; Alias="e-docso"; Type = "Standard"; Message = "Showing service operations docs."}, @{Group = "Documentation"; Command="Show-EdenServiceDocsTeam"; Alias="e-docst"; Type = "Standard"; Message = "Showing service team docs."}, @{Group = "Documentation"; Command="Show-EdenServiceDocsChat"; Alias="e-docsc"; Type = "Standard"; Message = "Showing service chat docs."}, @{Group = "Documentation"; Command="Show-EdenServiceDocsBots"; Alias="e-docsb"; Type = "Standard"; Message = "Showing service bot docs."}, @{Command="-----UTILITIES e-u -----"; Alias="e-u"; Type = "Group";}, @{Group = "Utilities"; Command="Watch-EdenFolder"; Alias="e-uwf"; Type = "System";}, @{Group = "Utilities"; Command="Write-EdenInfo"; Alias="e-uwi"; Type = "System";}, @{Group = "Utilities"; Command="Write-EdenError"; Alias="e-uwe"; Type = "System";} ) # Loop through the commands. foreach ($command in $commandsAndFiles) { $supported = "Yes" # logic assumes the command has the files until it can't find one. $missing = @() # keeps an array of the missing files. $displayFileList = @() # keeps an array of the files to display to the user. if ($command.Type -eq "Group") { $command.Supported = "Group" } elseif (Get-Command $command.Command.Split()[0] -errorAction SilentlyContinue) { #if the command actuallys exists and is imported if ($command.Type -eq "Standard" -or $command.Type -eq "Coding" -or $command.Type -eq "Command") { # If the command is designed to call a local script. $file = "./Eden/$($command.Group -replace ' ', '/')/$($command.Command -replace 'Eden', '').ps1" $fileFound = (Test-Path $file) # Check whether the file has been created in the local Eden folder. if ($fileFound) { $command.Testable = (Get-Command $file).ScriptBlock.Attributes.Where{$_.TypeId.Name -eq 'IsTestableAttribute' }.Count -gt 0 if ($command.Testable) { $command.TestSettings = (Get-Command $file).ScriptBlock.Attributes.Where{$_.TypeId.Name -eq 'IsTestableAttribute' }[0].SettingsNameValue $command.TestContinuous = (Get-Command $file).ScriptBlock.Attributes.Where{$_.TypeId.Name -eq 'IsTestableAttribute' }[0].IsContinuousValue } } $seedFile = "./Eden/$($command.Group -replace ' ', '/')/$($command.Command -replace 'Eden', '').seed.ps1" $seedFileFound = (Test-Path $seedFile) # Check whether the file has been created in the local Eden folder. $supported = if(!$fileFound) {"No"} else {$supported} # Set supported to false it file not found. $supported = if($supported -eq "No" -and $seedFileFound) {"Seeded"} else {$supported} } if ($command.Type -eq "Command" -and $supported -ne "Yes") { # the the command can use other commands (default logic flow) then reset the supported command to true and the check if each default flow command is supported. $supported = "Yes" foreach ($commandDependency in $command.Commands) { $commandSupported = ($commandsAndFiles | Where-Object {$_.Command -eq $commandDependency -and $_.Supported -eq $True }).Count -gt 0 # If there is not a matching command in the collection that is supported then set supported to false. $supported = if(!$commandSupported) { "No" } else {$supported} } } # Update the command object with whether it is supported. $command.Supported = $supported } else { # The command has not been implemented in the Eden module. $command.Supported = "Future" } } return $commandsAndFiles } New-Alias ` -Name e-escl ` -Value Get-EdenServiceCommandList ` -Force |