
function Start-EdenLocalServiceTunnel {
        Creating the public tunnel to the local application.

        Creating the public tunnel to the local application. by calling the local './Eden/Running/Start-LocalServiceTunnel.ps1' script.

        # The name of the local or global settins file to pass to the Eden script.
        [String] $SettingsName,
        # The additional arguments to pass to the Eden script.
        [HashTable] $AdditionalArguments

    Invoke-EdenCommandStandardFlow `
        -LocalCommandPath "Running/Start-LocalServiceTunnel" `
        -SettingsName $SettingsName `
        -CommandGroup "Running" `
        -Message "Creating the public tunnel to the local application." `
        -AdditionalArguments $AdditionalArguments
New-Alias `
    -Name e-rst `
    -Value Start-EdenLocalServiceTunnel `