
function New-EdenServiceComponent {
        [String] $Name,
        [String] $ServiceName,
        [String] $SolutionName,
        [String] $Type,
        [String] $Template,
        [Switch] $Force,
        # The name of the local or global settins file to pass to the Eden script.

    $location = Get-Location

    try {

        $settings = Get-EdenSettings -Name $SettingsName

        $loggingPrefix = "$($settings.SolutionName) $($settings.ServiceName) Eden Coding"

        if (!$ServiceName) {
            $ServiceName = Split-Path $location -Leaf

        if (!$SolutionName) {
            $SolutionName = Split-Path (Split-Path $location -Parent) -Leaf

        if($Template) {
            Write-EdenInfo "Creating a new Eden service component '$SolutionName.$ServiceName.$Name' from template '$Template'." $loggingPrefix

            [string] $tempDirectory = "./Eden/.temp"
            if (Test-Path "./Eden/.temp") {
                Remove-Item "./Eden/.temp" -Recurse -Force
            } else {
                New-Item -Path "./Eden/.temp" -ItemType Directory -Force
            [string] $sourceDirectory  = "./Eden/Templates/$Template/*"
            if (!(Test-Path $sourceDirectory)) {
                Write-EdenError "The template does not exist." $loggingPrefix
            Copy-Item $sourceDirectory -Destination $tempDirectory -Force -Recurse -Verbose
            Set-StringReplacement $tempDirectory "MyEdenSolution" $SolutionName
            Set-StringReplacement $tempDirectory "MyEdenService" $ServiceName
            Set-StringReplacement $tempDirectory "MyEdenComponent" $Name
            Write-Verbose Get-Location
            Copy-Item "$tempDirectory/*" -Destination $location -Recurse -Verbose

            Write-EdenInfo "Finished creating a new Eden service component." $loggingPrefix

        else {
            Write-EdenInfo "Creating a new Eden service component '$SolutionName.$ServiceName.$Name' from type '$Type'." $loggingPrefix
            $additionalParams = @{
                Name = $Name
                ServiceName = $ServiceName
                SolutionNAme = $SolutionName
                Type = $Type
            Invoke-EdenLocalCommand "Coding/New-ServiceComponent" $null $loggingPrefix $additionalParams
            Write-EdenInfo "Finished creating a new Eden service component." $loggingPrefix


    catch {
        Write-EdenError "Error creating a new Eden service component. Message: '$($_.Exception.Message)'" $loggingPrefix
    finally {
        Set-Location $location
New-Alias `
    -Name e-cc `
    -Value New-EdenServiceComponent `