
function New-EdenSolution {
        Creates a new Eden solution folder using the Github repo
        specified in the Template parameter.
        Creates a new Eden solution folder using the Github repo
        specified in the Template parameter.


        # The name of the solution. This will set the name of the folder.
        # It will also be used to replace all instances of MyEdenSolution in the template.
        [String] $Name,
        # The url to the GitHub repository that contains the template files.
        # Eden will download the repo, remove the .git folder,
        # then find and replace all instances of MyEdenSolution with the Name
        # value provided across folders names, files names and file content.
        [String] $Template

    $location = Get-Location

    try {
        $loggingPrefix = "Eden Coding"

        if (!$Template) {
            $Template = "NewBlankSolution"

        if ($Template.EndsWith(".git")) {
            Copy-GitRepo $Template $Name $loggingPrefix
            Set-StringReplacement "./$Name/*" "MyEdenSolution" $Name
        } else {
            Write-EdenInfo "Creating a new Eden solution: '$Name'." $loggingPrefix

            New-Item "./" -ItemType Directory -Name $Name
            [string]$sourceDirectory  = "$PSScriptRoot/../../Templates/$Template/*"
            [string]$destinationDirectory = "./$Name"
            Copy-Item $sourceDirectory -Destination $destinationDirectory -Force -Recurse -Verbose

            Write-EdenInfo "Finished creating a new Eden solution." $loggingPrefix
    catch {
        Write-EdenError "Error creating a new Eden solution. Message: '$($_.Exception.Message)'" $loggingPrefix
        throw $_
    finally {
        Set-Location $location
New-Alias `
    -Name e-csol `
    -Value New-EdenSolution `