
function New-PostBody {
        Function to create a "Easit GO" formatted body for web requests.
        This functions takes a "settings object" as input and uses the settings there to create a json body that can be used with Invoke-RestMethod.
        New-PostBody -InstallerSettings $installerSettings
            "importHandlerIdentifier": "",
            "itemToImport": [
                    "property": [
                            "name": "Property1",
                            "content": null
                            "name": "Property2",
                            "content": null
                    "id": "b04cf69223604fa58a03500a3d78002f",
                    "uid": "b04cf69223604fa58a03500a3d78002f"
        $body = New-PostBody -InstallerSettings $installerSettings
        $restParams = @{
            Method = 'POST'
            Uri = 'https://urltoEasitGO.com/integration-api/items'
            Body = $body
            TimeoutSec = 30
            ContentType = "application/json"
            Headers = $headers
        Invoke-RestMethod @restParams
    .PARAMETER InstallerSettings
        Settings object holding a FeedbackSettings.postBody property with an array of properties and a importHandlerIdentifier.
        JSON formatted string.

    param (
    begin {
        Write-Verbose "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand) begin"
        if ($PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name -ne 'New-EPRInstallation') {
            Write-Warning "This function should only be used (by 'New-EPRInstallation') when installing a new instance of ProcessRunner. Please use 'Easit.GO.Webservice' for posting data to Easit GO."
    process {
        $items = @()
        $propertiesArray = @()
        foreach ($prop in $InstallerSettings.FeedbackSettings.postBody.properties) {
            $propObject = [PSCustomObject]@{
                name = "$prop"
                content = $InstallerSettings."$prop"
            $propertiesArray += $propObject
        $guid = (New-Guid) -replace '-',''
        $itemObject = [PSCustomObject]@{
            property = $propertiesArray
            id = $guid
            uid = $guid
        $items += $itemObject
        $bodyObject = [PSCustomObject]@{
            importHandlerIdentifier = $InstallerSettings.FeedbackSettings.postBody.importHandlerIdentifier
            itemToImport = $items
        try {
            $bodyObject | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 4
        } catch {
            throw $_
    end {
        Write-Verbose "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand) end"

function Write-EPRInstallLog {
        Easit custom Powershell logger.
        Easit custom Powershell logger works similar to log4j that is used with Java applications.

        Two different logging techniques are used depending on the input:
        "$FormattedDate - $Level - $Message" | Out-File
        $InputObject | Out-File
        $loggingParameters = @{
            LogDirectory = "$installPackagePath"
            LogLevel = 'INFO'
        Write-EPRInstallLog -Message "-- Installation start --" @loggingParameters
    .PARAMETER Message
        Used for string input and will be written to log file as: DATE TIME - LEVEL - MESSAGE
    .PARAMETER InputObject
        Used for object input and will be written to log file as: 'DATE TIME - LEVEL - $InputObject.Exception' OR 'DATE TIME - LEVEL - $InputObject.ToString()' followed by 'DATE TIME - LEVEL - $InputObject'
    .PARAMETER Level
        What level the message should be written as. Default level is INFO.
        Each level uses the corresponding Write-XX cmdlet to output data to the correct stream.
        Ex. INFO = Write-Information, VERBOSE = Write-Verbose, WARN = Write-Warning.
    .PARAMETER LogName
        Name of log written to.
    .PARAMETER LogDirectory
        Directory to write log file in.
        None. This cmdlet returns no output.

    Param (
        [string]$Level = 'INFO',
        [string]$LogName = 'EPRInstall',
    begin {
        Write-Verbose "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand) begin"
        if ($PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name -ne 'New-EPRInstallation') {
            Write-Warning "This function should only be used (by 'New-EPRInstallation') when installing a new instance of ProcessRunner. Please use 'Easit.GO.Webservice' for posting data to Easit GO."
    process {
        $FormattedDate = Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff"
        $today = Get-Date -Format "yyyyMMdd"
        $LogName = "${LogName}_${today}.log"
        $LogPath = Join-Path -Path "$LogDirectory" -ChildPath "$LogName"
        if ($InputObject -and $Level -eq 'ERROR') {
            $Message = $InputObject.Exception
        if ($InputObject -and $Level -ne 'ERROR') {
            $Message = $InputObject.ToString()
        "$FormattedDate - $Level - $Message" | Out-File -FilePath "$LogPath" -Encoding UTF8 -Append -NoClobber
        if ($InputObject) {
            $InputObject | Out-File -FilePath "$LogPath" -Encoding UTF8 -Append -NoClobber
        $Message = "$FormattedDate - $Message"
        # Write message to error, warning, or verbose pipeline
        if ($Level -eq 'ERROR') {
            Write-Error "$Message" -ErrorAction Continue
        } elseif ($Level -eq 'WARN') {
            Write-Warning "$Message" -WarningAction Continue
        } elseif ($Level -eq 'INFO') {
            Write-Information "$Message" -InformationAction Continue
        } else {
            ## Nothin to do
    end {
        Write-Verbose "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand) end"
function Convert-OUString {
        Converts a DN string to a PSCustomObject or hashtable.
        The *Convert-OUString* function takes a string and splits it according to the specification of an LDAP DN as contained in RFC 4514.
        Each RDN (name-value pair) is added to the returning object with nameNumber as name and value as the value.

        The DN 'uid=johnDoe,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com' will result in a PSCustomObject or hashtable with following properties and values.

        - dc1 : com
        - dc2 : example
        - ou1 : People
        - uid1 : johnDoe
        - OUPath : ou=People,dc=example,dc=com

        The *Convert-OUString* function also adds a property named 'OUPath' with the full DN up to the last (when reading from right to left) RDN.
        String to convert
    .PARAMETER AsPSCustomObject
        Tells the function to return a PSCustomObject instead of a hashtable
        Convert-OUString -OUString "uid=john.doe,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com"
        Name Value
        ---- -----
        OUPath ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
        dc1 com
        dc2 example
        ou1 People
        uid1 john.doe

        In this example we are converting a DN to a hashtable.
        Convert-OUString -OUString "uid=john.doe,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com" -AsPSCustomObject
        OUPath : ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
        dc1 : com
        dc2 : example
        ou1 : People
        uid1 : john.doe

        In this example we are converting a DN to a PSCustomObject.
        None. You cannot pipe objects to Convert-OUString.


    param (
    begin {
        Write-Verbose "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand) begin"
    process {
        $returnHashtable = [ordered]@{}
        $fullOU = $OUString -replace '^.+?(?<!\\),',''
        if ($OUString -match '\\,') {
            $OUString = $OUString -replace '\\,',''
            $escapeCharacterInCN = $true
        do {
            #$Matches = $null
            $null = $OUString -match ',?([A-Za-z]{2,3})=([a-zA-Z0-9-_\.\s]*)$'
            try {
                $levelName = $Matches[1]
                $levelValue = $Matches[2]
            } catch{
                throw $_
            if ($levelName -eq 'CN' -or $levelName -eq 'uid') {
                if ($escapeCharacterInCN) {
                    $newLevelValue = $levelValue -replace ' ','\, '
                } else {
                    $newLevelValue = $levelValue
            $level = 1
            $levelKeyName = "${levelName}${level}"
            if ($returnHashTable."$levelKeyName") {
                do {
                    $levelKeyName = "${levelName}${level}"
                } while ($returnHashTable."$levelKeyName")
            if ($levelName -eq 'CN') {
            } else {
            $OUString = $OUString -replace "${levelName}=${levelValue}",""
            $OUString = $OUString.TrimEnd(",")
        } while (!([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($OUString)))
        if ($AsPSCustomObject) {
        } else {
    end {
        Write-Verbose "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand) end"
function Get-SettingsFromFile {
        Get settings for script
        The *Get-SettingsFromFile* function looks for a file named *globalSettings.json*, a file named *scriptName.json* and for a object in *globalSettings.json* with same name as the scriptfile invoking the function and returns a PSCustomObject with the combined settings.

        If the same setting is found in multiple places the following priority is used:

        1. Scriptnamed object in *globalSettings.json*.
        2. *scriptName.json*.
        3. Global object in *globalSettings.json*.

        Before returning the PSCustomObject all settings values are matched against the string '__globalValue__'. If there is a match the value for the global settings with the same name will be used.

        In this example we are using the function in a scriptfile named testService.ps1. All settings from 'testService.json' (if exist) and the testService object in 'globalSettings' will be added to the returning PSCustomObject.
    .PARAMETER Filename
        Name of file containing script specific settings.
        Path to directory where settings files are located.
        None. You cannot pipe objects to Get-SettingsFromFile.

    param (
    begin {
        Write-Verbose "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand) begin"
    process {
        if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Filename)) {
            $callStack = Get-PSCallStack
            $Filename = $callStack[1].Command.TrimEnd('\.ps1')
        if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Path)) {
            $Path = $epr_scriptSettingsDirectory
        if (!(Test-Path -Path $Path)) {
            throw "Unable to find $Path"
        try {
            $globalSettingsFile = Get-ChildItem -Path $Path -Recurse -Include "globalSettings.json"
        } catch {
            throw $_
        if ($globalSettingsFile.Count -eq 1) {
            try {
                $globalSettings = Get-Content -Path "$($globalSettingsFile.FullName)" -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json
                $globalSettingsObject = $globalSettings.global
            } catch {
                Write-CustomLog -InputObject $_ -Level WARN
            if ($globalSettings."$FileName") {
                try {
                    $globalScriptSettingsObject = $globalSettings."$FileName"
                } catch {
                    Write-CustomLog -InputObject $_ -Level WARN
        if ($globalSettingsFile.Count -gt 1) {
            Write-CustomLog -Message "Multiple global settings file found, skipping.." -Level WARN
        if (!($globalSettingsFile)) {
            Write-CustomLog -Message "No global settings file found, skipping.." -Level WARN
        try {
            $settingsFile = Get-ChildItem -Path $Path -Recurse -Include "${Filename}.json"
        } catch {
            throw $_
        if (!($settingsFile)) {
            Write-CustomLog -Message "No script specific settings file found" -Level WARN
        if ($settingsFile.Count -eq 1) {
            try {
                $scriptSettingsObject = Get-Content -Path "$($settingsFile.FullName)" -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json
            } catch {
                throw $_
        if ($settingsFile.Count -gt 1) {
            throw "Multiple setting files found"
        if ($globalSettingsObject -or $globalScriptSettingsObject -or $scriptSettingsObject) {
            Write-CustomLog -Message "Settings have been found"
        } else {
            throw "Unable to find any settings for script"
        $returnObject = New-Object PSCustomObject
        if ($globalScriptSettingsObject) {
            foreach ($setting in $globalScriptSettingsObject.PSObject.Properties) {
                $settingName = $setting.Name
                $settingValue = $setting.Value
                if ($returnObject."$settingName") {
                    $returnObject."$settingName" = $settingValue
                } else {
                    try {
                        $returnObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "$settingName" -Value $settingValue
                    } catch {
                        Write-CustomLog -Message "Failed to add property $settingName" -Level WARN
        if ($scriptSettingsObject) {
            foreach ($setting in $scriptSettingsObject.PSObject.Properties) {
                $settingName = $setting.Name
                $settingValue = $setting.Value
                if ($returnObject."$settingName") {
                    $returnObject."$settingName" = $settingValue
                } else {
                    try {
                        $returnObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "$settingName" -Value $settingValue
                    } catch {
                        Write-CustomLog -Message "Failed to add property $settingName" -Level WARN
        foreach ($setting in $returnObject.PSObject.Properties) {
            $settingName = $setting.Name
            $settingValue = $setting.Value
            if ("$settingValue" -eq '__globalValue__') {
                $returnObject."$settingName" = $globalSettingsObject."$settingName"
    end {
        Write-Verbose "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand) end"
function New-EPRInstallation {
        Function for installing Easit Process Runner.
        Function for installing a new instance of Easit Process Runner.
        This function will first look for settings in *.\lib\installerSettings.json* relative to path provided as *FromDirectory*.
        The settings in this file will be replaced in memory with any input provided with *InstallLocation*, *SystemName*, *Port* and *TomcatXmx*.
        Settings provided via a parameter will be used over settings in *installerSettings.json*
        PS> New-EPRInstallation -InstanceID ABC123 -FromDirectory '.\EPRInstaller-1.0.0'
        PS> New-EPRInstallation -InstanceID ABC123 -FromDirectory '.\EPRInstaller-1.0.0' -InstallLocation 'E:\'
        PS> New-EPRInstallation -InstanceID ABC123 -FromDirectory '.\EPRInstaller-1.0.0' -InstallLocation 'F:\' -Port 9005
    .PARAMETER InstanceID
        ID from Easit AB representing the customers instance.
    .PARAMETER FromDirectory
        Path to the directory of expanded install archive containing the directories 'archives' and 'lib'.
    .PARAMETER InstallLocation
        Path to where EPR should be installed.
    .PARAMETER SystemName
        The input for SystemName will be combined with 'EPR-'. This will then be used to name the Tomcat service and *SystemRoot*.
        Specifies the port EPR will listen on for incomming requests.
    .PARAMETER TomcatXmx
        Specifies how mush memory the Tomcat service will able to use.
    .PARAMETER IgnoreDirectoryStructure
        Specifies if the installer should add 'Easit' or not to the *InstallLocation*.
        With *IgnoreDirectoryStructure* omitted: D:\Easit\EPR-[SystemName]
        With *IgnoreDirectoryStructure* provided: D:\EPR-[SystemName]
    .PARAMETER DoNotSendInstallationDetailsToEasit
        Specifies if the installer should NOT try to send server and installations details to Easit upon completed installation.
        Along with some feedback information this function produce a txt file with post install instructions.

    param (
    begin {
        $InformationPreference = 'Continue'
        $script:ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'
        $startingDirectory = Get-Location
    process {
        if (!($DoNotSendInstallationDetailsToEasit) -and !($UseSettingsFromFile)) {
            Write-Host "" -ForegroundColor DarkGreen
            Write-Host " ----------------------------------------------- Disclaimer -------------------------------------------------" -ForegroundColor DarkGreen
            Write-Host " Easit would like to collect and send information about this installation for statistics and analyzes" -ForegroundColor DarkGreen
            Write-Host " such as SystemRootDirectory, TomcatRootDirectory, TomcatVersion, JavaVersion, ServiceName. If you DO NOT want" -ForegroundColor DarkGreen
            Write-Host " to send this information to Easit, please enter 'n' or 'false' below and press enter. Otherwise, just press enter." -ForegroundColor DarkGreen
            Write-Host "" -ForegroundColor DarkGreen
            $promptInput = Read-Host -Prompt "SendDetailsToEasit"
            if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($promptInput) -or $null -eq $promptInput) {
                $SendInstallationDetailsToEasit = $true
            } else {
                $SendInstallationDetailsToEasit = $false
        try {
            $installPackagePath = Resolve-Path $FromDirectory -ErrorAction Stop
        } catch {
            throw $_
        if (Test-Path -Path $installPackagePath) {
            $script:loggingParameters = @{
                LogDirectory = "$installPackagePath"
                LogLevel = 'INFO'
            Set-Location $installPackagePath
            Write-EPRInstallLog -Message "-- Installation start --" @loggingParameters
            Write-EPRInstallLog -Message "Using install package $installPackagePath" @loggingParameters
        } else {
            throw "Unable to find $installPackagePath"
        if ($PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.BoundParameters["Verbose"].IsPresent) {
            $loggingParameters.LogLevel = 'VERBOSE'
        if ($PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.BoundParameters["Debug"].IsPresent) {
            $loggingParameters.LogLevel = 'DEBUG'
        try {
            $script:installerArchivesDirectory = (Get-ChildItem -Path $installPackagePath -Recurse -Include 'archives' -Directory -ErrorAction Stop).FullName
            $script:installerLibDirectory = (Get-ChildItem -Path $installPackagePath -Recurse -Include 'lib' -Directory -ErrorAction Stop).FullName
        } catch {
            Write-EPRInstallLog -InputObject $_ -Level 'ERROR' @loggingParameters
        try {
            $jsonSettings = Get-Content -Path (Join-Path $installerLibDirectory -ChildPath 'installerSettings.json') -Raw -ErrorAction Stop
            $jsonSchema = Get-Content -Path (Join-Path -Path $installerLibDirectory -ChildPath 'installerSettings.schema.json') -Raw -ErrorAction Stop
        } catch {
            Write-EPRInstallLog -InputObject $_ -Level 'ERROR' @loggingParameters
        try {
            $null = Test-Json -Json $jsonSettings -Schema $jsonSchema -ErrorAction Stop
        } catch {
            Write-EPRInstallLog -InputObject $_ -Level 'ERROR' @loggingParameters
        try {
            $installerSettings = $jsonSettings | ConvertFrom-Json -ErrorAction Stop
            $installerSettings | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'InstanceID' -Value "$InstanceID"
        } catch {
            Write-EPRInstallLog -InputObject $_ -Level 'ERROR' @loggingParameters
        foreach ($parameter in $installerSettings.Parameters.psobject.properties) {
            if (Get-Variable -Name $parameter.Name -ValueOnly) {
                $installerSettings.Parameters."$($parameter.Name)" = (Get-Variable -Name $parameter.Name -ValueOnly)
                Write-EPRInstallLog -Message "Parameter $($parameter.Name) returns $($parameter.Value)" -Level DEBUG @loggingParameters
            } else {
                Write-EPRInstallLog -Message "Parameter $($parameter.Name) returns nothing, using value from settings file ($($installerSettings.Parameters."$($parameter.Name)"))" -Level DEBUG @loggingParameters
            $paramValue = $installerSettings.Parameters."$($parameter.Name)"
            if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty("$paramValue")) {
                Write-EPRInstallLog -Message "$($parameter.Name) is null, please provide a value either with parameter or settings file" -Level ERROR @loggingParameters
        Write-EPRInstallLog -Message "Installer settings to be used" -Level VERBOSE @loggingParameters
        Write-EPRInstallLog -InputObject $installerSettings.Parameters -Level VERBOSE @loggingParameters
        if (!(Test-Path -Path $installerSettings.Parameters.InstallLocation)) {
            Write-EPRInstallLog -Message "Install location ($($installerSettings.Parameters.InstallLocation)) does not exist" -Level ERROR @loggingParameters
        if ("$($installerSettings.Parameters.IgnoreDirectoryStructure)" -eq 'true') {
            try {
                $installerSettings | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'EasitRootDirectory' -Value "$($installerSettings.Parameters.InstallLocation)"
            } catch {
                Write-EPRInstallLog -InputObject $_ -Level ERROR @loggingParameters
        } else {
            try {
                $installerSettings | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'EasitRootDirectory' -Value (Join-Path -Path "$($installerSettings.Parameters.InstallLocation)" -ChildPath $installerSettings.easitRootDirectoryName)
            } catch {
                Write-EPRInstallLog -InputObject $_ -Level ERROR @loggingParameters
        try {
            $installerSettings | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'ServiceName' -Value "EPR-$($installerSettings.Parameters.SystemName)"
        } catch {
            Write-EPRInstallLog -InputObject $_ -Level ERROR @loggingParameters
        try {
            $installerSettings | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'SystemRootDirectory' -Value (Join-Path -Path "$($installerSettings.EasitRootDirectory)" -ChildPath "$($installerSettings.ServiceName)")
        } catch {
            Write-EPRInstallLog -InputObject $_ -Level ERROR @loggingParameters
        #region Sanity check vs. create EasitRootDirectory
    if (Test-Path -Path $installerSettings.EasitRootDirectory) {
        Write-EPRInstallLog -Message "$($installerSettings.EasitRootDirectory) already exist" -Level VERBOSE @loggingParameters
    } else {
        Write-EPRInstallLog -Message "Creating $($installerSettings.EasitRootDirectory)" @loggingParameters
        try {
            $installerSettings.EasitRootDirectory = (New-Item -Path $installerSettings.Parameters.InstallLocation -Name "$($installerSettings.EasitRootDirectoryName)" -ItemType Directory).FullName
        } catch {
            Write-EPRInstallLog "Failed to create directory "$($installerSettings.EasitRootDirectoryName)" in $($installerSettings.InstallLocation)" -Level WARN @loggingParameters
            Write-EPRInstallLog -InputObject $_ -Level ERROR @loggingParameters
    #region Sanity check vs. create SystemRootDirectory
    if (Test-Path -Path $installerSettings.SystemRootDirectory) {
        throw "$($installerSettings.SystemRootDirectory) already exist, please remove $($installerSettings.SystemRootDirectory), all subdirectories and run installation again"
    } else {
        Write-EPRInstallLog -Message "Adding $($installerSettings.SystemRootDirectory) to easitSubFolders" -Level VERBOSE @loggingParameters
        try {
            $installerSettings.easitSubFolders += $installerSettings.ServiceName
        } catch {
            Write-EPRInstallLog "Failed to add system name to variable installerSettings.easitSubFolders" -Level WARN @loggingParameters
            Write-EPRInstallLog -InputObject $_ -Level ERROR @loggingParameters
    #region Service sanity check
    if (Get-Service -Name "$($installerSettings.ServiceName)" -ErrorAction 'SilentlyContinue'){
        throw "A Tomcat service named Tomcat service $($installerSettings.ServiceName) is already installed."
    } else {
        Write-EPRInstallLog -Message "No service named $($installerSettings.ServiceName) was found" -Level DEBUG @loggingParameters
    #region easitSubFolder
    Write-EPRInstallLog -Message "Looping thru easitSubFolder" -Level DEBUG @loggingParameters
    foreach ($easitSubFolder in $installerSettings.easitSubFolders) {
        Write-EPRInstallLog -Message "easitSubFolder = $easitSubFolder" -Level DEBUG @loggingParameters
        $easitSubFolderPath = Join-Path -Path $installerSettings.EasitRootDirectory -ChildPath "$easitSubFolder"
        if (!(Test-Path -Path "$easitSubFolderPath")) {
            Write-EPRInstallLog -Message "Creating $easitSubFolderPath" @loggingParameters
            try {
                $null = New-Item -Path $installerSettings.EasitRootDirectory -Name "$easitSubFolder" -ItemType Directory
            } catch {
                Write-EPRInstallLog -InputObject $_ -Level ERROR @loggingParameters
        } else {
            Write-EPRInstallLog -Message "$easitSubFolderPath already exist" -Level VERBOSE @loggingParameters
    #region systemSubFolders
    Write-EPRInstallLog -Message "Looping thru systemSubFolders" -Level VERBOSE @loggingParameters
    foreach ($systemSubFolder in $installerSettings.systemSubFolders) {
        $systemSubFolderPath = Join-Path -Path $installerSettings.SystemRootDirectory -ChildPath "$systemSubFolder"
        if ($systemSubFolder -in $installerSettings.systemSubFoldersFromArchive) {
            $archive = Get-ChildItem -Path $installerArchivesDirectory -Recurse -Include "$systemSubFolder.zip"
            if ($archive) {
                Write-EPRInstallLog -Message "Expanding $($archive.FullName) to $($installerSettings.SystemRootDirectory)" @loggingParameters
                try {
                    Expand-Archive -Path "$($archive.FullName)" -DestinationPath $installerSettings.SystemRootDirectory -Force -ErrorAction Stop
                } catch {
                    Write-EPRInstallLog -Message $_.Exception -Level WARN @loggingParameters
                    throw "Unable to expand $($archive.FullName) to $($installerSettings.SystemRootDirectory)"
            } else {
                Write-EPRInstallLog -Message "Unable to find $systemSubFolder.zip in $installerArchivesDirectory" -Level WARN @loggingParameters
        } else {
            if (!(Test-Path $systemSubFolderPath)) {
                Write-EPRInstallLog -Message "Creating $systemSubFolderPath" @loggingParameters
                try {
                    $null = New-Item -Path $installerSettings.SystemRootDirectory -Name "$systemSubFolder" -ItemType Directory
                } catch {
                    Write-EPRInstallLog -InputObject $_ -Level ERROR @loggingParameters
            } else {
                Write-EPRInstallLog -Message "$systemSubFolderPath already exist" -Level WARN @loggingParameters
    #region tomcatSubFolders
    try {
        $installerSettings | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'TomcatRootDirectory' -Value (Join-Path -Path $installerSettings.SystemRootDirectory -ChildPath 'Tomcat')
    } catch {
        Write-EPRInstallLog -InputObject $_ -Level ERROR @loggingParameters
    if (!(Test-Path -Path $installerSettings.TomcatRootDirectory)) {
        Write-EPRInstallLog -Message "Unable to find Tomcat directory in $($installerSettings.SystemRootDirectory)" -Level ERROR @loggingParameters
    Write-EPRInstallLog -Message "Looping thru tomcatSubFolders" -Level VERBOSE @loggingParameters
    foreach ($tomcatSubFolder in $installerSettings.tomcatSubFolders) {
        $tomcatSubFolderPath = Join-Path -Path $installerSettings.TomcatRootDirectory -ChildPath "$tomcatSubFolder"
        if ($tomcatSubFolder -in $installerSettings.tomcatSubFoldersFromArchive) {
            $archive = Get-ChildItem -Path $installerArchivesDirectory -Recurse -Include "$tomcatSubFolder.zip"
            if ($archive) {
                Write-EPRInstallLog -Message "Expanding $($archive.FullName) to $($installerSettings.TomcatRootDirectory)" @loggingParameters
                try {
                    Expand-Archive -Path "$($archive.FullName)" -DestinationPath $installerSettings.TomcatRootDirectory -Force -ErrorAction Stop
                } catch {
                    Write-EPRInstallLog -Message $_.Exception -Level WARN @loggingParameters
                    throw "Unable to expand $($archive.FullName) to $($installerSettings.TomcatRootDirectory)"
            } else {
                Write-EPRInstallLog -Message "Unable to find $tomcatSubFolder.zip in $installerArchivesDirectory" -Level WARN @loggingParameters
        } else {
            if (!(Test-Path $tomcatSubFolderPath)) {
                Write-EPRInstallLog -Message "Creating $tomcatSubFolderPath" @loggingParameters
                try {
                    $null = New-Item -Path $installerSettings.TomcatRootDirectory -Name "$tomcatSubFolder" -ItemType Directory
                } catch {
                    Write-EPRInstallLog -InputObject $_ -Level ERROR @loggingParameters
            } else {
                Write-EPRInstallLog -Message "$tomcatSubFolderPath already exist" -Level WARN @loggingParameters
    #region setting tomcat variables
    $tomcatWebappsRoot = Join-Path -Path $installerSettings.TomcatRootDirectory -ChildPath 'webapps'
    if (Test-Path -Path $tomcatWebappsRoot) {
        Write-EPRInstallLog -Message "tomcatWebappsRoot = $tomcatWebappsRoot" -Level VERBOSE @loggingParameters
    } else {
        Write-EPRInstallLog -Message "Unable to find $tomcatWebappsRoot" -Level ERROR @loggingParameters
    $tomcatBinRoot = Join-Path -Path $installerSettings.TomcatRootDirectory -ChildPath 'bin'
    if (Test-Path -Path $tomcatBinRoot) {
        Write-EPRInstallLog -Message "tomcatBinRoot = $tomcatBinRoot" -Level VERBOSE @loggingParameters
    } else {
        Write-EPRInstallLog -Message "Unable to find $tomcatBinRoot" -Level ERROR @loggingParameters
    $tomcatConfRoot = Join-Path -Path $installerSettings.TomcatRootDirectory -ChildPath 'conf'
    if (Test-Path -Path $tomcatConfRoot) {
        Write-EPRInstallLog -Message "tomcatConfRoot = $tomcatConfRoot" -Level VERBOSE @loggingParameters
    } else {
        Write-EPRInstallLog -Message "Unable to find $tomcatConfRoot" -Level ERROR @loggingParameters
    #region copy new war to webapps
    $easitGOWar = Get-ChildItem -Path $installerArchivesDirectory -Recurse -Include '*.war'
    #$doNotStartTomcat = $false
    if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($easitGOWar)) {
        Write-EPRInstallLog -Message "easitGOWar is not set" -Level WARN @loggingParameters
        #$doNotStartTomcat = $true
    } else {
        Write-EPRInstallLog -Message "easitGOWar = $($easitGOWar.FullName)" -Level VERBOSE @loggingParameters
        try {
            Write-EPRInstallLog -Message "Copying $($easitGOWar.FullName) to $tomcatWebappsRoot and renaming to ROOT.war" @loggingParameters
            Copy-Item -Path "$($easitGOWar.FullName)" -Destination "$tomcatWebappsRoot" -ErrorAction Stop
            Get-ChildItem -Path "${tomcatWebappsRoot}\*.war" | Rename-Item -NewName 'ROOT.war' -ErrorAction Stop
            Write-EPRInstallLog -Message "Succesfully copied $($easitGOWar.FullName) to $tomcatWebappsRoot and renamed to ROOT.war" @loggingParameters
        } catch {
            Write-EPRInstallLog -Message "Unable to copy $($easitGOWar.FullName) to $tomcatWebappsRoot" -Level WARN @loggingParameters
            Write-EPRInstallLog -InputObject $_ -Level ERROR @loggingParameters
    #region filesToReplaceSystemPortIn
    Write-EPRInstallLog -Message "Looping thru filesToReplaceSystemPortIn" -Level DEBUG @loggingParameters
    foreach ($tomcatFileToReplaceSystemPortIn in $installerSettings.tomcatFilesToReplaceSystemPortIn) {
        try {
            $file = Get-ChildItem -Path "$tomcatConfRoot" -Recurse -Include "$tomcatFileToReplaceSystemPortIn"
        } catch {
            Write-EPRInstallLog -InputObject $_ -Level ERROR @loggingParameters
        try {
            $fileContent = Get-Content -Path $file.FullName -Raw
        } catch {
            Write-EPRInstallLog -InputObject $_ -Level ERROR @loggingParameters
        try {
            $fileContent = $fileContent -replace '\$\{SystemPort\}',"$($installerSettings.Parameters.Port)"
        } catch {
            Write-EPRInstallLog -Message "Unable to update SystemPort in $File" -Level WARN @loggingParameters
            Write-EPRInstallLog -InputObject $_ -Level VERBOSE @loggingParameters
        try {
            $fileContent | Set-Content -Path $file.FullName
        } catch {
            Write-EPRInstallLog -Message "Unable to set content of $File" -Level WARN @loggingParameters
            Write-EPRInstallLog -InputObject $_ -Level VERBOSE @loggingParameters
    #region configFilesToReplaceSystemRootIn
    Write-EPRInstallLog -Message "Looping thru configFilesToReplaceSystemRootIn" -Level DEBUG @loggingParameters
    try {
        $systemConfigRoot = Join-Path -Path $installerSettings.SystemRootDirectory -ChildPath 'config'
    } catch {
        Write-EPRInstallLog -InputObject $_ -Level ERROR @loggingParameters
    if (!(Test-Path -Path $systemConfigRoot)) {
        Write-EPRInstallLog -Message "Unable to find config directory in $($installerSettings.SystemRootDirectory)" -Level ERROR @loggingParameters
    foreach ($configFileToReplaceSystemRootIn in $installerSettings.configFilesToReplaceSystemRootIn) {
        try {
            $file = Get-ChildItem -Path "$systemConfigRoot" -Recurse -Include "$configFileToReplaceSystemRootIn"
        } catch {
            Write-EPRInstallLog -InputObject $_ -Level ERROR @loggingParameters
        try {
            $fileContent = Get-Content -Path $file.FullName -Raw
        } catch {
            Write-EPRInstallLog -InputObject $_ -Level ERROR @loggingParameters
        $systemRootForwardSlash = $installerSettings.SystemRootDirectory -replace '\\','/'
        try {
            $fileContent = $fileContent -replace '\$\{SystemRoot\}',"$systemRootForwardSlash"
        } catch {
            Write-EPRInstallLog -Message "Unable to update SystemPort in $File" -Level WARN @loggingParameters
            Write-EPRInstallLog -InputObject $_ -Level VERBOSE @loggingParameters
        try {
            $fileContent | Set-Content -Path $file.FullName
        } catch {
            Write-EPRInstallLog -Message "Unable to set content of $File" -Level WARN @loggingParameters
            Write-EPRInstallLog -InputObject $_ -Level VERBOSE @loggingParameters
    #region configFilesToReplacepwshExecutableIn
    foreach ($configFilesToReplacepwshExecutableIn in $installerSettings.configFilesToReplacepwshExecutableIn) {
        try {
            $file = Get-ChildItem -Path "$systemConfigRoot" -Recurse -Include "$configFilesToReplacepwshExecutableIn"
        } catch {
            Write-EPRInstallLog -InputObject $_ -Level ERROR @loggingParameters
        try {
            $fileContent = Get-Content -Path $file.FullName -Raw
        } catch {
            Write-EPRInstallLog -InputObject $_ -Level ERROR @loggingParameters
        $pwshExecutable = $null
        $pwshExecutable = (Get-ChildItem -Path (Get-Variable pshome).value  -Recurse -Include 'pwsh.exe').FullName
        "pwshExecutable = $pwshExecutable"
        if (!($pwshExecutable)) {
            Write-EPRInstallLog -Message "Unable to find pwsh.exe" -Level WARN @loggingParameters
        } else {
            $pwshExecutable = $pwshExecutable -replace '\\','/'
            try {
                $fileContent = $fileContent -replace '\$\{pwshExecutable\}',"$pwshExecutable"
            } catch {
                Write-EPRInstallLog -Message "Unable to update SystemPort in $File" -Level WARN @loggingParameters
                Write-EPRInstallLog -InputObject $_ -Level VERBOSE @loggingParameters
            try {
                $fileContent | Set-Content -Path $file.FullName
            } catch {
                Write-EPRInstallLog -Message "Unable to set content of $File" -Level WARN @loggingParameters
                Write-EPRInstallLog -InputObject $_ -Level VERBOSE @loggingParameters
    #region configFilesToReplacePasswordIn
    try {
        $guid = (New-Guid) -replace '-',''
    } catch {
        Write-EPRInstallLog -InputObject $_ -Level WARN @loggingParameters
    Write-EPRInstallLog -Message "Looping thru configFilesToReplacePasswordIn" -Level DEBUG @loggingParameters
    foreach ($configFileToReplacePasswordIn in $installerSettings.configFilesToReplacePasswordIn) {
        try {
            $file = Get-ChildItem -Path "$systemConfigRoot" -Recurse -Include "$configFileToReplacePasswordIn"
        } catch {
            Write-EPRInstallLog -InputObject $_ -Level ERROR @loggingParameters
        try {
            $fileContent = Get-Content -Path $file.FullName -Raw
        } catch {
            Write-EPRInstallLog -InputObject $_ -Level ERROR @loggingParameters
        try {
            $fileContent = $fileContent -replace '\$\{generatedPassword\}',"$guid"
        } catch {
            Write-EPRInstallLog -Message "Unable to update SystemPort in $File" -Level WARN @loggingParameters
            Write-EPRInstallLog -InputObject $_ -Level VERBOSE @loggingParameters
        try {
            $fileContent | Set-Content -Path $file.FullName
        } catch {
            Write-EPRInstallLog -Message "Unable to set content of $File" -Level WARN @loggingParameters
            Write-EPRInstallLog -InputObject $_ -Level VERBOSE @loggingParameters
    #region Tomcat installation
    $addTomcatBatFile = Get-ChildItem -Path $tomcatBinRoot -Recurse -Include 'Add*.bat'
    if (!($addTomcatBatFile)) {
        Write-EPRInstallLog -Message "Unable to find bat file for installation of Tomcat service" -Level ERROR @loggingParameters
    if ($addTomcatBatFile.count -gt 1) {
        Write-EPRInstallLog -Message "Multiple bat files for installation of Tomcat service found" -Level ERROR @loggingParameters
    $processParameters = @{
        FilePath = "$($addTomcatBatFile.FullName)"
        PassThru = $true
        NoNewWindow = $true
        Wait = $true
    Write-EPRInstallLog -Message "Installing Tomcat service" @loggingParameters
    try {
        $process = Start-Process @processParameters -ArgumentList $installerSettings.ServiceName,$installerSettings.SystemRootDirectory,$installerSettings.TomcatRootDirectory,$installerSettings.Parameters.TomcatXmx
    } catch {
        Write-EPRInstallLog -InputObject $_ -Level ERROR @loggingParameters
    if ($process) {
        if ($process.ExitCode -gt 0){
            Write-EPRInstallLog -Message "Unable to install Tomcat service, please log for more details" -Level WARN @loggingParameters
            Write-EPRInstallLog -InputObject $process -Level VERBOSE @loggingParameters
        if ($process.ExitCode -eq 0) {
            Write-EPRInstallLog -Message "Tomcat service installed" @loggingParameters
            $javaExe = (Get-ChildItem -Path $installerSettings.TomcatRootDirectory -Recurse -Include 'java.exe').FullName
            $catalinaJar = (Get-ChildItem -Path $installerSettings.TomcatRootDirectory -Recurse -Include 'catalina.jar').FullName
            $processServerInfo = @{
                FilePath = "$javaExe"
                PassThru = $true
                NoNewWindow = $true
                Wait = $true
            $serverProcess = Start-Process @processServerInfo -ArgumentList '-cp',$catalinaJar,'org.apache.catalina.util.ServerInfo' -RedirectStandardOutput serverInfo
            if ($serverProcess) {
                $serverInfoArray = Get-Content -Path '.\serverInfo' | ConvertFrom-Csv -Delimiter ':' -Header 'Name','Value'
                try {
                    $installerSettings | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'OSVersion' -Value ($serverInfoArray | Where-Object Name -EQ 'OS Name').Value
                    $installerSettings | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'TomcatVersion' -Value ($serverInfoArray | Where-Object Name -EQ 'Server number').Value
                    $installerSettings | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'JavaVersion' -Value ($serverInfoArray | Where-Object Name -EQ 'JVM Version').Value
                } catch {
                    Write-EPRInstallLog -Message "Failed to get server info details" -Level VERBOSE @loggingParameters
                    Write-EPRInstallLog -InputObject $_ -Level VERBOSE @loggingParameters
                try {
                    Remove-Item -Path '.\serverInfo' -Force -Confirm:$false
                } catch {
                    Write-EPRInstallLog -Message "Unable to remove serverInfo" -Level VERBOSE @loggingParameters
    } else {
        Write-EPRInstallLog -Message "Unable to evaluate result of installing Tomcat service" -Level WARN @loggingParameters

    #region Send details to Easit
    try {
        $body = New-PostBody -InstallerSettings $installerSettings
    } catch {
        Write-EPRInstallLog -InputObject $_ -Level VERBOSE @loggingParameters
    if (!($null -eq $SendInstallationDetailsToEasit)) {
        $installerSettings.Parameters.SendInstallationDetailsToEasit = "$SendInstallationDetailsToEasit"
    if (($installerSettings.Parameters.SendInstallationDetailsToEasit -eq 'True') -and $body) {
        try {
            $apikey = [System.Text.Encoding]::Unicode.GetString([System.Convert]::FromBase64String($installerSettings.FeedbackSettings.apikey))
            $pair = "${apikey}: "
            $encodedCreds = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes($pair))
            $basicAuthValue = "Basic $encodedCreds"
            $headers = @{SOAPAction = ""; Authorization = $basicAuthValue }
        } catch {
            Write-EPRInstallLog -InputObject $_ -Level VERBOSE @loggingParameters
        try {
            $restParams = @{
                Method = 'POST'
                Uri = $installerSettings.FeedbackSettings.url
                Body = $body
                TimeoutSec = 30
                ErrorAction = 'Stop'
                ContentType = "application/json"
                Headers = $headers
            $null = Invoke-RestMethod @restParams
            $wassenttoeasit = "These details were sent to Easit"
        } catch {
            $wassenttoeasit = "Please provide these installation details to Easit as they will be used for statistics and documentation. You can simply send them to support@easit.com"
            Write-EPRInstallLog -InputObject $_ -Level VERBOSE @loggingParameters
    } else {
        $wassenttoeasit = "Please provide these installation details to Easit as they will be used for statistics and documentation. You can simply send them to support@easit.com"
    #region Create post install instructions
    try {
        $postInstallInstructionsMD = Join-Path -Path $installerLibDirectory -ChildPath 'postInstallInstructions.md'
        $markdownContent = Get-Content -Path $postInstallInstructionsMD -Raw
        $markdownContent = $markdownContent -replace '\$\{SystemRoot\}',"$($installerSettings.SystemRootDirectory)"
        $markdownContent = $markdownContent -replace '\$\{TomcatBinRoot\}',"$tomcatBinRoot"
        $markdownContent = $markdownContent -replace '\$\{ServiceName\}',"$($installerSettings.ServiceName)"
        $markdownContent = $markdownContent -replace '\$\{Port\}',"$Port"
        $markdownContent = $markdownContent -replace '\$\{Username\}','go_user'
        $markdownContent = $markdownContent -replace '\$\{Password\}',"$guid"
        $markdownContent = $markdownContent -replace '\$\{wassenttoeasit\}',"$wassenttoeasit"
        $markdownContent = $markdownContent -replace '\$\{postbody\}',"$body"
        $md = $markdownContent | ConvertFrom-Markdown
        $postInstallInstructionsHTML = Join-Path -Path $installerSettings.SystemRootDirectory -ChildPath 'postInstallInstructions.html'
        $md.Html | Out-File $postInstallInstructionsHTML
        Start-Process "file:///${postInstallInstructionsHTML}"
    } catch {
        Write-EPRInstallLog -Message "Unable to create post install instructions" -Level WARN @loggingParameters
        Write-EPRInstallLog -Message "Please advice raw post install instructions at $installerLibDirectory\postInstallInstructions.md" -Level WARN @loggingParameters
        Write-EPRInstallLog -InputObject $process -Level VERBOSE @loggingParameters
    Write-EPRInstallLog -Message "Thank you for installing Easit Process Runner" @loggingParameters
    end {
        Set-Location -Path $startingDirectory

function Read-StringAsUTF8 {
        Read a string and return it decoded as UTF-8.
        *Read-StringAsUTF8* uses the UTF8Encoding class to return a string decoded in UTF8.
        The function uses UTF8Encoding.GetBytes to encode the input string into a sequence of bytes and then UTF8Encoding.GetString to decodes the byte array into a string.
        $decodedStringInput = Read-StringAsUTF8 -InputString $StringInput
        $exportObject = $decodedStringInput | ConvertFrom-Json
        $EasitGOItem = $exportObject.itemToImport[0]
        content name rawValue
        ------- ---- --------
        Jane givenName
        jado samAccountName
        CN=Doe\, Jane,OU=Users,DC=company,DC=net dn
    .PARAMETER InputString
        String to decode as UTF8

    param (
    begin {
        Write-Verbose "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand) start"
    process {
        $enc = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8
        try {
            $stringBytes = $enc.GetBytes($InputString)
        } catch {
            throw $_
        try {
        } catch {
            throw $_
    end {
        Write-Verbose "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand) end"
function Set-EPRDirectoryPermission {
        Adds a access fule for an account to a directory.
        **Set-EPRDirectoryPermission** adds a access rule to the specified directory. By default the access rule added has the following settings
        - FileSystemRights = Modify
        - InheritanceFlags = ContainerInherit,ObjectInherit
        - PropagationFlags = None
        - AccessControlType = Allow
        Set-EPRDirectoryPermission -Account 'Domain\User' -Path 'D:\Easit\EPR-Test'
    .PARAMETER Account
        The name of a user account.
        Path to directory that the access rule should be added for.
    .PARAMETER Access
        Specifies the type of operation associated with the access rule
    .PARAMETER InheritanceFlags
        Specifies how access masks are propagated to child objects.
    .PARAMETER PropagationFlags
        Specifies how Access Control Entries (ACEs) are propagated to child objects.
    .PARAMETER AccessControlType
        Specifies whether to allow or deny the operation.

    param (
        [String]$Access = 'Modify',
        [String]$InheritanceFlags = 'ContainerInherit,ObjectInherit',
        [String]$PropagationFlags = 'None',
        [String]$AccessControlType = 'Allow'
    begin {
        Write-Verbose "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand) start"
    process {
        if (Test-Path -Path $Path) {
            try {
                $accessControlLists = Get-Acl $Path -ErrorAction Stop
            } catch {
                throw $_
        } else {
            throw "$Path does not exist"
        if ($null -eq $accessControlLists) {
            throw "Could not get access control lists"
        try {
            $fileSystemAccessRule = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule("$Account", "$Access", "$InheritanceFlags", "$PropagationFlags", "$AccessControlType") -ErrorAction Stop
        } catch {
            throw $_
        if ($null -eq $fileSystemAccessRule) {
            throw "Unable to create new access rule"
        try {
            Set-Acl $Path $accessControlLists -ErrorAction Stop
        } catch {
            throw $_
    end {
        Write-Verbose "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand) end"
function Set-EPREnvironment {
        Sets a number of new variables in the script scope.
        By running this function in the beginning of your script the following variables will be made available:

        - epr_Directory
        - epr_logsDirectory
        - epr_scriptsDirectory
        - epr_scriptSettingsDirectory
        - epr_scriptHelpersDirectory
        - epr_modulesDirectory
        - epr_customModulesDirectory
        - epr_customFunctionsDirectory
        - ScriptLogName
        - LoggerSettings
        Set-EPREnvironment -IncludeOldVariableNames

        In this example we want to get the old variable names along with the new names.
        Set-EPREnvironment -CustomModules "MyModule","AnotherModule"

        In this example we also import the modules 'MyModule' and 'AnotherModule' located in the directory *[NameOfEPRInstall]/scripts/helpers/customModules*.
        Set-EPREnvironment -Modules "MyOfficialModule","AnotherModuleAsAnExample"

        In this example we also import the modules 'MyOfficialModule' and 'AnotherModuleAsAnExample' located in the directory *[NameOfEPRInstall]/scripts/helpers/modules*.
    .PARAMETER Modules
        Name of modules to import from *[NameOfEPRInstall]/scripts/helpers/modules*
    .PARAMETER CustomModules
        Name of modules to import from *[NameOfEPRInstall]/scripts/helpers/customModules*
    .PARAMETER IncludeOldVariableNames
        Specifies if the old variable names should be set in the script scope.
        This function do not produce any output.

    param (
    begin {
        Write-Verbose "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand) begin"
    process {
        $callStack = Get-PSCallStack
        $ScriptName = $callStack[1].Command.TrimEnd('\.ps1')
        $newVarParams = @{
            Option = 'ReadOnly'
            Scope = 'Script'
            Force = $true
        try {
            New-Variable -Name 'epr_Directory' -Value (Split-Path -Path (Split-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot) -Parent) @newVarParams
            New-Variable -Name 'epr_logsDirectory' -Value (Join-Path -Path "$epr_Directory" -ChildPath 'logs') @newVarParams
            New-Variable -Name 'epr_scriptsDirectory' -Value (Join-Path -Path "$epr_Directory" -ChildPath 'scripts') @newVarParams
            New-Variable -Name 'epr_scriptSettingsDirectory' -Value (Join-Path -Path "$epr_scriptsDirectory" -ChildPath 'scriptSettings') @newVarParams
            New-Variable -Name 'epr_scriptHelpersDirectory' -Value (Join-Path -Path "$epr_scriptsDirectory" -ChildPath 'helpers') @newVarParams
            New-Variable -Name 'epr_modulesDirectory' -Value (Join-Path -Path "$epr_scriptHelpersDirectory" -ChildPath 'modules') @newVarParams
            New-Variable -Name 'epr_customModulesDirectory' -Value (Join-Path -Path "$epr_scriptHelpersDirectory" -ChildPath 'customModules') @newVarParams
            New-Variable -Name 'ScriptLogName' -Value $ScriptName @newVarParams
        } catch {
            Write-Warning "Failed to set EPR variables"
            throw $_
        $tempHash = @{
            LogName = $ScriptLogName
            LogDirectory = "$epr_logsDirectory"
            OutputLevel = 'INFO'
            RotationInterval = 30
        try {
            New-Variable -Name 'epr_LoggerSettings' -Value $tempHash -Scope Global -Force
        } catch {
            throw $_
        if ($IncludeOldVariableNames) {
            Write-Warning "You are using the old environment setup, please consider moving to the new environment setup!"
            try {
                New-Variable -Name 'easitPRDirectory' -Value (Split-Path -Path (Split-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot) -Parent) @newVarParams
                New-Variable -Name 'easitPRlogsDirectory' -Value (Join-Path -Path "$epr_Directory" -ChildPath 'logs') @newVarParams
                New-Variable -Name 'easitPRscriptsDirectory' -Value (Join-Path -Path "$epr_Directory" -ChildPath 'scripts') @newVarParams
                New-Variable -Name 'easitPRscriptSettingsDirectory' -Value (Join-Path -Path "$epr_scriptsDirectory" -ChildPath 'scriptSettings') @newVarParams
                New-Variable -Name 'easitPRscriptHelpersDirectory' -Value (Join-Path -Path "$epr_scriptsDirectory" -ChildPath 'helpers') @newVarParams
                New-Variable -Name 'easitPRmodulesDirectory' -Value (Join-Path -Path "$epr_scriptHelpersDirectory" -ChildPath 'modules') @newVarParams
                New-Variable -Name 'easitPRcustomModulesDirectory' -Value (Join-Path -Path "$epr_scriptHelpersDirectory" -ChildPath 'customModules') @newVarParams
                New-Variable -Name 'ScriptLogName' -Value $ScriptName @newVarParams
            } catch {
                Write-Warning "Failed to set old variable names"
                throw $_
            try {
                New-Variable -Name 'LoggerSettings' -Value $tempHash -Scope Global -Force
            } catch {
                throw $_
        if (!($null -eq $Modules)) {
            if (Test-Path $epr_modulesDirectory) {
                if ($Modules -ge 1 -and !($Modules -eq 'ALL')) {
                    foreach ($module in $modules) {
                        $modulName = $module.Trim()
                        $modulePath = Join-Path $epr_modulesDirectory -ChildPath "$modulName"
                        try {
                            Write-Verbose "Importing $modulePath"
                            Import-Module "$modulePath"
                        } catch {
                            Write-Warning $_
                } elseif ($Modules -eq 'ALL') {
                    $modules = Get-ChildItem -Path $epr_modulesDirectory -Directory
                    foreach ($module in $modules) {
                        try {
                            Write-Verbose "Importing $module"
                            Import-Module "$module"
                        } catch {
                            Write-Warning $_
                } else {
                    Write-Warning "Unknown parameter input for Modules"
            } else {
                Write-Warning "Unable to find epr_modulesDirectory ($epr_modulesDirectory)"
        if (!($null -eq $CustomModules)) {
            if (Test-Path $epr_customModulesDirectory) {
                if ($CustomModules -ge 1 -and !($CustomModules -eq 'ALL')) {
                    foreach ($customModule in $CustomModules) {
                        $customModuleName = $customModule.Trim()
                        $customModulePath = Join-Path $epr_customModulesDirectory -ChildPath "${customModuleName}.psm1"
                        try {
                            Write-Verbose "Importing $customModulePath"
                            Import-Module "$customModulePath"
                        } catch {
                            Write-Warning $_
                } elseif ($CustomModules -eq 'ALL') {
                    $CustomModules = Get-ChildItem -Path $epr_customModulesDirectory -Recurse -Include '*.psm1'
                    foreach ($customModule in $CustomModules) {
                        try {
                            Write-Verbose "Importing $customModule"
                            Import-Module "$customModule"
                        } catch {
                            Write-Warning $_
                } else {
                    Write-Warning "Unknown parameter input for CustomModules"
            } else {
                Write-Warning "Unable to find epr_customModulesDirectory ($epr_customModulesDirectory)"
        Write-Verbose "Environment setup complete"
    end {
        Write-Verbose "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand) end"
function Write-CustomLog {
        Writes input to file and a output stream.
        This function provide the option to log output and / or progress in scripts.
        While there are functions like *Start-Transcript* and *Out-File*, *Write-CustomLog* also
        handles log rotation and naming of log history.

        *Write-CustomLog* will always append *_date* to the logname and remove logs older than the value
        of *RotationInterval*.

        *Write-CustomLog* uses *Out-File* for writing output to a file and then redirects either *Message*
        or *InputObject* to the stream corresponding with the value of *Level*.

        If no input is provided for *-LogName*, *-LogDirectory* nor *-RotationInterval* the function will look for a variable named LoggerSettings in the global scope with a property or key with the same name and use that value.

        If no input is provided for *-LogName*, the name of the caller script is used as input.

        If no input is provided for *-LogDirectory*, logs will be written to $pwd.

        If no input is provided for *-RotationInterval*, 30 will used as value.
    .PARAMETER Message
        String that will be written to file and stream.
    .PARAMETER InputObject
        The object that will be written to file and stream.
    .PARAMETER Level
        What stream should the input be redirected to.
    .PARAMETER OutputLevel
        What level of input should be written to file and stream.
    .PARAMETER LogName
        Name of logfile.
    .PARAMETER LogDirectory
        In what directory should logs be saved.
    .PARAMETER RotationInterval
        For how many days should logs be kept on disk.
    .PARAMETER Rotate
        Tells the function to rotate logs. If this is always included with *Write-CustomLog* it will always try to rotate logs each time *Write-CustomLog* is invoked.
        Write-CustomLog -Message "Staring script"

        In this example we write the string *Starting script* as a log entry with the level of INFO.
        It will also use Write-Information to output it to the correct stream.
        Write-CustomLog -InputObject $_ -Level ERROR

        In this example we write the current objekt to as a log entry with the level of ERROR.
        It will also use Write-Error to output it to the correct stream.
        Write-CustomLog -Message "Rotating logs" -Level VERBOSE -Rotate

        In this example we write the string *Starting script* as a log entry with the level of INFO.
        It will also use Write-Information to output it to the correct stream.
        Since we specify *-Rotate* the function will try to remove files older than set by *RotationInterval*.
        Write-CustomLog -Message "Starting script and rotating logs" -Rotate
        Write-CustomLog -Message "Trying something" -Level VERBOSE
        try {
        } catch {
            Write-CustomLog -InputObject $_ -Level ERROR
        Write-CustomLog -Message "Script end"

        Basic *real world* example of how to use *Write-CustomLog* in a script.

        None. This cmdlet returns no output.

    Param (
        [string]$Level = 'INFO',
    begin {
        Write-Verbose "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand) begin"
    process {
        if (!($null -eq (Get-Variable -Name 'LoggerSettings' -ErrorAction 'SilentlyContinue'))) {
            $globalLoggerSettings = Get-Variable -Name 'LoggerSettings' -ValueOnly
        if (!($null -eq (Get-Variable -Name 'epr_LoggerSettings' -ErrorAction 'SilentlyContinue'))) {
            $globalLoggerSettings = Get-Variable -Name 'epr_LoggerSettings' -ValueOnly
        if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($LogName)) {
            if (!([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($globalLoggerSettings.LogName))) {
                $LogName = $globalLoggerSettings.LogName
            } else {
                $callStack = Get-PSCallStack
                $LogName = $callStack[1].Command.TrimEnd('\.ps1')
        if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($OutputLevel)) {
            if (!([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($globalLoggerSettings.OutputLevel))) {
                $OutputLevel = $globalLoggerSettings.OutputLevel
            } else {
                $OutputLevel = 'INFO'
        if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Level)) {
            $Level = 'INFO'
        if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($LogDirectory)) {
            if (!([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($globalLoggerSettings.LogDirectory))) {
                $LogDirectory = $globalLoggerSettings.LogDirectory
            } else {
                $LogDirectory = $easitPRlogsDirectory
        if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace("$RotationInterval")) {
            if (!([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace("$($globalLoggerSettings.RotationInterval)"))) {
                $LogDirectory = $globalLoggerSettings.RotationInterval
            } else {
                $RotationInterval = 30
        $LogLevelTable = @{
            ERROR = 1
            WARN = 2
            INFO = 3
            VERBOSE = 4
            DEBUG = 5
        $today = Get-Date -Format "yyyyMMdd"
        $LogName = "${LogName}_${today}.log"
        $logOutputPath = Join-Path -Path "$LogDirectory" -ChildPath "$LogName"
        $outfileParams = @{
            FilePath = "$logOutputPath"
            Encoding = 'UTF8'
            Append = $true
            NoClobber = $true
        if ($Rotate) {
            $logArchiveFiles = Get-ChildItem -Path "$LogDirectory" -Recurse  -Include "*${logname}*.log"
            foreach ($logArchiveFile in $logArchiveFiles) {
                if ($logArchiveFile.CreationTime -lt ((Get-Date).AddDays(-$RotationInterval))) {
                    "$($logArchiveFile.Name) is older than $RotationInterval days, removing.." | Out-File @outfileParams
                    try {
                        Remove-Item "$($logArchiveFile.FullName)" -Force
                    } catch {
                        Write-Error $_
                    "$FormattedDate - INFO - Removed $($logArchiveFile.Name)" | Out-File @outfileParams
        if ($LogLevelTable."$Level" -le $LogLevelTable."$OutputLevel") {
            $FormattedDate = Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"
            $PSStyle.OutputRendering = 'PlainText'
            if (!(Test-Path $logOutputPath)) {
                $NewLogFile = New-Item "$logOutputPath" -Force -ItemType File
                "$FormattedDate - INFO - Created $NewLogFile" | Out-File @outfileParams
            if ($Message) {
                "$FormattedDate - $Level - $Message" | Out-File @outfileParams
            if ($InputObject) {
                "$FormattedDate - $Level - InputObject" | Out-File @outfileParams
                $InputObject | Out-File @outfileParams
    end {
        Write-Verbose "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand) end"