
#Region './prefix.ps1' -1

#Requires -Version 4.0

$script:diagnosticRecordType = [Microsoft.Windows.PowerShell.ScriptAnalyzer.Generic.DiagnosticRecord]
$script:diagnosticRecord = @{
    Message  = ''
    Extent   = $null
    RuleName = $null
    Severity = 'Warning'
#EndRegion './prefix.ps1' 10
#Region './Private/Get-LocalizedData.ps1' -1

        Gets language-specific data into scripts and functions based on the UI culture
        that is selected for the operating system.
        Similar to Import-LocalizedData, with extra parameter 'DefaultUICulture'.

        The Get-LocalizedData cmdlet dynamically retrieves strings from a subdirectory
        whose name matches the UI language set for the current user of the operating system.
        It is designed to enable scripts to display user messages in the UI language selected
        by the current user.

        Get-LocalizedData imports data from .psd1 files in language-specific subdirectories
        of the script directory and saves them in a local variable that is specified in the
        command. The cmdlet selects the subdirectory and file based on the value of the
        $PSUICulture automatic variable. When you use the local variable in the script to
        display a user message, the message appears in the user's UI language.

        You can use the parameters of G-LocalizedData to specify an alternate UI culture,
        path, and file name, to add supported commands, and to suppress the error message that
        appears if the .psd1 files are not found.

        The G-LocalizedData cmdlet supports the script internationalization
        initiative that was introduced in Windows PowerShell 2.0. This initiative
        aims to better serve users worldwide by making it easy for scripts to display
        user messages in the UI language of the current user. For more information
        about this and about the format of the .psd1 files, see about_Script_Internationalization.

    .PARAMETER BindingVariable
        Specifies the variable into which the text strings are imported. Enter a variable
        name without a dollar sign ($).

        In Windows PowerShell 2.0, this parameter is required. In Windows PowerShell 3.0,
        this parameter is optional. If you omit this parameter, Import-LocalizedData
        returns a hash table of the text strings. The hash table is passed down the pipeline
        or displayed at the command line.

        When using Import-LocalizedData to replace default text strings specified in the
        DATA section of a script, assign the DATA section to a variable and enter the name
        of the DATA section variable in the value of the BindingVariable parameter. Then,
        when Import-LocalizedData saves the imported content in the BindingVariable, the
        imported data will replace the default text strings. If you are not specifying
        default text strings, you can select any variable name.

    .PARAMETER UICulture
        Specifies an alternate UI culture. The default is the value of the $PsUICulture
        automatic variable. Enter a UI culture in <language>-<region> format, such as
        en-US, de-DE, or ar-SA.

        The value of the UICulture parameter determines the language-specific subdirectory
        (within the base directory) from which Import-LocalizedData gets the .psd1 file
        for the script.

        The cmdlet searches for a subdirectory with the same name as the value of the
        UICulture parameter or the $PsUICulture automatic variable, such as de-DE or
        ar-SA. If it cannot find the directory, or the directory does not contain a .psd1
        file for the script, it searches for a subdirectory with the name of the language
        code, such as de or ar. If it cannot find the subdirectory or .psd1 file, the
        command fails and the data is displayed in the default language specified in the

    .PARAMETER BaseDirectory
        Specifies the base directory where the .psd1 files are located. The default is
        the directory where the script is located. Import-LocalizedData searches for
        the .psd1 file for the script in a language-specific subdirectory of the base

    .PARAMETER FileName
        Specifies the name of the data file (.psd1) to be imported. Enter a file name.
        You can specify a file name that does not include its .psd1 file name extension,
        or you can specify the file name including the .psd1 file name extension.

        The FileName parameter is required when Import-LocalizedData is not used in a
        script. Otherwise, the parameter is optional and the default value is the base
        name of the script. You can use this parameter to direct Import-LocalizedData
        to search for a different .psd1 file.

        For example, if the FileName is omitted and the script name is FindFiles.ps1,
        Import-LocalizedData searches for the FindFiles.psd1 data file.

    .PARAMETER SupportedCommand
        Specifies cmdlets and functions that generate only data.

        Use this parameter to include cmdlets and functions that you have written or
        tested. For more information, see about_Script_Internationalization.

    .PARAMETER DefaultUICulture
        Specifies which UICulture to default to if current UI culture or its parents
        culture don't have matching data file.

        For example, if you have a data file in 'en-US' but not in 'en' or 'en-GB' and
        your current culture is 'en-GB', you can default back to 'en-US'.

        Before using Import-LocalizedData, localize your user messages. Format the messages
        for each locale (UI culture) in a hash table of key/value pairs, and save the
        hash table in a file with the same name as the script and a .psd1 file name extension.
        Create a directory under the script directory for each supported UI culture, and
        then save the .psd1 file for each UI culture in the directory with the UI
        culture name.

        For example, localize your user messages for the de-DE locale and format them in
        a hash table. Save the hash table in a <ScriptName>.psd1 file. Then create a de-DE
        subdirectory under the script directory, and save the de-DE <ScriptName>.psd1
        file in the de-DE subdirectory. Repeat this method for each locale that you support.

        Import-LocalizedData performs a structured search for the localized user
        messages for a script.

        Import-LocalizedData begins the search in the directory where the script file
        is located (or the value of the BaseDirectory parameter). It then searches within
        the base directory for a subdirectory with the same name as the value of the
        $PsUICulture variable (or the value of the UICulture parameter), such as de-DE or
        ar-SA. Then, it searches in that subdirectory for a .psd1 file with the same name
        as the script (or the value of the FileName parameter).

        If Import-LocalizedData cannot find a subdirectory with the name of the UI culture,
        or the subdirectory does not contain a .psd1 file for the script, it searches for
        a .psd1 file for the script in a subdirectory with the name of the language code,
        such as de or ar. If it cannot find the subdirectory or .psd1 file, the command
        fails, the data is displayed in the default language in the script, and an error
        message is displayed explaining that the data could not be imported. To suppress
        the message and fail gracefully, use the ErrorAction common parameter with a value
        of SilentlyContinue.

        If Import-LocalizedData finds the subdirectory and the .psd1 file, it imports the
        hash table of user messages into the value of the BindingVariable parameter in the
        command. Then, when you display a message from the hash table in the variable, the
        localized message is displayed.

        For more information, see about_Script_Internationalization.

function Get-LocalizedData
    param (
        [Parameter(Position = 0)]

        [Parameter(Position = 1, ParameterSetName = 'TargetedUICulture')]




        [Parameter(Position = 1, ParameterSetName = 'DefaultUICulture')]

        # Because Proxy Command changes the Invocation origin, we need to be explicit
        # when handing the pipeline back to original command
        if (!$PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('FileName'))
            if ($myInvocation.ScriptName)
                $file = ([io.FileInfo]$myInvocation.ScriptName)
                $file = [io.FileInfo]$myInvocation.MyCommand.Module.Path
            $FileName = $file.BaseName + '.strings'
            $PSBoundParameters.add('FileName', ($FileName + $file.Extension))

        if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('BaseDirectory'))
            $CallingScriptRoot = $BaseDirectory
            $CallingScriptRoot = $myInvocation.PSScriptRoot
            $PSBoundParameters.add('BaseDirectory', $CallingScriptRoot)

        if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('DefaultUICulture') -and !$PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('UICulture'))
            # We don't want the resolution to eventually return the ModuleManifest
            # So we run the same GetFilePath() logic than here:
            # https://github.com/PowerShell/PowerShell/blob/master/src/Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.Utility/commands/utility/Import-LocalizedData.cs#L302-L333
            # and if we see it will return the wrong thing, set the UICulture to DefaultUI culture, and return the logic to Import-LocalizedData
            $currentCulture = Get-UICulture

            $fullFileName = $FileName + '.psd1'
            $LanguageFile = $null

            while ($null -ne $currentCulture -and $currentCulture.Name -and !$LanguageFile)
                $filePath = [io.Path]::Combine($CallingScriptRoot, $CurrentCulture.Name, $fullFileName)
                if (Test-Path $filePath)
                    Write-Debug "Found $filePath"
                    $LanguageFile = $filePath
                    Write-Debug "File $filePath not found"
                $currentCulture = $currentCulture.Parent

            if (!$LanguageFile)
                $PSBoundParameters.Add('UICulture', $DefaultUICulture)
            $null = $PSBoundParameters.remove('DefaultUICulture')

            $outBuffer = $null
            if ($PSBoundParameters.TryGetValue('OutBuffer', [ref]$outBuffer))
                $PSBoundParameters['OutBuffer'] = 1

            $wrappedCmd = $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.GetCommand('Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility\Import-LocalizedData', [System.Management.Automation.CommandTypes]::Cmdlet)
            $scriptCmd = { & $wrappedCmd @PSBoundParameters }

            $steppablePipeline = $scriptCmd.GetSteppablePipeline($myInvocation.CommandOrigin)


        if ($BindingVariable -and ($valueToBind = Get-Variable -Name $BindingVariable -ValueOnly -ErrorAction Ignore))
            # Bringing the variable to the parent scope
            Set-Variable -Scope 1 -Name $BindingVariable -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Value $valueToBind
#EndRegion './Private/Get-LocalizedData.ps1' 274
#Region './Private/Get-StatementBlockAsRow.ps1' -1

        Helper function for the Test-Statement* helper functions.
        Returns the extent text as an array of strings.

        Get-StatementBlockAsRow -StatementBlock $ScriptBlockAst.Extent




function Get-StatementBlockAsRow
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        Remove carriage return since the file is different depending if it's run in
        AppVeyor or locally. Locally it contains both '\r\n', but when cloned in
        AppVeyor it only contains '\n'.

    $statementBlockWithNewLine = $StatementBlock -replace '\r', ''
    return $statementBlockWithNewLine -split '\n'
#EndRegion './Private/Get-StatementBlockAsRow.ps1' 38
#Region './Private/New-SuggestedCorrection.ps1' -1

        Creates a suggested correction
    .PARAMETER Extent
        The extent that needs correction
    .PARAMETER NewString
        The string that should replace the extent
    .PARAMETER Description
        The description that should be shown
        Output (if any)

function New-SuggestedCorrection
    [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true, ConfirmImpact = 'None')]
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]



    if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Create correction extent"))
#EndRegion './Private/New-SuggestedCorrection.ps1' 44
#Region './Private/Test-IsInClass.ps1' -1

        Helper function to check if an Ast is part of a class.
        Returns true or false

        Test-IsInClass -Ast $ParameterBlockAst



        I initially just walked up the AST tree till I hit
        a TypeDefinitionAst that was a class


        That means it would throw false positives for things like

        class HasAFunctionInIt
            [Func[int,int]] $MyFunc = {


        Where the param block and all its respective items ARE
        valid being in their own anonymous function definition
        that just happens to be inside a class property's
        assignment value

        So This check has to be a DELIBERATE step by step up the
        AST Tree ONLY far enough to validate if it is directly
        part of a class or not

function Test-IsInClass
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    [System.Boolean] $inAClass = $false
    # Is a Named Attribute part of Class Property?
    if ($Ast -is [System.Management.Automation.Language.NamedAttributeArgumentAst])
        # Parent is an Attribute Ast AND
        $inAClass = $Ast.Parent -is [System.Management.Automation.Language.AttributeAst] -and
        # Grandparent is a Property Member Ast (This Ast Type ONLY shows up inside a TypeDefinitionAst) AND
        $Ast.Parent.Parent -is [System.Management.Automation.Language.PropertyMemberAst] -and
        # Great Grandparent is a Type Definition Ast AND
        $Ast.Parent.Parent.Parent -is [System.Management.Automation.Language.TypeDefinitionAst] -and
        # Great Grandparent is a Class
    # Is a Parameter part of a Class Method?
    elseif ($Ast -is [System.Management.Automation.Language.ParameterAst])
        # Parent is a Function Definition Ast AND
        $inAClass = $Ast.Parent -is [System.Management.Automation.Language.FunctionDefinitionAst] -and
        # Grandparent is a Function Member Ast (This Ast Type ONLY shows up inside a TypeDefinitionAst) AND
        $Ast.Parent.Parent -is [System.Management.Automation.Language.FunctionMemberAst] -and
        # Great Grandparent is a Type Definition Ast AND
        $Ast.Parent.Parent.Parent -is [System.Management.Automation.Language.TypeDefinitionAst] -and
        # Great Grandparent is a Class

#EndRegion './Private/Test-IsInClass.ps1' 86
#Region './Private/Test-StatementEmptyParenthsesHasWhitespace.ps1' -1

        Helper function for the Measure-*Block PSScriptAnalyzer rules.
        Test a single statement block for whitespace inside the parentheses.

        Test-StatementEmptyParenthsesHasWhitespace -StatementBlock $ScriptBlockAst.Extent




function Test-StatementEmptyParenthsesHasWhitespace
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    # Check that the parentheses does not contain whitespace.
    if ($statementBlock -match '\(\s+\)')
        return $true
    } # if

    return $false
#EndRegion './Private/Test-StatementEmptyParenthsesHasWhitespace.ps1' 40
#Region './Private/Test-StatementOpeningBraceIsFollowedByMoreThanOneNewLine.ps1' -1

        Helper function for the Measure-*Statement PSScriptAnalyzer rules.
        Test a single statement block for only one new line after opening brace.

        Test-StatementOpeningBraceIsFollowedByMoreThanOneNewLine -StatementBlock $ScriptBlockAst.Extent




function Test-StatementOpeningBraceIsFollowedByMoreThanOneNewLine
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    [System.String[]] $statementBlockRows = Get-StatementBlockAsRow -StatementBlock $StatementBlock
    if ($statementBlockRows.Count -ge 3)
        # Check so that an opening brace is followed by only one new line.
        if (-not $statementBlockRows[2].Trim())
            return $true
        } # if
    } # if

    return $false
#EndRegion './Private/Test-StatementOpeningBraceIsFollowedByMoreThanOneNewLine.ps1' 43
#Region './Private/Test-StatementOpeningBraceIsNotFollowedByNewLine.ps1' -1

        Helper function for the Measure-*Statement PSScriptAnalyzer rules.
        Test a single statement block for new line after opening brace.

        Test-StatementOpeningBraceIsNotFollowedByNewLine -StatementBlock $ScriptBlockAst.Extent




function Test-StatementOpeningBraceIsNotFollowedByNewLine
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    [System.String[]] $statementBlockRows = Get-StatementBlockAsRow -StatementBlock $StatementBlock
    if ($statementBlockRows.Count -ge 2)
        # Check so that an opening brace is followed by a new line.
        if ($statementBlockRows[1] -match '\{.+')
            return $true
        } # if
    } # if

    return $false
#EndRegion './Private/Test-StatementOpeningBraceIsNotFollowedByNewLine.ps1' 43
#Region './Private/Test-StatementOpeningBraceOnSameLine.ps1' -1

        Helper function for the Measure-*Statement PSScriptAnalyzer rules.
        Test a single statement block for opening brace on the same line.

        Test-StatementOpeningBraceOnSameLine -StatementBlock $ScriptBlockAst.Extent




function Test-StatementOpeningBraceOnSameLine
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    [System.String[]] $statementBlockRows = Get-StatementBlockAsRow -StatementBlock $StatementBlock
    if ($statementBlockRows.Count)
        # Check so that an opening brace does not exist on the same line as the statement.
        if ($statementBlockRows[0] -match '{[\s]*$')
            return $true
        } # if
    } # if

    return $false
#EndRegion './Private/Test-StatementOpeningBraceOnSameLine.ps1' 43
#Region './Private/Test-StatementOpeningParenthsesOnSameLine.ps1' -1

        Helper function for the Measure-*Block PSScriptAnalyzer rules.
        Test a single statement block for opening parentheses on the same line.

        Test-StatementOpeningParenthsesOnSameLine -StatementBlock $ScriptBlockAst.Extent




function Test-StatementOpeningParenthsesOnSameLine
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    [System.String[]] $statementBlockRows = Get-StatementBlockAsRow -StatementBlock $StatementBlock
    if ($statementBlockRows.Count)

        # Check so that an opening brace does not exist on the same line as the statement.
        if ($statementBlockRows[0] -match '\(')
            return $true
        } # if
    } # if

    return $false
#EndRegion './Private/Test-StatementOpeningParenthsesOnSameLine.ps1' 45
#Region './Public/Measure-CatchClause.ps1' -1

        Validates the catch-clause block braces and new lines around braces.

        Each catch-clause should have the opening brace on a separate line.
        Also, the opening brace should be followed by a new line.

    .PARAMETER CatchClauseAst
        AST Block used to evaluate the rule

        Measure-CatchClause -CatchClauseAst $ScriptBlockAst




function Measure-CatchClause
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        $script:diagnosticRecord['Extent'] = $CatchClauseAst.Extent
        $script:diagnosticRecord['RuleName'] = $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.InvocationName

        $testParameters = @{
            StatementBlock = $CatchClauseAst.Extent

        if (Test-StatementOpeningBraceOnSameLine @testParameters)
            $script:diagnosticRecord['Message'] = $script:localizedData.CatchClauseOpeningBraceNotOnSameLine
            $script:diagnosticRecord -as $diagnosticRecordType

        if (Test-StatementOpeningBraceIsNotFollowedByNewLine @testParameters)
            $script:diagnosticRecord['Message'] = $script:localizedData.CatchClauseOpeningBraceShouldBeFollowedByNewLine
            $script:diagnosticRecord -as $diagnosticRecordType
        } # if

        if (Test-StatementOpeningBraceIsFollowedByMoreThanOneNewLine @testParameters)
            $script:diagnosticRecord['Message'] = $script:localizedData.CatchClauseOpeningBraceShouldBeFollowedByOnlyOneNewLine
            $script:diagnosticRecord -as $diagnosticRecordType
        } # if
#EndRegion './Public/Measure-CatchClause.ps1' 68
#Region './Public/Measure-DoUntilStatement.ps1' -1

        Validates the DoUntil-statement block braces and new lines around braces.

        Each DoUntil-statement should have the opening brace on a separate line.
        Also, the opening brace should be followed by a new line.

        Measure-DoUntilStatement -DoUntilStatementAst $ScriptBlockAst




function Measure-DoUntilStatement
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        $script:diagnosticRecord['Extent'] = $DoUntilStatementAst.Extent
        $script:diagnosticRecord['RuleName'] = $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.InvocationName

        $testParameters = @{
            StatementBlock = $DoUntilStatementAst.Extent

        if (Test-StatementOpeningBraceOnSameLine @testParameters)
            $script:diagnosticRecord['Message'] = $script:localizedData.DoUntilStatementOpeningBraceNotOnSameLine
            $script:diagnosticRecord -as $diagnosticRecordType
        } # if

        if (Test-StatementOpeningBraceIsNotFollowedByNewLine @testParameters)
            $script:diagnosticRecord['Message'] = $script:localizedData.DoUntilStatementOpeningBraceShouldBeFollowedByNewLine
            $script:diagnosticRecord -as $diagnosticRecordType
        } # if

        if (Test-StatementOpeningBraceIsFollowedByMoreThanOneNewLine @testParameters)
            $script:diagnosticRecord['Message'] = $script:localizedData.DoUntilStatementOpeningBraceShouldBeFollowedByOnlyOneNewLine
            $script:diagnosticRecord -as $diagnosticRecordType
        } # if
#EndRegion './Public/Measure-DoUntilStatement.ps1' 65
#Region './Public/Measure-DoWhileStatement.ps1' -1

        Validates the DoWhile-statement block braces and new lines around braces.

        Each DoWhile-statement should have the opening brace on a separate line.
        Also, the opening brace should be followed by a new line.

        Measure-DoWhileStatement -DoWhileStatementAst $ScriptBlockAst




function Measure-DoWhileStatement
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        $script:diagnosticRecord['Extent'] = $DoWhileStatementAst.Extent
        $script:diagnosticRecord['RuleName'] = $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.InvocationName

        $testParameters = @{
            StatementBlock = $DoWhileStatementAst.Extent

        if (Test-StatementOpeningBraceOnSameLine @testParameters)
            $script:diagnosticRecord['Message'] = $script:localizedData.DoWhileStatementOpeningBraceNotOnSameLine
            $script:diagnosticRecord -as $diagnosticRecordType
        } # if

        if (Test-StatementOpeningBraceIsNotFollowedByNewLine @testParameters)
            $script:diagnosticRecord['Message'] = $script:localizedData.DoWhileStatementOpeningBraceShouldBeFollowedByNewLine
            $script:diagnosticRecord -as $diagnosticRecordType
        } # if

        if (Test-StatementOpeningBraceIsFollowedByMoreThanOneNewLine @testParameters)
            $script:diagnosticRecord['Message'] = $script:localizedData.DoWhileStatementOpeningBraceShouldBeFollowedByOnlyOneNewLine
            $script:diagnosticRecord -as $diagnosticRecordType
        } # if
#EndRegion './Public/Measure-DoWhileStatement.ps1' 66
#Region './Public/Measure-ForEachStatement.ps1' -1

        Validates the foreach-statement block braces and new lines around braces.

        Each foreach-statement should have the opening brace on a separate line.
        Also, the opening brace should be followed by a new line.

        Measure-ForEachStatement -ForEachStatementAst $ScriptBlockAst




function Measure-ForEachStatement
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        $script:diagnosticRecord['Extent'] = $ForEachStatementAst.Extent
        $script:diagnosticRecord['RuleName'] = $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.InvocationName

        $testParameters = @{
            StatementBlock = $ForEachStatementAst.Extent

        if (Test-StatementOpeningBraceOnSameLine @testParameters)
            $script:diagnosticRecord['Message'] = $script:localizedData.ForEachStatementOpeningBraceNotOnSameLine
            $script:diagnosticRecord -as $diagnosticRecordType
        } # if

        if (Test-StatementOpeningBraceIsNotFollowedByNewLine @testParameters)
            $script:diagnosticRecord['Message'] = $script:localizedData.ForEachStatementOpeningBraceShouldBeFollowedByNewLine
            $script:diagnosticRecord -as $diagnosticRecordType
        } # if

        if (Test-StatementOpeningBraceIsFollowedByMoreThanOneNewLine @testParameters)
            $script:diagnosticRecord['Message'] = $script:localizedData.ForEachStatementOpeningBraceShouldBeFollowedByOnlyOneNewLine
            $script:diagnosticRecord -as $diagnosticRecordType
        } # if
#EndRegion './Public/Measure-ForEachStatement.ps1' 66
#Region './Public/Measure-ForStatement.ps1' -1

        Validates the for-statement block braces and new lines around braces.

        Each for-statement should have the opening brace on a separate line.
        Also, the opening brace should be followed by a new line.

        Measure-ForStatement -ForStatementAst $ScriptBlockAst




function Measure-ForStatement
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        $script:diagnosticRecord['Extent'] = $ForStatementAst.Extent
        $script:diagnosticRecord['RuleName'] = $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.InvocationName

        $testParameters = @{
            StatementBlock = $ForStatementAst.Extent

        if (Test-StatementOpeningBraceOnSameLine @testParameters)
            $script:diagnosticRecord['Message'] = $script:localizedData.ForStatementOpeningBraceNotOnSameLine
            $script:diagnosticRecord -as $diagnosticRecordType
        } # if

        if (Test-StatementOpeningBraceIsNotFollowedByNewLine @testParameters)
            $script:diagnosticRecord['Message'] = $script:localizedData.ForStatementOpeningBraceShouldBeFollowedByNewLine
            $script:diagnosticRecord -as $diagnosticRecordType
        } # if

        if (Test-StatementOpeningBraceIsFollowedByMoreThanOneNewLine @testParameters)
            $script:diagnosticRecord['Message'] = $script:localizedData.ForStatementOpeningBraceShouldBeFollowedByOnlyOneNewLine
            $script:diagnosticRecord -as $diagnosticRecordType
        } # if
#EndRegion './Public/Measure-ForStatement.ps1' 66
#Region './Public/Measure-FunctionBlockBrace.ps1' -1

        Validates the function block braces and new lines around braces.

        Each function should have the opening brace on a separate line.
        Also, the opening brace should be followed by a new line.

        Measure-FunctionBlockBrace -FunctionDefinitionAst $ScriptBlockAst




function Measure-FunctionBlockBrace
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        $script:diagnosticRecord['Extent'] = $FunctionDefinitionAst.Extent
        $script:diagnosticRecord['RuleName'] = $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.InvocationName

        $testParameters = @{
            StatementBlock = $FunctionDefinitionAst.Extent

        if (Test-StatementOpeningBraceOnSameLine @testParameters)
            $script:diagnosticRecord['Message'] = $script:localizedData.FunctionOpeningBraceNotOnSameLine
            $script:diagnosticRecord -as $diagnosticRecordType
        } # if

        if (Test-StatementOpeningBraceIsNotFollowedByNewLine @testParameters)
            $script:diagnosticRecord['Message'] = $script:localizedData.FunctionOpeningBraceShouldBeFollowedByNewLine
            $script:diagnosticRecord -as $diagnosticRecordType
        } # if

        if (Test-StatementOpeningBraceIsFollowedByMoreThanOneNewLine @testParameters)
            $script:diagnosticRecord['Message'] = $script:localizedData.FunctionOpeningBraceShouldBeFollowedByOnlyOneNewLine
            $script:diagnosticRecord -as $diagnosticRecordType
        } # if
#EndRegion './Public/Measure-FunctionBlockBrace.ps1' 66
#Region './Public/Measure-Hashtable.ps1' -1

        Validates all hashtables.

        Hashtables should have the correct format

        PS C:\> Measure-Hashtable -HashtableAst $HashtableAst




function Measure-Hashtable
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        foreach ($hashtable in $HashtableAst)
            # Empty hashtables should be ignored
            if ($hashtable.extent.Text -eq '@{}' -or $hashtable.extent.Text -eq '@{ }')

            $script:diagnosticRecord['RuleName'] = $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.InvocationName

            $hashtableLines = $hashtable.Extent.Text -split '\n'

            # Hashtable should start with '@{' and end with '}'
            if (($hashtableLines[0] -notmatch '\s*@?{\r' -and $hashtableLines[0] -notmatch '\s*@?{$') -or
                $hashtableLines[-1] -notmatch '\s*}')
                $script:diagnosticRecord['Extent'] = $hashtable.Extent
                $script:diagnosticRecord['Message'] = $script:localizedData.HashtableShouldHaveCorrectFormat
                $script:diagnosticRecord -as $diagnosticRecordType
                # We alredy checked that the first line is correctly formatted. Getting the starting indentation here
                $initialIndent = ([regex]::Match($hashtable.Extent.StartScriptPosition.Line, '(\s*)')).Length
                $expectedLineIndent = $initialIndent + 5

                foreach ($keyValuePair in $hashtable.KeyValuePairs)
                    if ($keyValuePair.Item1.Extent.StartColumnNumber -ne $expectedLineIndent)
                        $script:diagnosticRecord['Extent'] = $hashtable.Extent
                        $script:diagnosticRecord['Message'] = $script:localizedData.HashtableShouldHaveCorrectFormat
                        $script:diagnosticRecord -as $diagnosticRecordType
#EndRegion './Public/Measure-Hashtable.ps1' 77
#Region './Public/Measure-IfStatement.ps1' -1

        Validates the if-statement block braces and new lines around braces.

        Each if-statement should have the opening brace on a separate line.
        Also, the opening brace should be followed by a new line.

        Measure-IfStatement -IfStatementAst $ScriptBlockAst




function Measure-IfStatement
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        $script:diagnosticRecord['Extent'] = $IfStatementAst.Extent
        $script:diagnosticRecord['RuleName'] = $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.InvocationName

        $testParameters = @{
            StatementBlock = $IfStatementAst.Extent

        if (Test-StatementOpeningBraceOnSameLine @testParameters)
            $script:diagnosticRecord['Message'] = $script:localizedData.IfStatementOpeningBraceNotOnSameLine
            $script:diagnosticRecord -as $diagnosticRecordType
        } # if

        if (Test-StatementOpeningBraceIsNotFollowedByNewLine @testParameters)
            $script:diagnosticRecord['Message'] = $script:localizedData.IfStatementOpeningBraceShouldBeFollowedByNewLine
            $script:diagnosticRecord -as $diagnosticRecordType
        } # if

        if (Test-StatementOpeningBraceIsFollowedByMoreThanOneNewLine @testParameters)
            $script:diagnosticRecord['Message'] = $script:localizedData.IfStatementOpeningBraceShouldBeFollowedByOnlyOneNewLine
            $script:diagnosticRecord -as $diagnosticRecordType
        } # if
#EndRegion './Public/Measure-IfStatement.ps1' 66
#Region './Public/Measure-Keyword.ps1' -1

        Validates all keywords.

        Each keyword should be in all lower case.

        Measure-Keyword -Token $Token




function Measure-Keyword
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        $script:diagnosticRecord['RuleName'] = $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.InvocationName

        $keywordsToIgnore = @('configuration')
        $keywordFlag = [System.Management.Automation.Language.TokenFlags]::Keyword
        $keywords = $Token.Where{ $_.TokenFlags.HasFlag($keywordFlag) -and
            $_.Kind -ne 'DynamicKeyword' -and
            $keywordsToIgnore -notContains $_.Text
        $upperCaseTokens = $keywords.Where{ $_.Text -cMatch '[A-Z]+' }

        $tokenWithNoSpace = $keywords.Where{ $_.Extent.StartScriptPosition.Line -match "\b$($_.Extent.Text)\(.*" }

        foreach ($item in $upperCaseTokens)
            $script:diagnosticRecord['Extent'] = $item.Extent
            $script:diagnosticRecord['Message'] = $script:localizedData.StatementsContainsUpperCaseLetter -f $item.Text
            $suggestedCorrections = New-Object -TypeName Collections.Generic.List[Microsoft.Windows.PowerShell.ScriptAnalyzer.Generic.CorrectionExtent]
            $splat = @{
                Extent      = $item.Extent
                NewString   = $item.Text.ToLower()
                Description = ('Replace {0} with {1}' -f ($item.Extent.Text, $item.Extent.Text.ToLower()))
            $suggestedCorrections.Add((New-SuggestedCorrection @splat)) | Out-Null

            $script:diagnosticRecord['suggestedCorrections'] = $suggestedCorrections
            $script:diagnosticRecord -as $diagnosticRecordType

        foreach ($item in $tokenWithNoSpace)
            $script:diagnosticRecord['Extent'] = $item.Extent
            $script:diagnosticRecord['Message'] = $script:localizedData.OneSpaceBetweenKeywordAndParenthesis
            $suggestedCorrections = New-Object -TypeName Collections.Generic.List[Microsoft.Windows.PowerShell.ScriptAnalyzer.Generic.CorrectionExtent]
            $splat = @{
                Extent      = $item.Extent
                NewString   = "$($item.Text) "
                Description = ('Replace {0} with {1}' -f ("$($item.Extent.Text)(", "$($item.Text) ("))
            $suggestedCorrections.Add((New-SuggestedCorrection @splat)) | Out-Null

            $script:diagnosticRecord['suggestedCorrections'] = $suggestedCorrections
            $script:diagnosticRecord -as $diagnosticRecordType
#EndRegion './Public/Measure-Keyword.ps1' 84
#Region './Public/Measure-ParamBlock.ps1' -1

        Validates the param-block parentheses and new lines around parentheses.

        Each param-block should have the opening parentheses on the same line if empty.
        If the param-block has values then the parentheses should be on a new line.

        Measure-ParamBlock -ParamBlockAst $ScriptBlockAst




function Measure-ParamBlock
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        $script:diagnosticRecord['Extent'] = $ParamBlockAst.Extent
        $script:diagnosticRecord['RuleName'] = $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.InvocationName

        $testParameters = @{
            StatementBlock = $ParamBlockAst.Extent

        if ($ParamBlockAst.Parameters)
            if (Test-StatementOpeningParenthsesOnSameLine @testParameters)
                $script:diagnosticRecord['Message'] = $script:localizedData.ParamBlockNotEmptyParenthesesShouldBeOnNewLine
                $script:diagnosticRecord -as $diagnosticRecordType
            } # if
            if (-not (Test-StatementOpeningParenthsesOnSameLine @testParameters))
                $script:diagnosticRecord['Message'] = $script:localizedData.ParamBlockEmptyParenthesesShouldBeOnSameLine
                $script:diagnosticRecord -as $diagnosticRecordType
            } # if

            if (Test-StatementEmptyParenthsesHasWhitespace @testParameters)
                $script:diagnosticRecord['Message'] = $script:localizedData.ParamBlockEmptyParenthesesShouldNotHaveWhitespace
                $script:diagnosticRecord -as $diagnosticRecordType
            } # if
#EndRegion './Public/Measure-ParamBlock.ps1' 70
#Region './Public/Measure-ParameterBlockMandatoryNamedArgument.ps1' -1

        Validates use of the Mandatory named argument within a Parameter attribute.

        If a parameter attribute contains the mandatory attribute the
        mandatory attribute must be formatted correctly.

        Measure-ParameterBlockMandatoryNamedArgument -NamedAttributeArgumentAst $namedAttributeArgumentAst




function Measure-ParameterBlockMandatoryNamedArgument
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        $script:diagnosticRecord['RuleName'] = $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.InvocationName
        [System.Boolean] $inAClass = Test-IsInClass -Ast $NamedAttributeArgumentAst

            Parameter Attributes are not valid in classes, and DscProperty does
            not use the (Mandatory = $true) format just DscProperty(Mandatory)

        if (!$inAClass)
            if ($NamedAttributeArgumentAst.ArgumentName -eq 'Mandatory')
                $script:diagnosticRecord['Extent'] = $NamedAttributeArgumentAst.Extent

                if ($NamedAttributeArgumentAst)
                    $invalidFormat = $false
                        $value = $NamedAttributeArgumentAst.Argument.SafeGetValue()
                        if ($value -eq $false)
                            $script:diagnosticRecord['Message'] = $script:localizedData.ParameterBlockNonMandatoryParameterMandatoryAttributeWrongFormat

                            $script:diagnosticRecord -as $script:diagnosticRecordType
                        elseif ($NamedAttributeArgumentAst.Argument.VariablePath.UserPath -cne 'true')
                            $invalidFormat = $true
                        elseif ($NamedAttributeArgumentAst.ArgumentName -cne 'Mandatory')
                            $invalidFormat = $true
                        $invalidFormat = $true

                    if ($invalidFormat)
                        $script:diagnosticRecord['Message'] = $script:localizedData.ParameterBlockParameterMandatoryAttributeWrongFormat

                        $script:diagnosticRecord -as $script:diagnosticRecordType
#EndRegion './Public/Measure-ParameterBlockMandatoryNamedArgument.ps1' 89
#Region './Public/Measure-ParameterBlockParameterAttribute.ps1' -1

        Validates the [Parameter()] attribute for each parameter.

        All parameters in a param block must contain a [Parameter()] attribute
        and it must be the first attribute for each parameter and must start with
        a capital letter P.

        Measure-ParameterBlockParameterAttribute -ParameterAst $parameterAst




function Measure-ParameterBlockParameterAttribute
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        $script:diagnosticRecord['Extent'] = $ParameterAst.Extent
        $script:diagnosticRecord['RuleName'] = $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.InvocationName
        [System.Boolean] $inAClass = Test-IsInClass -Ast $ParameterAst

            If we are in a class the parameter attributes are not valid in Classes
            the ParameterValidation attributes are however

        if (!$inAClass)
            if ($ParameterAst.Attributes.TypeName.FullName -notContains 'parameter')
                $script:diagnosticRecord['Message'] = $script:localizedData.ParameterBlockParameterAttributeMissing

                $script:diagnosticRecord -as $script:diagnosticRecordType
            elseif ($ParameterAst.Attributes[0].TypeName.FullName -ne 'parameter')
                $script:diagnosticRecord['Message'] = $script:localizedData.ParameterBlockParameterAttributeWrongPlace

                $script:diagnosticRecord -as $script:diagnosticRecordType
            elseif ($ParameterAst.Attributes[0].TypeName.FullName -cne 'Parameter')
                $script:diagnosticRecord['Message'] = $script:localizedData.ParameterBlockParameterAttributeLowerCase

                $script:diagnosticRecord -as $script:diagnosticRecordType
#EndRegion './Public/Measure-ParameterBlockParameterAttribute.ps1' 71
#Region './Public/Measure-SwitchStatement.ps1' -1

        Validates the switch-statement block braces and new lines around braces.

        Each switch-statement should have the opening brace on a separate line.
        Also, the opening brace should be followed by a new line.

        Measure-SwitchStatement -SwitchStatementAst $ScriptBlockAst




function Measure-SwitchStatement
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        $script:diagnosticRecord['Extent'] = $SwitchStatementAst.Extent
        $script:diagnosticRecord['RuleName'] = $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.InvocationName

        $testParameters = @{
            StatementBlock = $SwitchStatementAst.Extent

            Must use an else block here, because otherwise, if there is a
            switch-clause that is formatted wrong it will hit on that
            and return the wrong rule message.

        if (Test-StatementOpeningBraceOnSameLine @testParameters)
            $script:diagnosticRecord['Message'] = $script:localizedData.SwitchStatementOpeningBraceNotOnSameLine
            $script:diagnosticRecord -as $diagnosticRecordType
        } # if
        elseif (Test-StatementOpeningBraceIsNotFollowedByNewLine @testParameters)
            $script:diagnosticRecord['Message'] = $script:localizedData.SwitchStatementOpeningBraceShouldBeFollowedByNewLine
            $script:diagnosticRecord -as $diagnosticRecordType
        } # if

        if (Test-StatementOpeningBraceIsFollowedByMoreThanOneNewLine @testParameters)
            $script:diagnosticRecord['Message'] = $script:localizedData.SwitchStatementOpeningBraceShouldBeFollowedByOnlyOneNewLine
            $script:diagnosticRecord -as $diagnosticRecordType
        } # if
#EndRegion './Public/Measure-SwitchStatement.ps1' 69
#Region './Public/Measure-TryStatement.ps1' -1

        Validates the try-statement block braces and new lines around braces.

        Each try-statement should have the opening brace on a separate line.
        Also, the opening brace should be followed by a new line.

        Measure-TryStatement -TryStatementAst $ScriptBlockAst




function Measure-TryStatement
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        $script:diagnosticRecord['Extent'] = $TryStatementAst.Extent
        $script:diagnosticRecord['RuleName'] = $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.InvocationName

        $testParameters = @{
            StatementBlock = $TryStatementAst.Extent

        if (Test-StatementOpeningBraceOnSameLine @testParameters)
            $script:diagnosticRecord['Message'] = $script:localizedData.TryStatementOpeningBraceNotOnSameLine
            $script:diagnosticRecord -as $diagnosticRecordType
        } # if

        if (Test-StatementOpeningBraceIsNotFollowedByNewLine @testParameters)
            $script:diagnosticRecord['Message'] = $script:localizedData.TryStatementOpeningBraceShouldBeFollowedByNewLine
            $script:diagnosticRecord -as $diagnosticRecordType
        } # if

        if (Test-StatementOpeningBraceIsFollowedByMoreThanOneNewLine @testParameters)
            $script:diagnosticRecord['Message'] = $script:localizedData.TryStatementOpeningBraceShouldBeFollowedByOnlyOneNewLine
            $script:diagnosticRecord -as $diagnosticRecordType
        } # if
#EndRegion './Public/Measure-TryStatement.ps1' 65
#Region './Public/Measure-TypeDefinition.ps1' -1

        Validates the Class and Enum of PowerShell.

        Each Class or Enum must be formatted correctly.

        Measure-TypeDefinition -TypeDefinitionAst $ScriptBlockAst




function Measure-TypeDefinition
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        $script:diagnosticRecord['Extent'] = $TypeDefinitionAst.Extent
        $script:diagnosticRecord['RuleName'] = $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.InvocationName

        $testParameters = @{
            StatementBlock = $TypeDefinitionAst.Extent

        if ($TypeDefinitionAst.IsEnum)
            if (Test-StatementOpeningBraceOnSameLine @testParameters)
                $script:diagnosticRecord['Message'] = $script:localizedData.EnumOpeningBraceNotOnSameLine
                $script:diagnosticRecord -as $diagnosticRecordType
            } # if

            if (Test-StatementOpeningBraceIsNotFollowedByNewLine @testParameters)
                $script:diagnosticRecord['Message'] = $script:localizedData.EnumOpeningBraceShouldBeFollowedByNewLine
                $script:diagnosticRecord -as $diagnosticRecordType
            } # if

            if (Test-StatementOpeningBraceIsFollowedByMoreThanOneNewLine @testParameters)
                $script:diagnosticRecord['Message'] = $script:localizedData.EnumOpeningBraceShouldBeFollowedByOnlyOneNewLine
                $script:diagnosticRecord -as $diagnosticRecordType
            } # if
        } # if
        elseif ($TypeDefinitionAst.IsClass)
            if (Test-StatementOpeningBraceOnSameLine @testParameters)
                $script:diagnosticRecord['Message'] = $script:localizedData.ClassOpeningBraceNotOnSameLine
                $script:diagnosticRecord -as $diagnosticRecordType
            } # if

            if (Test-StatementOpeningBraceIsNotFollowedByNewLine @testParameters)
                $script:diagnosticRecord['Message'] = $script:localizedData.ClassOpeningBraceShouldBeFollowedByNewLine
                $script:diagnosticRecord -as $diagnosticRecordType
            } # if

            if (Test-StatementOpeningBraceIsFollowedByMoreThanOneNewLine @testParameters)
                $script:diagnosticRecord['Message'] = $script:localizedData.ClassOpeningBraceShouldBeFollowedByOnlyOneNewLine
                $script:diagnosticRecord -as $diagnosticRecordType
            } # if
        } # if
#EndRegion './Public/Measure-TypeDefinition.ps1' 87
#Region './Public/Measure-WhileStatement.ps1' -1

        Validates the while-statement block braces and new lines around braces.

        Each while-statement should have the opening brace on a separate line.
        Also, the opening brace should be followed by a new line.

        Measure-WhileStatement -WhileStatementAst $ScriptBlockAst




function Measure-WhileStatement
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        $script:diagnosticRecord['Extent'] = $WhileStatementAst.Extent
        $script:diagnosticRecord['RuleName'] = $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.InvocationName

        $testParameters = @{
            StatementBlock = $WhileStatementAst.Extent

        if (Test-StatementOpeningBraceOnSameLine @testParameters)
            $script:diagnosticRecord['Message'] = $script:localizedData.WhileStatementOpeningBraceNotOnSameLine
            $script:diagnosticRecord -as $diagnosticRecordType
        } # if

        if (Test-StatementOpeningBraceIsNotFollowedByNewLine @testParameters)
            $script:diagnosticRecord['Message'] = $script:localizedData.WhileStatementOpeningBraceShouldBeFollowedByNewLine
            $script:diagnosticRecord -as $diagnosticRecordType
        } # if

        if (Test-StatementOpeningBraceIsFollowedByMoreThanOneNewLine @testParameters)
            $script:diagnosticRecord['Message'] = $script:localizedData.WhileStatementOpeningBraceShouldBeFollowedByOnlyOneNewLine
            $script:diagnosticRecord -as $diagnosticRecordType
        } # if
#EndRegion './Public/Measure-WhileStatement.ps1' 65
#Region './suffix.ps1' -1

# Import Localized Data
$script:localizedData = Get-LocalizedData -DefaultUICulture 'en-US'
#EndRegion './suffix.ps1' 3