function Invoke-DtDriverTool { <# .SYNOPSIS Invoke DriverTool.exe .DESCRIPTION Invoke-DtDriverTool enables call to DriverTool.exe as the first bridge to the PowerShell command line. This CmdLet defines a parameter set for each DriverTool command as described in the 'DriverTool.exe Help' command. .PARAMETER Help Runs DriverTool.exe Help to open the native DriverTool.exe help in a text editor. .PARAMETER CmUi Start user interface for download and packaging of CM device drivers. .PARAMETER CreateDriverPackage Create driver update package for current manufacturer and model. .PARAMETER DestinationFolder Destination folder where the driver package will be created. .PARAMETER PackagePublisher Name of the package publisher. Typically your company name. .PARAMETER BaseOnLocallyInstalledUpdates Create driver package based on locally installed updates. Use this on a fully updated reference machine where the vendor specific update utility (Lenovo System Update) has been run and no more updates are available. .PARAMETER InstallDriverPackage Install driver package. This command looks for the .\Drivers sub folder. If the .\Drivers does not exist the command looks for the \ file and extracts it to .\Drivers folder. The command then executes each DT-Install-Package.cmd in any sub folders below the .\Drivers folder. .PARAMETER UnInstallDriverPackage Uninstall driver package. This command looks for the .\Drivers sub folder. If the .\Drivers does not exist the command looks for the \ file and extracts it to .\Drivers folder. The command then executes each DT-UnInstall-Package.cmd in any sub folders below the .\Drivers folder. .PARAMETER DriverPackagePath Driver package folder path. Below this path there should be a .\Drivers sub folder or .EXAMPLE Invoke-DtDriverTool -Help .EXAMPLE Invoke-DtDriverTool -CmUi .EXAMPLE Write-Host "Create inital driver update package for current model containing all updates (including BIOS and firmware)." Invoke-DtDriverTool -CreateDriverPackage -DestinationFolder "c:\temp\DI" -PackagePublisher "trondr" .EXAMPLE Write-Host "Create driver update package for current model based on locally installed updates and excluding any BIOS or firmware updates." Invoke-DtDriverTool -CreateDriverPackage -DestinationFolder "c:\temp\D" -PackagePublisher "trondr" -BaseOnLocallyInstalledUpdates -ExcludeUpdatePatterns @("BIOS","Firmware") .EXAMPLE Invoke-DtDriverTool -InstallDriverPackage -DriverPackagePath "C:\temp\d\20EQ0022MN\2021-09-22-1.0\Script\" .NOTES Version: 1.0 Author: github/trondr Company: github/trondr Repository: #> [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(ParameterSetName="Help",Mandatory=$true,HelpMessage="Runs DriverTool.exe Help to open the native DriverTool.exe help in a text editor.")] [switch] $Help, [Parameter(ParameterSetName="CmUi",Mandatory=$true,HelpMessage="Start user interface for download and packaging of CM device drivers.")] [switch] $CmUi, [Parameter(ParameterSetName="CreateDriverPackage",Mandatory=$true,HelpMessage="Create driver package for given manufacturer and model.")] [switch] $CreateDriverPackage, [Parameter(ParameterSetName="CreateDriverPackage",Mandatory=$true,HelpMessage="Destination folder where the driver package will be created.")] [String] $DestinationFolder, [Parameter(ParameterSetName="CreateDriverPackage",Mandatory=$true,HelpMessage="Name of the package publisher. Typically your company name.")] [String] $PackagePublisher, [Parameter(ParameterSetName="CreateDriverPackage",Mandatory=$false,HelpMessage="Create driver package based on locally installed updates. Use this on a fully updated reference machine where the vendor specific update utility (Lenovo System Update) has been run and no more updates are available.")] [switch] $BaseOnLocallyInstalledUpdates=$false, [Parameter(ParameterSetName="CreateDriverPackage",Mandatory=$false,HelpMessage="Exclude updates where title or category match any of the specified regular expression patterns.")] [string[]] $ExcludeUpdatePatterns=@(), [Parameter(ParameterSetName="InstallDriverPackage",Mandatory=$true,HelpMessage="Install driver package. This command looks for the .\Drivers sub folder. If the .\Drivers does not exist the command looks for the \ file and extracts it to .\Drivers folder. The command then executes each DT-Install-Package.cmd in any sub folders below the .\Drivers folder.")] [switch] $InstallDriverPackage, [Parameter(ParameterSetName="UnInstallDriverPackage",Mandatory=$true,HelpMessage="Uninstall driver package. This command looks for the .\Drivers sub folder. If the .\Drivers does not exist the command looks for the \ file and extracts it to .\Drivers folder. The command then executes each DT-UnInstall-Package.cmd in any sub folders below the .\Drivers folder.")] [switch] $UnInstallDriverPackage, [Parameter(ParameterSetName="InstallDriverPackage",Mandatory=$true,HelpMessage="Driver package folder path. Below this path there should be a .\Drivers sub folder or")] [Parameter(ParameterSetName="UnInstallDriverPackage",Mandatory=$true,HelpMessage="Driver package folder path. Below this path there should be a .\Drivers sub folder or a")] [string] $DriverPackagePath ) begin { Assert-DtFileExists -Path $DriverToolExe -Message "DriverTool.exe ($driverToolExe) not found." } process { if($Help){ & "$driverToolExe" "Help" } elseif($CmUi){ & "$driverToolExe" "CmUi" } elseif($CreateDriverPackage){ $ExcludeUpdatePatternsArgument = [System.Text.StringBuilder]::new() $ExcludeUpdatePatterns | ForEach-Object{[void]$ExcludeUpdatePatternsArgument.Append("$($_);")} & "$driverToolExe" "CreateDriverPackage" "/destinationFolder=`"$DestinationFolder`"" "/packagePublisher=`"$PackagePublisher`"" "/baseOnLocallyInstalledUpdates=$BaseOnLocallyInstalledUpdates" "/excludeUpdatePatterns=[$($ExcludeUpdatePatternsArgument.ToString().Trim(';'))]" } elseif($InstallDriverPackage) { & "$driverToolExe" "InstallDriverPackage" "/driverPackagePath=`"$DriverPackagePath`"" } elseif($UnInstallDriverPackage) { & "$driverToolExe" "UnInstallDriverPackage" "/driverPackagePath=`"$DriverPackagePath`"" } else { Write-Host "TODO: Implement call to DriverTool.exe commands" } } end { } } #TEST #Invoke-DtDriverTool -Help #Invoke-DtDriverTool -CmUi #Invoke-DtDriverTool -CreateDriverPackage -DestinationFolder "c:\temp\DI" -PackagePublisher "trondr" #Invoke-DtDriverTool -CreateDriverPackage -DestinationFolder "c:\temp\D" -PackagePublisher "trondr" -BaseOnLocallyInstalledUpdates -ExcludeUpdatePatterns @("BIOS","Firmware") #Get-Help Invoke-DtDriverTool -Full |