
function Search-DracoonNode {
    Provides a flat list of file system nodes (rooms, folders or files) of a given parent that are accessible by the current user.
    API-GET /v4/nodes/search
    Provides a flat list of file system nodes (rooms, folders or files) of a given parent that are accessible by the current user.
    .PARAMETER Connection
    Object of Class [Dracoon], stores the authentication Token and the API Base-URL
    .PARAMETER Filter
    All filter fields are connected via logical conjunction (AND)
    Filter string syntax: FIELD_NAME:OPERATOR:VALUE[:VALUE...]
    Get nodes where type equals file AND file creation date is >= 2015-01-01.
    .PARAMETER Limit
    Range limit. Maximum 500.
    For more results please use paging (offset + limit).
    .PARAMETER Offset
    Range offset
    Sort string syntax: FIELD_NAME:ORDER
    ORDER can be asc or desc.
    Multiple sort fields are NOT supported.
    Nodes are sorted by type first, then by sent sort string.
    Parent node ID.
    Only rooms and folders can be parents.
    Parent ID 0 or empty is the root node.
    .PARAMETER DepthLevel
    0 - top level nodes only (default)
    -1 - full tree
    n (any positive number) - include n levels starting from the current node
    .PARAMETER SearchString
    String to be searched in the NodeName
    To be added
    in the Future
    General notes

    param (
        [int]$ParentID = 0,
        [int]$DepthLevel = 0,
    $apiCallParameter = @{
        Connection   = $Connection
        method       = "Get"
        Path         ="/v4/nodes/search"
        EnablePaging = $true
        UrlParameter = @{
            search_string = $SearchString
        # EnablePaging=$true
    $result = Invoke-DracoonAPI @apiCallParameter