
function Initialize-DotsConfig {
        Initialize Dots module configuration

        Initialize Dots module configuration, and $DotsConfig module variable

        This will set Dots back to the defaults, with overrides as specified by parameters

        Prefix for Dots-owned data, when multiple data sources are present
        Defaults to Dots

        For example, a :Server might include properties with the following prefixes:
          * AD: Active Directory data e.g. ADOperatingSystem
          * PDB: PuppetDB data e.g. PDBosfamily
          * Dots: Data stored or generated by Dots e.g. DotsADUpdateDate

    .PARAMETER ScriptsPath
        Path to scripts that pull external and Dots data
        Must include scripts in respective subfolders: ExternalSources, DotsSources
        Defaults to empty

        IncludeDotsScripts $True effectively adds the Dots module Dots/Scripts path to this

    .PARAMETER IncludeDotsScripts
        Whether to include Dots/Scripts in functions that use ScriptsPath
        Defaults to $true

    .PARAMETER DataPath
        Path to yaml data where Dots is the source of truth
        Defaults to Dots/Data

    .PARAMETER ScriptOrder
        Controls order of ScriptsPath script execution
        Items not included run last
        Required in cases where data must exist first - e.g. start and end nodes for a relationship

    .PARAMETER ScriptsToRun
        Specify a whitelist of scripts that Dots will run
        All other scripts will be ignored

    .PARAMETER ScriptsToIgnore
        Specify a blacklist of scripts that Dots will ignore
        All other scripts will run

    .PARAMETER ServerUnique
        Unique identifier for a :Server. Used to correlate and to avoid duplicates
        Defaults to ${CMDBPrefix}Hostname

    .PARAMETER TestMode
        If specified, we generate Dots from pre-existing mock data

    .PARAMETER AllLower
        If specified, attempt to convert all string properties to lowercase before loading into Neo4j
        Defaults to $True

        If specified, save config file to this file path
        Defaults to
          DotsConfig.xml in the user temp folder on Windows, or
          .dotsconfig in the user's home directory on Linux/macOS


        [string]$CMDBPrefix = 'Dots',
        [string]$DataPath = $(Join-Path $ModuleRoot 'Data'),
        [string]$ScriptsPath = $null,
        [bool]$IncludeDotsScripts = $true,
        [string[]]$ScriptOrder = @( 'ADComputers',
                                  'Service-DependsOn' ),
        [string[]]$ScriptsToIgnore = @('PuppetDB', 'ScheduledTask'),
        [string]$ServerUnique, # Default is computed below
        [bool]$AllLower = $true,
        [string]$Path = $script:_DotsConfigXmlpath
    if(-not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('ServerUnique')) {
        $ServerUnique = "${CMDBPrefix}Hostname"
    Switch ($DotsProps)
        'CMDBPrefix'         { $Script:DotsConfig.CMDBPrefix = $CMDBPrefix }
        'DataPath'           { $Script:DotsConfig.DataPath = [string[]]$DataPath }
        'ScriptsPath'        { $Script:DotsConfig.ScriptsPath = [string[]]$ScriptsPath }
        'IncludeDotsScripts' { $Script:DotsConfig.IncludeDotsScripts = $IncludeDotsScripts }
        'ScriptOrder'        { $Script:DotsConfig.ScriptOrder = [string[]]$ScriptOrder }
        'ScriptsToRun'       { $Script:DotsConfig.ScriptsToRun = [string[]]$ScriptsToRun }
        'ScriptsToIgnore'    { $Script:DotsConfig.ScriptsToIgnore = [string[]]$ScriptsToIgnore }
        'ServerUnique'       { $Script:DotsConfig.ServerUnique = $ServerUnique }
        'TestMode'           { $Script:DotsConfig.TestMode = [bool]$TestMode }
        'AllLower'           { $Script:DotsConfig.AllLower = $AllLower }

    # Create variables for config props, for convenience
    foreach($Prop in $DotsProps) {
        Set-Variable -Name $Prop -Value $DotsConfig.$Prop -Scope Script -Force

    $SelectParams = @{
        Property = $Script:DotsProps
    if(-not (Test-IsWindows)) {
        $SelectParams.Add('ExcludeProperty', 'Credential')
    #Write the global variable and the xml
    $Script:DotsConfig |
        Select-Object @SelectParams |
        Export-Clixml -Path $Path -Force