<# .SYNOPSIS Pull nodes and facts from PuppetDB, add to Neo4j .DESCRIPTION Pull nodes and facts from PuppetDB, add to Neo4j Uses PSPuppetDB from the PowerShell Gallery This is invoked by Connect-TheDots .PARAMETER Prefix Prefix to append to properties when we add them to Neo4j This helps identify properties that might come from mutiple sources, or where the source is ambiguous For example, environment becomes PDBenvironment Defaults to PDB. Change at your own risk .PARAMETER MergeProperty We use this to correlate Server data from multiple sources We assume server data should correlate if the value for this on a Puppet node matches the ServerUnique value in Neo4j Default: NameLower .PARAMETER Label What label do we assign the data we pull? Defaults to Server. Change at your own risk .PARAMETER Properties Properties (facts) to extract and select from PuppetDB .PARAMETER Excludes Properties (facts) to exclude (in line with transforms) .PARAMETER Transforms Properties (facts) to select again (in line with excludes) Example: *, # Keep all properties from -Properties @{ label='NameLower' expression={$Node.certname.ToLower()} } This would keep all properties from -Properties, and add a calculated NameLower .PARAMETER ExcludeOlderThanMonths Exclude AD Computers with lastLogonTimestamp older than this many months Default: 12 .FUNCTIONALITY Dots #> [cmdletbinding()] param( [string]$Prefix = 'PDB', [string]$MergeProperty = 'NameLower', [string]$Label = 'Server', [string[]]$Properties = @( 'certname', 'ipaddress', 'osfamily', 'environment', 'vlan', 'uptime', 'serialnumber', 'location_row', 'kernelrelease', 'group', 'puppet_classes', 'manufacturer', 'productname', 'memorysize_mb', 'puppetversion' ), [string[]]$Excludes = 'puppet_classes', [object[]]$Transforms = @( '*', @{ label='NameLower' expression={$Node.certname.ToLower()} }, @{ label='Classes' expression={ $Classes = $null if($_.puppet_classes -match "^\[.*\]$") { $Classes = $_.puppet_classes.trimstart('[').trimend(']') -split "," | where {$_} $Classes = @( foreach($Class in $Classes) { $Class.trim(' ').trim('"') } ) } $Classes | Sort -Unique } }, @{ label='FactsTimestamp' expression={ try{ Get-Date $node.'facts-timestamp' } catch { $node.'facts-timestamp' } } }, @{ label='ReportTimestamp' expression={ try{ Get-Date $node.'report-timestamp' } catch { $node.'report-timestamp' } } } ) ) # Dot source so module import is available in this scope if($script:TestMode) { Write-Verbose "Using mock functions from $ModuleRoot/Mock/Mocks.ps1" . "$ModuleRoot/Mock/Mocks.ps1" } else { . Import-RequiredModule PSPuppetDB -ErrorAction Stop } Write-Verbose "Querying for all puppet nodes" $Date = Get-Date $Nodes = Get-PDBNode $TotalCount = $Nodes.count $Count = 0 Write-Verbose "Adding or updating $TotalCount nodes from Puppet data" $Nodes = foreach($Node in $Nodes) { Write-Progress -Activity "Getting Puppet info" -Status "Getting $($Node.Name)" -PercentComplete (($Count / $TotalCount)*100) $Count++ Get-PDBNodeFact -CertName $Node.certname | Select-Object -Property $Properties | Select-Object -Property $Transforms | Select-Object -Property * -ExcludeProperty $Excludes } $Nodes = Foreach($Node in $Nodes) { $Output = Add-PropertyPrefix -Prefix $Prefix -Object $Node Add-Member -InputObject $Output -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "${script:CMDBPrefix}${Prefix}UpdateDate" -Value $Date -Force $Output } $Unique = "${Prefix}${MergeProperty}" $TotalCount = $Nodes.count $Count = 0 Foreach($Node in $Nodes) { Write-Progress -Activity "Updating Neo4j" -Status "Adding $( $Node.$Unique )" -PercentComplete (($Count / $TotalCount)*100) $Count++ Set-Neo4jNode -Label $Label -Hash @{$script:ServerUnique = $Node.$Unique} -InputObject $Node } |