<# .SYNOPSIS Pull serialized local group membership data, add to Neo4j .DESCRIPTION Pull serialized local group membership data, add to Neo4j This creates relationships between AD users/groups and Servers * Assumes properties line up with output from * Assumes data is serialized via Export-CliXml to one or more paths This is quite opinionated. We prefer this route to directly connecting to nodes. An example implementation: * A central limited access share accessible by all computers. Perhaps domain computers create, creator owner fullish * GPO creates scheduled task on all computers * Scheduled task collects local group memberships, exports clixml to limited access share This is invoked by Connect-TheDots .PARAMETER Prefix Prefix to append to properties when we add them to Neo4j This helps identify properties that might come from mutiple sources, or where the source is ambiguous This is only used for an update date (e.g. DotsGRPMBRUpdateDate) Defaults to GRPMBR .PARAMETER DataPath One or more paths to data holding clixml for scheduled tasks. Maps to Get-ChildItem Path (i.e. -Path $DataPath) For example: '\\Path\To\Share\task_*.xml' '\\Path\To\Share\tasks\*.xml' .PARAMETER Domains Append these to correlate current hostname to Neo4j Server nodes which are fully qualified E.g. if Computername is dc01, and Domains is and, we create relationships to servers with hostname and/or .FUNCTIONALITY Dots #> [cmdletbinding()] param( [string]$Prefix = 'GRPMBR', [string[]]$DataPath, [string]$Domains ) $Date = Get-Date # Dot source so module import is available in this scope if($Script:TestMode) { Write-Verbose "Using mock functions from $ModuleRoot/Mock/Mocks.ps1" . "$ModuleRoot/Mock/Mocks.ps1" } $Files = Get-ChildItem $DataPath $GroupMembers = foreach($File in $Files){ Import-Clixml $File | Where-Object {$_.Name -and $_.ComputerName -and $_.Type -and $_.ParentGroup -and $_.LocalGroup} } $GroupMap = @{ Administrators ='IsInAdministrators' 'Remote Desktop Users' = 'IsInRemoteDesktopUsers' } foreach($GroupMember in $GroupMembers){ # Create local users - LOW PRIORITY # Relationships if($GroupMember.Type -eq 'Domain') { if($GroupMember.isGroup){ $LeftLabel = 'Group' } else { $LeftLabel = 'User' } $LocalGroup = $GroupMember.LocalGroup $RelationshipType = $GroupMap.$LocalGroup $Properties = @{ "${Script:CMDBPrefix}${Prefix}UpdateDate" = $Date Depth = $GroupMember.Depth ParentGroup = $GroupMember.ParentGroup } if(-not $RelationshipType) { continue } $Params = @{ Type = $RelationshipType LeftLabel = $LeftLabel LeftHash = @{ADSamAccountName = $GroupMember.Name} RightLabel = 'Server' Properties = $Properties } foreach($Domain in $Domains) { New-Neo4jRelationship @Params -RightHash @{$script:ServerUnique = "$($GroupMember.Computername.tolower()).$Domain"} } } } |