<# .SYNOPSIS Read Service definitions, add to Neo4j .DESCRIPTION Read Service definitions, add to Neo4j This is invoked by Connect-TheDots .PARAMETER RelationshipTypes Whitelist of user/group relationship types to this service. Defaults to Users, Admins, Owners, Data_Owners .PARAMETER Path Path to yaml files. Defaults to DataPath\Service\*.yml We append Service/*.yml to this path If TestMode is set, we override this to Dots/Mock/Data/*.yml .FUNCTIONALITY Dots #> [cmdletbinding()] param( $RelationshipTypes = @('Users', 'Admins', 'Owner', 'Data_Owner', 'Accesses'), [string[]]$Path ) $RelationShipTypeMap = @{ Users = 'Uses' Admins = 'Admins' Owner = 'Owns' Data_Owner = 'Owns_Data' Accesses = 'Accesses_Data' } # Delete all existing data beforehand foreach($RelationshipType in $RelationshipTypeMap.Values) { Invoke-Neo4jQuery -Query "MATCH ()-[r:$RelationshipType]->(:Service) DELETE r" } Invoke-Neo4jQuery -Query "MATCH (s:Service) DETACH DELETE s" $ScriptName = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name -replace '.ps1$' if($Script:TestMode){ $Path = "$ModuleRoot/Mock/Data" } elseif(-not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Path')){ $Path = $script:DataPath } foreach($PathItem in $Path) { $PathItem = Join-Path $PathItem "/$ScriptName/*.yml" Write-Verbose "Parsing $ScriptName files from $PathItem" # Build up services and principal relationships "`n###############" "Running $ScriptName" "###############" $files = Get-ChildItem $PathItem -File | Where-Object {$_.BaseName -notmatch '^[0-9].*Template.*'} foreach($file in $files) { "### PARSING ### $($file.fullname)" $yaml = Get-Content $file.fullname -Raw $data = ConvertFrom-Yaml -Yaml $yaml $namekey = $file.basename # Extract reserved keys that aren't a part of the service $Sleep = $null $PrincipalData = @{} foreach($RelationshipType in $RelationshipTypes){ if($data.ContainsKey($RelationshipType)){ $PrincipalData.add($RelationShipTypeMap[$RelationshipType], $data[$RelationshipType]) [void]$data.remove($RelationshipType) $Sleep = $True } } # Create the service $Output = Set-Neo4jNode -Label Service -Hash @{name_key = $namekey} -InputObject $data -Passthru Test-BadOutput -Ingestor $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name ` -YamFile $File ` -DataHash $($Data | Out-String) ` -DataKey $namekey ` -Specific "service $namekey" ` -Output $Output foreach($RelationshipType in $PrincipalData.Keys){ $Params = @{ RightLabel = 'Service' RightHash = @{name_key = $namekey} Type = $RelationshipType } $Principals = $PrincipalData[$RelationshipType] # Handle arrays of users with no properties, or hashes with properties about relationships $IsHash = $false if($Principals.Keys.Count -gt 0) { $Loop = $Principals.Keys $IsHash = $true } else { $Loop = $Principals } foreach($Principal in $Loop) { $LeftParams = @{ LeftLabel = Get-PrincipalLabel -Name $Principal LeftHash = @{ADSamAccountName = $Principal} } if($IsHash){ $LeftParams.add('Properties', $Principals[$Principal]) } $Output = New-Neo4jRelationship @LeftParams @Params -Passthru Test-BadOutput -Ingestor $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name ` -YamFile $File ` -DataHash $($PrincipalData | Out-String) ` -DataKey $namekey ` -Specific "principal $Principal [:$RelationshipType] service $namekey" ` -Output $Output } } } } |