.SYNOPSIS SetupOnPremLoadBalancer .DESCRIPTION SetupOnPremLoadBalancer .INPUTS SetupOnPremLoadBalancer - The name of SetupOnPremLoadBalancer .OUTPUTS None .EXAMPLE SetupOnPremLoadBalancer .EXAMPLE SetupOnPremLoadBalancer #> function SetupOnPremLoadBalancer() { [CmdletBinding()] param ( ) Write-Verbose 'SetupOnPremLoadBalancer: Starting' Set-StrictMode -Version latest # stop whenever there is an error $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop" [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidUsingCmdletAliases", "", Justification="We're calling linux commands")] [hashtable]$Return = @{} WriteToConsole "deleting any old resources" # enable running pods on master # kubectl taint node mymasternode Write-Host "deleting existing resources with label traefik" kubectl delete 'pods,services,configMaps,deployments,ingress' -l k8s-traefik=traefik -n kube-system --ignore-not-found=true Write-Host "deleting existing service account for traefik" kubectl delete ServiceAccount traefik-ingress-controller-serviceaccount -n kube-system --ignore-not-found=true AskForSecretValue -secretname "customerid" -prompt "Customer ID " Write-Host "reading secret from kubernetes" $customerid = $(ReadSecretValue -secretname "customerid" -namespace "default") $fullhostname = $(hostname --fqdn) Write-Host "Full host name of current machine: $fullhostname" AskForSecretValue -secretname "dnshostname" -prompt "DNS name used to connect to the master VM (leave empty to use $fullhostname)" -namespace "default" -defaultvalue $fullhostname $dnsrecordname = $(ReadSecretValue -secretname "dnshostname" -namespace "default") [string] $secret = "certpassword" [string] $namespace = "default" [string] $certPassword = $(GenerateSecretPassword -secretname "$secret" -namespace "$namespace").Password GenerateCertificates -CertHostName "$dnsrecordname" -CertPassword $certPassword [string] $package = "nginx" [string] $packageInternal = "nginx-internal" [string] $ngniximageTag = $globals.ngniximageTag Write-Output "Removing old deployment" helm del --purge $package helm del --purge $packageInternal Start-Sleep -Seconds 5 # nginx configuration: Write-Verbose "Installing the public nginx load balancer" helm install stable/nginx-ingress ` --namespace "kube-system" ` --name "$package" ` --set controller.service.type="ClusterIP" ` --set controller.hostNetwork=true ` --set controller.image.tag="$ngniximageTag" ` --set controller.extraArgs.default-ssl-certificate="kube-system/fabric-ssl-cert" ` --set controller.extraArgs.v=3 ` --debug ` --wait # setting values in helm: # and # use "helm inspect values" to see values # Write-Verbose "Installing the internal nginx load balancer" # # NOTE: helm cannot handle spaces before or after "=" in --set command # helm install stable/nginx-ingress ` # --namespace "kube-system" ` # --name "$packageInternal" ` # --set controller.service.type="ClusterIP" ` # --set controller.hostNetwork=true ` # --set controller.image.tag="$ngniximageTag" Write-Verbose 'SetupOnPremLoadBalancer: Done' return $Return } Export-ModuleMember -Function 'SetupOnPremLoadBalancer' |