.SYNOPSIS ShowOnPremMenu .DESCRIPTION ShowOnPremMenu .INPUTS ShowOnPremMenu - The name of ShowOnPremMenu .OUTPUTS None .EXAMPLE ShowOnPremMenu .EXAMPLE ShowOnPremMenu #> function ShowOnPremMenu() { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string] $baseUrl , [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [bool] $local , [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [bool] $isPrerelease ) Write-Verbose 'ShowOnPremMenu: Starting' [string] $userinput = "" while ($userinput -ne "q") { [bool] $skip=$false Write-Host "================ Health Catalyst ================" Write-Host "------ On-Premise -------" Write-Host "1: Setup Master VM" Write-Host "2: Show command to join another node to this cluster" Write-Host "3: Uninstall Docker and Kubernetes" Write-Host "4: Show all nodes" Write-Host "5: Show status of cluster" Write-Host "6: Setup Single Node Cluster" Write-Host "-----------" Write-Host "20: Troubleshooting Menu" Write-Host "-----------" Write-Host "52: Fabric Realtime Menu" Write-Host "-----------" Write-Host "q: Quit" $userinput = Read-Host "Please make a selection" switch ($userinput) { '1' { SetupMaster -baseUrl $baseUrl -singlenode $false -Verbose } '2' { ShowCommandToJoinCluster -baseUrl $baseUrl -prerelease $isPrerelease } '3' { UninstallDockerAndKubernetes } '4' { Write-Host "Current cluster: $(kubectl config current-context)" kubectl version --short kubectl get "nodes" } '5' { ShowStatusOfCluster } '6' { SetupMaster -baseUrl $baseUrl -singlenode $true -Verbose } '20' { showTroubleshootingMenu -baseUrl $baseUrl -isAzure $false $skip=$true } '52' { ShowRealtimeMenu -baseUrl $baseUrl -namespace "fabricrealtime" -local $local -isAzure $false $skip=$true } 'q' { return } } if(!($skip)){ $userinput = Read-Host -Prompt "Press Enter to continue or q to exit" if($userinput -eq "q"){ return } } [Console]::ResetColor() Clear-Host } Write-Verbose 'ShowOnPremMenu: Done' } Export-ModuleMember -Function 'ShowOnPremMenu' |