.SYNOPSIS SetupMaster .DESCRIPTION SetupMaster .INPUTS SetupMaster - The name of SetupMaster .OUTPUTS None .EXAMPLE SetupMaster .EXAMPLE SetupMaster #> function SetupMaster() { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string] $baseUrl , [bool] $singlenode ) Write-Verbose 'SetupMaster: Starting' [hashtable]$Return = @{} [string] $logfile = "$(get-date -f yyyy-MM-dd-HH-mm)-setupmaster.txt" WriteToConsole "Logging to $logfile" Start-Transcript -Path "$logfile" WriteToConsole "cleaning up old stuff" UninstallDockerAndKubernetes WriteToConsole "setting up new node" SetupNewNode -baseUrl $baseUrl WriteToConsole "setting up new master node" SetupNewMasterNode -baseUrl $baseUrl WriteToConsole "enabling master node to run containers" # enable master to run containers # kubectl taint nodes --all kubectl taint node --all if ($singlenode) { Write-Host "enabling master node to run containers" # enable master to run containers # kubectl taint nodes --all kubectl taint node --all } else { mountSharedFolder -saveIntoSecret $True } WriteToConsole "setting up load balancer" SetupNewLoadBalancer -baseUrl $baseUrl WriteToConsole "setting up kubernetes dashboard" InstallDashboard # clear Write-Host "waiting for pods to run in kube-system" WaitForPodsInNamespace -namespace "kube-system" -interval 5 if ($singlenode -eq $True) { Write-Host "Finished setting up a single-node cluster" } else { ShowCommandToJoinCluster $baseUrl } Stop-Transcript Write-Verbose 'SetupMaster: Done' return $Return } Export-ModuleMember -Function 'SetupMaster' |