function Test-DMAcl { <# .SYNOPSIS Tests whether the configured groups match a domain's configuration. .DESCRIPTION Tests whether the configured groups match a domain's configuration. .PARAMETER Server The server / domain to work with. .PARAMETER Credential The credentials to use for this operation. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Test-DMGroup Tests whether the configured groups' state matches the current domain group setup. #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( [PSFComputer] $Server, [PSCredential] $Credential ) begin { $parameters = $PSBoundParameters | ConvertTo-PSFHashtable -Include Server, Credential $parameters['Debug'] = $false Assert-ADConnection @parameters -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet Invoke-Callback @parameters -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet Assert-Configuration -Type Acls, AclByCategory, AclDefaultOwner -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet Set-DMDomainContext @parameters #region Functions function New-Change { [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions", "")] [CmdletBinding()] param ( $Type, $OldValue, $NewValue, [string] $Identity, $OldSID, $NewSID ) $changeItem = [PSCustomObject]@{ PSTypeName = 'DomainManagement.Acl.Change' Type = $Type Old = $OldValue New = $NewValue Identity = $Identity OldSID = $OldSID NewSID = $NewSID } Add-Member -InputObject $changeItem -MemberType ScriptMethod -Name ToString -Value { '{0}->{1}' -f $this.Type, $this.New } -Force -PassThru } function Get-ChangeByCategory { [CmdletBinding()] param ( $ADObject, $Category, $ResultDefaults, $Parameters ) $aclObject = Get-AdsAcl @Parameters -Path $ADObject -EnableException # Ensure Owner Name is present - may not always resolve $ownerSID = $aclObject.GetOwner([System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier]) $configuredSID = $Category.Owner | Resolve-String | Convert-Principal @parameters -OutputType SID [System.Collections.ArrayList]$changes = @() if ("$ownerSID" -ne "$configuredSID") { $null = $changes.Add((New-Change -Identity $ADObject -Type Owner -OldValue $aclObject.Owner -NewValue ($Category.Owner | Resolve-String) -OldSID $ownerSID -NewSID $configuredSID)) } if ($Category.NoInheritance -ne $aclObject.AreAccessRulesProtected) { # If AdminCount -eq 1, then inheritance should be disabled, no matter the configuration if (-not ($aclObject.AreAccessRulesProtected -and $ADObject.AdminCount)) { $null = $changes.Add((New-Change -Identity $ADObject -Type NoInheritance -OldValue $aclObject.AreAccessRulesProtected -NewValue $Category.NoInheritance)) } } if ($changes.Count) { New-TestResult @resultDefaults -Identity $ADObject -Configuration $Category -Type Update -Changed $changes.ToArray() -ADObject $aclObject } } #endregion Functions } process { #region processing configuration foreach ($aclDefinition in $script:acls.Values) { $resolvedPath = Resolve-String -Text $aclDefinition.Path $resultDefaults = @{ Server = $Server ObjectType = 'Acl' Identity = $resolvedPath Configuration = $aclDefinition } if (-not (Test-ADObject @parameters -Identity $resolvedPath)) { if ($aclDefinition.Optional) { continue } Write-PSFMessage -String 'Test-DMAcl.ADObjectNotFound' -StringValues $resolvedPath -Tag 'panic', 'failed' -Target $aclDefinition New-TestResult @resultDefaults -Type 'MissingADObject' Continue } try { $aclObject = Get-AdsAcl @parameters -Path $resolvedPath -EnableException } catch { if ($aclDefinition.Optional) { continue } Write-PSFMessage -String 'Test-DMAcl.NoAccess' -StringValues $resolvedPath -Tag 'panic', 'failed' -Target $aclDefinition -ErrorRecord $_ New-TestResult @resultDefaults -Type 'NoAccess' Continue } # Ensure Owner Name is present - may not always resolve $ownerSID = $aclObject.GetOwner([System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier]) $configuredSID = $aclDefinition.Owner | Resolve-String | Convert-Principal @parameters -OutputType SID [System.Collections.ArrayList]$changes = @() if ("$ownerSID" -ne "$configuredSID") { $null = $changes.Add((New-Change -Identity $resolvedPath -Type Owner -OldValue $aclObject.Owner -NewValue ($aclDefinition.Owner | Resolve-String) -OldSID $ownerSID -NewSID $configuredSID)) } if ($aclDefinition.NoInheritance -ne $aclObject.AreAccessRulesProtected) { $null = $changes.Add((New-Change -Identity $resolvedPath -Type NoInheritance -OldValue $aclObject.AreAccessRulesProtected -NewValue $aclDefinition.NoInheritance)) } if ($changes.Count) { New-TestResult @resultDefaults -Type Update -Changed $changes.ToArray() -ADObject $aclObject } } #endregion processing configuration if ($script:contentMode.ExcludeComponents.ACLs) { return } #region check if all ADObjects are managed $foundADObjects = foreach ($searchBase in (Resolve-ContentSearchBase @parameters -NoContainer)) { Get-ADObject @parameters -LDAPFilter '(objectCategory=*)' -SearchBase $searchBase.SearchBase -SearchScope $searchBase.SearchScope -Properties AdminCount } $resolvedConfiguredPaths = $script:acls.Values.Path | Resolve-String $resultDefaults = @{ Server = $Server ObjectType = 'Acl' } $processed = @{ } foreach ($foundADObject in $foundADObjects) { # Prevent duplicate processing if ($processed[$foundADObject.DistinguishedName]) { continue } $processed[$foundADObject.DistinguishedName] = $true # Skip items that were defined in configuration, they were already processed if ($foundADObject.DistinguishedName -in $resolvedConfiguredPaths) { continue } if ($script:aclByCategory.Count -gt 0) { $category = Resolve-DMObjectCategory -ADObject $foundADObject @parameters if ($matchingCategory = $category | Where-Object Name -In $script:aclByCategory.Keys | Select-Object -First 1) { Get-ChangeByCategory -ADObject $foundADObject -Category $script:aclByCategory[$matchingCategory.Name] -ResultDefaults $resultDefaults -Parameters $parameters continue } } if ($script:aclDefaultOwner) { Get-ChangeByCategory -ADObject $foundADObject -Category $script:aclDefaultOwner[0] -ResultDefaults $resultDefaults -Parameters $parameters } else { New-TestResult @resultDefaults -Type ShouldManage -ADObject $foundADObject -Identity $foundADObject.DistinguishedName } } #endregion check if all ADObjects are managed } } |