function Test-DMServiceAccount { <# .SYNOPSIS Tests whether the currently deployed service accoaunts match the configured desired state. .DESCRIPTION Tests whether the currently deployed service accoaunts match the configured desired state. Use Register-DMServiceAccount to define the desired state. .PARAMETER Server The server / domain to work with. .PARAMETER Credential The credentials to use for this operation. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Test-DMServiceAccount -Server Tests whether the service accounts in the domain are compliant with the desired state. #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( [PSFComputer] $Server, [PSCredential] $Credential ) begin { #region Utility Functions function New-Change { [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions", "")] [CmdletBinding()] param ( $Identity, $Type, $Property, $Previous, $NewValue ) $object = [pscustomobject]@{ PSTypeName = 'DomainManagement.Change.ServiceAccount' Identity = $Identity Type = $Type Property = $Property Old = $Previous New = $NewValue } Add-Member -InputObject $object -MemberType ScriptMethod -Name ToString -Value { switch ($this.Type) { 'Create' { "Create: $($this.Identity)" } 'Delete' { "Delete: $($this.Identity)" } # Move, Rename, Update default { "$($this.Type): $($this.Old) -> $($this.New)" } } } -Force -PassThru } #endregion Utility Functions $parameters = $PSBoundParameters | ConvertTo-PSFHashtable -Include Server, Credential $parameters['Debug'] = $false Assert-ADConnection @parameters -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet Invoke-Callback @parameters -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet Assert-Configuration -Type serviceAccounts -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet Set-DMDomainContext @parameters } process { #region Prepare Object Categories $rawCategories = $script:serviceAccounts.Values.ObjectCategory | Remove-PSFNull -Enumerate | Sort-Object -Unique $categories = @{ } foreach ($rawCategory in $rawCategories) { $categories[$rawCategory] = Find-DMObjectCategoryItem -Name $rawCategory @parameters -Property SamAccountName } $renameCurrentSAM = @() #endregion Prepare Object Categories #region Process Configured Objects foreach ($serviceAccountDefinition in $script:serviceAccounts.Values) { $resolvedName = (Resolve-String -Text $serviceAccountDefinition.SamAccountName @parameters) -replace '\$$' $resolvedPath = Resolve-String -Text $serviceAccountDefinition.Path @parameters $resultDefaults = @{ Server = $Server ObjectType = 'ServiceAccount' Identity = $resolvedName Configuration = $serviceAccountDefinition } $adObject = $null try { $adObject = Get-ADServiceAccount @parameters -Identity $resolvedName -ErrorAction Stop -Properties * } catch { foreach ($oldName in $serviceAccountDefinition.OldNames) { try { $adObject = Get-ADServiceAccount @parameters -Identity ($oldName | Resolve-String @parameters) -ErrorAction Stop -Properties * } catch { continue } # No Need to rename when deleting it anyway if (-not $serviceAccountDefinition.Present) { break } New-TestResult -Type RenameSam @resultDefaults -ADObject $adObject -Changed (New-AdcChange -Property SamAccountName -OldValue $adObject.SamAccountName -NewValue $resolvedName -Identity $adObject) $renameCurrentSAM += $adObject.SamAccountName break } } if (-not $adObject) { # .Present is of type TriBool, so itself would be $true for both 'true' and 'undefined' cases, # and we do not want to create if undefined if ($serviceAccountDefinition.Present -eq 'true') { New-TestResult -Type Create @resultDefaults (New-Change -Identity $resolvedName -Type Create) } continue } $resultDefaults.ADObject = $adObject if (-not $serviceAccountDefinition.Present) { New-TestResult -Type Delete @resultDefaults -Changed (New-Change -Identity $adObject.SamAccountName -Type Delete) continue } #region Compare Common Properties $parentPath = $adObject.DistinguishedName -split ",", 2 | Select-Object -Last 1 if ($parentPath -ne $resolvedPath) { New-TestResult -Type Move @resultDefaults -Changed (New-Change -Type Move -Property 'Path' -Previous $parentPath -NewValue $resolvedPath -Identity $resolvedName) } if ($adObject.Name -ne $resolvedName) { New-TestResult -Type Rename @resultDefaults -Changed (New-Change -Type Rename -Property 'Name' -Previous $adObject.Name -NewValue $resolvedName -Identity $resolvedName) } [System.Collections.ArrayList]$changes = @() Compare-Property -Property DNSHostName -Configuration $serviceAccountDefinition -ADObject $adObject -Changes $changes -Resolve -Parameters $parameters Compare-Property -Property Description -Configuration $serviceAccountDefinition -ADObject $adObject -Changes $changes -Resolve -Parameters $parameters -AsString Compare-Property -Property DisplayName -Configuration $serviceAccountDefinition -ADObject $adObject -Changes $changes -Resolve -Parameters $parameters -AsString if ($adObject.ServicePrincipalName -or $serviceAccountDefinition.ServicePrincipalName) { Compare-Property -Property ServicePrincipalName -Configuration $serviceAccountDefinition -ADObject $adObject -Changes $changes -Resolve -Parameters $parameters } if ($adObject.KerberosEncryptionType[0] -ne $serviceAccountDefinition.KerberosEncryptionType) { $null = $changes.Add('KerberosEncryptionType') } if ($serviceAccountDefinition.Attributes.Count -gt 0) { $attributesObject = [PSCustomObject]$serviceAccountDefinition.Attributes foreach ($key in $serviceAccountDefinition.Attributes.Keys) { Compare-Property -Property $key -Configuration $attributesObject -ADObject $adObject -Changes $changes } } $defaultProperties = 'DNSHostName', 'Description', 'ServicePrincipalName', 'DisplayName' $unresolvedProperties = 'KerberosEncryptionType' $changeObjects = foreach ($change in $changes) { if ($change -in $defaultProperties) { New-Change -Type Update -Property $change -Previous $adObject.$change -NewValue ($serviceAccountDefinition.$change | Resolve-String @parameters) -Identity $resolvedName } elseif ($change -in $unresolvedProperties) { New-Change -Type Update -Property $change -Previous $adObject.$change -NewValue $serviceAccountDefinition.$change -Identity $resolvedName } else { New-Change -Type Update -Property $change -Previous $adObject.$change -NewValue $attributesObject.$change -Identity $resolvedName } } if ($changes) { New-TestResult -Type Update @resultDefaults -Changed $changeObjects } #endregion Compare Common Properties #region Enabled if ($serviceAccountDefinition.Enabled -ne 'Undefined') { if ($adObject.Enabled -and -not $serviceAccountDefinition.Enabled) { New-TestResult -Type Disable @resultDefaults -Changed (New-Change -Type Disable -Property Enabled -Previous $true -NewValue $false -Identity $resolvedName) } if (-not $adObject.Enabled -and $serviceAccountDefinition.Enabled) { New-TestResult -Type Enable @resultDefaults -Changed (New-Change -Type Enable -Property Enabled -Previous $false -NewValue $true -Identity $resolvedName) } } #endregion Enabled #region PrincipalsAllowedToRetrieveManagedPassword # Use SamAccountName rather than DistinguishedName as accounts may not yet have been moved to their correct container so DN might fail $currentPrincipals = ($adObject.PrincipalsAllowedToRetrieveManagedPassword | Get-ADObject @parameters -Properties SamAccountName).SamAccountName # Object Category $desiredPrincipals = @() foreach ($category in $serviceAccountDefinition.ObjectCategory) { $categories[$category].SamAccountName | ForEach-Object { $desiredPrincipals += $_ } } # Direct Assignment foreach ($name in $serviceAccountDefinition.ComputerName | Resolve-String @parameters) { if ($name -notlike '*$') { $name = "$($name)$" } try { $null = Get-ADComputer @parameters -Identity $name -ErrorAction Stop $desiredPrincipals += $name } catch { Write-PSFMessage -Level Warning -String 'Test-DMServiceAccount.Computer.NotFound' -StringValues $name, $resolvedName -Target $serviceAccountDefinition -Tag error, failed, serviceaccount, computer continue } } # Optional Direct Assignment foreach ($name in $serviceAccountDefinition.ComputerNameOptional | Resolve-String @parameters) { if ($name -notlike '*$') { $name = "$($name)$" } try { $null = Get-ADComputer @parameters -Identity $name -ErrorAction Stop $desiredPrincipals += $name } catch { Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -String 'Test-DMServiceAccount.Computer.Optional.NotFound' -StringValues $name, $resolvedName -Target $serviceAccountDefinition -Tag error, failed, serviceaccount, computer continue } } # Direct Group Assignment foreach ($name in $serviceAccountDefinition.GroupName | Resolve-String @parameters) { try { $null = Get-ADGroup @parameters -Identity $name -ErrorAction Stop $desiredPrincipals += $name } catch { Write-PSFMessage -Level Warning -String 'Test-DMServiceAccount.Group.NotFound' -StringValues $name, $resolvedName -Target $serviceAccountDefinition -Tag error, failed, serviceaccount, group continue } } $principalChanges = @() foreach ($principal in $currentPrincipals) { if ($principal -in $desiredPrincipals) { continue } $principalChanges += New-Change -Type Remove -Property Principal -Previous $principal -Identity $resolvedName } foreach ($principal in $desiredPrincipals) { if ($principal -in $currentPrincipals) { continue } $principalChanges += New-Change -Type Add -Property Principal -NewValue $principal -Identity $resolvedName } if (-not $principalChanges) { continue } $principalChanges += New-Change -Type Update -Property Principal -Previous $currentPrincipals -NewValue $desiredPrincipals -Identity $resolvedName New-TestResult -Type PrincipalUpdate @resultDefaults -Changed $principalChanges #endregion PrincipalsAllowedToRetrieveManagedPassword } #endregion Process Configured Objects if ($script:contentMode.ExcludeComponents.ServiceAccounts) { return } #region Process Non-Configuted AD-Objects $foundServiceAccounts = foreach ($searchBase in (Resolve-ContentSearchBase @parameters)) { Get-ADServiceAccount @parameters -LDAPFilter '(!(isCriticalSystemObject=TRUE))' -SearchBase $searchBase.SearchBase -SearchScope $searchBase.SearchScope } $configuredNames = $script:serviceAccounts.Values.SamAccountName | Resolve-String @parameters | ForEach-Object { if ($_ -like '*$') { $_ } else { "$($_)$" } } $resultDefaults = @{ Server = $Server ObjectType = 'ServiceAccount' } foreach ($foundServiceAccount in $foundServiceAccounts) { if ($foundServiceAccount.SamAccountName -in $configuredNames) { continue } if ($foundServiceAccount.SamAccountName -in $renameCurrentSAM) { continue } New-TestResult @resultDefaults -Type Delete -Identity $foundServiceAccount.SamAccountName -ADObject $foundServiceAccount -Changed (New-Change -Identity $foundServiceAccount.SamAccountName -Type Delete) } #endregion Process Non-Configuted AD-Objects } } |