function Test-DMGPLink { <# .SYNOPSIS Tests, whether the configured group policy linking matches the desired state. .DESCRIPTION Tests, whether the configured group policy linking matches the desired state. Define the desired state using the Register-DMGPLink command. .PARAMETER Server The server / domain to work with. .PARAMETER Credential The credentials to use for this operation. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Test-DMGPLink -Server Tests, whether the group policy links of match the configured state #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( [PSFComputer] $Server, [PSCredential] $Credential ) begin { $parameters = $PSBoundParameters | ConvertTo-PSFHashtable -Include Server, Credential $parameters['Debug'] = $false Assert-ADConnection @parameters -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet Invoke-Callback @parameters -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet Assert-Configuration -Type GroupPolicyLinks, GroupPolicyLinksDynamic -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet Set-DMDomainContext @parameters #region Utility Functions function Get-OUData { [CmdletBinding()] param ( $Parameters ) $ous = @{ } #region Explicit OUs foreach ($organizationalUnit in $script:groupPolicyLinks.Keys) { $resolvedOU = Resolve-String -Text $organizationalUnit $ous[$resolvedOU] = [PSCustomObject]@{ OrganizationalUnit = $resolvedOU ProcessingMode = 'Additive' Include = @() Exclude = @() ExtendedInclude = @() } $ous[$resolvedOU].Include = $script:groupPolicyLinks[$organizationalUnit].Values | Where-Object Present $ous[$resolvedOU].Exclude = $script:groupPolicyLinks[$organizationalUnit].Values | Where-Object Present -EQ $false if ($ous[$resolvedOU].Include.ProcessingMode -contains 'Constrained') { $ous[$resolvedOU].ProcessingMode = 'Constrained' } } #endregion Explicit OUs #region Filter-Based OUs foreach ($filter in $script:groupPolicyLinksDynamic.Keys) { $adObjects = Resolve-ADObject @Parameters -Filter (Resolve-String -Text $filter) -ObjectClass organizationalUnit $values = $script:groupPolicyLinksDynamic[$filter].Values foreach ($adObject in $adObjects) { if (-not $ous[$adObject.DistinguishedName]) { $ous[$adObject.DistinguishedName] = [PSCustomObject]@{ OrganizationalUnit = $adObject.DistinguishedName ProcessingMode = 'Additive' Include = @() Exclude = @() ExtendedInclude = @() } } $container = $ous[$adObject.DistinguishedName] $container.Include = $container.Include, $values | Remove-PSFNull -Enumerate | Where-Object Present $container.Exclude = $container.Exclude, $values | Remove-PSFNull -Enumerate | Where-Object Present -EQ $false if ($container.Include.ProcessingMode -contains 'Constrained') { $container.ProcessingMode = 'Constrained' } } } #endregion Filter-Based OUs $ous.Values } function New-Update { [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions', '')] [CmdletBinding()] param ( $PolicyName, $Status, $Action, $Identity ) $update = [PSCustomObject]@{ PSTypeName = 'DomainManagement.GPLink.Update' Action = $Action Policy = $PolicyName Status = $Status Identity = $Identity } Add-Member -InputObject $update -MemberType ScriptMethod -Name ToString -Value { '{0}: {1}' -f $this.Action, $this.Policy } -Force -PassThru } function ConvertTo-LinkConfigWithState { <# .SYNOPSIS Convert config object to new object and match it with the state of the current item. #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true)] $LinkObject, [AllowNull()] $CurrentLinks, [hashtable] $GpoDisplayToDN = @{ } ) process { foreach ($linkItem in $LinkObject) { if (-not $linkItem) { continue } $currentLink = $CurrentLinks | Where-Object DisplayName -EQ $linkItem.PolicyName $itemHash = $linkItem | ConvertTo-PSFHashtable $itemHash.PSTypeName = 'DomainManagement.GPLink' $itemHash.StateValid = ($linkItem.State -eq $currentLink.Status) -or ($currentLink -and $linkItem.State -eq 'Undefined') $itemHash.CurrentState = $currentLink.Status $itemHash.PolicyName = $itemHash.PolicyName | Resolve-String $itemHash.DistinguishedName = $GpoDisplayToDN[$itemHash.PolicyName] $object = [PSCustomObject]$itemHash Add-Member -InputObject $object -MemberType ScriptMethod -Name ToString -Value { switch ($this.State) { 'Enabled' { $this.PolicyName } 'Disabled' { '~|{0}' -f $this.PolicyName } 'Enforced' { '*|{0}' -f $this.PolicyName } } } -Force Add-Member -InputObject $object -MemberType ScriptMethod -Name ToLink -Value { # [LDAP://cn={F4A6ADB1-BEDE-497D-901F-F24B19394951},cn=policies,cn=system,DC=contoso,DC=com;0][LDAP://cn={2036B9B6-D5C1-4756-B7AB-8291A9B26521},cn=policies,cn=system,DC=contoso,DC=com;0] $statusLabel = $this.State if ($statusLabel -eq 'Undefined' -and $this.CurrentState) { $statusLabel = $this.CurrentState } elseif ($statusLabel -eq 'Undefined') { $statusLabel = 'Enabled' } $status = switch ($statusLabel) { 'Enabled' { "0" } 'Disabled' { "1" } 'Enforced' { "2" } } '[LDAP://{0};{1}]' -f $this.DistinguishedName, $status } $object } } } function ConvertFrom-ADLink { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true)] $LinkObject ) process { foreach ($object in $LinkObject) { $objectHash = $object | ConvertTo-PSFHashtable $objectHash.Tier = 0 $objectHash.PolicyName = $objectHash.DisplayName $objectHash.StateValid = $true $objectHash.CurrentState = $objectHash.Status $objectHash.State = $objectHash.Status $item = [PSCustomObject]$objectHash Add-Member -InputObject $item -MemberType ScriptMethod -Name ToString -Value { switch ($this.Status) { 'Enabled' { $this.DisplayName } 'Disabled' { '~|{0}' -f $this.DisplayName } 'Enforced' { '*|{0}' -f $this.DisplayName } } } -Force Add-Member -InputObject $item -MemberType ScriptMethod -Name ToLink -Value { # [LDAP://cn={F4A6ADB1-BEDE-497D-901F-F24B19394951},cn=policies,cn=system,DC=contoso,DC=com;0][LDAP://cn={2036B9B6-D5C1-4756-B7AB-8291A9B26521},cn=policies,cn=system,DC=contoso,DC=com;0] $status = '0' if ($this.Status -eq 'Disabled') { $status = '1' } if ($this.Status -eq 'Enforced') { $status = '2' } '[LDAP://{0};{1}]' -f $this.DistinguishedName, $status } $item } } } function Get-LinkUpdate { [CmdletBinding()] param ( $Configuration, $ADObject, $GpoDisplayToDN ) $currentSorted = $ADObject.LinkedGroupPolicyObjects | Sort-Object Precedence $includeSorted = $Configuration.Include | Sort-Object @{ Expression = { $_.Tier }; Descending = $true }, Precedence | Where-Object PolicyName -NotIn $Configuration.Exclude.PolicyName | ConvertTo-LinkConfigWithState -CurrentLinks $currentSorted -GpoDisplayToDN $GpoDisplayToDN if ($Configuration.ProcessingMode -eq 'Additive') { $currentAdditive = $ADObject.LinkedGroupPolicyObjects | Where-Object DisplayName -NotIn $includeSorted.PolicyName | Where-Object DisplayName -NotIn $Configuration.Exclude.PolicyName | Sort-Object Precedence | ConvertFrom-ADLink $newDesiredState = @($currentAdditive) + @($includeSorted) | Write-Output | Remove-PSFNull | Sort-Object @{ Expression = { $_.Tier }; Descending = $true }, Precedence } else { $newDesiredState = $includeSorted } $Configuration.ExtendedInclude = $newDesiredState $orderCorrect = Compare-Array -ReferenceObject $newDesiredState.PolicyName -DifferenceObject $currentSorted.DisplayName -OrderSpecific -Quiet if ($orderCorrect -and $newDesiredState.StateValid -notcontains $false) { return } $index = 0 foreach ($desired in $newDesiredState) { if ($currentSorted.DisplayName -notcontains $desired.PolicyName) { if ($desired.DistinguishedName) { New-Update -Action Add -PolicyName $desired.PolicyName -Status 'Enabled' -Identity $ADObject.DistinguishedName $index = $index + 1 } else { New-Update -Action GpoMissing -PolicyName $desired.PolicyName -Status 'Enabled' -Identity $ADObject.DistinguishedName } continue } if ($index -gt @($currentSorted).Count -or $desired.PolicyName -ne $currentSorted[$index].DisplayName) { New-Update -Action Reorder -PolicyName $desired.PolicyName -Status 'Enabled' -Identity $ADObject.DistinguishedName $index = $index + 1 continue } if (-not $desired.StateValid) { New-Update -Action State -PolicyName $desired.PolicyName -Status $desired.State -Identity $ADObject.DistinguishedName $index = $index + 1 continue } $index = $index + 1 } foreach ($current in $currentSorted) { if ($current.DisplayName -notin $newDesiredState.PolicyName) { New-Update -Action Delete -PolicyName $current.DisplayName -Status $current.Status -Identity $ADObject.DistinguishedName } } } #endregion Utility Functions $gpoDisplayToDN = @{ } $gpoDNToDisplay = @{ } foreach ($adPolicyObject in (Get-ADObject @parameters -LDAPFilter '(objectCategory=groupPolicyContainer)' -Properties DisplayName, DistinguishedName)) { $gpoDisplayToDN[$adPolicyObject.DisplayName] = $adPolicyObject.DistinguishedName $gpoDNToDisplay[$adPolicyObject.DistinguishedName] = $adPolicyObject.DisplayName } } process { #region Process Configuration $ouData = Get-OUData -Parameters $parameters foreach ($ouDatum in $ouData) { $resultDefaults = @{ Server = $Server ObjectType = 'GPLink' Identity = $ouDatum.OrganizationalUnit Configuration = $ouDatum } #region Handle AD Object doesn't exist try { $adObject = Get-ADObject @parameters -Identity $ouDatum.OrganizationalUnit -ErrorAction Stop -Properties gPLink, Name, DistinguishedName $resultDefaults['ADObject'] = $adObject } catch { Write-PSFMessage -String 'Test-DMGPLink.OUNotFound' -StringValues $ouDatum.OrganizationalUnit -ErrorRecord $_ -Tag 'panic', 'failed' New-TestResult @resultDefaults -Type 'MissingParent' Continue } #endregion Handle AD Object doesn't exist #region Handle AD Object does not contain any links $currentState = $adObject | ConvertTo-GPLink -PolicyMapping $gpoDNToDisplay Add-Member -InputObject $adObject -MemberType NoteProperty -Name LinkedGroupPolicyObjects -Value $currentState -Force if (-not $currentState) { $updates = foreach ($includedLink in $ouDatum.Include) { New-Update -Action Create -PolicyName $includedLink.PolicyName -Status $includedLink.State -Identity $ouDatum.OrganizationalUnit } New-TestResult @resultDefaults -Type 'Create' -Changed $updates continue } #endregion Handle AD Object does not contain any links $updates = Get-LinkUpdate -Configuration $ouDatum -ADObject $adObject -GpoDisplayToDN $gpoDisplayToDN | Sort-Object { if ($_.Action -eq "Delete") { 0 } elseif ($_.Action -eq "Reorder") { 1 } else { 2 } } if ($updates.Action -contains 'GpoMissing') { New-TestResult @resultDefaults -Type 'GpoMissing' -Changed $updates continue } if ($updates) { New-TestResult @resultDefaults -Type 'Update' -Changed $updates } } #endregion Process Configuration if ($script:contentMode.ExcludeComponents.GPLinks) { return } #region Process Managed Estate # OneLevel needs to be converted to base, as searching for OUs with "OneLevel" would return unmanaged OUs. # This search however is targeted at GPOs linked to managed OUs only. $translateScope = @{ 'Subtree' = 'Subtree' 'OneLevel' = 'Base' 'Base' = 'Base' } $adObjects = foreach ($searchBase in (Resolve-ContentSearchBase @parameters)) { Get-ADObject @parameters -LDAPFilter '(gPLink=*)' -SearchBase $searchBase.SearchBase -SearchScope $translateScope[$searchBase.SearchScope] -Properties gPLink, Name, DistinguishedName } foreach ($adObject in $adObjects) { # If we have a configuration on it, it has already been processed if ($adObject.DistinguishedName -in $ouData.OrganizationalUnit) { continue } if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($adObject.GPLink)) { continue } $linkObjects = $adObject | ConvertTo-GPLink -PolicyMapping $gpoDNToDisplay Add-Member -InputObject $adObject -MemberType NoteProperty -Name LinkedGroupPolicyObjects -Value $linkObjects -Force $changes = foreach ($linkedObject in $linkObjects) { New-Update -PolicyName $linkedObject.DisplayName -Status $linkedObject.Status -Action Delete -Identity $adObject.DistinguishedName } New-TestResult -ObjectType GPLink -Type 'Delete' -Identity $adObject.DistinguishedName -Server $Server -ADObject $adObject -Changed $changes } #endregion Process Managed Estate } } |