
function Get-PermissionGuidMapping
        Retrieve a hashtable mapping permission guids to their respective name.
        Retrieve a hashtable mapping permission guids to their respective name.
        This is retrieved from the target forest on first request, then cached for subsequent calls.
        The cache is specific to the targeted server and maintained as long as the process runs.
    .PARAMETER NameToGuid
        Rather than returning a hashtable mapping guid to name, return a hashtable mapping name to guid.
    .PARAMETER Server
        The server / domain to work with.
    .PARAMETER Credential
        The credentials to use for this operation.
        PS C:\> Get-PermissionGuidMapping -Server
        Returns a hashtable mapping guids to rights from the forest.

    Param (

        $Server = 'default',
        # Script scope variables declared and maintained in this file only
        if (-not $script:schemaGuidToRightMapping) {
            $script:schemaGuidToRightMapping = @{ }
        if (-not $script:schemaRightToGuidMapping) {
            $script:schemaRightToGuidMapping = @{ }
        [string]$identity = $Server
        if ($script:schemaGuidToRightMapping[$identity]) {
            if ($NameToGuid) { return $script:schemaRightToGuidMapping[$identity] }
            else { return $script:schemaGuidToRightMapping[$identity] }
        Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -String 'Get-PermissionGuidMapping.Processing' -StringValues $identity
        $parameters = $PSBoundParameters | ConvertTo-PSFHashtable -Include Server, Credential
        $parameters['Debug'] = $false

        $configurationNC = (Get-ADRootDSE @parameters).configurationNamingContext
        $objects = Get-ADObject @parameters -SearchBase "CN=Extended-Rights,$configurationNC" -Properties Name,rightsGUID -LDAPFilter '(objectCategory=controlAccessRight)' # Exclude the schema object itself
        $processed = $objects | Select-PSFObject Name, 'rightsGUID to Guid as ID' | Select-PSFObject Name, 'ID to string'

        if (-not $processed) { return }
        $script:schemaGuidToRightMapping[$identity] = @{ "$([guid]::Empty)" = '<All>' }
        $script:schemaRightToGuidMapping[$identity] = @{ '<All>' = "$([guid]::Empty)" }
        foreach ($processedItem in $processed) {
            $script:schemaGuidToRightMapping[$identity][$processedItem.ID] = $processedItem.Name
            $script:schemaRightToGuidMapping[$identity][$processedItem.Name] = $processedItem.ID
        if ($NameToGuid) { return $script:schemaRightToGuidMapping[$identity] }
        else { return $script:schemaGuidToRightMapping[$identity] }