
function Test-DMGroupPolicy {
        Tests whether the current domain has the desired group policy setup.
        Tests whether the current domain has the desired group policy setup.
        Based on timestamps and IDs it will detect for existing OUs, whether the currently deployed version:
        - Is based on the latest GPO version
        - has been changed since being last deployed (In which case it is configured to restore itself to its intended state)
        Ignores GPOs not linked to managed OUs.
    .PARAMETER Server
        The server / domain to work with.
    .PARAMETER Credential
        The credentials to use for this operation.
    .PARAMETER EnableException
        This parameters disables user-friendly warnings and enables the throwing of exceptions.
        This is less user friendly, but allows catching exceptions in calling scripts.
        PS C:\> Test-DMGroupPolicy -Server
        Validates that the contoso domain's group policies are in the desired state

    param (

    begin {
        $parameters = $PSBoundParameters | ConvertTo-PSFHashtable -Include Server, Credential
        $parameters['Debug'] = $false
        Assert-ADConnection @parameters -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet
        Invoke-Callback @parameters -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet
        Assert-Configuration -Type GroupPolicyObjects -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet
        Set-DMDomainContext @parameters
        $computerName = (Get-ADDomain @parameters).PDCEmulator

        # DomainData retrieval
        $domainDataNames = ((Get-DMGroupPolicy).DisplayName | Get-DMGPRegistrySetting | Where-Object DomainData).DomainData | Select-Object -Unique
        try { $null = $domainDataNames | Invoke-DMDomainData @parameters -EnableException }
        catch {
            Stop-PSFFunction -String 'Test-DMGroupPolicy.DomainData.Failed' -StringValues ($domainDataNames -join ",") -ErrorRecord $_ -EnableException $EnableException -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet -Target $computerName

        # PS Remoting
        $psParameter = $PSBoundParameters | ConvertTo-PSFHashtable -Include ComputerName, Credential -Inherit
        try { $session = New-PSSession @psParameter -ErrorAction Stop }
        catch {
            Stop-PSFFunction -String 'Test-DMGroupPolicy.WinRM.Failed' -StringValues $computerName -ErrorRecord $_ -EnableException $EnableException -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet -Target $computerName
    process {
        if (Test-PSFFunctionInterrupt) { return }

        $resultDefaults = @{
            Server     = $Server
            ObjectType = 'GroupPolicy'

        #region Gather data
        $desiredPolicies = Get-DMGroupPolicy
        $allPolicies = Get-GroupPolicyEx @parameters
        foreach ($groupPolicy in $allPolicies) {
            if (-not $groupPolicy.DisplayName) {
                Write-PSFMessage -Level Warning -String 'Test-DMGroupPolicy.ADObjectAccess.Failed' -StringValues $groupPolicy.DistinguishedName -Target $groupPolicy
                New-TestResult @resultDefaults -Type 'ADAccessFailed' -Identity $groupPolicy.DistinguishedName -ADObject $groupPolicy
            # Resolve-PolicyRevision updates the content of $groupPolicy without producing output
            try { Resolve-PolicyRevision -Policy $groupPolicy -Session $session }
            catch { Write-PSFMessage -Level Warning -String 'Test-DMGroupPolicy.PolicyRevision.Lookup.Failed' -StringValues $allPolicies.DisplayName -ErrorRecord $_ -EnableException $EnableException.ToBool() }
        $desiredHash = @{ }
        $policyHash = @{ }
        foreach ($desiredPolicy in $desiredPolicies) { $desiredHash[$desiredPolicy.DisplayName] = $desiredPolicy }
        foreach ($groupPolicy in $allPolicies) {
            if (-not $groupPolicy.DisplayName) { continue }
            $policyHash[$groupPolicy.DisplayName] = $groupPolicy
        #endregion Gather data

        #region Compare configuration to actual state
        foreach ($desiredPolicy in $desiredHash.Values) {
            $resultUpdateDefaults = $resultDefaults.Clone()
            $resultUpdateDefaults +=  @{
                Identity = $desiredPolicy.DisplayName
                Configuration = $desiredPolicy

            if (-not $policyHash[$desiredPolicy.DisplayName]) {
                New-TestResult @resultUpdateDefaults -Type 'Create'

            $resultUpdateDefaults.ADObject = $policyHash[$desiredPolicy.DisplayName]

            switch ($policyHash[$desiredPolicy.DisplayName].State) {
                'ConfigError' { New-TestResult @resultUpdateDefaults -Type 'ConfigError' }
                'CriticalError' { New-TestResult @resultUpdateDefaults -Type 'CriticalError' }
                'Healthy' {
                    $changes = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@()
                    $policyObject = $policyHash[$desiredPolicy.DisplayName]
                    if (-not $desiredPolicy.MayModify -and $policyObject.Version -ne $policyObject.ADVersion) {
                        $change = New-Change -Property Modified -OldValue $policyObject.Version -NewValue $policyObject.ADVersion -Identity $desiredPolicy.DisplayName -Type AdmfVersion
                        $null = $changes.Add($change)
                    if ($desiredPolicy.ExportID -ne $policyObject.ExportID) {
                        $change = New-Change -Property Update -OldValue $policyObject.ExportID -NewValue $desiredPolicy.ExportID -Identity $desiredPolicy.DisplayName -Type AdmfVersion
                        $null = $changes.Add($change)
                    $registryTest = Test-DMGPRegistrySetting -Server $session -PolicyName $desiredPolicy.DisplayName -PassThru
                    if (-not $registryTest.Success) {
                        foreach ($changeItem in $registryTest.Changes) {
                            $change = New-Change -Property RegistryData -OldValue $changeItem.IsValue -NewValue $changeItem.ShouldValue -Identity ('{0}: {1} > {2}' -f $desiredPolicy.DisplayName, $changeItem.Key, $changeItem.ValueName) -Type AdmfVersion
                            $null = $changes.Add($change)
                    if ("$($desiredPolicy.WmiFilter)" -ne "$($policyHash[$desiredPolicy.DisplayName].WmiFilter)") {
                        $change = New-Change -Property WmiFilter -OldValue $policyHash[$desiredPolicy.DisplayName].WmiFilter -NewValue $desiredPolicy.WmiFilter -Identity $desiredPolicy.DisplayName -Type WmiFilterAssignment
                        $null = $changes.Add($change)
                    if ($changes.Count -gt 0) {
                        New-TestResult @resultUpdateDefaults -Type 'Update' -Changed $changes
                'Unmanaged' {
                    New-TestResult @resultUpdateDefaults -Type 'Manage'
        #endregion Compare configuration to actual state

        #region Compare actual state to configuration
        foreach ($groupPolicy in $policyHash.Values) {
            if ($desiredHash[$groupPolicy.DisplayName]) { continue }
            if ($groupPolicy.IsCritical) { continue }

            # Don't delete any GPOs that have not been linked under a managed OU while not being desired
            if (-not $groupPolicy.IsManageLinked) { continue }
            New-TestResult @resultDefaults -Type 'Delete' -Identity $groupPolicy.DisplayName -ADObject $groupPolicy
        #endregion Compare actual state to configuration
    end {
        if ($session) { Remove-PSSession $session -WhatIf:$false -Confirm:$false }