
function Register-DMDomainData {
        Registers a domain data gathering script.
        Registers a domain data gathering script.
        These can be used to provide domain specific data (in contrast to the usual context specific data, which might be applied to multiple domains).
        Name under which to register the data gathering script.
        Can only contain letters, numbers and underscores.
    .PARAMETER Scriptblock
        The scriptblock performing the actual gathering.
        Receives a hashtable containing Server and - possibly - Credentials.
    .PARAMETER ContextName
        The name of the context defining the setting.
        This allows determining the configuration set that provided this setting.
        Used by the ADMF, available to any other configuration management solution.
        PS C:\> Import-PowerShellDataFile .\config.psd1 | ForEach-Object { Register-DMDomainData @_ }
        Registers all configuration settings stored in config.psd1

    Param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)]
        [PsfValidatePattern('^[\d\w_]+$', ErrorString = 'DomainManagement.Validate.DomainData.Pattern')]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)]

        $ContextName = '<Undefined>'
    process {
        $script:domainDataScripts[$Name] = [PSCustomObject]@{
            Name        = $Name
            Placeholder = '%!{0}%' -f $Name
            Scriptblock = $Scriptblock
            ContextName = $ContextName