<#> .HelpInfoURI '' #> function Get-SPFRecord { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter( Mandatory = $True, ValueFromPipeline = $True, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True, HelpMessage = "Enter one or more domain names to resolve their SPF records." )][string[]]$Name, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "DNS Server to use.")] [string]$Server ) begin { Write-Verbose "Starting $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)" $PSBoundParameters | Out-String | Write-Verbose if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Server')) { $SplatParameters = @{ 'Server' = $Server 'ErrorAction' = 'SilentlyContinue' } } Else { $SplatParameters = @{ 'ErrorAction' = 'SilentlyContinue' } } $SpfObject = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.List[System.Object] } Process { foreach ($domain in $Name) { # Get SPF record from specified domain $SPF = Resolve-DnsName -Name $domain -Type TXT @SplatParameters | where-object { $_.strings -match "v=spf1" } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty strings -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue # Checks for SPF redirect and follow the redirect if ($SPF -match "redirect") { $redirect = $SPF.Split(" ") $RedirectName = $redirect -match "redirect" -replace "redirect=" $SPF = Resolve-DnsName -Name "$RedirectName" -Type TXT @SplatParameters | where-object { $_.strings -match "v=spf1" } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty strings -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } # Check for multiple SPF records $RecipientServer = "v=spf1" $SPFCount = ($SPF -match $RecipientServer).count # If there is no SPF record if ($null -eq $SPF) { $SpfAdvisory = "Domain does not have an SPF record. To prevent abuse of this domain, please add an SPF record to it." } elseif ($SPFCount -gt 1) { $SpfAdvisory = "Domain has more than one SPF record. Only one SPF record per domain is allowed. This is explicitly defined in RFC4408." $SpfTotalLenght = 0 foreach ($char in $SPF) { $SPFTotalLenght += $char.Length $SpfTotalLenght } } Else { $SPF = $SPF -join "" $SpfTotalLenght = $SPF.Length foreach ($mechanism in $SPF) { if ($mechanism.Length -ge 450) { # See: $SpfAdvisory += "Your SPF-record has more than 450 characters. This is SHOULD be avoided according to RFC7208. " } elseif ($mechanism.Length -ge 255) { # See: $SpfAdvisory = "Your SPF record has more than 255 characters in one string. This MUST not be done as explicitly defined in RFC4408. " } } switch -Regex ($SPF) { '~all' { $SpfAdvisory += "An SPF-record is configured but the policy is not sufficiently strict." } '-all' { $SpfAdvisory += "An SPF-record is configured and the policy is sufficiently strict." } "\?all" { $SpfAdvisory += "Your domain has a valid SPF record but your policy is not effective enough." } '\+all' { $SpfAdvisory += "Your domain has a valid SPF record but your policy is not effective enough." } Default { $SpfAdvisory += "No qualifier found. Your domain has a SPF record but your policy is not effective enough." } } } } foreach ($domain in $name) { $SpfReturnValues = New-Object psobject $SpfReturnValues | Add-Member NoteProperty "Name" $domain $SpfReturnValues | Add-Member NoteProperty "SPFRecord" "$($SPF)" $SpfReturnValues | Add-Member NoteProperty "SPFRecordLength" "$($SpfTotalLenght)" $SpfReturnValues | Add-Member NoteProperty "SPFAdvisory" $SpfAdvisory $SpfObject.Add($SpfReturnValues) $SpfReturnValues } } end {} } Set-Alias gspf -Value Get-SPFRecord |