File Name : DomainDiskReport.ps1 Original Author : Kenneth C. Mazie (kcmjr @ : Description : This script uses WMI to poll the current domain and extract : disk statistics. Output is gathered in HTML format and emailed : to a list of recipients. Output can be all systems (full) : or only systems that are below preset threshold (brief). : Arguments : Named commandline parameters: (all are optional) : "-display" - Displays console output during run. : "-debug" - Switches email recipient and target criteria. Also dumps HTML output to script folder : "-detail" - Can be set to "full" or "brief". Default to "brief". : "-mode" - Can be "all", "pc", "video", or "server". Defaults to "all" which polls all 3. : Note that mode setting has been moved to the XML file. : Notes : Allows setting a threshold of the lowest remaining space. Colors all others in red. : Numerous parameters are adjustable from within the main function. : !!! -- Best run from a scheduled job as a domain admin user -- !!! : Warnings : None : Legal : Public Domain. Modify and redistribute freely. No rights reserved. : SCRIPT PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR GUARANTEES OF : ANY KIND. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK. NO TECHNICAL SUPPORT PROVIDED. : That being said please let me know if you find bugs! : Credits : Code snippets and/or ideas came from many sources around the web. : Last Update by : Kenneth C. Mazie (email kcmjr AT for comments or to report bugs) Version History : v1.00 - 05-03-14 - Original Change History : v2.00 - 11-01-14 - Changed HTML formatting. Added commandline options. : v2.01 - 12-10-14 - Changed input arguments to be named : v2.02 - 02-11-15 - Added Win8x detection. Moved notes to bottom of report. : v3.00 - 05-28-15 - Numerous changes. Retooled report wording. Added ignore list for : large data drives. Added video server option. : v3.01 - 10-20-15 - Minor edits, updated syntax. : v4.00 - 02-19-16 - Fixed issue detecting PC and Video. Re-enabled video check. : v4.10 - 07-22-16 - Adjusted "woo-hoo" message locations and function. : v4.20 - 01-03-18 - Adjusted external config file, changed console formatting : v4.30 - 05-18-18 - Excluded workstations since VDIs are no longer in use. : Fixed missing credential call on get-adcomputers (line 325) : v4.40 - 06-12-18 - Added support for server 2016 : v4.41 - 06-26-18 - Fixed minor bug with output. : v4.50 - 06-29-18 - Output bug still exists. Now corrected. Adjusted for Win10, : removed Win 7 & 8. Altered output colors. : v4.60 - 07-20-18 - Fixed another output bug (nothing found message not in output) : v4.70 - 07-23-18 - Added ping failure to "brief" output. Altered no ping and failure notations. : #===============================================================================#> <#PSScriptInfo .VERSION 4.70 .GUID 73dd1a0e-691c-4f27-bdc7-3cab837d9936 .AUTHOR Kenneth C. Mazie (kcmjr AT .DESCRIPTION This script uses WMI to poll the current domain and extract disk statistics. Output is gathered in HTML format and emailed to a list of recipients. Output can be all systems (full) or only systems that are below preset threshold (brief). #> #requires -version 5.0 #--[ Set input variables ]-- Param ( [Switch]$Debug = $false, [Switch]$Console = $False, $Detail = "brief", $Mode = "" ) Clear-Host If ($Debug){ $Script:Debug = $True $Script:Console = $True } #--[ For Testing ]------------- #$Script:Debug = $True #$Script:Console = $True #$Script:Mode = "server" #$Script:Detail = "full" #------------------------------ If ($Console){$Script:Console = $True} [string]$Script:Detail = [string]$Detail #[string]$Script:Mode = [string]$Mode #--[ Moved to XML file load area. If set on command line, that setting will over-ride the XML. ]-- if (!(Get-Module -Name ActiveDirectory)){Import-Module ActiveDirectory} $ScriptName = ($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name).split(".")[0] $Script:LogFile = $PSScriptRoot+"\"+$ScriptName+"_{0:MM-dd-yyyy_HHmmss}.html" -f (Get-Date) $Script:ConfigFile = "$PSScriptRoot\$ScriptName.xml" $Script:GlobalCounter = 0 $ErrorActionPreference = "silentlycontinue" Function LoadConfig { #--[ Read and load configuration file ]----------------------------------------- If (!(Test-Path $Script:ConfigFile)){ #--[ Error out if configuration file doesn't exist ]-- Write-Host "---------------------------------------------" -ForegroundColor Red Write-Host "--[ MISSING CONFIG FILE. Script aborted. ]--" -ForegroundColor Red Write-Host "---------------------------------------------" -ForegroundColor Red SendEmail break }Else{ [xml]$Script:Configuration = Get-Content $Script:ConfigFile $Script:ExclusionList = ($Script:Configuration.Settings.General.Exclusion).split(",") If ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Mode)){ $Script:Mode = $Script:Configuration.Settings.General.Mode }Else{ [string]$Script:Mode = [string]$Mode } $Script:SrvCDriveMin = $Script:Configuration.Settings.General.SrvCDriveMin $Script:WksCDriveMin = $Script:Configuration.Settings.General.WksCDriveMin $Script:PercentWarning = $Script:Configuration.Settings.General.PercentWarning $Script:IgnoreList = ($Script:Configuration.Settings.General.Ignore).split(",") $Script:ReportName = $Script:Configuration.Settings.General.ReportName $Script:DebugTarget = $Script:Configuration.Settings.General.DebugTarget $Script:Subject = $Script:Configuration.Settings.Email.Subject $Script:EmailTo = $Script:Configuration.Settings.Email.To $Script:EmailFrom = $Script:Configuration.Settings.Email.From $Script:EmailHTML = $Script:Configuration.Settings.Email.HTML $Script:SmtpServer = $Script:Configuration.Settings.Email.SmtpServer $Script:DebugEmail = $Script:Configuration.Settings.Email.Debug $Script:UserName = $Script:Configuration.Settings.Credentials.Username $Script:EncryptedPW = $Script:Configuration.Settings.Credentials.Password $Script:Base64String = $Script:Configuration.Settings.Credentials.Key $ByteArray = [System.Convert]::FromBase64String($Base64String) $Script:Credential = New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList $UserName, ($EncryptedPW | ConvertTo-SecureString -Key $ByteArray) } } Function SendEmail { $email = New-Object System.Net.Mail.MailMessage $email.From = $Script:EmailFrom $email.IsBodyHtml = $Script:EmailHTML If ($Script:Debug){ $email.To.Add($Script:DebugEmail) }Else{ $email.To.Add($Script:EmailTo) } $email.Subject = $Script:Subject $email.Body = $Script:ReportBody $smtp = new-object System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient($Script:SMTPServer) $smtp.Send($email) If ($Script:Console){Write-Host "`nEmail sent..." -ForegroundColor Green} } Function Process ($Script:Target){ #--[ Main process loop. Analyze the target systems disks ]------------------------ $Aflag = $False #--[ Identifies Avigilon security video servers ]-- $TargetLoopFlag = $False $Script:EmailFlag = $False $Size = "";$Freespace="";$PercentFree="";$SizeGB="";$FreeSpaceGB="";$Win32_Hardware = "";$Win32_OS = "" $Script:Target=$Script:Target.Name $TargetHash = @{"Target" = $Script:Target} If ($Script:Console){ Write-Host "`r`n--[ " -ForegroundColor White -NoNewline write-host $Script:Target.Toupper() -ForegroundColor Yellow -NoNewline Write-Host " ]-------------------------------------------------------------------".PadRight((110-$Script:Target.length),"-") -ForegroundColor White } If(Test-Connection -ComputerName $Script:Target -count 1 -BufferSize 16 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue ) { If ($Script:Target -like "*avigilon*"){$Aflag = $true} #--[ Gather system data ]---------------------------------------------------------------------- $WMIJob = Get-WMIObject win32_logicaldisk -Filter "DriveType = 3" -ComputerName $Script:Target -AsJob -Credential $Script:Credential Wait-Job -ID $WMIJob.ID -Timeout 5 | Out-Null $Disks = Receive-Job $WMIJob.ID -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $WMIJob = Get-WMIObject Win32_OperatingSystem -computer $Script:Target -AsJob -Credential $Script:Credential Wait-Job -ID $WMIJob.ID -Timeout 5 | Out-Null $Win32_OS = Receive-Job $WMIJob.ID -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | select Caption $Win32_OS = ($Win32_OS.caption -replace("\(R\)","")).Replace("Microsoft ","") $TargetHash.Add("OS",$Win32_OS) #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $WMIJob = Get-WMIObject -ComputerName $Script:Target -class Win32_ComputerSystemProduct -AsJob -Credential $Script:Credential Wait-Job -ID $WMIJob.ID -Timeout 5 | Out-Null $Win32_Hardware = Receive-Job $WMIJob.ID -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if(([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Win32_Hardware.Name)) -or ($Win32_Hardware.Name -eq " ")){ $MFG = "Unknown" }ElseIf ($Win32_Hardware.Name -eq "VMware Virtual Platform"){ $MFG = "VMware Virtual" }Else{ $MFG = $Win32_Hardware.Name.trimend() } $TargetHash.Add("MFG",$MFG) #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $Count = 0 foreach($Disk in $Disks){ $DeviceID = $Disk.DeviceID; [float]$Size = $Disk.Size; [float]$Freespace = $Disk.FreeSpace; [string]$PercentFree = [Math]::Round(($Freespace / $Size) * 100, 0); [string]$SizeGB = [Math]::Round($Size / 1073741824, 0); [string]$FreeSpaceGB = [Math]::Round($Freespace / 1073741824, 2); $DriveHash = @{"Drive" = $DeviceID;"Size" = $SizeGB;"PercFree" = $PercentFree;"FreeSpace" = $FreeSpaceGB} $TargetHash.Add($Count,$DriveHash) $Count++ } #--[End - ForEach disk ]-- #----------------------------------------- START OF OUTPUT ----------------------------------------------------- $HtmlData += '<td><font color="blue">' + $Script:Target + '</td>' If([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Win32_OS)){$Win32_OS = "Unknown"} If (($Win32_OS -eq "Unknown") -and ($MFG -eq "Unknown")){ If ($Script:Console){Write-Host "Failed to extract any information from target system..." -ForegroundColor cyan} $HtmlData += '<td colspan=6><center><font color="darkcyan">Failed to extract any information from target system.</center></td></tr>' $Script:EmailFlag = $true $Script:GlobalCounter++ $TargetLoopFlag = $true #--[ NOTE: The line below determines what operating systems show up as green or red. We no longer allow Windows 7 so I left it off. ]-- }Else{ If (($Win32_OS -like "*2016*") -or ($Win32_OS -like "*R2*") -or ($Win32_OS -like "*2012*") -or ($Win32_OS -like "*Windows 10*") -or ($Win32_OS -like "*Embedded*")){ If ($Script:Console){Write-Host "OS = $Win32_OS".PadRight(56," ") -ForegroundColor Green -NoNewline } $HtmlData += '<td><font color="green">' + $Win32_OS + "</font></td>" }Else{ #If([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Win32_OS)){$Win32_OS = "Unknown"} If ($Script:Console){Write-Host "OS = $Win32_OS".PadRight(56," ") -ForegroundColor Red -NoNewline } $TargetLoopFlag = $true $Script:EmailFlag = $true $Script:GlobalCounter++ $HtmlData += '<td><font color="red">' + $Win32_OS + "</font></td>" } If($MFG -like "*VMware*"){ If ($Script:Console){Write-Host "Hardware = $MFG" -ForegroundColor cyan -NoNewline} $HtmlData += '<td><font color="green">VMware Virtual</font></td>' }ElseIf ($MFG -like "*Unknown*"){ If ($Script:Console){Write-Host "Hardware = $MFG" -ForegroundColor Magenta -NoNewline } $HtmlData += '<td><font color="magenta">' + $MFG + ' </font></td>' }Else{ If ($Script:Console){Write-Host "Hardware = $MFG" -ForegroundColor Green -NoNewline } $HtmlData += '<td><font color="green">' + $MFG + ' </font></td>' } If ($Script:Console){ If($AFlag){ Write-Host " ( Video Surveillance Server )" -ForegroundColor Yellow }Else{ Write-Host "" } } $Count = 0 While ($Count -lt $TargetHash.count-3 ){ #--[ For Testing ]-------------------------- #$TargetHash.Item($Count).Item("Drive") #$TargetHash.Item($Count).Item("Size") #$TargetHash.Item($Count).Item("FreeSpace") #$TargetHash.Item($Count).Item("PercFree") #------------------------------------------- If ($Script:Console){Write-Host "Drive =" $TargetHash.Item($Count).Item("Drive").PadRight(15," ") -NoNewline } If ($Count -gt 0){ $HtmlData += "<td> </td><td> </td><td> </td><td>" + $TargetHash.Item($Count).Item("Drive") +"</td>" }Else{ $HtmlData += "<td>" + $TargetHash.Item($Count).Item("Drive") + "</td>" } #--[ report if server C: drive size is less than specified in config file - #$TargetHash.Item($Count).Item("Size") ]-- If (($TargetHash.Item($Count).Item("Drive") -eq "C:") -and ([int]$TargetHash.Item($Count).Item("Size") -lt [int]$SrvCDriveMin) -and (($Win32_OS -like "*Server*") -or ($Script:Mode -eq "video"))){ If ($Script:Console){Write-Host "Size (GB) = "($TargetHash.Item($Count).Item("Size").PadRight(20," ")) -NoNewline -ForegroundColor red} $HtmlData += '<td><font color="red">' + $TargetHash.Item($Count).Item("Size") + '</font></td>' $TargetLoopFlag = $True $Script:EmailFlag = $true $Script:GlobalCounter ++ }Else{ If ($Script:Console){Write-Host "Size (GB) = "($TargetHash.Item($Count).Item("Size").PadRight(20," ")) -NoNewline -ForegroundColor green} $HtmlData += '<td><font color="green">' + $TargetHash.Item($Count).Item("Size") + '</font></td>' } #--[ $TargetHash.Item($Count).Item("SpaceFree") ]-- If ($Script:Console){Write-Host "FreeSpace =" $TargetHash.Item($Count).Item("FreeSpace").PadRight(20," ") -NoNewline } $HtmlData += "<td>" + $TargetHash.Item($Count).Item("FreeSpace") + "</td>" #--[ $TargetHash.Item($Count).Item("PercFree") ]-- If($TargetHash.Item($Count).Item("Drive") -eq "C:"){ #--[ Process the C: drive ]-- If(($TargetHash.Item($Count).Item("PercFree")) -lt ($Script:PercentWarning)){ $TargetLoopFlag = $True $Script:EmailFlag = $True If ($Script:Console){Write-Host "Percent Free = "(($TargetHash.Item($Count).Item("PercFree").PadLeft(2,"0")) + " %").PadRight(10," ") -ForegroundColor Red} # -NoNewline } $HtmlData += '<td><font color="red">' + $TargetHash.Item($Count).Item("PercFree") + ' %</font></td></tr>' $Script:GlobalCounter ++ }Else{ If ($Script:Console){Write-Host "Percent Free = "(($TargetHash.Item($Count).Item("PercFree").PadLeft(2,"0")) + " %").PadRight(10," ") -ForegroundColor Green} # -NoNewline } $HtmlData += '<td><font color="green">' + $TargetHash.Item($Count).Item("PercFree") + ' %</font></td></tr>' } }Else{ if (($IgnoreList -contains $Script:Target) -or ($Script:AFlag)) { #--[ Check the ignore list, ignore the drive if matched or is video server ]-- #If(([int]$TargetHash.Item($Count).Item("PercFree")) -lt ([int]$Script:PercentWarning)){ If ($Script:Console){Write-Host ("Percent Free = IGNORED").PadRight(10," ") -ForegroundColor Gray } # -NoNewline } $HtmlData += '<td><font color="gray">IGNORED</font></td></tr>' $Script:GlobalCounter ++ #}Else{ # If ($Script:Console){Write-Host "Percent Free = "(($TargetHash.Item($Count).Item("PercFree").PadLeft(2,"0")) + " %").PadRight(10," ") -ForegroundColor Green} # -NoNewline } # $HtmlData += '<td><font color="green">' + $TargetHash.Item($Count).Item("PercFree") + ' %</font></td></tr>' #} }Else{ #--[ Ignore list was not matched ]-- If(($TargetHash.Item($Count).Item("PercFree")) -lt ($Script:PercentWarning)){ $TargetLoopFlag = $True $Script:EmailFlag = $True If ($Script:Console){Write-Host "Percent Free = "(($TargetHash.Item($Count).Item("PercFree").PadLeft(2,"0")) + " %").PadRight(10," ") -ForegroundColor Red} # -NoNewline } $HtmlData += '<td><font color="red">' + $TargetHash.Item($Count).Item("PercFree") + ' %</font></td></tr>' $Script:GlobalCounter ++ }Else{ If ($Script:Console){Write-Host "Percent Free = "(($TargetHash.Item($Count).Item("PercFree").PadLeft(2,"0")) + " %").PadRight(10," ") -ForegroundColor Green} # -NoNewline } $HtmlData += '<td><font color="green">' + $TargetHash.Item($Count).Item("PercFree") + ' %</font></td></tr>' } } } $Count++ } } #---------------------------END OF OUTPUT------------------------------------------------------- If ($Script:Console -And $Script:EmailFlag){Write-Host "-- Adding to output --" -ForegroundColor DarkBlue} If ($Script:EmailFlag){$Script:SectionFlag = $True} If ($TargetLoopFlag){$Script:ReportBody += $HtmlData} If ($Detail -ne "brief"){$Script:ReportBody += $HtmlData} }Else{ If ($Script:Console){ Write-Host "Failed to successfully ping target system..." -ForegroundColor Cyan Write-Host "-- Adding to output --" -ForegroundColor DarkBlue } $Script:ReportBody += '<tr><td><font color="blue">' + $Script:Target + '</td><td colspan=6><center><font color="darkcyan">Failed to successfully ping target system.</center></td></tr>' $Script:EmailFlag = $True $Script:GlobalCounter ++ $Script:ReportBody += $HtmlData } #--[ End - test-connection ]-- If ($Script:Debug){Write-Host "Items in output:"$Script:GlobalCounter} Return } #--[ End of main loop ]-- #--[ End of Functions ]--------------------------------------------------------- LoadConfig $Datetime = Get-Date -Format "MM-dd-yyyy_HH:mm" $TextInfo = (Get-Culture).TextInfo $Domain = Get-ADDomain -Current LocalComputer -Credential $Script:Credential | select "Name" $Domain = $TextInfo.ToTitleCase($Domain.Name.ToLower()) If ($Script:Debug){ Write-Host "`n--- DEBUG MODE ---`n" -ForegroundColor Yellow $Script:eMailRecipient = $Script:DebugEmail #--[ Switch destination email address during debug. ]-- Write-Host "Email Recipient = "$Script:eMailRecipient -ForegroundColor Cyan } #--[ Add header to html log file ]-- $Script:ReportBody = @() | Select Target,Drive,SizeGB,FreeSpaceGB,PercentFree,Manufacturer $Script:ReportBody += '<style type="text/css"> table.myTable { border:5px solid black;border-collapse:collapse; } table.myTable td { border:2px solid black;padding:5px;background: #E6E6E6 }, table.myTable th { border:2px solid black;padding:5px;background: #A4A4A4 } #table.bottomBorder { border-collapse:collapse; } #table.bottomBorder td, table.bottomBorder th { border-bottom:1px dotted black;padding:5px; } </style> The following report displays disks configured on every ' If($Script:Mode -eq "server"){$Script:ReportBody += 'server'} If($Script:Mode -eq "all"){$Script:ReportBody += 'server and PC';Write-Host $Script:mode -ForegroundColor Magenta } If($Script:Mode -eq "video"){$Script:ReportBody += 'video server'} $Script:ReportBody += ' in the domain. See bottom of page for notations.<br><br>' $Script:ReportBody += 'Results for<strong> '+$Domain+' </strong>Domain:<br><br>' If ($Console){ Write-Host "`n--[ " -ForegroundColor White -NoNewline Write-Host "Current Script Run-Mode = " -ForegroundColor Yellow -NoNewLine Write-Host $Script:mode.ToUpper() -ForegroundColor Magenta -NoNewline Write-Host " ]".PadRight(78,"-") -ForegroundColor White } If ($Script:Debug){ $Computers = Get-ADComputer $Script:DebugTarget -Credential $Script:Credential $Script:ReportBody += '<table class="myTable"><tr><th colspan=7>--- Debugging Group ---</th></tr>' $Script:ReportBody += '<tr><th>Target System</th><th>Operating System</th><th>Hardware</th><th>Drive</th><th>SizeGB</th><th>FreeSpaceGB</th><th>PercentFree</th></tr>' ForEach ( $Script:Target in $Computers ){ If ($Target.Name -notlike $Script:ExclusionList){ #=====[ Use this to skip systems that conform to the listed patterns ]===== Process $Script:Target } } If ($Script:GlobalCounter -le 0){$Script:ReportBody += '<tr><td colspan=7><strong><center><font color="green";size=14pt>Nothing to report today in this section!</font></center></strong></td></tr>'} $Script:ReportBody += '</table><br>' }Else{ #--[ Inspect all servers ]-------------------------------------------------- If (($Script:Mode -eq "server") -or ($Script:Mode -eq "all")){ $Script:SectionFlag = $False $Computers = Get-ADComputer -Credential $Script:Credential -Properties * -Filter { operatingsystem -like "*server*" -and name -notlike "*esx*" -and name -notlike "*avigilon*" -and name -notlike "*test*" } | sort name $Script:ServerCount = $Computers.count $Script:ReportBody += '<table class="myTable"><tr><th colspan=7>--- Server Group ---</th></tr>' $Script:ReportBody += '<tr><th>Target System</th><th>Operating System</th><th>Hardware</th><th>Drive</th><th>SizeGB</th><th>FreeSpaceGB</th><th>PercentFree</th></tr>' ForEach($Script:Target in $Computers ){ If ($Target.Name -notlike $Script:ExclusionList){ #=====[ Use this to skip systems that conform to the listed patterns ]===== Process $Script:Target } } If ($Script:GlobalCounter -le 0){$Script:ReportBody += '<tr><td colspan=7><strong><center><font color="green";size=14pt>Nothing to report today in this section!</font></center></strong></td></tr>'} $Script:ReportBody += '</table><br>' } #--[ Inspect all PC's ]----------------------------------------------------- If (($Script:Mode -eq "pc") -or ($Script:Mode -eq "all")){ $Script:SectionFlag = $False $Computers = Get-ADComputer -Credential $Script:Credential -Properties * -Filter { operatingsystem -notlike "*server*" -and name -notlike "*esx*" -and name -notlike "*avigilon*" -and name -notlike "*test*"} | sort name $Script:PCCount = $Computers.count $Script:ReportBody += '<table class="myTable"><tr><th colspan=7>--- Workstation Group ---</th></tr>' $Script:ReportBody += '<tr><th>Target System</th><th>Operating System</th><th>Hardware</th><th>Drive</th><th>SizeGB</th><th>FreeSpaceGB</th><th>PercentFree</th></tr>' ForEach($Script:Target in $Computers ){ If ($ExclusionList -notcontains ${ Process $Script:Target } } If ($Script:GlobalCounter -le 0){$Script:ReportBody += '<tr><td colspan=7><strong><center><font color="green";size=14pt>Nothing to report today in this section!</font></center></strong></td></tr>'} $Script:ReportBody += "</table><br>" } #--[ Inspect all Video Systems ]-------------------------------------------- If (($Script:Mode -eq "video") -or ($Script:Mode -eq "all")){ $Script:SectionFlag = $False $Computers = Get-ADComputer -Credential $Script:Credential -Properties * -Filter { name -like "*avigilon*" -and name -notlike "*test*"} | sort name $Script:VidServerCount = $Computers.count $Script:ReportBody += '<table class="myTable"><tr><th colspan=7>--- Video Server Group ---</th></tr>' $Script:ReportBody += '<tr><th>Target System</th><th>Operating System</th><th>Hardware</th><th>Drive</th><th>SizeGB</th><th>FreeSpaceGB</th><th>PercentFree</th></tr>' ForEach($Script:Target in $Computers ){ If ($ExclusionList -notcontains ${ Process $Script:Target } } If ($Script:GlobalCounter -le 0){$Script:ReportBody += '<tr><td colspan=7><strong><center><font color="green";size=14pt>Nothing to report today in this section!</font></center></strong></td></tr>'} $Script:ReportBody += "</table><br>" } } If($Detail -eq "brief"){$Script:ReportBody += '<br><strong>Note:</strong> Script has been executed with the "brief" option enabled.<br>'} $Script:ReportBody += ' Script executed on '+$Datetime+'<br> <br><strong>NOTES:</strong><br><ul> <li>If the "brief" option was used only systems with disks in need of attention are listed.</li> <li>Operating systems that can be dynamically grown are shown in green, all others in red.</li> <li>Under the Hardware heading physical systems are noted in red since the disks cannot be grown.</li> <li>Any PC C: drives smaller than '+$Script:WksCDriveMin+' GB, or server C: drives smaller than '+$Script:SrvCDriveMin+' GB are flagged in red.</li> <li>All other disks are red only if the remaining free disk space is below 10%.</li> <li>Systems that are not reachable for whatever reason are noted as such.</li> <li>Select server D:, E:, and F:, drives are always ignored regardless of remaining C: drive space.</li> </ul>' If ($Script:Debug){$Script:ReportBody | Out-File $Script:LogFile} SendEmail #--[ Send the email. ]-- If ($Script:Console){Write-Host "`n--- COMPLETED ---" -ForegroundColor Red} <#--[ Sample Configuration File ]----------------------------------------- <!-- Settings & Configuration File --> <Settings> <General> <ReportName>Domain Disk Check Report</ReportName> <DebugTarget>debug-server</DebugTarget> <Exclusion>"*test-server*|*server2*"</Exclusion> <Ignore>"BADServer1"</Ignore> <PercentWarning>10</PercentWarning> <!--[ Issue warning if free disk space is below this % ]--> <SrvCDriveMin>99</SrvCDriveMin> <!--[ Set to minimum allowable server C: size GB minus 1 ]--> <WksCDriveMin>99</WksCDriveMin> <!--[ Set to minimum allowable PC C: size GB minus 1 ]--> <Mode>all</Mode> <!--[ determines what gets scanned ]--> </General> <Email> <From></From> <To>,,</To> <Debug></Debug> <Subject>Domain Daily Disk Status Report</Subject> <HTML>$true</HTML> <SmtpServer></SmtpServer> </Email> <Credentials> <UserName>domain\serviceaccount</UserName> <Password>76492d111674ANAA4AGQAZEaADcAYwBtAHAAWQBYQAwADYA3f0423413b16050a5345MgB8AHIAegB2AHYAQEaADcAYwBtAHAAWQBYAZQBmAA0AGEAMAAwADQAZgBiAGMAYQyADUEaADcAYwBtAHAAWQBABhAGEAYQBhAGQANQBkADGQAOAA0ADEANgBiADAANwBkADEZAA3AGUAZgBkAGYAZAA=</Password> <Key>kdhCh7HCvLA3f0423413b16050a53HAAWQB6AHoAeQA08mE=</Key> </Credentials> </Settings> #> |