about_Docs SHORT DESCRIPTION `Docs` module will provide a framework to store documents on a file system based on filename and folder references. LONG DESCRIPTION The lifecycle of a document could be described with the following steps 1. Initialize the Stores if needed with `Reset-DocsStoresList`. By default it will initialize on first use. 2. Add folders to Stores with `Add-DocsStore` 3. Move to a store folder with `Set-DocsLocationToStore` 4. Move Docs to Store folders `Move-DocsFile | Format-DocsMoveStatus` 5. Find docs on stores with `Find-DocsFile` 6. Test if a doc has a correct doc name with `Test-DocsFile` 7. Rename a document with `Rename-DocFile` 8. List Stores folders with `Get-DocsStore` EXAMPLES Add a folder to the stores `Add-DocsStore -Owner "rulasg" -Path $rulasgDocStore -IsRecursive` All docs with the "rulasg" owner will be move to $rulasDocStore folder when calling `Move-DocsFile` NOTE -IsRecursive : sets the Find-DocsFile command to look for docs on the root and subfolders of the store folder. Default only looks on the root. EXAMPLES Add a folder to the stores with target. `Add-DocsStore -Owner "rulasg" -Path $rulasgDocStore -IsRecursive` -Target "TargetName" All docs with the "rulasg" owner AND the "TargetName" target will be move to $rulasDocStore folder when calling `Move-DocsFile`. If Target is not specified "any" is assumed. "rulasg" owned docs will move if no other folder with it's target exists on stores folders. EXAMPLES Rename a set of files with Docs name pattern `dir .\IMG-20200323-WA0001.jpg | Rename-DocsFile -Owner leo -what Seguimiento -Target Medico -Description Tabla_Cefaleas` You can check the parsing of the actual name with `ConvertTo-DocsDocName `dir .\IMG-20200323-WA0001.jpg | ConvertTo-DocsDocName | Format-Table` If you are still not sure use the `-WhatIf` switch on `Rename-DocsFile` to see the rename result without change `dir .\IMG-20200323-WA0001.jpg | Rename-DocsFile -Owner leo -what Seguimiento -Target Medico -Description Tabla_Cefaleas -WhatIf` KEYWORDS Documents Secrets Folders Files SEE ALSO Text-only references for further reading. Hyperlinks cannot work in the PowerShell console. |