.VERSION 1.0.0 .GUID c054c9d5-d69d-4354-bb5f-2543f855eb75 .AUTHOR Jack Olsson .COMPANYNAME .COPYRIGHT .TAGS .LICENSEURI .PROJECTURI https://github.com/jaols/PSJumpStart .ICONURI .EXTERNALMODULEDEPENDENCIES ActiveDirectory .REQUIREDSCRIPTS .EXTERNALSCRIPTDEPENDENCIES .RELEASENOTES #> #Requires -Module PSJumpStart <# .SYNOPSIS Disables unused user accounts .DESCRIPTION This script will search for User accounts not used in -monthsUnused months. Found users will be disabled and moved to the -disabledOU (if parameter is present) .PARAMETER searchRootOU Root OU-path for search. .PARAMETER ADserver Default AD server to use for operations .PARAMETER monthsUnused The number of months a user account has not been used. .PARAMETER disabledOU OU-path to to the OU receiving the disabled accounts. .PARAMETER exceptionGroup Do NOT touch members of this group. .PARAMETER writeReport Write formatted info to CSV-file. NO ACTION WILL TAKE PLACE. .PARAMETER UseEventLog Standard parameter. Write info to EvenLog as well as std out. .NOTES Author: Jack Olsson Date: 2018-07-20 #> [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $True)] param ( [string]$searchRootOU, [string]$ADserver, [int]$monthsUnused, [string]$disabledOU, [string]$exceptionGroup, [switch]$writeReport ) #region local functions function GetLocalDefaultsFromDfpFiles($CallerInvocation) { #Load script default settings foreach($settingsFile in (Get-SettingsFiles $CallerInvocation ".dfp")) { Write-Verbose "GetLocalDefaultsFromDfpFiles: [$settingsFile]" if (Test-Path $settingsFile) { $settings = Get-Content $settingsFile #Enumerate settingsfile rows foreach($row in $settings) { #Remarked lines are not processed if (($row -match "=") -and ($row.Trim().SubString(0,1) -ne "#")) { $key = $row.Split('=')[0] $var = Get-Variable $key -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if ($var -and !($var.Value)) { try { $var.Value = Invoke-Expression $row.SubString($key.Length+1) Write-Verbose "GetLocalDefaultsFromDfpFiles: $key = $($var.Value)" } Catch { $ex = $PSItem $ex.ErrorDetails = "Err adding $key from $settingsFile. " + $PSItem.Exception.Message throw $ex } } } } } } } function DisableUser($userObject) { $logonTime = "" if ($_.lastLogonTimeStamp) { $logonTime = TimeFromInteger $_.lastLogonTimeStamp } Msg "Disable user $($userObject.SamAccountName) last logged on $logonTime" if ($pscmdlet.ShouldProcess("$($userObject.SamAccountName)", "Disable user")) { #Set "Notes" info Set-ADUser -Identity $userObject.SamAccountName -Replace @{comment="Disabled [$((Get-Date).ToString())] due to last logon $logonTime"} -Server $ADserver #Disable user Disable-ADAccount -Identity $userObject.SamAccountName -Server $ADserver #Move user to DisableOU (if specified) if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($disabledOU)) { Move-ADObject -Identity $userObject -TargetPath $disabledOU -Server $ADserver } } } function ReportData($userObject, $csvFile, $separator) { Write-Verbose "Export user $($userObject.SamAccountName) last logged on $logonTime" $row = "" ForEach($prop in $PropertiesToGet) { #Write-Host $prop if ($userObject.$prop) { if ($userObject.$prop.GetType().Name -eq "Int64") { $time = TimeFromInteger $($userObject.$prop) $row += $time.ToString() + $separator } else { $row += $($userObject.$prop).ToString() + $separator } } else { $row += $separator } } $row | Out-File -Append -FilePath $csvFile } function TimeFromInteger { Param( [parameter(mandatory=$true)] $TimeStamp ) [datetime]::FromFileTime($TimeStamp) } function TimeToInteger { Param( [parameter(mandatory=$true)] [DateTime]$TimeStamp ) $TimeStamp.ToFileTime() } #endregion #region Init $CSVseparator = ";" $PropertiesToGet = @("samAccountName","DisplayName","Description","WhenCreated","lastLogonTimeStamp") $reportFile = "$_scriptPath\$_scriptName - " + (Get-Date -Format 'yyyyMMdd HHmmss') + ".csv" if (-not (Get-Module ActiveDirectory)) { Import-Module ActiveDirectory } if (-not (Get-Module PSJumpStart)) { Import-Module PSJumpStart } #Get Local variable default values from external DFP-files GetLocalDefaultsFromDfpFiles($MyInvocation) #Get global deafult settings when calling modules $PSDefaultParameterValues = Get-GlobalDefaultsFromDfpFiles $MyInvocation -Verbose:$VerbosePreference #endregion Msg "Start Execution" #Prevent disaster if dfp-file is missing if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($monthsUnused) -or $monthsUnused -eq 0) { Msg "Please create a dfp file for standard values." $monthsUnused = 200 } if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($exceptionGroup)) { $untouchables = Get-ADGroupMember -Identity $exceptionGroup -Recursive | Select -ExpandProperty samAccountName } [datetime]$unusedTime = (Get-Date).AddMonths(-$monthsUnused) Write-Verbose "Get users not logon since $unusedTime" #$filter = "(lastLogonTimeStamp >= $($unusedTime.ToFileTime()))" #$filter = {LastLogonTimeStamp -lt $unusedTime -and Enabled -eq $true} $filter = {Enabled -eq $true -and (LastLogonTimeStamp -lt $unusedTime -or (LastLogonTimeStamp -notlike "*" -and WhenCreated -lt $unusedTime))} #Prepare report header if ($writeReport) { Msg "Write report to $reportFile" $row="" ForEach($prop in $PropertiesToGet) { $row += $prop + $CSVseparator } $row | Out-File -FilePath $reportFile -Force } Msg "Filter users last used $unusedTime" if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($searchRootOU)) { #Get-ADUser -LDAPFilter $filter -Properties $PropertiesToGet | % { Get-ADUser -Filter $filter -Properties $PropertiesToGet | % { if ($untouchables -notcontains $($_.SamAccountName)) { if ($writeReport) { ReportData $_ $reportFile $CSVseparator } else { DisableUser $_ } } } } else { Get-ADUser -Filter $filter -Properties $PropertiesToGet -SearchBase $searchRootOU | % { if ($untouchables -notcontains $($_.SamAccountName)) { if ($writeReport) { ReportData $_ $reportFile $CSVseparator } else { DisableUser $_ } } } } Msg "End Execution" |