
.GUID ddc4050c-9710-4183-b76d-1fd28c19d563
.AUTHOR Hendrik Bulens
.COMPANYNAME Dime Software
.ICONURI https://cdn.dimescheduler.com/dime-scheduler/v2/shape.png

Deploys the Dime.Scheduler extension to the Business Central instance.
Deploys the Dime.Scheduler extension to the Business Central instance.
You can use either the -version parameter to download the latest available extension, or you can specify your own .app file through the -path argument.
.PARAMETER serverInstance
Required. The BC server instance.
.PARAMETER version
Optional. The supported BC wave that is being targeted: 13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24
Optional. Use this parameter to deploy your own .app file.
.PARAMETER skipVerification
Optional. Switch to skip verification: Only use this for development and testing purposes!

    [Parameter(mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = "Required. The BC server instance.")]

    [Parameter(mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Optional. The supported BC wave that is being targeted: 13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24")]

    [Parameter(mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Optional. Use this parameter to deploy your own .app file.")]

    [Parameter(mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Optional. Switch to skip verification: Only use this for development and testing purposes!")]

Write-Output ""
Write-Output ""
Write-Output "*"
Write-Output "**"
Write-Output "***"
Write-Output "****"
Write-Output "*****"
Write-Output "******"
Write-Output "*******"
Write-Output "********"
Write-Output "*********"
Write-Output "**********"
Write-Output "***********"
Write-Output "************"
Write-Output ""
Write-Output "_____ _ _____ _ _ _"
Write-Output "| __ \(_) / ____| | | | | | |"
Write-Output "| | | |_ _ __ ___ ___ | (___ ___| |__ ___ __| |_ _| | ___ _ __"
Write-Output "| | | | | '_ ` _ \ / _ \ \___ \ / __| '_ \ / _ \/ _` | | | | |/ _ \ '__|"
Write-Output "| |__| | | | | | | | __/_ ____) | (__| | | | __/ (_| | |_| | | __/ |"
Write-Output "|_____/|_|_| |_| |_|\___(_)_____/ \___|_| |_|\___|\__,_|\__,_|_|\___|_|"
Write-Output ""
Write-Output ""
Write-Output "Deploying the Dime.Scheduler extension to $serverInstance."
Write-Output ""
Write-Output "************"
Write-Output "***********"
Write-Output "**********"
Write-Output "*********"
Write-Output "********"
Write-Output "*******"
Write-Output "******"
Write-Output "*****"
Write-Output "****"
Write-Output "***"
Write-Output "**"
Write-Output "*"
Write-Output ""
Write-Output ""

function Green {
    process { Write-Host $_ -ForegroundColor Green }

function Orange {
    process { Write-Host $_ -ForegroundColor DarkYellow }

function Red {
    process { Write-Host $_ -ForegroundColor Red }

function Check-Command($cmdname)
    return [bool](Get-Command -Name $cmdname -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)

try {
    if ((Check-Command -cmdname 'Publish-NAVApp') -eq $false) {
        Write-Output "This script must be run in a Business Central Administration Shell." | Red

    if(!$path -and $version -eq $null){
        Write-Output "Either of the -version or -path parameters is required." | Red

    if(!$path) {
        Write-Output "Download the app [PENDING]"  | Orange
        $fileName = 'Dime.Scheduler.app'
        $appUrl = "https://storage.dimescheduler.com/bcextensions/${version}/${fileName}"
        Invoke-WebRequest $appUrl -OutFile $fileName

        $path = Join-Path $PSScriptRoot $fileName
        Write-Output "Download the app [COMPLETED]" | Green

    Write-Output "Publish the app [PENDING]"  | Orange
    Publish-NAVApp -ServerInstance $serverInstance -Path $path -SkipVerification $skipVerification
    Write-Output "Publish the app [COMPLETED]" | Green

    Write-Output "Sync the app [PENDING]" | Orange
    Sync-NavApp -ServerInstance $serverInstance -Name "Dime.Scheduler"
    Write-Output "Sync the app [COMPLETED]" | Green

    Write-Output "Install the app [PENDING]" | Orange
    Install-NAVApp -ServerInstance $serverInstance -Name "Dime.Scheduler"
    Write-Output "Install the app [COMPLETED]" | Green

    Write-Output "The extension for Dime.Scheduler has been installed and will be available shortly!" | Green
catch {
    Write-Output "Couldn't install the extension for Dime.Scheduler in Business Central." | Red
    Write-Output $_ | Red
    return $_