.VERSION .GUID d700bd9c-42aa-41cc-8b3d-b3f2bb1e2a9d .AUTHOR Hendrik Bulens .ICONURI https://cdn.dimescheduler.com/dime-scheduler/v2/shape.png #> #Requires -Module BcContainerHelper <# .SYNOPSIS Gets and deploys Business Central in a Docker container. It's merely a wrapper around the BcContainerHelper module (https://github.com/microsoft/navcontainerhelper) that's ready to go. .DESCRIPTION Downloads the image from the registry and deploys it to a Docker container. This is done using the NavContainerHelper PowerShell module. .PARAMETER isNav Use this switch to use a NAV container .PARAMETER version See this blog for more information: https://freddysblog.com/2020/06/25/working-with-artifacts/ .PARAMETER name Name of the new container (if the container already exists it will be replaced) .PARAMETER useShortcuts Use this switch to create desktop shortcuts .PARAMETER includeTestToolkit Use this switch too include the test toolkit .PARAMETER memoryLimit Memory limit for the container (default is unlimited for Windows Server host else 4G) .PARAMETER dns Use this parameter to override the default dns settings in the container (corresponds to --dns on docker run) .PARAMETER sharedDrive The path of the shared drive where to drop the license file .PARAMETER licensefile The path of the license file. If it's a NAV container, it needs to be a web URL. See this link for more instructions: https://freddysblog.com/2018/03/20/navcontainerhelper-license/ .PARAMETER user The admin user name .PARAMETER password The admin password #> param( [Parameter(mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "The BC/NAV version")] [String]$version = '24.0', [Parameter(mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Set switch to use NAV")] [switch]$isNav, [Parameter(mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "The name of the container")] [String]$name = 'BC24', [Parameter(mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "The local drive to share with the Docker container")] [String]$sharedDrive = 'C:\docker\DS', [Parameter(mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "The BC license file")] [String]$licensefile = 'c:\temp\BC.bclicense', [Parameter(mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "The BC admin")] [String]$user = 'admin', [Parameter(mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "The BC admin password")] [String]$password = 'admin', [Parameter(mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Switch to include shortcuts")] [Switch]$useShortcuts = $true, [Parameter(mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Switch to include test toolkit")] [Switch]$includeTestToolkit = $false, [Parameter(mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Memory limit for the container (default is unlimited for Windows Server host else 4G-8G should be enough)")] [string]$memoryLimit = "8G", [Parameter(mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Use this parameter to override the default dns settings in the container (corresponds to --dns on docker run)")] [string]$dns = '' ) Write-Output "" Write-Output "" Write-Output "*" Write-Output "**" Write-Output "***" Write-Output "****" Write-Output "*****" Write-Output "******" Write-Output "*******" Write-Output "********" Write-Output "*********" Write-Output "**********" Write-Output "***********" Write-Output "************" Write-Output "" Write-Output "_____ _ _____ _ _ _" Write-Output "| __ \(_) / ____| | | | | | |" Write-Output "| | | |_ _ __ ___ ___ | (___ ___| |__ ___ __| |_ _| | ___ _ __" Write-Output "| | | | | '_ ` _ \ / _ \ \___ \ / __| '_ \ / _ \/ _` | | | | |/ _ \ '__|" Write-Output "| |__| | | | | | | | __/_ ____) | (__| | | | __/ (_| | |_| | | __/ |" Write-Output "|_____/|_|_| |_| |_|\___(_)_____/ \___|_| |_|\___|\__,_|\__,_|_|\___|_|" Write-Output "" Write-Output "" Write-Output "Creating Docker container $name for version $version." Write-Output "" Write-Output "************" Write-Output "***********" Write-Output "**********" Write-Output "*********" Write-Output "********" Write-Output "*******" Write-Output "******" Write-Output "*****" Write-Output "****" Write-Output "***" Write-Output "**" Write-Output "*" Write-Output "" Write-Output "" if (-not (Get-Module BcContainerHelper -ListAvailable)) { Install-Module BcContainerHelper -Scope CurrentUser -Force } $accept_eula = $true $appbacpacuri = '' $tenantbacpacuri = '' # Shared drive: map the parameter (by default, that is 'C:\docker\DS') to the local C:\dsfiles directory on Docker $additionalParameters = @("-v" + $sharedDrive + ":c:\dsfiles") if ($appbacpacuri -ne '' -and $tenantbacpacuri -ne '') { $additionalParameters += @("--env appbacpac=""$appbacpacuri""", "--env tenantBacpac=""$tenantbacpacuri""") } # Build credentials $pw = ConvertTo-SecureString -String $password -AsPlainText -Force $credential = New-Object PSCredential $user, $pw # Fetch the URL of the requested container $artifactUrl = If ($isNav -eq $false) { Get-BCArtifactUrl -type OnPrem -version $version -country w1 } Else { Get-NavArtifactUrl -nav $version -country w1 } Write-Output "Artifact URL for $version : $artifactUrl" # Value for shortcuts: None, Desktop or StartMenu $shortCuts = 'None'; if ($useShortcuts.IsPresent) { $shortCuts = 'Desktop'; } New-BcContainer -accept_eula:$accept_eula ` -containerName $name ` -auth UserPassword ` -Credential $credential ` -alwaysPull ` -doNotExportObjectsToText ` -usessl:$false ` -updateHosts ` -assignPremiumPlan ` -shortcuts $shortcuts ` -artifactUrl $artifactUrl ` -additionalParameters $additionalParameters ` -ACCEPT_OUTDATED ` -licenseFile $licensefile ` -includeTestToolkit:$includeTestToolkit.IsPresent ` -includetestlibrariesonly ` -memoryLimit $memoryLimit ` -dns $dns |