
    RootModule            = 'Devdeer.Caf.psm1'
    GUID                  = '44dfd2a4-e738-47a5-a08f-a41aa6124e2b'
    Author                = 'DEVDEER'
    CompanyName           = 'DEVDEER GmbH'
    Copyright             = '(c) 2024 DEVDEER GmbH. All rights reserved.'
    Description           = 'This module contains the functions to manage and prepare Azure Tenants in a CAF conform way.'
    DefaultCommandPrefix  = 'Caf'
    ModuleVersion         = '0.13.0'
    FunctionsToExport     = @(
    CmdletsToExport       = @(

    PrivateData           = @{
        PSData = @{
            Tags         = @(
            # LicenseUri = ''
            ProjectUri   = ''
            IconUri      = ''
            ReleaseNotes = @"
- Start-CafPimRole, Start-CafPimGroup, Stop-CafPimRole and Stop-CafPimGroup will fallback to explicit user auth with MFA if failing to perform request.
- Remove-StaleRoleAssignments works as expected.
- New-CafDeployment bug with specifying the deployment file is fixed.
- New-CafDeployment now allows to define new options WhatIfResultFormat and WhatIfExcludeChangeType.
- Removed Mode option from New-CafDeployment.
- Merge-Hashtable was overhauled and works now recursively.
- Default project name for Show-CafNamingConenction is '[x]' now.

    RequiredModules       = @(

    #PowerShellVersion = '7.1'
    PowerShellHostName    = 'ConsoleHost'
    PowerShellHostVersion = '7.1'
    # DotNetFrameworkVersion = ''
    # CLRVersion = ''
    # ProcessorArchitecture = ''
    # RequiredAssemblies = @()
    # ScriptsToProcess = @()
    # TypesToProcess = @()
    # FormatsToProcess = @()
    # NestedModules = @()
    VariablesToExport     = '*'
    AliasesToExport       = @()
    # DscResourcesToExport = @()
    # ModuleList = @()
    # FileList = @()
    # HelpInfoURI =}''